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The Boston Tea Party
The colonist did not want to pay taxes on tea and
they couldn't buy tea from any where else so they
dressed up like native Americans and took the tea
and they through it in the Boston harbor and
poured over 90,000 pounds of tea so now the
Boston harbor looks like a big pot of tea.
• After fighting the
French and Indian
war, Britain needed
money to pay its
debts. Britain also
needed to pay for the
soldiers who
remained in America
British leaders also
thought that the
colonist should also
help pay for the
The Boston massacre
• In 1770, the colonist where still
angry that British soldiers
where living in there towns and
cities. They also thought that
the soldiers where rowdy and
rude. Then things got worse
the colonist called the British
soldiers names like lobster
back and so then the one
solider called for help then
seven more soldiers came and
one thought he heard fire so
when he fired the other
soldiers fired and so 5 got
killed and 6 got wounded
• The British
government left
thousands of solders
in the colonies to
protect the colonist
after the French and
Indian war. The
British were afraid the
native Americans or
Spanish settlers in
Florida might attack
the colonies.
The tow
After, the French and Indian war
Townshend acts
• Colonist had to pay
taxes on all the tea,
paper, glass, lead,
and paint they
imported from Britain.