Level F Unit 10 (where we start criticizing Jerome’s work)

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Transcript Level F Unit 10 (where we start criticizing Jerome’s work)

Level F Unit 10
(where we start criticizing Jerome’s work)
1. Find the one pronoun-antecedent errors and ONE parallelism
error in the sentences
2. Find one sentence that lacks a context clue OR uses inference.
Put a giant star next to the slide and provide a contrast signal
word and antonym clue.
3. Which two words can be used as two different parts of
speech? Which one is correctly used as THREE parts of
speech? Write them next to THIS slide on the lines provided.
• We allowed the interest to _____ on the
account until it turned into a small fortune.
• Think of the great advantages that will _____
for all of us if we carry out a truly effective
plan to conserve our natural resources.
• I am convinced that some substantial
advantages will surely ____ to me if I
complete my college education.
• Laurence Stern’s novel Tristram Shandy has
almost as many ____ as lines of text.
• Next day, the instructor returned my theme
with a number of comments, queries, and
other ______ penciled in the margins.
• The scholars who compiled the notes and
_____ for my portable edition of Chaucer did
a superb job of clarifying obscure or puzzling
words and passages.
• Is this the same band that caused mob scenes
and vitual ____ on their first tour?
• _____ broke out in the meeting hall as the
speaker tried vainly to be heard over the
angry shouting of the audience.
• Things were already hectic in our tiny
apartment, but when my sister arrived with
two very excited dogs, the scene became
absolute _____.
• Napolean was an expert at making ____
preparations to attack unsuspecting
• It is up to the courts to decide how far police
authorities may go in making use of ____
means of surveillance to catch criminals.
• He tried to make it appear that he was
speaking in a friendly spirit, but I detected the
____ malice beneath his “harmless” remarks.
• Quite a few ____ young men asked my cousin
to dance.
• His elegant appearance was matched by the
____ ease and polish of his manners.
• The difficult stage part called for an actress to
gradually change from a morose introvert to a
_______ charmer during the course of the
• Many of Charles Dickens’ characters are ____
by creditors because of their large debts.
• If you resent being ______ by tradespeople,
why not try paying your bills on time?
• What good will it do you to ___ me so
mercilessly when you know I am flat broke?
• Not the most charming of senators, he
nevertheless wielded the most _____ knowledge
of statecraft.
• This research program is entirely devoted to
developing a drug that will be _____ in the
treatment of arthritis.
• It is generally agreed that we urgently need more
____ methods of handling criminals, both for
their own benefit and for that of the public.
• Injustice always sent him into a rage, but he
could endure most misfortune with ______.
• We have seen her accept victory with grace,
but can she face defeat with ____?
• To bear evils with ____ doesn’t mean that you
should make no effort to correct them.
• Due to a ____ drop in oil prices, the shipping
company showed healthy profits for the year.
• Our meeting seemed at the time to be ____,
but I learned later that it was the result of a
careful plan.
• Scientists believe that everything in nature
occurs in accordance with invariable laws and
that nothing is truly _______.
• Would the talented fellow who keeps the back
row in stitches please repeat the ____ of what
I just said?
• It will be helpful if you can state the ____ of
his argument in a few sentences.
• Although they claimed that their summary
gave us the ____ of the resolution, the fact is
that he omitted important details.
• Though she had hoped to leave the lecture
early, several members of the audience asked
______ questions, delaying her by an hour.
• We appreciated the services he furnished
_____, but we soon came to see that it would
have been cheaper to pay a real professional
to do the job.
• The Wizard of Oz’s _____ manner failed him
when he revealed himself as a fussy little man
behind a curtain.
• She is a leader who can command loyalty and
instant obedience without resorting to abusive
language, threats, or an _____ manner.
• His tone of voice was so ____ that I wasn’t sure if
he was asking me for a loan or demanding a
payment of tribute.
• It was his usual hail of _____, a sort of furious,
harmless shower that left the air a bit clearer.
• My opponent’s last speech was filled with
such wild charges, acrimonious language and
bitter ____ that I walked out of the room
without even trying to reply.
• Instead of relying of facts and logic, she used
all kinds of rhetorical tricks and slashing ____
to attack her opponent.
• Tall and short, thick and thin, old and young, we
share the family name but are a ______ bunch
• As the British writer W.S. Maugham once
observed, human nature is a(n) ____ collection of
strengths and weaknesses, foibles and follies.
• Only a genius could have converted such a ____
group of individuals, drawn from all walks of life,
into a disciplined and efficient organization.
• Nothing the volunteers said could save the
program until our anonymous friend donated
a ______ sum of money.
• The ______ gift of the Mellon family made it
possible to set up the National Gallery of Art
in Washington, D.C.
• My sad story is that after working for three
hose in the hot sun cleaning up the yard, I
earned the _____ sum of $1.75
• We all want to _____ when a task is no fun,
but some people make delaying a way of life.
• Anyone who ____ when the opportunity to
make a very profitable deal presents itself is
not going to be notably successful in the
business world.
• The proverb “Make haste slowly” endorses
prudence– not _________
• The ideas discussed in the film were so _____
that I thought about them long after I left the
• Although their language was deliberately
_____, I did not allow it to cause me to lose
my self-control.
• This new book is a(n) ____ examination of our
school system that may upset some of your
most cherished ideas about education.
• The theories of relativity can seem _____ even
for people who are well versed in the sciences.
• The kinds of books I enjoy reading range from
light and airy comedies to ____ studies of
social and philosophical problems.
• Insead of that highly involved and ______
discussion of the nation’s energy needs, why
don’t you simply tell us what we can do to
solve the problem?
• ______ are usually more charming, funny, or
thrilling in fiction than they are in real life.
• No sooner had the incorrigible old ____
gotten out of jail than he returned to the
wicked ways that had landed him there in the
first place.
• The crass and ____ conduct of those
responsible for the scandal deserved public
• She exchanged her ____ job for a position as a
swimming instructor.
• Daily exercise is recommended particularly for
people whose occupations are, for the most
part, _____
• During the war, soldiers assigned to desk jobs
were sometimes sarcastically called the
“chairbound infantry” or the “_____