Accounting for Current and Long

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Prof Johnson Acct 202 CHAPTER 8 & Appd B PowerPoint Lecture Slides

Ch8-- Accounting for Current and Long-Term Liabilities Appd B-- Time Value of Money

Opening Vignette - AMR Corporation

Alliances between companies in different industries  Transportation = airlines  Hospitality = hotels often create obligations for one party in the alliance.

Refer to the AMR Corporation situation described in the opening pages of the textbook

Opening Vignette - AMR Corporation

Opening Vignette - AMR Corporation

Holiday Inn and other partner companies pay AMR to credit air miles to customer frequent flyer accounts

These payments represent liabilities for AMR Corporation

Payments represent


to provide future transportation to frequent flyers

Chapter Learning Objectives

1. Account for current liabilities 2. Identify and report contingent liabilities 3. Account for basic bonds payable transactions 4. Measure interest expense, amortize bond discount and premium by the effective-interest method

Chapter Learning Objectives

5. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of borrowing 6. Account for lease transactions 7. Report liabilities on the balance sheet

Chapter Objective 1

Account for current liabilities


 Obligation to transfer assets  Or provide future services  Resulting from past transactions


 Obligation to transfer assets  Or provide future services  Resulting from past transactions 

Can you think of examples?

Liabilities Incurred When a Business ...

 Purchases inventory on account

Liabilities Incurred When a Business ...

 Borrows money and makes (signs) a note payable

Liabilities Incurred When a Business ...

 Accrues interest payable on a note or loan with the passage of time

Current Liabilities

 Payable within one year  Company’s operating cycle, if longer than one year  Current liabilities classified in two ways (1)


amount (2)



Current Liabilities of Known Amount

 Accounts Payable  Short-Term Notes Payable  Short-Term Notes Issued at Discount  Sales Tax Payable  Current Portion of Long-Term Debt  Accrued Expenses

Accounts Payable

 Amounts owed to vendors (suppliers) for goods or services purchased on account 

Journalize Asian Art, Inc.’s $350 purchase of office supplies on account

Accounts Payable

9/28/x6 Office Supplies $350 A/P $350

To record supplies purchased on account

 Businesses often maintain

subsidiary A/P ledgers

vendors to track amounts owed to individual  Task made easier by computers

Short-Term Notes Payable

 Promissory note signed by the company payable within the year  Company recognizes liability to repay principal amount borrowed  Plus accrued interest expense/payable

EXAMPLE: The Valley Chamber Orchestra signs a $10,000, 60-day note payable in exchange for some remodeling done in its leased office space.

Short-Term Notes Payable

 The 60-day note bears interest at 9% annually, and is made on November 15, 1998. 11/15/98 Leasehold Improvements $10,000 Note Payable, Short-Term $10,000

To record note issued for leasehold improvement

Short-Term Notes Payable

 At fiscal year-end, December 31, the Orchestra must accrue interest payable on the note. 12/31/98 Interest Expense $115 Interest Payable $115

To accrue 1998 interest expense on note ($10,000 x .09 x 46*/360) * Nov. = 15 days Dec. = 31 days

Short-Term Notes Payable Issued at a Discount

 Entity taking the note deducts interest from amount being borrowed  Remits less than note’s

face value

to the borrower  Borrower repays face value at note’s maturity

Short-Term Notes Payable Issued at a Discount $150 interest

 Same $10,000, 60-day, 9% note as a “discounted” note payable ...

$9,850 proceeds remitted to borrower

Short-Term Notes Payable Issued at a Discount

$150 interest

 Same $10,000, 60-day, 9% note as a “discounted” note payable ...

 $10,000 x .09 x 60/360 = $150 total interest

Short-Term Notes Payable Issued at a Discount $150 interest

 Same $10,000, 60-day, 9% note as a “discounted” note payable ...

 $10,000 x .09 x 60/360 = $150 total interest  $10,000 - $150 = $9,850 remitted to borrower

$9,850 proceeds remitted to borrower

Short-Term Notes Payable Issued at a Discount $150 interest

 Same $10,000, 60-day, 9% note as a “discounted” note payable ...

 $10,000 x .09 x 60/360 = $150 total interest  $10,000 - $150 = $9,850 remitted to borrower  Borrower repays $10,000 face value on January 15, 1999

$9,850 proceeds remitted to borrower

Short-Term Notes Payable Issued at a Discount

11/15/98 Cash $9,850 Discount on Note Payable 500 Notes Payable, Short-Term $10,000

To record discounted note payable

 Accrued interest expense at year-end: 12/31/98 Interest Expense $150 Discount on Note Payable $150

To record 1998 interest expense

Sales Tax Payable DEPT. OF REVENUE

 State and local taxes assessed on retail sales  Sales tax collected by company along with sales revenue  Sales tax periodically remitted to local/state government agencies

Sales Tax Payable

 Ray’s Seafood Shack sold $3,475 of food and beverages (excluding tax) on a busy summer Friday evening  Florida state sales tax is 6%, and Monroe County imposes a Tourist Development tax of .5% 

What is the journal entry to recognize Ray’s sales tax payable?

Sales Tax Payable

7/9/x3 Cash $3,701 Sales Revenue $3,475 State Sales Tax Payable 209 County Sales Tax Payable 17

To record sales revenue for July 9

 Retail POS systems easily capture sales revenue and related tax data

Current Portion of Long-Term Debt

 Portion of long-term debt principal due within one year  Adjusting entry reclassifies principal from long-term liability to current liability 12/31/x7 Cur. Portion of Long-Term Debt $5,000 Note Payable, Long-Term $5,000

To adjust current liabilities for current portion of long-term note payable

Current Portion of Long-Term Debt

Liability section of Asian Art, Inc.’s balance sheet Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable $20,000 Interest Payable 6,000

Current Portion of Long-Term Debt

Liability section of Asian Art, Inc.’s balance sheet Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable $20,000 Interest Payable 6,000 Current Portion of Long-Term Debt 21,000

Current Portion of Long-Term Debt

Liability section of Asian Art, Inc.’s balance sheet Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable $20,000 Interest Payable 6,000 Current Portion of Long-Term Debt 21,000 Total Current Liabilities $47,000

Current Portion of Long-Term Debt

Liability section of Asian Art, Inc.’s balance sheet Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable $20,000 Interest Payable 6,000 Current Portion of Long-Term Debt 21,000 Total Current Liabilities $47,000 Long-Term Notes Payable 190,000

Current Portion of Long-Term Debt

Liability section of Asian Art, Inc.’s balance sheet Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable $20,000 Interest Payable 6,000 Current Portion of Long-Term Debt 21,000 Total Current Liabilities $47,000 Long-Term Notes Payable 190,000


Accrued Expenses

Result of adjusting entries accruing expenses incurred but not yet recognized

Wages/Salary Payable

Interest Payable

  

Taxes Payable AMR Corporation’s

Air Traffic Liability

Marriott International’s

Other Payables and Accruals

, including such frequent stay programs as

Marriott Miles, INNsiders’ Club, and Courtyard Club

Payroll Liabilities

 Significant expense for many companies  Total wages, salary, commissions, bonuses paid to company employees in exchange for their services 

Refer to Textbook Exhibit 8-1 for adjusting entry prepared at end of accounting period to recognize payroll expense and related current liabilities

Payroll Liabilities Deductions from employee payroll include:

Federal income taxes

Social Security taxes

State/local income taxes

Group insurance (health/life) premiums

Union dues

Credit union savings or loan repayment

Contribution to 401(k) pension plans

Unearned Revenues

 Cash received from customers prior to

earning revenue

 Prior to delivering goods or providing services to customers

Unearned Revenues

When customer prepays for a product or service, company has


to: (1) Provide the product/service in the future (2) Refund the unearned revenue to customer

Unearned Revenues Customers of the Des Moines Register can prepay a 52-week newspaper subscription in advance. If the

subscription costs $108,

how does the Register

adjust its balance sheet for unearned revenues?

Unearned Revenues

 A customer prepays her 52-week newspaper subscription beginning October 13, 19x4

10/13/x4 Cash $108 Unearned Subscription Rev. $108

To record prepaid 52-week subscription

 The


fiscal year ends on December 27, 19x4.

What adjusting entry must be made?

Unearned Revenues

12/27/x4 Unearned Subscript. Rev. $22.55 Subscription Revenue $22.55

To recognize revenue earned in 19x4*

*$108 / 52 weeks = $2.0769 / week $2.0769 / 7 days = $.2967 / day $.2967 x 76 days (October 13 through December 27)

Current Liabilities That Must Be Estimated

 Estimated Warranty Payable  Estimated Vacation Pay and Sick Pay Liability

Estimated Warranty Payable

Estimated Warranty Payable

 Manufacturing and retailing companies often provide guarantees on products  30-60-90 days or one year in length 

Matching principle

requires company to estimate expense of providing warranty and recognize it in same accounting period as revenue earned from product sale

Estimated Warranty Payable Suppose Cisco Systems -

a manufacturer of networking hubs and routers offers a 90-day warranty on equipment it sells Further, suppose Cisco’s recent actual warranty work amounts to .75% of all products sold.

Estimated Warranty Payable

If Cisco’s December 19x1 revenues are $3,500,000, what adjusting entry is necessary to estimate expense and current liability?

12/31/x1 Warranty Expense $26,250 Est. Warranty Payable $26,250

To record December warranty expense

Estimated Warranty Payable

 When Cisco Systems actually replaces hubs or routers under warranty ...

Estimated Warranty Payable

 When Cisco Systems actually replaces hubs or routers under warranty ...

2/2/x2 Est. Warranty Payable $2,000 Inventory $2,000

To record products replaced under warranty

Estimated Vacation and Sick Pay

Estimated Vacation and Sick Pay

 Vacation and sick pay accrued in accounting period when earned 

If Asian Art, Inc. employees earn one sick day and one vacation day per month, what adjusting entry is necessary at end of June to accrue these liabilities?

Estimated Vacation and Sick Pay

Use a 40-hour work week (160 hours per month) and total monthly payroll of $8,700 6/30/x6 Vacation Pay Expense Sick Pay Expense $435 435 Estimated Vacation Pay Liab. $435 Estimated Sick Pay Liab. 435

To record vacation and sick pay accruals for June

Chapter Objective 2

Identify and report contingent liabilities

Contingent Liabilities

Liability related to a past transaction

Dependent upon a future event

Guaranteeing debts of others

Awaiting outcome of pending lawsuit

Contingent Liabilities

Reporting guidelines rooted in several accounting principles:  Full disclosure  Conservatism  Materiality  Representational faithfulness

Contingent Liabilities

3 Ways to Classify Contingencies

Contingent Liabilities

 Probable  Possible  Remote

Contingent Liabilities

 Probable  More likely than not that a loss will be incurred  $ amount of loss can be reasonably estimated  Possible  Reasonably possible loss will be incurred  Remote  Not likely that loss will be incurred

Contingent Liabilities

Probable and reasonably estimable

Asian Art agrees to pay note payable of one of its suppliers if the supplier defaults on the note

At time supplier defaults, Asian Art knows the liability is probable (certain) and knows the amount of the loss LOAN PAYMENT

Contingent Liabilities

Probable and reasonably estimable

Asian Art will record

adjusting entry

to accrue expense and liability

Disclose additional information about liability in


to financial statement LOAN PAYMENT

Contingent Liabilities


Ray’s Seafood Shack is defendant in negligence lawsuit

Customer slipped off sailboat during one of Ray’s sunset champagne cruises

 

At year-end, case has not been decided Ray’s lawyer does not believe the plaintiff will be successful in her claim against restaurant

Contingent Liabilities


Ray’s Seafood Shack would prepare a

brief disclosure

to be included in the financial statement



Contingent Liabilities


 A former member of the Valley Chamber Orchestra’s staff sues the organization for wrongful discharge after being fired  The Orchestra’s labor attorney is confident the organization will be found innocent, especially in light of the former employee’s work record which includes warnings about sexual and discriminatory harassment of organization employees

Contingent Liabilities


The Orchestra

neither accrues

the estimated gain/loss

nor reports

details in footnotes to the financials

Begin Discussion of Appendix B: Time Value of Money

Appendix B: Accounting and the Time Value of Money After studying this chapter you should be able to:

 Identify accounting topics where time value of money is relevant.

 Distinguish between simple and compound interest.

 Learn how to use appropriate compound interest tables.

 Identify variables fundamental to solving interest problems.

 Solve future and present value of 1 problems.

  Solve future value of ordinary problems.

Solve present value of ordinary annuity problems.


 Concept of the

time value of money

is very important especially when interest rates are high and/or time periods are long.

 Simply put--You are not indifferent as to when you receive or pay an identical sum of money. That is, a dollar received or paid today (the present) is not worth a dollar received or paid tomorrow (the future).

 Someone owes you, a rational person, $100. They say to you--Which would you prefer: I pay you $100 today or I pay you $100 one year from now?


 Your response should be--Pay me $100 today (present). WHY? Assuming there is no inflation , would your answer change?

 Again, your response should be to be paid today. You could take the funds today, invest them, earn a return and have more than $100 a year from now. How much more than $100 would depend on the return you could earn (interest).

 Suppose, instead, someone offers you $100 one year from today. You wish the funds now (today), however. Will you accept less than $100 in settlement of the debt?


 Considering the interest rates, you will accept less than $100 today to settle the debt.


 If you had the settlement today you could invest it, earn a return and have $100 one year from now. If the interest rate is high you would accept less to settle the debt than if the interest rate was low.

Simply put,

at any interest rate: • A dollar received today is worth more than a dollar in the future. • A dollar in the future is worth less than a dollar today.


 The concept of the time value of money is pervasive. We see this concept in many topics including (to name a few):  Leases  Pensions  Non-interest bearing notes  Installment contracts   Valuation of bonds Sinking fund provisions  The FASB will simplify calculations by stating, at times, the time value of money is to be ignored. You must realize the import of that assumption as well!


 Definitions of interest:  A fee for the use of money  Principle x Interest Rate x Time = Interest Principle: The amount borrowed or invested.

Interest rate: A percentage of the outstanding principle. Always expressed as an annual rate.

Time: The number of years or fraction thereof that the principle is outstanding.


  Selection of appropriate interest rate is critical and, at times, very difficult. Would you be a wealthy person if you could accurately predict the interest rate?

The interest for us will be a given figure. In practice it can be the hardest figure to derive accurately.


 Elements of the interest rate: The interest rate is the sum of Pure rate of interest (system risk) Initial rate charged assuming no possibility of default and no inflation.

Credit risk rate of interest (individual risk) Additional rate charged as a result of an individual entity’s risk of default.

Expected inflation rate of interest (inflation premium) Additional rate charged to compensate for the decrease in the purchasing power of the dollar over time.


Simple interest

is computed on the principle only. That is, interest is earned and removed. The interest does not earn interest.

Compound interest

is computed on the principle and any accumulated interest. Both the principal and interest then earn interest.


Types of Problems

 For our calculations we will assume

compound interest

. The greater the number of periods and the higher the interest rate, the greater will be the effect of compounding interest.

 Types of problems we will be working with: 

Single Sum

. One sum ($1) will be received or paid either in the Present (Present Value of a Single Sum or


) Future (Future Value of a Single Sum or


) 11

Types of Problems

Types of annuity problems


Ordinary annuity



) A series of

equal payments

(or rents) received or paid at the

end of a period

, assuming a

constant rate of interest


Value today of a series of equal, end-of period payments received in the future is the Present Value of an Ordinary Annuity or



Value in the future of a series of equal, end of-period payments received in the future is the Future Value of an Ordinary Annuity or



Types of Problems Annuity Due



) A series of

equal payments

(or rents) received or paid at the

beginning of a period

, assuming a

constant rate of interest.

Value today of a series of equal, beginning-of period payments received in the future is the Present Value of an annuity due or



Value in the future of a series of equal, beginning-of-period payments received in the future is the Future Value of an annuity due or


Types of Problems Note:

The difference between an ordinary annuity and an annuity due is that: Each rent or payment compounds (interest added) one more period in a annuity due, future value situation. Each rent or payment is discounted (interest removed) one less period under the annuity due situation. Given the same i, n and periodic rent, the annuity due will always yield a greater present value (less interest removed) and a greater future value (more interest added).

Calculation Variables

 There will always be at least four variables in any present or future value problem. Three of the four will be known and you will solve for the fourth.

Single sum problems

: n = number of compounding periods i = interest rate PV = Value today of a single sum ($1) FV = Value in the future of a single sum ($1)

Calculation Variables

Annuity problems

: n = number of payments or rents i = interest rate R = Periodic rent received or paid And either: FV-OA or AD = Value in the future of a series of future payments (either ordinary or due). OR PV-OA or AD= Value today of a series of payments in the future (either ordinary or due).

• Note: The “n” and the “i” must match. That is, if the time period is semi-annual then so must the interest rate. Interest rates are assumed to be annual unless otherwise stated so you may have to adjust the rate to match the time period.

Single Sum Problems Let’s review the derivation of the single sum formula:

 Suppose you have $100 today (present) and wish to deposit it at 10% for three periods, in this case years. What is the value of this single sum in the future?

 At the end of the first year (n = 1): (Compound interest) $100 + $100(.1) = $110  At the end of the second year ( n = 2) $110 + $110(.1) = $121  At the end of third year (n = 3) $121 + $121(.1) = $133 (rounded)  So the future value of $100 three years hence at 10% = $133

Single Sum Problems

 I realize there is a simpler way to approach this: $100 (1 +.1)(1+.1)(1+.1) = $133 $100 (1+.1) 3 = $133 Generally for any “n” and “i” the single sum formula would be:

PV (1+ i) n = FV

$100 (1+.1) 3 = $133

Single Sum Problems

 Not wishing to have to constantly raise the term to the required power I name the term (1+ i) n , the

Future Value Factor

then employ the table on page 320-321. The table is the result of the required multiplications at various “n” and “i” and is to be read vertically for the “n” and horizontally for the “i”. for a single term (

FVF n,i )

. I  To solve my problem using the table:

PV(FVF n,i ) = FV

where n = 3 and i = 10% $100 (1.331) = $133

Single Sum Problems Note:

For single sum problems the “n” refers to


not necessarily defined as years! The period may be annual, semi-annual, quarterly or another time frame.

In manual calculations the use of the table is strongly recommended. It enhances both speed and accuracy.

Single Sum Problems

 Now suppose instead of $100 today I am to receive $133 three years from now. Again the interest rate is 10%. I don’t want to wait three years for my money. How much will I accept today in lieu of the future payment?

Going back to the general formula for a single sum: 

PV(FVF n,i ) = FV

I realize I can isolate the term I wish to solve for on one side of the equation: PV = FV divided by (FVF n,i ) and rearranging terms: PV = FV ( 1/ FVF n,i )

Single Sum Problems

  Not wishing to have to constantly raise the term to the required power and then divide it into 1, I name the term 1/ FVF n,i the single sum

(PVF n,i ) Present Value Factor

. I restate the formula for a

PV = FV (PVF n,i )

I then employ the table on page ???. The table is the result of the required multiplications and division at various “n” and “i” and is to be

read vertically for the “n”


horizontally for the “i”

Single Sum Problems

 To solve my problem using the table:

Please look up the values on the tables as we go along!

n = 3, i = 10%, FV = $133

PV = FV (PVF n,i )

PV = $133 (.75132) PV = $100 23

Single Sum Problems Note:

Review the tables and note their characteristics.

They are very logical.

All sums in the future are worth less than themselves in the present. All factors on the present value of a single sum table are less than one. All factors on the future value of a single sum table are greater than one. All present sums are worth more than themselves in the future. Notice how the factors change dramatically as the “i” increases and the “n” lengthens!


Single Sum Problems

Single Sum problems, other unknowns.

 Suppose you have $6,000 today (PV ) and you need $9,000 five years hence. What rate of annual interest must you earn to achieve your goal?


This can be solved as either a future or present value of a single sum problem. The formulas are reciprocals of each other.


Single Sum Problems

 To solve as a future value of a single sum problem:

PV(FVF n,i ) = FV

where n = 5 and i = ? $6,000 (FVF n,i ) = $9,000 FVF n,i = $9,000/$6,000 = 1.500

Looking on the future of a single sum table (page ???) for n = 3 and a FVF of 1.500, I find the corresponding “i” to be between 8-9%.


Single Sum Problems

 Alternatively, suppose I have $750 today. How long will I have to wait to have $1,200 when the interest rate is 10%? I will solve this as a PV problem.

PV = FV (PVF n,i )

$750 = $1,200 (PVF n,i ) PVF n,i where n = ? and i = 10% = $750/$1,200 = .625

Reading on the present value of a single sum table (page ???) for 10% the “n” for the factor .625 is between 4-5 periods.

A more precise answer may be derived through the use of the mathematical technique of interpolation.


Annuity Problems

 Suppose I am to receive three equal $100 payments (R) each at the end of the period (in this case a period is a year) when the interest rate is a constant 15%. This is an ordinary annuity since payments are at the end of the period. What is the value to me at the end of the third year from receiving this annuity?

This is a future value of an ordinary annuity problem.

How do I go about solving it?

 I realize an annuity is really a series of single sums.

 If I take the FV for each single sum and add them I will have the value of the entire stream of payments.

 I will use the FV formula which is:

PV(FVF n,i ) = FV


Annuity Problems Rent # Cmpd periods All at i = 15% Sum FVF FV

1 2 2 1 $100 1.322

$100 1.150

$132 $115 3 0 $100 1.000





This is tedious! I notice I am multiplying a constant rent ($100) by a changing interest factor. What if I added the three factors and multiplied the total by the rent? That would be less work! I’ll call the sum of the appropriate factors the

FVF-AO n,i

. I’ll derive the general formula where


equals the constant rent:

FV-OA = R (FVF-AO n,i



when I = 15% and FV-OA = $100 (3.472) = $347 (rounded)

n = 3


Annuity Problems

 Where do I get these summed factors? From the future value of an ordinary annuity table on pages ???. The addition for the appropriate “n” and “i” has already been done. The annuity tables are derived directly from the single sum tables. 30

Annuity Problems

 Let’s take the case of the

present value of an ordinary annuity

. That is, what is a stream of future payments worth today? What sum do you need today to draw out a series of equal payments and have nothing left over? This situation is very common in retirement cases or the payment of debt.

Bonds Payable ABC Company 32

Annuity Problems

 Suppose you are to pay three rents of $500, each at the end of the next three years. The interest rate is 8%. How much should I set aside today to have the required rents?  Again I realize an annuity is simply a series of single sums. I take the same approach as before in that I discount (remove) interest from each of the rents.  I take the present value of each, add, and I will have the required sum (total present value) that I will need.

I use the formula:

PV = FV (PVF n,i )


Annuity Problems Rent # Disc periods All at i = 8%

1 2 1 2 $500 .92593

$500 .85734


$463 $429


3 3 $500 .79383





This is tedious! I notice I am multiplying a constant rent ($500) by a changing interest factor. What if I added the three factors and multiplied the total by the rent? That would be less work! I’ll call the sum of the appropriate factors the

PVF-AO n,i

. I’ll derive the general formula where


is the constant rent:

PV-OA = R (PVF-AO n,i )

for n = 3 payments and i = 8% PV-OA = $500 (2.5771) = $1,289 (rounded) 34

Annuity Problems

 Where do I get these summed factors? From the present value of an ordinary annuity table on pages ???. The addition for the appropriate “n” and “i” has already been done. The annuity tables are derived directly from the single sum tables. 35

End Discussion of Appendix B: Time Value of Money and Start Discussion of Long Term Liabilities-- Bonds Payable

Chapter Objective 3

Account for basic bonds payable transactions

Financing Operations with Long-Term Debt

Large corporations borrow huge amounts of money by issuing


to lenders


Corporate investors

Pension plans


Financing Operations with Long-Term Debt


are interest-bearing, long-term notes payable 

Bond certificate

provides written evidence of borrowing company’s obligation to repay lender for principle borrowed plus accumulated interest 

Refer to textbook Exhibit 8-2 for a picture of a bond certificate

Financing Operations with Long-Term Debt

Bond certificate states

Debenture Bonds

Financing Operations with Long-Term Debt

Debenture Bonds

MGM Grand, Inc.


Bond certificate states

Principle (face or maturity value)

Financing Operations with Long-Term Debt

Debenture Bonds

MGM Grand, Inc.


Eight percent

Bond certificate states

Principle (face or maturity value)

Contract interest rate (annual %)

Financing Operations with Long-Term Debt

Debenture Bonds

MGM Grand, Inc.


Eight percent November 30, 2008

Bond certificate states

Principle (face or maturity value)

Contract interest rate (annual %)

Interest payment dates (usually semi-annually)

Types of Bonds

 Secured (mortgage) bonds  Entitle bondholders rights to specific assets in event company defaults on bond interest payments or maturity payment  Unsecured (debenture) bonds  Bondholders backed by reputation and integrity of the company  More risky, therefore pay higher interest rate than secured bonds

Bond Prices

 Initial bond issue prices determined by borrower and bond underwriter  Prices of bonds traded on secondary market based on variety of factors

Bond Prices

Affected by:  Time to maturity  Credit rating of issuing company  Contract interest rate compared to market interest rate

Bond Prices

 Expressed in terms of percent of face value

Bond Prices

 Expressed in terms of percent of face value $10,000 face value bond

Bond Prices

 Expressed in terms of percent of face value  Bond price might be:  98.75

$10,000 face value bond

Bond Prices

 Expressed in terms of percent of face value  Bond price might be:  98.75

$10,000 face value bond 98.75% of face value $9,875


Bond Prices

 Expressed in terms of percent of face value  Bond price might be: $10,000 face value bond  100

Bond Prices

 Expressed in terms of percent of face value  Bond price might be: $10,000 face value bond  100


100% of face value $10,000

Bond Prices

 Expressed in terms of percent of face value  Bond price might be: $10,000 face value bond  104.5

Bond Prices

 Expressed in terms of percent of face value  Bond price might be: $10,000 face value bond  104.5

104.5% of face value $10,450


Present Value

Money earns income (interest) with passage of time

Present Value

 Amount of a dollar invested today is referred to as the

present value

of a future amount  Amounts invested today accumulate interest and grow to a larger amount in the future

Present Value

 $1,000 invested today is worth more than $1,000 to be received two years from now  You can invest the $1,000 now  It will be worth more in three years

Issuing Bonds Payable to Borrow Money

 The City of Blacksburg, Virginia, issues $15,000,000 of 6% 10-year bonds on May 1, 19x3, to fund construction of a new water treatment plant 

What is the City’s journal entry if the bonds are issued at par?

Issuing Bonds Payable to Borrow Money 5/1/x3 Cash $15,000,000 Bonds Payable $15,000,000

To record bonds issued at par

After initial bond issue, secondary market bond transactions do not involve the City of Blacksburg

City makes no journal entries

Keeps record of bond owners only for payment of periodic interest

Issuing Bonds Payable to Borrow Money

 The City’s bonds pay interest each May 1 and November 1 

What is the journal entry to record the first interest payment on Nov. 1, 19x3?

Issuing Bonds Payable to Borrow Money

11/1/x3 Interest Expense $450,000 Cash $450,000

To record interest expense Can you think of the adjusting entry necessary on November 30, 19x3, the City’s fiscal year-end?

Issuing Bonds Payable to Borrow Money 11/30/x3 Interest Expense $75,000 Interest Payable $75,000

To record interest accrual for 19x3

Issuing Bonds and Notes Payable Between Interest Dates

Bonds issued between interest payment dates are priced to include accrued interest


Semiannual interest payments are paid in full to the current bondholder of record

Too time-consuming and impractical to track all bondholders during the semiannual period

Consider that some bondholders may hold bonds only for several days or weeks before selling them

Issuing Bonds and Notes Payable Between Interest Dates Suppose the City of Blacksburg issued its bonds (dated 5/1/x3) on July 1, 19x3 7/1/x3 Cash $15,150,000 Interest Payable $150,000 Bonds Payable 15,000,000

To record bonds issued between interest dates

Issuing Bonds and Notes Payable Between Interest Dates

How would the first interest payment on November 1 would be recorded?

11/1/x3 Interest Expense $300,000 Interest Payable 150,000 Cash $450,000

To record interest expense

Issuing Bonds and Notes Payable Between Interest Dates Interest Expense Interest Payable $150,000 7/1

Issuing Bonds and Notes Payable Between Interest Dates Interest Expense Interest Payable 11/1 $300,000 $150,000 7/1

Issuing Bonds and Notes Payable Between Interest Dates Interest Expense Interest Payable 11/1 $300,000 11/1 $150,000 $150,000 7/1

Issuing Bonds Payable at a Discount

When would bonds be issued at a discount?

When contractual rate of interest is


than market rate

Bondholders will pay amount

less than face value

for investment yielding less than current market rate

Issuing Bonds Payable at a Discount

 Suppose the City of Blacksburg, Virginia, issues the $15,000,000 of 6% 10-year bonds on May 1, 19x3, when similar bonds of comparable quality and risk pay 8% interest 

What is the City’s journal entry if the bonds are issued at a discount?

Issuing Bonds Payable at a Discount 5/1/x3 Cash $12,955,500 Discount on Bonds Payable 2,044,500 Bonds Payable $15,000,000

To record bonds issued at discount

Discount on Bonds Payable is a


account to Bonds Payable

Net amount of Discount and Bonds Payable accounts referred to as the bond’s

carrying value

Issuing Bonds Payable at a Discount

Discount represents additional interest expense to be allocated over life of bonds

Effect is to increase entity’s interest expense incurred on bond to equivalent of the market rate of interest

Issuing Bonds Payable at a Discount

City of Blacksburg would report its newly-issued bonds on the balance sheet:

Long-Term Liabilities

Bonds Payable (6%, due 5/1/20x3) $15,000,000 Less Bond Discount 2,044,500 Carrying Value $12,955,500

Issuing Bonds Payable at a Discount

City of Blacksburg would report its newly-issued bonds on the balance sheet:

Long-Term Liabilities

Bonds Payable (6%, due 5/1/20x3) $15,000,000 Less Bond Discount 2,044,500 Carrying Value $12,955,500 Carrying value is

Issuing Bonds Payable at a Discount

City of Blacksburg would report its newly-issued bonds on the balance sheet:

Long-Term Liabilities

Bonds Payable (6%, due 5/1/20x3) $15,000,000 Less Bond Discount 2,044,500 Carrying Value $12,955,500 Carrying value is face value

Issuing Bonds Payable at a Discount

City of Blacksburg would report its newly-issued bonds on the balance sheet:

Long-Term Liabilities

Bonds Payable (6%, due 5/1/20x3) $15,000,000 Less Bond Discount 2,044,500 Carrying Value $12,955,500 Carrying value is face value minus unamortized bond discount

Chapter Objective 4

Measure interest expense; amortize bond discount and premium by the effective-interest method

Effective-Interest Method of Debt Amortization

 GAAP requires bond discount to be amortized (allocated) over life of bond to yield interest expense equivalent to market interest rate  Known as

effective-interest method

 Semiannual cash interest payment to bondholders remains same  Interest expense recognized by entity grows slightly each period

Effective-Interest Method of Debt Amortization

 Textbook Exhibit 8-6 shows an amortization schedule for a bond issued at a discount  Notice ....

Effective-Interest Method of Debt Amortization

Interest payments to bondholders do not change over time

Interest expense recognized by company increases as bond carrying value increases

Unamortized bond discount decreases as bonds get closer to maturity

Bond carrying value rises to face value as it nears maturity

Interest Expense on Bonds Issued at a Discount - Amortizing Discount on Bonds Payable

 Bond discount represents additional interest expense to entity  “Unstated” cost of issuing bonds when contractual interest rate is lower than market rate of interest on similar bonds  Refer to textbook Exhibit 8-7 to see relationship between interest payments and interest expense

Interest Expense on Bonds Issued at a Discount - Amortizing Discount on Bonds Payable

 Let’s amortize the first semiannual interest payment for the City of Blacksburg’s bonds

11/1/x3 Interest Expense $518,220 Discount on Bonds Payable $68,220 Cash 450,000

To record bond interest payment

Interest Expense on Bonds Issued at a Discount - Amortizing Discount on Bonds Payable After recording interest expense, related account balances look like this: Discount on Interest Bonds Payable Expense

Interest Expense on Bonds Issued at a Discount - Amortizing Discount on Bonds Payable After recording interest expense, related account balances look like this: Discount on Interest Bonds Payable Expense 5/1 $2,044,500

Interest Expense on Bonds Issued at a Discount - Amortizing Discount on Bonds Payable After recording interest expense, related account balances look like this: Discount on Interest Bonds Payable Expense 5/1 $2,044,500 $68,220 11/1

Interest Expense on Bonds Issued at a Discount - Amortizing Discount on Bonds Payable After recording interest expense, related account balances look like this: Discount on Interest Bonds Payable Expense 5/1 $2,044,500 $68,220 11/1 11/1 $518,220

Interest Expense on Bonds Issued at a Discount - Amortizing Discount on Bonds Payable After recording interest expense, related account balances look like this: Discount on Interest Bonds Payable Expense 5/1 $2,044,500 $68,220 11/1 11/1 $518,220 Bal $1,976,280

Issuing Bonds Payable at a Premium

Suppose the City of Blacksburg had issued its water treatment plant bonds at an interest rate higher than market rates

How would the May 1, 19x3, journal entry change if the contract rate of the bonds was 10% and the market rate of interest at 8%?

Issuing Bonds Payable at a Premium 5/1/x3 Cash $17,032,500 Premium on Bonds Payable $2,032,500 Bonds Payable 15,000,000

To record bonds issued at premium

Net amount of Premium and Bonds Payable accounts equal bond’s

carrying value

Issuing Bonds Payable at a Premium

 Premium, like a discount, is amortized over life of bond  Premium represents a


interest expense in total  Created by bondholders’ willingness to pay


than face value for the bond issue  Effect of premium is to expense


bond interest

Issuing Bonds Payable at a Premium

City of Blacksburg would report its bonds on the balance sheet:

Long-Term Liabilities

Bonds Payable (10%, due 5/1/20x3) $15,000,000 Plus Bond Premium 2,032,500 Carrying Value $17,032,500

Issuing Bonds Payable at a Premium

City of Blacksburg would report its bonds on the balance sheet:

Long-Term Liabilities

Bonds Payable (10%, due 5/1/20x3) $15,000,000 Plus Bond Premium 2,032,500 Carrying Value $17,032,500 Carrying value is

Issuing Bonds Payable at a Premium

City of Blacksburg would report its bonds on the balance sheet:

Long-Term Liabilities

Bonds Payable (10%, due 5/1/20x3) $15,000,000 Plus Bond Premium 2,032,500 Carrying Value $17,032,500 Carrying value is face value

Issuing Bonds Payable at a Premium

City of Blacksburg would report its bonds on the balance sheet:

Long-Term Liabilities

Bonds Payable (10%, due 5/1/20x3) $15,000,000 Plus Bond Premium 2,032,500 Carrying Value $17,032,500 Carrying value is face value plus unamortized bond premium

Issuing Bonds Payable at a Premium

How would the City’s first semi-annual interest payment on the bonds be recorded?

11/1/x3 Interest Expense $681,300 Premium on Bonds Payable 68,700 Cash $750,000

To record bond interest payment

Interest Expense on Bonds Issued at a Premium - Amortizing Premium on Bonds Payable

Textbook Exhibit 8-9 shows a bond premium amortization schedule

Observe the differences between it and Exhibit 8-6

Interest Expense on Bonds Issued at a Premium - Amortizing Premium on Bonds Payable

Interest payments to bondholders do not change over time

Interest expense recognized by company decreases as bond carrying value decreases toward maturity

Unamortized bond premium decreases as bonds get closer to maturity, similar to unamortized bond discount

Bond carrying value falls to its face value as it nears maturity

Interest Expense on Bonds Issued at a Premium - Amortizing Premium on Bonds Payable

 Bond premium represents a


interest expense to entity of  Reduction in cost of issuing bonds when contractual interest rate is


than market rate of interest on similar bonds  Refer to textbook Exhibit 8-10 to see relationship between interest payments and interest expense

Straight-Line Amortization of Bond Discount and Bond Premium

GAAP requires bond discounts and premiums to be amortized using effective-interest method

Companies permitted to use straight-line method provided it yields similar results

That is, differences are not material

Straight-Line Amortization of Bond Discount and Bond Premium

Consider the difference for the City of Blacksburg bonds issued at a premium:  Effective-interest method Bond premium - $2,032,500 First period amortization - $68,700

Straight-Line Amortization of Bond Discount and Bond Premium

Straight-line method Bond premium - $2,032,500 First period amortization $101,625

Straight-line amortization understates period interest expense by almost 5% $681,300 - effective rate $648,375 - straight-line rate

Straight-Line Amortization of Bond Discount and Bond Premium Amt. Amortized $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $ Total Interest

Straight-line method Bond premium - $2,032,500 First period amortization $101,625

Straight-line amortization understates period interest expense by almost 5% $681,300 - effective rate $648,375 - straight-line rate

Early Retirement of Bonds Payable

Bonds typically retired (paid off) at maturity date

Some bonds retired prior to maturity date


Early Retirement of Bonds Payable

 Early retirement allows entity to reduce bond interest payments  By paying off debt early  Eliminating interest expense and cash outflow associated with bond interest payments  Or by reissuing bonds at a lower interest rate  Reducing interest expense and cash outflow related to interest payments

Early Retirement of Bonds Payable Issuer can retire bonds before maturity by:

Purchasing bonds on the secondary market (buying up all bonds currently held by bondholders)




Clause allowing issuer to redeem bonds at specified price as of specific date

Early Retirement of Bonds Payable

 After 6 years, the City of Blacksburg decides to call its 10% bonds  Perhaps interest rates have fallen, and the City believes it can reissue the debt at lower rate  Suppose the bonds came with a call provision, allowing the City to call bonds at 101

Early Retirement of Bonds Payable

What journal entry should the City make to retire these bonds?

5/1/x9 Bonds Payable $15,000,000 Premium on Bonds Payable 1,000,229 Gain on Bond Retirement $850,229 Cash 15,150,000

To record early bond retirement

Early Retirement of Bonds Payable

GAAP requires gain or loss on bond retirement to be shown as an

extraordinary item

on entity’s income statement

Reported on separate section of income statement, net of income tax effect

Convertible Bonds and Notes

Convertible bonds

allow bondholder to exchange bonds for specified number of shares of common stock in the company

Bonds issued with conversion feature generally carry


interest rate

Bondholder willing to accept lower rate due to benefits of stock ownership

When bonds converted into common stock, company increases stockholders’ equity for carrying value of bonds

Chapter Objective 5

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of borrowing

Advantage of Financing Operations with Bonds v. Stock

Businesses can acquire assets through debt or equity


can issue bonds, take mortgages, borrow funds to purchase assets


can issue stock in the company, use proceeds to purchase assets

Advantage of Financing Operations with Bonds v. Stock

 

Financing with debt

Doesn’t dilute ownership in company

Usually results in higher earnings per share

Refer to textbook Exhibit 8-12

Reduces total net income

Increases debt ratios and may impose financial restrictions on company

Advantage of Financing Operations with Bonds v. Stock

Financing with equity

 No liabilities = no increase in debt ratios  No fixed interest payments  Generally higher total net income  Will dilute ownership interest and earnings per share of current stockholders

Chapter Objective 6

Account for lease transactions

Lease Liabilities

 Rental agreement permitting lessee (user) to possess and use asset without long-term commitments or large cash down payment

Lease Liabilities

Operating leases

2 types of leases

Lease Liabilities

Operating leases

2 types of leases

Capital leases

Operating Leases

 Short-term in nature  Generally cancelable  Right to undisturbed use of asset during lease period 6/1/98 Prepaid Rent $12,000 Cash $12,000

To record 12-month rent prepayment

Capital Leases

Long-term, non cancelable method of financing asset purchases

Airlines, railways, large retailers enter into long term leases for many of their plant assets

Lease must meet 1 of 4 criteria to be classified as a capital lease

Capital Leases

1. Leased asset becomes property of lessee at end of lease period 2. Lease includes

“bargain purchase”

option - for example, can buy asset for $100 at conclusion of lease 3.

Lease term is 75% or more of asset’s estimated useful life 4. Present value of lease payments is greater than 90% of asset’s market value

Accounting for Capital Leases

 Accounting similar to purchased assets  Lessee records leased asset and related lease liability  Lessor removes asset from its records  Record depreciation on lease cost  Recognize interest expense as part of “cost” of acquiring leased asset (financing the asset acquisition over time)

Off-Balance-Sheet Financing

Some business financing activities use debt that is not required to be reported on the balance sheet

Operating leases are an example

Operating lease disclosures in footnotes are important to understanding company’s future obligations

Pension Liabilities



is money employees receive after their retirement from an organization

 

Companies match (accrue) pension expense in the accounting period employees worked to generate revenues If company doesn’t accrue sufficient funds, excess liability is recognized as long-term pension liability

Detailed footnotes explain the current and future pension liabilities of the company

Chapter Objective 7

Report liabilities on the balance sheet

Reporting Current and Long-Term Liabilities on the Balance Sheet

Balance sheets of actual companies have wide variety of account titles and situations for which liabilities are recorded

Reported on face of balance sheet

Disclosed in footnotes to statements

Reporting Financing Activities on the Statement of Cash Flows

Financing activities on the statement of cash flows include:  Cash received from issuing debt  Cash paid to retire debt  Cash received upon sale of stock  Cash dividends paid to stockholders

World Wide Web Sites to Visit

AMR Corporation 

Chrysler Corporation 

THE END Of Ch 8 Presentation Slides

Ch 8 Teaching Slides are Next

Categories of Current Liabilities

Amount of Liability Known When Recorded

Trade accounts payable Short-term notes payable Sales taxes payable Current portion of long-term debt Accrued expenses: Interest payable Payroll liabilities such as: Salaries and wages payable FICA tax payable Employee income tax payable Unearned revenues (collected in advance)

Amount of Liability Must Be Estimated When Recorded

Estimated warranty payable Income tax payable Estimated vacation pay liability Contingent liabilities © 1998 by Prentice Hall, Inc.

Contingent Liabilities

Potential liability dependent upon a future event arising out of a past transaction Accounting treatment

° Record a liability if probable and the amount of loss can be reasonably estimated ° Report in a note only if reasonably possible ° No need to report if remote (unlikely to occur) © 1998 by Prentice Hall, Inc.

Nature and Types of Bonds

Nature of Bonds

• In effect, a long-term note payable that bears interest.

• States that the issuer will repay the principal and specific interest payments.

• Usually in units of $1,000 called face value, maturity value, or par value.

• Interest is paid annually or semi-annually.

Types of Bonds

$1,000 Bond

Term bonds

- mature at the same time

Serial bonds

- mature in installments over time

Secured (mortgage) bonds

- give the bond holder the right to claim of assets if the issuer defaults

Debenture bonds

- unsecured bonds © 1998 by Prentice Hall, Inc.

Interest Payments and Interest Expense on Bonds Payable

Bonds Issued at a Discount $5,000 $4,900 $4,800 $4,700 $4,600 $4,500 $4,400 $4,300 $4,200 Interest Expense Interest Payments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Bonds Issued at a Premium $4,500 $4,400 $4,300 $4,200 $4,100 $4,000 $3,900 $3,800 $3,700 Interest Payments Interest Expense 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10

© 1998 by Prentice Hall, Inc.

Financing with Debt Versus Stock

Investment Risk Corporate Obligation to Repay Long-term Debt

Low Yes

Dividends or Interest Obligation to Pay Dividends or Interest Market Value Fluctuations under Normal Conditions

Tax deductible Interest At Fixed Dates Low

Common Stock

High No Dividends Only After Declaration High © 1998 by Prentice Hall, Inc.

Other Types of Liabilities

Current Portion of Long-term Debt

The amount of long-term notes or bonds payable within the current period

Mortgage Notes

Borrowing agreement with assets pledged as collateral


• Capital leases long-term non-cancelable financing obligation reported as a liability • Operating lease short-term cancelable rental agreements

Off-balance-sheet Financing

Acquisition of assets or services with debt that is not reported on the balance sheet

Pensions and Post-retirement Benefits

Employee compensation and health benefits that will be received during retirement

Deferred Income Taxes

© 1998 by Prentice Hall, Inc.

Income tax liabilities that the company can defer and pay later

Financing Activities on the Statement of Cash Flows

Cash Flows From Financing Activities

Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt Other short-term borrowings Payments on long-term debt Payments on capital leases Payment of cash dividends $12,000 10,000 (4,000) (11,000) (8,000) Net Cash used for Financing Activities $( 1,000) © 1998 by Prentice Hall, Inc.

App D: Accounting for Partnership Slides Should be Inserted Here!