The CORE Problem Part 3 of X parts

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The CORE Problem
Part 4 of 8 parts
As seen through the eyes of
Michael H. Keehn
• The file names of the Presentations in this
series contain a two digit number, 01
through 08. Use this number to view the
Presentations in order. It is necessary to
view the Presentations in order so that the
information flows logically and is not
disconnected gibberish.
• The information contained in this series of
presentations is neither intended to
deceive nor mislead. The information
presented is true and factual to the best of
my knowledge. Opinions are mine. The
viewer is responsible for confirming
anything upon which he has doubt.
Nothing in these presentations is to be
construed as legal advice.
• This information is distributed either on a
compact disk or as a ZIP file. In either
case, the individual is welcome to
distribute copies to anyone so long as the
information is not altered and all files are
included… Michael H. Keehn
• American’s is a reference to the people of
these united States of America.
• The District is a reference to “the United
States” (corporate), Washington, District of
• These united States of America is a
reference to the Union States, united by,
and under, the Constitution, what we know
as the Republic of these united States of
The CORE Problem
• Simply put, it’s the national debt. Some
American’s think that we owe this debt to
ourselves. We do not! It is owed to a cartel
of private individuals through the banks they
own. The Federal Reserve Bank is central
to this issue here in the United States, and
in a global sense, the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) is included.
It All Relates
• And although this series of presentations
may travel many avenues of history, they
all relate to the CORE problem, the
national debt. I believe all the information
presented in this series to be crucial to
comprehending the problem(s) of the
United States today.
More to learn
• OK, we left off with the Banking Relief Act
of March 9, 1933. Since this act
authorized the issuance of a new currency,
we had just explored the definitions of
“money” from Black’s Law Dictionary, sixth
and seventh editions. There is so much
more to learn about the workings of the
Banking Relief Act and the effects of the
currency, so let’s get started.
NECESSITY knows no law
• The Banking Relief Act was passed under
the declaration of an EMERGENCY and
the rule of necessity. “Necessitas vincit
legem” is a Latin maxim meaning
“necessity overrules the law”. In other
words, necessity knows no law. Here in
the United States it is the tool of tyrants
who want to run the country
Enabling Language
• “Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled, that the
Congress hereby declares that a serious
EMERGENCY exists and that it is
imperatively necessary speedily to put
into effect remedies of uniform national
application.” - Banking Relief Act
Setting the Stage
• As you can see for your self, the term
“necessary” [necessity] was used in the
enabling language. This is a clue that
tyrants intend to run, and rule, the country
unconstitutionally. They are setting the
stage to intentionally ignore their duties
under the constitution and set the
constitution aside.
Congressman Beck
• "I think of all the damnable heresies that have
ever been suggested in connection with the
Constitution, the doctrine of EMERGENCY is
the worst. It means that when Congress
declares an emergency, there is no
Constitution... for when this bill becomes a law,
...there is no longer any workable Constitution
to keep the Congress within the limits of its
Constitutional powers." – Congressman Beck
debating the Farm Bill in 1933
Senate Report 93-549
• "Since March the 9th, 1933, the United
States has been in a state of declared
national emergency. Under the powers
delegated by these statutes, the President
may: seize property; organize and control
the means of production; seize
commodities; assign military forces abroad;
institute martial law; seize and control all
transportation and communication; regulate
the operation of private enterprise; restrict
travel; and in a plethora of particular ways,
control the lives of all American citizens"
The New Currency
• In the previous segment, regarding the
Banking Relief Act, it was set forth that this
Act authorized a new currency. No
legislator had a copy of the Act to review, it
was emergency legislation, and read from
the clerks desk. However, we get the big
picture from Congressman Patman, who is
answering a question…
• "Under the new law the money is issued to the
banks in return for Government obligations, bills
of exchange, drafts, notes, trade acceptances,
and banker's acceptances. The money will be
worth 100 cents on the dollar, because it is
backed by the credit of the Nation. It will
represent a mortgage on all the homes and
other property of all the people in the
Nation." - Congressional record, March 9,
1933, House, Congressman Patman, 73rd
Congress, Special Session, Volume 77, part 1,
page 83
Seeing the collateral
• And right there is the collateral for the loan
on the national debt being handed over to
the creditor of the United States. “It will
represent a mortgage on all the homes
and other property of all the people in the
United States.” And this is what the new
currency, the Federal Reserve Notes we
use today, represents.
You Don’t Own Anything
• Therefore, we can’t own any property.
OH, we can have equitable title, but not
legal title. Equitable title gives us the use
of the property, but also obligates us to all
the fees associated with equitable
ownership. Which means you don’t own it,
if you owned it, you would not have feudal
duties (fees or levies) attached to the
HJR 192
• House Joint Resolution 192 provides that
we can only discharge a debt. This is to
say we cannot PAY a debt, only discharge
it. And if we cannot pay a debt, we cannot
own anything. Can you pay a debt with a
debt? No, you cannot. And Federal
Reserve Notes are a DEBT currency.
Therefore, you cannot pay a debt with
them, only discharge a debt!
The Problem is not THEM,
it’s US!
• Therefore, we don’t own our house, we
don’t own our car, we don’t own anything.
It is ALL property under the ownership and
control of the creditor of the United
States. All because we don’t elect
leadership who will pay the bill. The
problem is not THEM, it’s US.
Free or Slave?
• Here we are, using our productivity to, we
believe, pay for our home with Federal
Reserve Notes, which really represents an
unseen mortgage on our home. We borrowed
Federal Reserve Notes to buy the home,
which added to our National Debt, and
meanwhile, the public salary tax act of 1939
became the income tax laws, and we pay
income tax on the interest of the Nation Debt.
Double Whammy
• So we are making interest payments on
our home, then paying income tax to cover
the interest on the National Debt, of which
our home is a part, and we don’t own
anything. And we think we’re free and not
an economic slave. It’s good to be the
creditor of the United States, a nation of
mostly ignorant people who are unwilling
to put out the effort to think.
Ultimate Ownership of Property
• “The ultimate ownership of all property
is in the state, individual so called
ownership is only by virtue of Government.
i.e. Law, amounting to mere user. And use
must be in accordance with law and
subordinate to the necessities of the
State.” - Senate Document No. 43, Under
Contracts Payable in Gold, 1933
Paying a debt with a debt?
• And those Federal Reserve Notes are a
debt currency. Now, who among us thinks
we can pay a debt with a debt? It’s why
you cannot own anything.
• "Since March 9, 1933, the United States
has been in a state of declared national
emergency.” – First sentence of Senate
Report 93-549, written in 1973
Congressman Beck - 1938
• "But the Constitution of the United States, as a
restraining influence in keeping the United
States Government within the carefully
prescribed channels of power, is morbid, if not
dead. We are witnessing its death agonies, for
when this bill becomes a law, if unhappily it
becomes a law, there is no longer any workable
Constitution to keep the Federal Government
within the limits of its constitutional powers."
Policies of Congress v. Law
• The previous slide was a reference to the
Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938. The
language of the Act goes on to say, “It is
declared to be the policy of Congress…”
As one can see, we are no longer
operating the country according to the
Constitution and law, we are now
switching over to “polices of Congress.”
The Supreme Court on the
Agricultural Adjustment Act
• “A tax in the general understanding and in the
strict constitutional sense is an exaction for
the support of government. This term does
not connote the expropriation of money
from one group to be expended for another
as a necessary means in a plan of
regulation, such as the plan for regulating
agricultural production set up in the Agricultural
Adjustment Act ...” [continued, next slide]
At best…
• “The regulation of the Farmers Activities under
the statute, though in form subject to his own
will is in fact coercion through economic
pressure. His right of choice is illusory. Even if
the farmers consent were purely voluntary, the
Act would stand no better. At best it is a
scheme for purchasing, with Federal Funds,
submission to Federal Regulation of the subject
reserved to the States...” [continued…]
Making it plain
• “If the novel view of the general welfare
clause, now advanced in support of the
tax, were accepted, that clause would not
only allow congress to supplant the states
in the regulation of agriculture and all other
industries as well, but would furnish the
means whereby all the other provisions of
the constitution,” [continued]
Do We Get It?
• [continued…] “sedulously framed to limit the
powers of the United States and preserve the
powers of the States, could be broken down.
The independence of the individual States
obliterated and the United States converted
into a central government exercising
uncontrolled police power throughout the
Union, superseding all local controls over local
concerns.” – United States v. Butler, 297 U.S. 1
Freedom Out, Enslavement In
• They seen it coming. But if we review our
history, we will find that Roosevelt “stacked”
the Supreme Court, and this wonderful
decision, along with others, were overturned
and reversed. There went our freedom and in
came our enslavement. We’ve got the best
leadership [the creditors] money can buy.
Banking Relief Act Provisions
• As was said earlier, this Act altered our entire
legal system, allowed for the confiscation of our
wealth (gold) by the Banksters (creditor) of the
U. S., allowed for the taking over of our
property, prevents us from owning anything,
makes us an economic slave to the ever
increasing debt, gave us debt currency and
provides the power and authority to implement
unconstitutional law. What more could we ask
for? It’s just what we want for ourselves and
children. RIGHT?
Senate Report 93-549
• "Under the powers delegated by these
statutes the President may seize property,
organize and control the means of production,
seize commodities, assign military forces
abroad, institute martial law, seize and
control all transportation and communication,
regulate the operation of private
enterprise, restrict travel, and in a plethora
of particular ways control the lives of all
American citizens. " - Senate Report 93-549
Congressman McFadden
• "I regret that the membership of the House has
had no opportunity to consider or even read this
bill. The first opportunity I had to know what
this legislation is was when it was read from the
Clerks' desk. It is an important banking bill, it is
a dictatorship over finance in the United
States, it is complete control over the
banking system in the United States... The
first section of this bill, as I grasp it, is practically
the war powers that were given back in 1917.”
Life of the Banking Relief Act
• The Banking Relief Act, and all other acts
and laws passed pursuant to and, deriving
their authority from, the Banking Relief Act
suffer the same fate as the Banking Relief
Act itself. It was passed under the
declaration of an EMERGENCY and may
only continue so long as the
EMERGENCY continues.
For those who do not know
• “We have in this country one of the most
corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I
refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the
Federal Reserve Banks, hereinafter called the
Fed. They are not government institutions.
They are private monopolies which prey
upon the people of the United States for the
benefit of themselves and their foreign and
domestic swindlers; rich and predatory
moneylenders.” – Congressman Louis T.
May 23, 1933
• On the House floor, Congressman
McFadden brought impeachment charges
against many of the federal reserve board
members, federal reserve agents of many
States, comptroller of the currency, and
several secretaries of the United States
Treasury for high crimes and
misdemeanors… [continued on next slide]
Effectively Buried Charges
• This included the theft of eighty billion
dollars from the United States Government
and with committing the same thefts in
1929, 1930, 1931, 1932 and 1933 and in
the years previous to 1928, amounting to
billions of dollars. These charges were
remanded to the judiciary committee for
investigation, a place where these charges
were effectively buried.
Remembering McFadden
• Let's not forget Lewis T. McFadden who died
mysteriously in 1936 after two previous
attempts on his life. I feel certain Lewis T.
McFadden was assassinated by the Banking
Elite and gave his life on behalf of we the
people, as others have, and was one of the
very few Congressmen who truly represented
the best interests of the republic of these united
States of America and the American people.
End of the Banking Relief Act
• Authority to terminate the EMERGENCY rests
with the President, and if a President should
declare this EMERGENCY over, then the
Banking Relief Act and all other acts passed
pursuant to it, will fall. At which time the United
States will, hopefully, return to lawful civil
authority, no longer to be run under War &
Emergency Powers Authority.
• This ends this segment, in the next
segment we will review a time line of what
we have covered thus far. Right now it’s
time for discussion and exchange of
• by Michael H. Keehn
• [email protected]