Reading in the Multisensory Classroom

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Transcript Reading in the Multisensory Classroom

Reading is Like
Driving a Car!
By Jackie Teplitz
Reading is like Driving a Car
The Road to Understanding
When Reading
One must recognize letters
and then produce the sounds of the
and then put meaning to the word
and meaning to all the words in the
at a pace so you can understand what
you’ve just read.
Warning Signs on the Road to
They can read a word on one page, but won't recognize it on
the next page.
When they misread, they often say a word that has the same
first and last letters, and the same shape, such as form-from
or trial-trail.
They may insert or leave out letters, such as could-cold or
They may say a word that has the same letters, but in a
different sequence, such as who-how, lots-lost, saw-was, or
Warning Signs on the Road to
When reading aloud, reads in a slow, choppy cadence and often
ignores punctuation.
Becomes visibly tired after reading for only a short time
due to spending so much energy trying to figure out the
Listening comprehension is usually significantly higher than
reading comprehension.
Directionality confusion shows up when reading and when
b-d confusion is a classic warning sign.
b-p, n-u, or m-w confusion.
Warning Signs on the Road to
Substitutes similar-looking words, even if it changes the
meaning of the sentence, such as sunrise for surprise, house
for horse, while for white, wanting for walking.
When reading a story or a sentence, substitutes a word that
means the same thing but doesn't look at all similar, such as
trip for journey, fast for speed, or cry for weep.
What is it all
Where is the problem?
The deficit lies in the language system, NOT in the
visual system
-- NOT an overall language problem… IS a
localized weakness within a specific component of
the language system: the phonologic module
Dyslexia represents a specific disability with
NOT with thinking skills
What is a Phoneme?
The smallest sound in a word….
It is a fundamental element
of the language system, it is an
essential building block of all
spoken words…
The Phoneme the Gas
Needed to Drive
There are 44 phonemes in the English
language which produce tens of thousands of
A word must be broken down into phonemes by
the brain before it can be identified,
understood, stored, or retrieved.
It is necessary for speaking and reading.
What about the Dyslexic Individual?
His phonemic awareness is less developed.
He has difficulty retrieving a set of
phonemes that are similar in sound: he
will say
‘passion for ‘fashion’.
He knows what he wants to say, but
cannot retrieve it from his long term
Learning a Second Language
If the individual had problems learning
his first language because of a
phonological disability……
He will have difficulty learning a
second language!
Candy Can’t Do It!
Whole Language
Phonic Instruction
Knowledge of Spoken Sounds
When we teach phonemic awareness we ask
the student to provide the
sounds/phonemes of spoken language.
Children who lack phonemic awareness are
unable to distinguish or manipulate
SOUNDS within SPOKEN words or
Manipulating Sounds or Better Known
as Phonemic Awareness
Phoneme Segmentation:
What sounds do you hear in the
word hot ?
What's the last sound in the
word map?
Phonemic Awareness
Phoneme Deletion:
What word would be left if the
/k/ sound were taken away from
Phonemic Awareness
Phoneme Matching:
Do pen and pipe start with
the same sound?
Phonemic Awareness
Phoneme Counting:
How many sounds do you hear
in the word cake?
Phonemic Awareness
Phoneme Substitution:
What word would you have if you
changed the /h/ in hot to /p/?
Phonemic Awareness
What word would you have if
you put these sounds together?
/s/ /a/ /t/
Phonemic Awareness
Tell me as many words as
you can that rhyme with the
word eat.
What is Phonics?
Phonics deals with the graphemes
which make up written words.
Phonics allows readers to crack the
reading code.
Phonics Just Like Driving a Car!
Phonemic awareness must exist or be explicitly
and directly taught BEFORE phonics instruction
Otherwise, the phonics instruction will not make
Phonics Just Like Driving a Car!
The goal of teaching phonics is to link the
individual sounds to letters, and to make
that process fluent and automatic, for both
reading and spelling.
But for phonics to work, a student must
first have solid phonological processing and
phonemic awareness.
Phonemic Awareness or Phonics:
Which One Is it?
How many sounds in bat?
Sound out this word: rug
What silent letter is at the end of game?
What letter makes the sound /s/?
/f/r/o/g/ What word is it?
Spell the longest word you know.
Tell me the middle sound in mom.
Tap the sounds in lake.
Find another word that ends with an –m
What does the research say about
The two best predictors of early reading success
are alphabet recognition and phonemic awareness.
Systematic explicit phonics instruction and whole
language instruction need not be foes but allies.
They both are essential components of beginning
reading instruction.
Adams,1990 Stanovich, 1992;Chall, 1996;Beck and Juel, 1995
of Reading
Words that Trigger Consonant Sounds
C /k/
c /s/
Use of Trigger words
Trigger or key words serve as a
memory device to unlock letter
sounds and as a trigger for rapid
elicitation of letter sounds.
A key word provides the sound of
the letter and a connection to the
graphic symbol.
Words that Trigger Consonant Sounds
g /j/
g /g/
Words that Trigger Consonant Sounds
L l
M m
Three Important Things
Use the trigger word:
To get to the first
And to name the letter:
of Reading
Diacritical Markings for Vowels
The use of diacritical markings
for vowels provides students with
additional visual and kinesthetic
information to reinforce the
letter sounds.
Other Visual and Kinesthetic Information
The ABC Ruler
Once the students have mastered the letter-sound
relationships of a word, they must blend the sounds to
produce a word.
The blending of sounds in a word is a critical
component of learning sound-symbol correspondences.
Fluid blending helps students produce
recognizable words.
Knowledge of syllable types is important as an
important organizing tool for decoding unknown
words because of the instability of the vowels in
the English language.
Once students can group letters into known syllable
types they then receive clues about sounds of the
The Hickey Method
Adapted for teaching a foreign language.
A method that works well for LD
students will work for all students.
This method teaches decoding and
encoding and enables all students to
become independent language learners.
I teach all my students like
they are LD students!
Beginning learners of a second language do not have native
speaker competence in English phonology.
Thus, their language and literacy development must take a
somewhat different path than from a native speaker's
Many believe their path takes on qualities of a L1 learning
disabled student, demanding a highly individualized
approach with linguistic instruction and remediation
(Jannuzi, 1998).
i, t, s, p
It’s Sissi.
Sit, Sissi, sit!
Sip,Sissi Sip!
Sit, Sissi, sit!
Hickey Order
i t p n s st sp sn a d h th e sh c
k b r m ck y- l -y f -ar o g u j
w sw v x z qu
So Drive that Car!