Transcript Document

Genres and Literature
When you speak about genre and
literature, genre means a category, or
kind of story.
All categories of books or stories can be
called either fiction or non-fiction.
• a made up story
• can tell about things
that could happen
• is read for fun
• characters may be like
real people or
• has facts that can be
checked and proven
• the author is an expert
on this information
• it IS TRUE!
Poetry is verse written to inspire thoughts and feelings in
the reader.
1.Shortened form of writing
2.Figurative language (use of similes, metaphors, personification, etc…)
3.May follow a form/structure (EX: cinquain, rhyme, haiku, tanka) or can
Examples of Poetry
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Inside Out and Back Again
Love That Dog
The ABC Book of Poems
Traditional Literature
1. stories passed down for
generations through oral
2. foundation for fantasy
3. includes folktales, fairy tales
fables, tall tales, and myths
Fantasy/Science Fiction
1. inlcudes elements that are not real.
2. Fantasy includes talking animals or
characters with magical powers and there
is usually a conflict between good and evil.
3. Science Fiction is made up of stories that
blend fact and fiction with futuristic
Examples of Fantasy
Charlotte’s Web
Harry Potter Series
Examples of Science
The Maze Run
A Wrinkle in Time
The Hunger Games
1. stories composed in free verse or prose
2. usually written for theatrical performance
3. Conflicts and emotion are expressed through
dialogue and action.
Ex: Romeo and Juliet
Our Town
Realistic Fiction
1. Characters: every day people doing
every day things
2. Setting: modern time including a
realistic place
3. Plot: events that can happen in real
Examples of Realistic
Because of Winn Dixie
Owl Moon
So B. It
No More Dead Dogs
Historical Fiction
1. made up stories that take place in a
certain time and place in the past
2. may include real historical figures and
3. usually based on real events that
happened in the past
Examples of Historical Fiction
A Boy at War
Island of the Blue
Ben and Me
The Boy Who Dared
Titanic Crossing
One Crazy Summer
Mystery / Horror
1. Mysteries are stories that have a real
setting and a problem to be solved that
includes clues, distractions, and an
answer to the problem.
2. Horror stories evoke a feeling of dread
and fear in both the characters and the
Examples of Mystery / Horror
Never Say Die
Mystery of the Midnight Message
Deep, Dark, and Dangerous
Biography/ Autibiography/ Memoir
1. Biography – story of someone’s life written by
another person
2. Autobiography – story of someone’s life written
by the actual person
3. Memoir – a “part” of a person’s life usually
written by themselves
Biography –
(A Biography of President Barack Obama)
Autibiography –
Bo knows Bo : the autobiography of a ballplayer
Memoir –
Rocket Boys* by Homer Hickam