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DHS Science & Technology Directorate First Responder Integrated Product Team (IPT) Development Strategy

Mr. Randel Zeller Director, Interagency and First Responder Programs Science and Technology Directorate U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Technology “Development” Process Today

• • •

Capability gaps are usually identified by ‘end users’.

– (or a vendor … who also has a “solution” to offer)

Most agencies check with other organizations to corroborate the gap and determine what solutions are available.

– (i.e. best practice, “what works”)

Technologies utilizing force (LE) require an extensive legal review, including soliciting and addressing public reaction and opinion .

Technology “Development” Process Today

• •

A purchase order is requested or locally generated

– Procurement decisions are determined by mandate, need, and budget (Note: Homeland Security Grant Funds augment General Funds)

The new equipment is locally purchased and integrated with the existing deployed systems and equipment

– Using agency IT, Motor Pool, or vendor personnel – Compatibility and interoperability issues must be resolved locally – Training, Life cycle maintenance, and privacy issues locally resolved 

No universally recognized “honest broker” process or resource

No logical process for meeting the long term technology needs of the agency

Technology push by vendors vice technology development pull by First Responders

Technology Needs Development

Law Enforcement Associations Police Officers Department of Justice Emergency Medical Technician Associations Firefighters Firefighter Associations Emergency Medical Federal Government Emergency Services Associations Territorial Government Tribal Government State Government Security Associations Department of HLS

Gathering Mechanism for Customer Requirements:

DHS S&T Capstone IPTs

Information Sharing/Mgmt Border Security Chem/Bio Maritime Security Cyber Security Transportation Security First Responder Counter IED Cargo Security People Screening Infrastructure Protection Incident Management

Interoperability Prep & Response

First Responder Capstone IPT

Critical Infrastructure Key Resources (CI/KR) Emergency Services Sector/Gov Coordinating Council First Responder RDT&E Coordinating Working Group DHS First Responder RDT&E Coordinating Council FEMA Grants Commercialization


S&T First Responder Coordination Council


T&E Standards

First Responder Capstone IPT

Critical Infrastructure Key Resources (CI/KR) Emergency Services Sector/Gov Coordinating Council First Responder RDT&E Coordinating Working Group DHS First Responder RDT&E Coordinating Council

International Solutions

FEMA Grants Commercialization

Funding First Responder Advanced Research

T&E Standards S&T First Responder Coordination Council

Solutions University based Centers of Excellence

Homeland Security S&T Enterprise

DHS RESEARCH AFFILIATES DHS Labs National Labs HSI Centers of Excellence DoD DoE PUBLIC/ PRIVATE SECTOR PARTNERS DHS S&T Directorate International Associations Industry State Local Tribal Territorial DoJ DoT FEDERAL PARTNERS EPA HHS NASA NIH NIST UARCs NSF NOAA

Rev 9-5-08

Centers of Excellence


COE for Explosives Detection, Mitigation & Response COE for Transportation Security

Chemical/Biological S&T DIVISIONS Command, Control & Interoperability IDS-UACs Borders/Maritime RVACs

COE for Border Security & Immigration Consolidated CCI Center COE for Maritime, Island & Remote/Extreme Environment Security COE for Transportation Security

Human Factors Infrastructure/ Geophysical

COE for Natural Disasters, Coastal Infrastructure & Emergency Management COE for Transportation Security

Risk, Economics and Operations Analysis

Risk Sciences Branch & HSI Risk Determination


 Enables the development and deployment of effective anti-terrorism technologies by creating systems of “risk management” and “litigation management”  Provides important legal liability protections for manufacturers and sellers of technologies that could save lives in the event of a terrorist attack  Protections apply


to claims arising out of, relating to, or resulting from an

Act of Terrorism

 Removes barriers to industry investments in new and unique technologies to combat the gathering threat of terrorism  Creates market incentives for industry to invest in measures to enhance the security of the Nation 

For more information, visit www.SafetyAct.gov

SAVER Mission

• The SAVER Program assists State & local responders making procurement decisions • The SAVER Program:

– Conducts impartial, practitioner relevant, and operationally oriented assessments and validations of emergency responder equipment – Provides information that enables decision makers and responders to better select, procure, use, and maintain emergency responder equipment

• Recently Transferred from FEMA to S&T

Major SAVER Products

SAVER Highlight

• Very Short, 2 to 3 Paragraphs • Announces start or completion of SAVER Effort • Examples include: Assessment Initiation, SAVER Summary Publication, or Availability of Guide or Handbook

SAVER TechNote

• Short two page Report • Summarizes technical issue important to responders

SAVER Summary

• Short 5 to 10 page Report • Summarizes a SAVER comparative assessment report or other Report • Written in easy to understand style and format that is useful for the Emergency Responder – “Consumer Report” Style

Technical Reports

• Prepared by SAVER Technical Agent • Equipment information important to Emergency Responders • Examples include: Focus Group Reports, Assessment Reports, Handbooks, Market Surveys, etc.



To rapidly address technology gaps identified by Federal, State, Local, and Tribal first responders – Field prototypical solutions in 12 months – Cost should be commensurate with proposal but less than $1M per project – Solution should meet 80% of identified requirements – Provide a mechanism for Emergency Responders to relay their capability gaps – Capability gaps are gathered using a web site ( www.dhs.gov/techsolutions ) – Gaps are addressed using existing technology, spiral development, and rapid prototyping – Emergency Responders partner with DHS from start to finish

Rapid Technology Development Target: Solutions Fielded within 1 year, at ~<$1M

TechSolutions Projects

Next Generation Breathing Apparatus Ocular Scanning Nerve Agents/Toxic Gases 3-D Location Biometric Identification Fire Ground Compass Carrizo Cane – Bio Agent

Tech Clearinghouse

Rapidly disseminates technology information on products and services to Federal, State, local, Tribal government and private sector entities, in order to encourage technological innovation and facilitate the mission of the Department of Homeland Security.

• Establishes Central Federal Technology Clearinghouse • Issues Announcements for Innovative Solutions • Establishes S&T Technical Assessment Teams • Provides guidance for the evaluation, purchase, and implementation of homeland security enhancing technologies • Provides users with information to develop or deploy technologies that would enhance homeland security • Enables technology transfer


Umbrella Portal & Technology Communities of Practices
