As America and the world suffered from the Depression, a

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Transcript As America and the world suffered from the Depression, a

Putting Things in Order
Put the following events in correct order by numbering them
from 1 to 4.
1.__________The United States and Britain invade
Italy and topple Mussolini from power.
2.__________Japan surrenders after two atomic
bombs are dropped.
3.__________The United States enters World War II
and begins to “fight Hitler first.”
4.__________The United States stops the Japanese
advance in the Pacific and attacks Germany in North
1.___Henry J. Kaiser
2.___John L. Lewis
3.___A. Philip Randolph
4.___Erwin Rommel
5.___Jiang Jieshi
(Chiang Kai-shek)
6.___Douglas MacArthur
7.___Chester W. Nimitz
8.___Dwight D.
9.___Winston Churchill
10.___Joseph Stalin
11.___Thomas E. Dewey
12.___Henry A. Wallace
13.___Harry S Truman
14.___Albert Einstein
Commander of the Allied military assault against Hitler in North Africa
and France
Japanese emperor who was allowed to stay on his throne, despite
unconditional surrender policy
FDR’s liberal vice president during most of World War II, dumped from
the ticket in 1944
The Allied leader who constantly pressured the United States and Britain
to open a second front against Hitler
Top German general in North Africa whose advance was finally halted at
El Alamein by British General Montgomery
Leading American industrialist and shipbuilder during World War II
Commander of the U.S. Army in the Pacific during World War II, who
fulfilled his promise to return to the Philippines
Inconspicuous former senator from Missouri who was suddenly
catapulted to national and world leadership on April 12, 1945
Tough head of the United Mine Workers, whose work stoppages
precipitated antistrike laws
Commander of the U.S. naval forces in the Pacific and brilliant strategist
of the island-hopping campaign
Allied leader who met with FDR to plan strategy at Casablanca and
German-born physicist who helped persuade Roosevelt to develop the
atomic bomb
m. Republican presidential nominee in 1944 who failed in his effort to deny
FDR a fourth term
Head of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters whose threatened
march on Washington opened job opportunities for blacks during World
War II
U.S. ally who resisted Japanese advances in China during World War II
Reading Maps for Routes and Strategy
In order to understand the events and
strategies of war, careful reading of military
maps is essential. Attention to the routes and
dates of the Allied armies, presented in the
map of World War II in Europe and North
Africa, 1939–1945 on p. 815, will help you
grasp the essentials of Allied strategy and the
importance of the postponement of the second
front in the west, as described in the text.
Answer the following questions.
1.Where were (a) the Russians and (b) the Western Allies Britain and
America each fighting in January and February of 1943?
2.Approximately where were the central Russian armies when the
British and Americans invaded Sicily?
3.Approximately where were the central Russian armies when the
British and Americans invaded Normandy in June 1944?
4.It took approximately ten months for the British and Americans to get
from the Normandy beaches to the Elbe River in central Germany. How
long did it take the Russians to get from Warsaw to Berlin?
5.Besides north-central Germany, where else did the British, American,
and Russian invasion routes converge? From what two countries were
the British and Americans coming? From what country was the southern
Russian army coming?
As America and the world suffered from the Depression, a new
threat was rising in the East.
Fascism - 1922 - 1943
Begun by Benito Mussolini - Dictator of Italy
- the individual is subordinate to the interests of
the state, party or society as a whole.
Rise of the Nazi Party - 1920 - 1945
(Hitler joined in 1933)
-wanted to create a new Germany;
a new unified nation for the working
class (yet opposed Bolsheviks)
America began to withdraw from world politics to focus on the
Tydings - McDuffie Act (1934) Official withdrawl from the Philippines
1933 - Russia is officially
1934 - The Good Neighbor Policy
"In the field of world policy I would dedicate this nation to the policy of the good neighbor--the neighbor who
resolutely respects himself and, because he does so, respects the rights of others.”
The United States would keep its eye on Latin America in a more peaceful “tone”
・The withdrawal of US Marines from Haiti and Nicaragua in 1934・
・ Cuba’s is released from the control of America ・
・Negotiation of oil holdings in Mexico in 1937 ・
With concern over Europe’s condition, Congress acted to prevent
any future intervention in their problems
Johnson Debt Default Act - Prevented nations who had not repaid
loans from further borrowing from U.S.
The Neutrality Acts (1935,’36,& ‘37)
When the President proclaimed the existence of war:
Prohibited arms shipments to either side(1935)
No loans to belligerents(1936)
Cash and Carry(1937)- Warring nations trading with US had to pay cash and transport with
their own ships
- American would be prohibited from traveling on ships of the nations.
Changing the face of Europe
1933 - Adolph Hitler is elected
Chancellor of Germany
1936 - Germany violates TOV
Occupies the Rhineland
1936 - Rome-Berlin Axis
Mussolini and Hitler become allies
1936 - Fascist regime controls
Spain under
Francisco Franco
(with help from Ger. And Italy)
1937 - The Panay Incident
Japan invaded China - America took no action (isolationism)
Japanese planes sink the USS Panay off the coast of China
Many believed America
would declare war
“Remember the Maine”
The Japanese made
restitutions to the families
of the dead
A military tribunal discovered the attack had been deliberate,
but anxious to avoid war, America accepts the “mistake” theory with
Japan’s apology
1938 - German and Japan enter the Anti-Comintern Pact.
America is stunned and angered. It cuts off oil supplies from Japan.
Hitler invades Austria
(the Anschluss)
1939 -
Invasion of Czechoslovakia
by Germany
Nazi - Soviet Pact
Russia and Germany sign a
peace deal
Free to do as he pleased,
Hitler moved on Poland
September 1, 1939
Germany invades Poland. England and France declare war.
WWII begins!
America 1939
Neutrality Act 1939 - European democracies could purchase
munitions if they transported and paid cash for them
Overseas demand for war
goods brought jobs and
money to America.
It was what was needed
to get us out of the
The Soviet Union invaded Finland
Germany overran Norway and Denmark
Holland and Belgium fell next
France was forced to surrender in
June of 1940
It was evident America would have to
do something…….
and soon!!!
August 1940 - The Battle of Britain begins.
Hitler began an air assault
on London
FDR ”gave” England
50 WWI warships in return
for 8 naval base sites in
the Atlantic Ocean
This was a violation of our
September 6,1940
The first conscription law
ever enacted while the
U.S. was at peace
The Selective Training and
Service Act.
Some 16,500,000 men were
By the end of World War II,
45 million men had been
registered, more than 10
million men, had been
November 1940 - History is made……
Roosevelt broke the two term
presidency tradition.
He beat Wendell Willkie.
Both had similar war stances:
-stay out of the war
-strengthen America’s defenses
If war was going to happen,
FDR should be at the helm!!
March 1941 - Lend Lease Act
America lends needed supplies to be
returned when the war concludes
June 22 - Hitler invades Russia
Breaking his pact, he attempts to take
Russia and its resources (oil)
August - FDR and Churchill meet
The Atlantic Conference
Atlantic Charter - outlining the way the war end would be dealt with:
No imposed territorial changes,establish own governments,
disarmourment, and a new League of Nations
The meeting of great minds
and their work
June - End of 1941 : The Convoy System
Germany began to attack American ships
FDR sent armed ships to help protect shipments of war goods to Europe
November 1941 - Congress repeals the Neutrality Act of 1939
Armed US ships can legally enter war waters in the Atlantic
We were already fighting in WWII (but not officially)
December 7, 1941
“A date which will live in infamy!”
The Japanese launched a sneak
attack on Pearl Harbor
2 aerial attacks from Japanese
aircraft carriers destroyed:
2 battleships
2 destroyers
Several auxiliary ships
188 aircraft
Killed 2,388
Wounded 1,178
On December 11,1941
America declared war
on Japan!!!
We officially
entered World
War II
Russia and England called for a new front to be opened
in France by the Americans
• But America was not ready!
Stalin believed the USA was
trying to allow Hitler to
overrun Russia to destroy
This will lead to a distrust of
these two sides after
World War II
America and the European Theater
Supreme Allied Commander - General Dwight D.
• America began fighting in
the Pacific against Japan
• Offensives were opened in
Africa against the Germans
• The Battle of Stalingrad German forces are stopped
in Russia and forced to
begin a slow retreat!
By 1944, America was pushing Germany back from
Africa and into Italy
• June 6, 1944
• America’s invasion
of mainland Europe
• Operation Overlord
• D-Day
By August 1944, the Americans had liberated Paris.
• By September, the Germans
were out of France
• December 1944 -
The Battle of the Bulge
Germany made a last
attempt to break the
allied lines
They failed.
The Yalta Conference
The Big Three meet to shape post war
peace for the world
1. Provide “buffer nations” for
Russian security sympathetic to
Russian ideals
2. Germany divided into four
zones(Berlin also)
3. Form a post-war International
4. Terms of surrender for Axis powers
(?? of reparations unsolved)
1945: The race to Berlin was on!
Both the US and the USSR
raced to capture Berlin
• The one who captures it
controls the peace of WWII
• April 30,1945
Adolph Hitler commits suicide
May 8, 1945
V-E Day
Germany surrendered
Russia captured Berlin
1.Internal Migration in the United States During World War II: During World War II, what was the
approximate net migration of civilian population from the East to the West? (Net migration is the number of
westward migrants minus the number of those who moved east.)
2.Internal Migration in the United States During World War II: Of the nine fastest-growing cities during the
1940s, how many were located in the West and South? (Consider Washington, D.C., as a southern city.)
3.Internal Migration in the United States During World War II: Which were the two fastest-growing cities in
the North?
4.United States Thrusts in the Pacific, 1942–1945: Which two of the following territories were not wholly or
partially controlled by Japan at the height of Japanese conquest: India, the Philippines, Australia,
Netherlands Indies, Thailand, and New Guinea?
5.World War II in Europe and North Africa, 1939–1945: From which North African territory did the Allies
launch their invasion of Italy?
6.World War II in Europe and North Africa, 1939–1945: As the Russian armies crossed into Germany from
the east, which three Axis-occupied East European countries did they move through?
7.World War II in Europe and North Africa, 1939–1945: As the Western Allied armies crossed into Germany
from the west, which three Axis-occupied West European countries did they liberate and move through?
(Do not count Luxembourg.)
8.World War II in Europe and North Africa, 1939–1945: Along which river in Germany did the Western
Allied armies meet the Russians?
It was now time to knock Japan out of the war!!
America and the Pacific Theater
American forces will be commanded by
General Douglas MacArthur and Chester W. Nimitz
After the fall of Germany, Japan was next
Battle of Coral Sea
(May 1942)
New Warfare - major sea battles
fought and decided by airplanes
launched from aircraft carriers
never in sight of one another
•Lose 1 aircraft carrier (Lexington)
•A moral victory
Battle of Midway
(June 1942)
Japanese attempt to destroy US
aircraft carriers
•Kamikaze pilots
•4 Japanese carriers destroyed
American forces move on!
Island Hopping in the Pacific
Guadalcanal (7/42 - 2/43)
Gilbert Islands
Marshall Islands
Battle of Leyte Gulf (1944)
-recapture the Philippines
Guam (1944)
• Iwo Jima (February 1945)
-36 days of fighting
-23,000 Americans die
-Most famous photo of WWII
• Okinawa (April -June 1945)
-500,000 US troops
-50,000 casualties
-only mainland Japan remained
“As long as I can,” FDR told Truman, “I will go to Warm Springs for a rest .
I can be trim again if I stay there for two or three weeks.”
12 Years as President showed when FDR
returned from Yalta
He went on a retreat to Warm Springs, GA
On April 12, 1945
the world learned that FDR had died
The face of World War II was about to
change as American secrets would be
revealed to the new President…..
Harry S. Truman
The Atomic Equation
New missile technology by Germany
-The V2 rocket
FDR authorizes the building of
a new Super Bomb
The Manhattan Project
Based on ideas by Albert Einstein
It split the atom to make
lethal energy
• A top secret project headed by
Robert Oppenheimer
• FDR planned to use it as a
bargaining tool
(if it was successful)
Even Truman didn’t know of
the Atomic project!
July 16,1945
The Atomic Bomb
was born
Truman believed the Bomb would bring about
a swift and justified end to the war
• What would it do?
• Revenge
• Drop it no matter what
(Japan was trying to surrender)
August 6,1945
Col. Paul Tibbets
The Enola Gay
Dropped the first atomic bomb
on Hiroshima
When Japan didn’t surrender, the United States
dropped another bomb on Nagasaki
August 15,1945 Japan Surrendered
It signed official documents on September 2, 1945
WWII was over!
But the end of
WWII ushered
in a new era
of warfare…
Cold WAR
Effects of WWII
America and Russia
emerged as dominant
German Territories were
divided and controlled by
the Allied Nations.
The Warsaw Pact
But America’s hatred of
Russia bred problems
for the peace
The United Nations is created in 1945
• All nations could be members
• The United States,
Soviet Union,
France and China
were made head of the
UN Security Council
It would provide a forum for discussion
of world problems.
The Nuremberg Trials
Ranking leaders of Nazi
Germany were put on
trial for the atrocities
of the Holocaust
Many were executed or
jailed for life
Adolf Eichmann was
captured and tried