Stereo Vision using PatchMatch Algorithm

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Stereo Vision using
PatchMatch Algorithm
Junkyung Kim
Class of 2014
1. Reference
• Primary
– PatchMatch : A Randomized Correspondence Algorithm
(Barnes et al, PAR 2009)
• Secondary
– A Computational Theory of Human Stereo Vision
(Marr & Poggio, 1979)
– PatchMatch Stereo - Stereo Matching with Slanted Support Windows
(Bleyer, Rhemann, and Rother, BMVC 2011)
• Dataset
– Middlebury Dataset (later)
2. Summary of Work
Summary of Work
• Implemented PatchMatch stereo in MATLAB
• Implemented additional features
– Ability to constrain search space by disparity
– Ability to use weighted distance measure
– Min-Distance minimization*
• Performed comprehensive evaluation
3. Evaluation
• How evaluation is done
– Dataset
• Middlebury 2006 dataset
– Hiebert-Treuer et al, CVPR 2007
• 21 binocular stereo images
• Used sixth-size images
– half of third-size images provided : 413~465 x 370
• How evaluation is done
– Parameter-wise evaluation
• Focused on the performance (accuracy) gain / loss
across different parameter dimensions
• To account for rate of convergence, took 3-iteration
output for every configuration.
• How evaluation is done
– Measure of error
• Squared error of output disparity map from groundtruth disparity map.
– Sum(sum((GroundTruth – Output).^2))
• Took average error across 21 images, along with +,-
two standard deviations
• 1. Propagation stage
– Built-in PatchMatch feature
– Takes advantage of smoothness constraint
– Does not enforce it
• 2. Constrained search space
– Avoids possible false local minima
– Maybe useful for fixed-camera applications
PatchMatch on Stereo
Black : Baseline
Green : Constrained disp, propagation off
Blue : Constrained disp, propagation on
Red : Exhaustive Search
• 3. Patch size
– Built-in PatchMatch feature
– Smaller Patch size
• Less smoothness enforced
• Smaller sample space
– Larger Patch size
• Generally leads to more accuracy
• Does not work for non-frontoparallel space
• Does not work for locations of depth discontinuity
PatchMatch on Stereo
• 3. Representation : RGB
– Baseline : Grayscale
– Increase selectivity
PatchMatch on Stereo
PatchMatch on Stereo
• 3. Representation : Filtered output
– Filter : Derivative of Gaussians
– “Edge detectors”
– One scale (11), two phases, 6 orientations
– Tradeoff : heavier computational load
• times O(# of filters)
PatchMatch on Stereo
PatchMatch on Stereo
PatchMatch on Stereo
PatchMatch on Stereo
• 3. Representation : Filtered output
– Improved performance in certain range of patch sizes
– Trying multiscale oriented DoG’s will probably
improve performance further
– Might increase error at locations with high
orientation disparity
• 3. Representation : Filtered output
– Orientation disparity is mostly limited to highly
horizontally slanted surfaces
– Even in those cases, the effect is not very
significant, given small ratio of binocular distance
to the distance from the camera to the surface
• 3. Representation : Filtered output
– Orientation disparity is mostly limited to highly
horizontally slanted surfaces
– Even in those cases, the effect is not very
significant, given small ratio of binocular distance
to the distance from the camera to the surface
• 4. Support : Gaussian Mask
– Baseline : uniform, square window
– ‘loosens’ the assumption on frontoparallel surface
by differentially decreasing weight as you move
away from the center.
PatchMatch on Stereo
PatchMatch on Stereo
• Limitations
– Every surface might require different support.
• Gaussian should be elongated orthogonal to the direction of slant.
• Problem is, we need a way for the system to figure out which.
– Symmetric masks can’t capture the correct surface
constraints at surface discontinuity
• Can be ideally solved by graph-cuts, but impossible under
PatchMatch framework.
4. Support : Min-minimization
– Slightly different approach to masking method.
• Instead of one, compute distance using multiple masks of different shapes
(normalized), each reflecting different surface configuration in support
• Pick the minimum distance (presumably the one computed using the ‘correct’
surface support)
– I used half-rectified Gabors
• To avoid bias, I applied CS gaussian over each mask
– Again, the problem is multiplied computational time
PatchMatch on Stereo
PatchMatch on Stereo
PatchMatch on Stereo
– Reduced error the most
– Small increase in variance
– High increase in computation time