Common Body of Knowledge 2006

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The Global IIA

A Vision for the Profession Gerry Cox, MIIA, CIA Chairman of the Board

The Key Initiatives & Challenges

• International Professional Practices Framework • Common Body of Knowledge • IIA Strategic Plan

Vision for the Future-

The New IPPF

Why Did We Update the PPF?

• Professional Practices Framework (PPF) concept is still viable, but new elements of guidance are being issued that did not exist at time of the current framework, e.g., – Position Papers – Global Technology Audit Guides • Guidance development and approval processes not transparent nor consistent.

• Inclusion of affiliate guidance within PPF not defined.

What Were We Trying To Achieve?

• To assess the effectiveness of The IIA’s professional guidance structure and recommend improvements. • To establish formal processes for the development, review, approval, and issuance of the various types of guidance. To communicate such processes to members and stakeholders.

• To define education, oversight and monitoring processes to facilitate ongoing development of guidance, consistent with the PPF. So that: The PPF structure and associated processes ensure that authoritative guidance is current, relevant, timely and internally consistent.

IPPF Exposure Statistics

• Exposed January 26, 2007 for 90-day period, ending on April 20, 2007.

• Almost 17,000 downloads.

• 421 responses, inclusive of individuals and affiliates or organizations. • Responses from 48 countries.

• Received feedback from major affiliates, key stakeholders (IFAC, GAO, ACCA, ALGA), and numerous members.

IPPF Exposure Feedback

• • – – – – Feedback very positive, with a supportive response rate greater than 85% for all but four proposed changes: The inclusion of the Quality Assurance & Improvement Guidance as a new separate element of the Framework Redefining implementation standards to only encompass assurance and consulting standards Having varied voting requirements to approve new guidance, determined by the approval body The recommended review cycles for maintaining the guidance elements Recommended response described on next page.

IPPF Exposure Response

Task Force Response

Eliminate QA guidance as separate element.

Retain original proposal to limit Implementation Standards to assurance and consulting.

Defined consistent voting requirements for guidance approval -- 2/3 of the members of the relevant Committee or Board.

Retained and clarified three year minimum review cycle which could be simply to confirm (but not change) guidance.


Guidance maps within Practice Guide element of Framework.

Responses reinforced preference for ‘principles-based’, not engagement specific standards, which can be addressed in guidance.

Given importance of global representation and support for new guidance, simple majority not sufficient. Existing language contained ambiguity which was clarified.

Definition Code of Ethics


Statement of fundamental purpose, nature, and scope of internal auditing.

Statement of principles and expectations governing behavior of individuals and organizations in the conduct of internal auditing. Description of minimum requirements for conduct. Describes behavioral expectations rather than specific activities.

International Standards

Mandatory requirements consisting of: • Statements of basic requirements for professional practice of internal auditing and for evaluating effectiveness of its performance, which are internationally applicable at organizational and individual levels. Principle focused and provide framework for performing and promoting internal auditing. Includes Attribute, Performance and Implementation Standards.

• Interpretations which clarify terms or concepts within the Statements. Consider both Statements and Interpretations to understand and apply correctly.

Position Papers

IIA statement to assist a wide range of interested parties, including those not in internal auditing profession, in understanding significant governance, risk or control issues and delineating related roles and responsibilities of internal audit.

Practice Advisories Practice Guides

Address approach, methodology and considerations, but not detailed processes and procedures.

Concise and timely guidance to assist internal auditors in applying Code of Ethics and Standards and promoting good practices. Includes practices relating to: international, country, or industry specific issues; specific types of engagements; and legal or regulatory issues.

Detailed guidance for conducting internal audit activities. Includes detailed processes and procedures, such as tools and techniques, programs, and step-by-step approaches, including examples of deliverables.

When Will the New IPPF be Completed?

• Fully revised IPPF completed January 2009, and available in core languages of English, Spanish and French.

• July 2007 – January 2009 – revise Standards (add Interpretations) and re-expose – modify Practice Advisories to meet new description – review IPPF referencing system to include Position Papers and Practice Guides • Professional Practices Council will monitor implementation plan and timeline.

Next Steps

• Obtain Board approval of IPPF.

• Complete the Implementation Plan.

– Develop communications strategy – Assign project manager – Finalize project plan • Define and Implement Education and Maintenance Processes.

– Committee members – External stakeholders – Members and affiliates

Common Body of Knowledge 2006

CBOK and The Internal Auditing Profession

• CBOK will help us:

– More clearly understand how internal auditing is being practiced around the world – Help us update our professional Standards – Allow us to look closely at the framework of the profession

Previous Studies

Study Name

Common Body of Professional Knowledge Common Body of Knowledge


1972 1985


United States United States and Canada


75 340 Common Body of Knowledge Competency Framework for Internal Auditing 1992 1996 United States and Canada 21 Affiliates

Common Body of Knowledge 2006 89 Affiliates 145 Chapters

1247 136

9,366 Languages

1 1 1 1


Summary Demographics


CAE or equivalent Audit Managers Audit Seniors/Supervisors Audit Staff Others 26.5% 22.8% 25.2% 18.2% 7.3%

The Standards

Comparison of Adequacy of Guidance Provided by The Standards and Compliance with The Standards for All Respondents (Percentages) Standard

1000- Purpose + Auth 1100- Ind + Obj 1200- Due care 1300- QAIP 2000- Manage IAA 2100- Nature of work 2200- Engagement Plan 2300-Engagement 2400- Comm Results 2500- Monitoring 2600- Resolution Risks

Perception of Adequacy of

The Standards












Full Compliance












The Standards

Common Reasons for Not Adhering to The


•Inadequate Internal Audit Activity (IAA) staff •Management does not believe it adds value •Compliance is too time consuming •Compliance not supported by management •Superseded by local/government regulations or standards

Emerging Roles of the IAA

The External Environment Differs Globally

•61% of IAAs are in countries with laws mandating an IAA and 13% anticipate such laws within the next 3 years •68% of IAAs’ organizations have corporate governance codes and 23% anticipate them in 3 years •71% of IAAs organizations have internal control frameworks and 24% anticipate them in the next 3 years

Action Items for Profession

• Increased compliance with The Standards • Expansion of university level courses in internal auditing • Education of post university level employees about internal auditing • Increased certification of staff • Increased professional development of staff • Proactive discussions about the value of internal auditing as a profession and an activity

CBOK – Project Deliverables

A Global Summary of the

Common Body of Knowledge 2006

– The Preview Edition is for sale now – Anyone who buys the Preview Edition will also receive the complete book when it is released in October 2007 – We anticipate that translation of the complete book into Spanish and French will commence in September 2007

IIA Strategic Plan

Planning Ahead for the IIA and the Profession

Where Are We Today?

• In third year of current 3 year plan • Some objectives will be carried over

2005-07 Strategic Objectives

• Advocacy

– To be recognized as the global voice for the internal audit profession.

• Globalization

– To develop and sustain the internal audit profession globally through appropriate infrastructure, coordination, support and communication.

• Service

– To provide exceptional service to IIA members.

Emerging Themes for New Strategy

• Elevate and advocate the profession • Operate as a global organization • External recognition as the voice of the profession who sets the standards • Preferred and primary provider of research for and services to the profession

Preferred Future Milestones

By 2013:


Internal Auditing is universally recognized as a


To Accomplish this The IIA:


Defines the principles of the profession and assures that the principles are available seamlessly worldwide



Assures adherence to professional requirements Is the preferred provider in the research, development and dissemination of knowledge to advance the profession 5.

Is seen by its members and operates as one global


Strategy The Main Recommendations

1. Develop enhancement to the professional designation that builds upon CIA – Develop CIA, with additional specific knowledge, experience and educational requirements – Develop competency and maturity models, and align training strategy and core curriculum to models 2. Develop membership strategy aligned with new professional designation – – Introduce new ‘full’ vs. ‘associate’ member categories, and phase in membership requirements over extended time period with selected grandfathering of existing members Develop membership retention and membership recruitment strategies, including underrepresented specialist groups

Strategy The Main Recommendations

3. Develop multi-faceted assessment processes and phase in over extended time period – Self-assessment tools against competency and maturity models – Self assessment tools for professional designation – Self-reporting mechanisms for members on base membership requirements, and for CIAs on expanded requirements – Selected independent validation processes for those with professional designation 4. Develop structured global research methodology and guidelines 5. Develop recommended training curriculums, and leverage other training providers, as appropriate





Strategy The Main Recommendations

Leverage global Knowledge Management (KM) study to implement KM system and process, including ‘virtual portal’ to provide information, products and services in local markets – Develop global ‘footprint’ by strategically determining most important expansion areas for the IIA and the profession Develop service models for serving affiliates at differing maturity levels, leveraging IIA headquarters and mature affiliates as well as regional offices Upon completion of NAB study on feasibility of NA Affiliate, reassess global governance structure and funding model Expand advocacy strategy to encompass member and nonmember practicing internal auditors

Milestones, Outcomes & Strategies

1. Internal Auditing is universally recognized as a profession

High preponderance of practitioners are certified and meet professional requirements Value of internal auditing recognized by stakeholders • Clearly define value proposition; evaluate implications of internal audit ‘opinion’ on internal controls • Develop requirements for the CIA that exceed current level • Develop phased membership transition strategy for ‘associate’ vs. ‘full’ members, and develop membership growth and retention strategy • Continue advocacy efforts and include practicing internal auditors • Continue IAEP educational strategy

Milestones, Outcomes & Strategies

2. Defines the principles of the profession and assures that the principles are available seamlessly worldwide

Global current PPF Global communications mechanism to consistently, effectively and efficiently deliver PPF to all members and practitioners • Implement IPPF with routine evaluation of standards and guidance vs. professional needs; develop individual vs. company level standards • Execute the Translation Strategy including a routine re-evaluation of core languages; develop a cooperative translation process for non-core • Develop proactive communication strategy to educate members, nonmembers and stakeholders on principles of profession

Milestones, Outcomes & Strategies

3. Assures adherence to professional requirements

Professional requirements for individuals and, separately, for organizations An independent monitoring and validation process to assess adherence by those internal auditors with the professional designation • Communicate requirements for new professional designation and develop supporting educational programs • Develop self-assessment frameworks for members with and without professional designations • Develop disciplinary policy for noncompliance • Develop selected independent validation process for those with professional designation

Milestones, Outcomes & Strategies

4. Is the preferred provider in research, development and dissemination of knowledge to advance the profession

Effective global knowledge management of IA theory, guidance, best practices, tools and techniques; through global organization, provides real time information on emerging issues and their implications • Develop structured global research methodology, guidance and prioritization process • Leverage Knowledge Management study to develop KM system and process, including ‘virtual portal’ for sharing information, products and services • Develop competency and maturity models, with customizable training plans • Develop global framework and standards for training/services; develop recommended curriculums and leverage other training providers, as appropriate

Milestones, Outcomes & Strategies

5. Is seen by its members and operates as one global organization

A global structure/economic model in place to sustain the IIA globally Respective roles, responsibilities, accountabilities of each element are accepted and enforced Products and services are conceived, developed, distributed globally • Develop robust global marketing and branding strategy • Develop global expansion strategy (‘footprint’) for affiliate expansion or consolidation • Develop service models for affiliates at varying maturities; leverage IIA headquarters and mature affiliates as well as regional offices • Upon completion of NA Affiliate study, reassess global governance structure and funding model • Develop global membership policy, defining principles for all affiliates and the monitoring process

Timeline and Status


Draft preferred future state and develop key outcomes Develop discussion materials for broader exposure and input Solicit broad input, including Global Council


March – April 2007 April 2007 April – July 2007 Global Board Update July 14, 2007 Refine, map to current strategic plan, identify high level implementation activities Solicit broad input Refine, discuss with Executive Committee Refine, discuss with Global Board Refine, approval by Global Board Develop action steps to implement strategy, including milestones Assign responsibilities for implementation July – August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December2007 December 2007 – March 2008 March – July 2008


Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete In Progress Complete Not Started Not Started Not Started Not Started