Technology Timeline - College of Southern Maryland

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Transcript Technology Timeline - College of Southern Maryland

Women in Technology
Module 1
Women Inventors
Click on the names and find out
more about these Famous Women
Ellen Ochoa
Lillian Gilbreth
Sybilla Masters
Hedy Lamarr
Margaret Knight
Frances Gabe
Grace Hopper
Valerie Thomas
Grace Hopper
Grace Hopper developed a common language with which computers could
communicate called Common Business-Oriented Language or COBOL, now the
most widely used computer business language in the world.
In 1973, she was elected into the National Academy of Engineering.
Grace Hopper was the first woman to graduate from Yale University with a Ph.D.
in Mathematics and the first woman to ever reach the rank of admiral in the US
Hopper also became famous by originating the term "Bug" or "Computer Bug"
when she found a real bug in a computer.
Lillian Gilbreth
Election to the National Academy of Engineering is known as the
highest honor accorded an engineer.
The first woman ever to be elected to the NAE.
Lillian Gilbreth is best known for her work to help workers in
industry with her classic Time & Motion Studies, which supported
work simplification and industrial efficiency. Gilbreth was one of
the first scientists to recognized the effects of stress and lack of sleep
on the worker.
Sybilla Masters
Sybilla Masters was the first American woman inventor in recorded history (1712),
but the patent had to be filed in her husband's name because she was female.
Masters invented a new corn mill for cleaning and curing the Indian corn crops
that the colonist in early America received as a gift from the native peoples.
Sybilla Masters's innovation allowed the corn to be processed into many different
food and cloth products.
Ellen Ochoa
Ochoa's pre-doctoral work at Stanford University in electrical engineering led to the
development of an optical system designed to detect imperfections in repeating patterns.
This invention, patented in 1987, can be used for quality control in the manufacturing of
various intricate parts.
Dr. Ochoa later patented an optical system which can be used to robotically manufacture
goods or in robotic guiding systems. In all Ellen Ochoa has received three patents, most
recently in 1990.
In addition to being an woman inventor, Dr. Ochoa is also a research scientist and astronaut
for NASA who has logged hundreds of hours in space. She is the world's first Hispanic
female astronaut.
Margaret Knight
In 1870 she became the first women to receive a patent.
Margaret or ‘Mattie’ as she was called in her childhood, made sleds
and kites for her brothers while growing up in Maine. When she was
just 12 years old, she had an idea for a stop-motion device that could
be used in textile mills to shut down machinery, preventing workers
from being injured.
Knight eventually received some 26 patents. Her machine that made
flat-bottomed paper bags is still used to this very day!
Valerie Thomas
Thomas received a patent in 1980 for inventing an illusion
transmitter. This futuristic invention extends the idea of television,
with its images located flatly behind a screen, to having three
dimensional projections appear as though they were right in your
living room. Perhaps in the not-so-distant future, the illusion
transmitter will be as popular as the TV is today.
Valerie Thomas received numerous NASA awards, including the
GSFC Award of Merit, the highest award given by GSFC.
Hedy Lamarr
1940's Silver Screen superstar with the help of composer George
Antheil invented a secret communication system in an effort to help
the allies defeat the Germans in World War II. The invention,
patented in 1941, manipulated radio frequencies between
transmission and reception to develop an unbreakable code so that
top-secret messages could not be intercepted.
Frances Gabe
The ultimate convenience invention most certainly is Frances Gabe's
self-cleaning house. The house, a combination of some 68 time-,
labor-, and space-saving mechanisms, makes the concept of
housework obsolete .
After 40 years of work, Frances Gabe actually lives in her
invention in Newberg, Oregon.
Thank You for taking this Module
This is the first of many to come.
Hopefully you've learned that Women in
Technology are making significant contributions.
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