Transcript Document

Center for Innovative Practices @ the Begun Center for Violence Prevention Research and Education


To support the healthy development of children, youth and families through evidence based and promising practices

Our populations of focus are children, youth and young adults - and their families – who have multiple and serious behavioral health needs and most often involved in child welfare and juvenile justice. 2

Practices and Processes

Practice Areas

Multisystemic Therapy

Intensive Home Based Treatment-IHBT

Integrated Co Occurring Treatment ICT

Co-Occurring Disorders (MH/SA) in youth

Functional Family Therapy


Resilience and Trauma Process Areas

Technical assistance

Quality assurance

Fidelity monitoring

Consultation and planning

Grant support

Training & Education

State level inter system policy engagement 3

To promote access to evidence based and promising practices 

Network partner for Multisystemic Therapy-MST

Developer and dissemination for Integrated Co occurring Disorders- a promising practice for adolescents with mental health and substance use disorders, and their families.

Promotion and support for Intensive Home-based Treatment (IHBT) for children, youth and families

Promotion of Resilience framework

State partner in implementation for Functional Family Therapy-FFT

Dissemination of High Fidelity Wraparound

Quality Assurance and Fidelity for Targeted Reclaim sites 4

By the Numbers 

14 MST teams in 12 counties across Ohio & 1 North Carolina site & 1 Detroit site

4 ICT teams in 4 counties in Ohio and 2 in Montana

IHBT consultation and learning communities

Partnering with 4 FFT sites in Ohio

Over 700 youth served in Ohio MST sites

Over 100 youth served in Ohio ICT sites 5

Resources 

State Block Grant- Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services

Ohio Department of Youth Services Targeted Reclaim


Provider and community contracts for consultation and support

Other contracts and services

TOTAL: $1.5M


Dissemination 

82 presentations/trainings

Attended 12 conferences or trainings

Provided training to 1,400 (fy 13)

2 publications (Co-occurring brief on NCMHJJ/NCJFCJ and the MHAS e-Journal article)

1 appointment to MHAS Clinical Roundtable

1 appointment to the MHAS Trauma Informed Care Advisory Board

1 appointment to the Child Welfare Funding Group 8

Training and Education Topics 

Screening, assessment and treatment of youth with Co-occurring Disorders

Differential Diagnosis for youth with COD

Resilience and Trauma

In-home treatment modules

Identification and implementation of Evidence Based and Promising Practices

Family and youth engagement

Intersystem collaboration

Family therapy

Behavior Management skills

Cognitive behavior therapy

Motivational Interviewing (ramping up)

Wraparound 9

Policy and Advocacy 

Juvenile justice reform in collaboration with the Schubert Center and supported by the MacArthur Foundation

MHAS Clinical Roundtable Member

MHAS Trauma Informed Care Advisory Board

CW Leadership Funding Group

MHJJ Task Force

COD Brief sponsored by the National Mental Health and Juvenile Justice Center and the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges

Member of the SAMHSA Technical Assistance Network 10

Unique feature of the Begun Center is facilitating both Research &Evaluation + Practice & Implementation


Collaboration 


Targeted Reclaim

Evaluation of ICT

ENGAGE grant-Wraparound

PERI-Partnership for Evaluation, Research and Implementation

Grants 12

Opportunities and Implications for further collaboration within the Begun Center