Transcript Document

The presence of stray dogs old order where dogs used to live with a man in the
search for a suitable environment for subsistence and reproduction .
And that's where communities continue to waste collection within the
gatherings temporarily area, the presence of dogs to search for food , which is
in abundance in this waste will continues.
The presence of stray dogs within the communities cause number of problems and
the most important is:
Direct problems:
- Cases of biting human , or the fear caused by the aggressive behavior of these
- Attacking poultry and pet animals or sheep.
- There are problems due to human habits and traditions where others do not
accept the existence of these dogs inside communities population.
Indirect problems:
- Causing traffic accidents.
- Noise.
- Transfer of zoonotic diseases and the most important is rabies.
- The waste of all types of dogs.
Bound / restricted
Owned / missing
Classification of dogs
(in Jordan)
Roving /peripatetic
Owned /
The traditional way for dogs control at
municipality of Amman and the other
municipalities was by :
-Shooting (at GAM & other Municipalities )
-Poisoning ( at other Municipalities )
• The Municipality is under pressure from certain sectors
of the community who see the dogs as a nuisance, and
afraid, also transmit of rabies, and most of the
municipalities used hunting and poisoning to get rid of
these dogs due to the speed of response to these methods
to solve the problem , and because of its low cost .
• The World Health Organization did not demonstrate any
study and there was no evidence that get rid of the dogs
lead to the disposal of rabies, So that lead global
organizations and government searches for ways to
control the presence of stray dogs ,more humane and
more efficient to control the presence of them and
problems arising from dogs presence.
Also it shown by experience that the traditional way of
controlling stray dogs by shooting or poisoning give us a
poor output on the long run and did not solve this problem
in the right way also there's a high risk by using these ways.
By that we start to focus on this issue and start to look
forward for changing these ways with an efficient way give
preferable result ,by that we start the ABC program (animal
birth control ) and such a program need highly corporation
in the different sectors which interest with this problem to
get a sufficient result
It’s a fallacy to believe that killing street dogs will bring
down their numbers. But castration them helps in reducing
and stabilizing their population
A program with the aim of reducing a stray dog
population to a particular level and/or maintaining it
at that level and/or managing it in order to meet a
predetermined objective
Animal Birth Control/ABC Program involves
sterilizing street dogs, vaccinating them against
rabies and releasing them back into the areas where
they were picked up from.
For the implementation of the program
• We need the infrastructure and equipment which is:
Necessary medication.
Anesthesia guns.
Dog grips.
• We need a site.
• We need training.
• Media plan to cover the project.
Photo album
1 - The existence of a particular department at GAM application
of methods and means of the Animal Welfare (vector control
and animal welfare) representative by of Animal welfare
2 - provide specialized and qualified staff.
3 - provides statistical data and databases about complaints of
stray dogs exist in the areas of GAM.
4 - The presence of the Animal welfare center and equipped with
the tools and services needed in the area.
5 - provides operational resources of vehicles and specialized
medical tools.
6 - multiple means of communication (radio Hua Amman.
Communication channels social) represented by the
Department of the communication at GAM.
1 - the lack of training courses to the staff (in many
2 - lack of human staff to cover all regions of the
Greater Amman Municipality.
3- Shortage in some of the basic requirements for the
application of the program.
3 - The lack of a database of dogs owned in
4 - and the lack of a data base showing density and
distribution of real stray dogs in Amman.
1 - international trend toward activation of this program and
the presence of international experiences to take advantage
of it.
2 - The presence of co-operation of institutions and nongovernmental actors
3 - Supporting senior management
1 - Lack of awareness and social culture among citizens.
2 - get rid of the owned dogs without regulation.
3 - the accumulation of waste inside the town leading to the
emergence of dogs because of the abundance of suitable
condition for the breeding and food.
4 - uncontrolled proliferation and unregulated breeding sheep
in residential neighborhoods and on the border areas and the
presence of dogs with this situation.
5 - The presence of border regions and municipalities on
neighboring opened and infected with stray dogs.
6 - behaviors by citizens not to accept the presence of dogs in
residential neighborhoods.
7 - the lack of laws and regulations for the organization of work
in this field.
- Plan to find scan density of stray dogs.
- Environmental control which appropriate for their living and
breeding populations such as the removal of waste.
- Sterilize and vaccinate dogs owned and non-owned so that it
is reducing the transfer of common diseases.
- Reliance on education and awareness to educate the
community about the humanity ways to deal with stray dogs
and most effective which lead to benefit to their environment
and health.
- Appropriate laws and legislation to take care of animals.
- Euthanasia for dogs which is patient and aggressive.
Working to produce legislation
to ensure that the application of
international standards for
animal welfare is adopted and
abided by.
Introducing the subject
of Animal Welfare in the
curriculum of colleges of
Veterinary Medicine and
raise the level of interest
by the Veterinarians
through seminars and
workshops specialized
in the field.
Because dog
ecology is
linked with
control of dog
has to be
by changes in
behavior to
be effective.
Development of
Units for Animal
Welfare in each
municipalities to
coordinate with
each other in
Formulate strategies to
local or even global
awareness programs
linked to raise awareness
of the rights to the concept
of animal welfare as
interest and benefit to
human and his health to
develop into actual