Transcript 4.03 ppt 1

4.03 Perform pre-sales
activities to facilitate sales
Terms to Know
Define the following terms: prospect,
prospecting, lead, referral, endless chain,
center of influence, bird dogs, cold calls.
Prospect – a potential customer
Prospecting – looking for potential
Lead – someone interested in your
product(s), synonym for “prospect”
Referral- a customer referred by another
Endless chain- one customer refers another who
refers another who refers another…
 Center of influence - a person recommending you to
your target market. Usually this person has a lot of
pull over the people that you want to meet and a
recommendation from them is a hugely valuable
utensil in your prospecting toolbox.
 Bird dogs – point out the buying customers
 Cold calls – contacting leads that have not expressed
any interest in your products (phonebook)
Identify sources of prospects.
Employer’s customer list
Customer contacts with the company
Purchased customer lists
Explain which salespeople should prospect.
Online, Walk-ins, telephone calls, written letters, etc.
All sales people tasked with building sales business
Describe how prospecting can help salespeople.
Increase contacts and sales
Describe methods of prospecting.
Endless chain:
Works on the principle of “Multiplication” of relations. The salesman collects
the names and addresses of friends and relatives and interviews the persons
who are likely to be prospects. They may not turn out to be a prospect but
they may know someone who will.This method is most effective in
development of prospects of intangibles like investments and insurance.
Personal Observation Method:
For a prospect minded salesman, prospects are everywhere. The salesman
plays the role of a keen observer. A salesman who is alert to identify the
prospects, does it so easily and quickly. That is why, this method is popularly
known as “eyes and ears” inductive method. He observes keenly,
meaningfully and meticulously. It may be a conversation – a street
comment- cinema house chitchat- office grape- vine talk- comments at
public meetings- remarks at recreation,etc. A good salesman reserves some
time daily for meaningful observation to gain prospects.
Prospecting methods continued
 Cold Canvas/Calling Method:
This method works on ‘laws of averages. Also know as the ‘new account’
method. Here, the salesman does not know the prospect. Taking a
chance by collecting the names and addresses of such leads in a
particular locality and calling on them. The underlying idea is to benefit a
person by calling on him. Salesman uses ‘you attitude’ and is used in case
of consumer and industrial goods.
 Direct Mail and Telephone Method
The salesman contacts the former and present users of the products by
mail. The contact message covers the arrival of new products.
Circulars,sales letters, and advertising folders can be sent to both
old,current and likely customers depicting the latest features of the
product or line. This direct mail approach needs a selected mailing list
which is up-dated. This is as good or better than a personal call, because
it uncovers the unknown prospects and makes prospect need-conscious.
It is a great time saver and has the same effect as that of a personal call.
Prospecting Methods continued
 Center of Influence Method:
Every individual is the center of influence in one way or the other. A salesman
develops a selected band of persons who serve as his center of influence in his own
territory or the community. The more friends a salesman has, the more center of
influence he can tap in finding the prospects for his products. He asks the dominant
members of this group to use or endorse his products. These selected persons are
either the customers or the influential friends of customers. Such persons may be
ministers, doctors, lawyers, bankers, professors, club officials, business leaders,
social workers and the community leaders.
Bird-dog Method:
‘Bird dog’ is the nick-name given to those persons who visit houses at a definite
interval. For instance, we have electric or water meter readers, gas boys, milk
suppliers, news-paper boys visiting in official capacity many households in a
particular locality. Even these may be watchmen, liftmen, household servants.
These ‘bird-dogs’ or ‘sales associates’ provide a good deal of demographic
information relating to households on which the salesman can capitalize. This
works out as the most reliable source of information and economical too. The
information is got without asking the prospects.
Explain how to construct a prospect list.
Describe how to use a prospect list.
Assign proper salesperson to make contact
Explain the importance of maintaining
accurate prospect lists.
Keep track of contacts, build a database
Increase odds of completing a sale, decrease
chances of annoying potential customers
Prospect on a regular basis to replace lost
Demonstrate procedures for prospecting for
Explain why salespeople need to qualify their prospects.
 To know what products the customer is interested in
 To identify potential products
b. Discuss reasons that some salespeople fail to qualify
 Takes time and research
c. Identify the criteria that prospects need to meet in order to
be qualified
 Interest in the product, means and willingness to buy,
has the authority to buy
 Good credit rating
d. Discuss steps a salesperson can take to qualify prospects
prior to meeting with them.
 Look at previous orders, read notes on prior contacts,
send information forms that the customer fills out
Explain how to qualify a prospect’s need for a
Describe how to qualify a prospect’s means and
willingness to buy a product
Research and/or ask questions
budget, time to meet with salesperson, timing of
sale, where are they in making a buying decision
Discuss how to qualify a prospect’s authority to
buy a product.
Ask assumptive questions, “At what level will the
decision to buy our product be made?”
h.Demonstrate how to qualify a prospect.
Pre-Approach & Pre-Visit Research
Explain why salespeople should conduct pre-visit
Identify factors about a prospect that are useful in
sales situations.
To better understand the needs and wants of the
To come across as knowledgeable to the prospect
What are his/her goals
What benefits are important to him/her
Identify sources for pre-visit research that provide
company information that can be useful in sales
Database, prospect’s website, other suppliers, lower
level employees of the client company
Pre-Approach and Pre-Visit Research
Describe how to use collected pre-visit
research during a sale.
Prepare a presentation
Demonstrate how your product solves their
problems and meets their needs
Demonstrate how to conduct pre-visit
Look the company up on the internet
Check the financial records (publicly traded)
Make some calls or pre-visits
The Introduction to the Approach
Explain benefits associated with booking appointments with
prospective clients.
a. Client has set time aside to talk with you
b. You have a predetermined time schedule
c. The client will have prepared to meet with you
Discuss the importance of the introduction when calling to set
up a sales appointment.The client must understand who
you are and who you represent
b. Describe what to include in the introduction when calling to set
up a sales appointment.
a. Your name, the company’s name and the products you will be
presenting as well as the benefits of the products to the
b. Primary and secondary dates and times should be offered
c. Confirm with whom you will be meeting
The Introduction to the Approach
Explain factors that influence what to say when calling to set up a sales
Familiarity with the person and company
Your company’s position in the industry
Prior experience
Identify barriers encountered when attempting to book appointments
with prospective clients.
The “gate keeper”
Too busy, changing dates and times, change in whom you are
Explain how voice mail can be helpful in getting an appointment with a
Important information can be conveyed in the proper tone
g. Demonstrate how to book appointments with prospective clients.
Sales Presentations
Identify reasons for preparing for a sales presentation.
Increase chances of successfully selling
Understand the client and their needs
Identify factors about the customer/client that should be determined
prior to making a sales presentation.
Who are your current vendors?
Who is the decision maker?
How fast are decisions made?
Identify factors that affect the preparation needed for sales
History with the client (Good or bad? Previous orders and
satisfaction, what can the product do for them?)
Describe preparation needed for sales presentations.
Know the needs of the client
Practice , Practice, Practice
Identify and correct distracting mannerisms of presenter
1. Scratching ourselves
2. Bite or licking our lips
3. Play with or stroking hair, mustache or beard
4. Picking teeth, fingernails or cuticles
5. Adjusting glasses, hair or clothing
6. Clicking pens
7. Bending paper clips or playing with rubber bands
8. Drum our fingers or tapping our feet
9. Whole body movements such as rocking, swaying or pacing
10. Jiggling pocket change
11. Clearing our throats
12. Frowning in concentration
13. Yawning with the mouth wide open
14. Twisting a ring, or removing and replacing it
These unconscious mannerisms send the message that we are tired, bored or distracted. We
can catch ourselves and eliminate distracting habits so we look poised and professional.
Ask a trusted friend or co-worker to help you identify your tics and twitches.
Article Source:
Sales Presentation Prep
Describe ways to prepare for a sales
Set up the information and demonstration, have
ALL your materials
Create a tentative sales presentation.
Explain how to ask for a sales-presentation
Demonstrate procedures for preparing for
a sales presentation.
Presentation Software
Identify characteristics of effective software
sales presentations.
Color, motion, clear and concise, large font/type
Key terms, not too wordy
Discuss purposes of using presentation software
packages to support sales presentations.
Bring the conversation alive
Offer discussion points
“A picture is worth a 1,000 words”
Describe ways that salespeople can use presentation
software packages to support sales presentations.
 Introduce the product and new ways to use it
 Build discussion / make it more understandable
d. Explain how salespeople can use online sales presentations.
 Generate interest, offer information, promote
e. Demonstrate procedures for creating a software
presentation to support sales presentations.
 Use large Font/Type for easy viewing
 Visual aids should only be used if they support your