Transcript Document

Chapter 4
Protein trafficking between membranes
Graham Warren & Ira Mellman
4.1 Introduction
• Eukaryotic cells have an elaborate system of
internal membrane-bounded structures called
• Each organelle:
– has a unique composition of (glyco)proteins and
– carries out a particular set of functions
4.1 Introduction
• An organelle comprises one or more
membrane-bounded compartments.
• Organelles may act autonomously or in
cooperation to accomplish a given function.
• In the endocytic and exocytic pathways,
cargo proteins are transferred between
compartments by transport vesicles.
4.1 Introduction
• The vesicles form by budding from an organelle’s
• They subsequently fuse with the target membrane
of the acceptor compartment.
4.1 Introduction
• Transport vesicles can selectively:
– include material destined for transfer
– exclude material that must remain in the organelle
from which they bud
• Selective inclusion into transport vesicles is
ensured by signals in a protein’s amino acid
sequence or carbohydrate structures.
• Transport vesicles contain proteins that target
them specifically to their intended
destinations with which they dock and fuse.
4.2 Overview of the exocytic pathway
• All eukaryotes have the same complement of core
exocytic compartments:
– the endoplasmic reticulum
– the compartments of the Golgi apparatus
– post-Golgi transport vesicles
4.2 Overview of the exocytic pathway
• The amount and organization of exocytic
organelles varies from organism to organism
and cell type to cell type.
• Each organelle in the exocytic pathway has a
specialized function.
• The endoplasmic reticulum is the site for the
synthesis and proper folding of proteins.
4.2 Overview of the exocytic pathway
• In the Golgi apparatus, proteins are:
– Modified
– Sorted
– carried by the post-Golgi transport vesicles to the
correct destination.
• Cargo transport to the plasma membrane
– directly by a constitutive process or
– indirectly by a regulated process.
• This involves temporary storage in secretory
granules until the cell receives an appropriate
4.3 Overview of the endocytic pathway
• Extracellular material can be taken into cells by several
different mechanisms.
• The low pH and degradative enzymes in endosomes and
lysosomes are important in processing some endocytosed
4.4 Concepts in vesicle-mediated protein
• Transport vesicles move proteins and other
macromolecules from one membrane-bounded
compartment to the next along the exocytic and
endocytic pathways.
• Coats formed from cytoplasmic protein complexes
help to:
– generate transport vesicles
– select proteins that need to be transported
4.4 Concepts in vesicle-mediated protein transport
• Proteins destined for transport to one compartment
are sorted away from:
– resident proteins
– proteins that are destined for other compartments
• Transport vesicles use tethers and SNAREs to dock
and fuse specifically with the next compartment on
the pathway.
• Retrograde (backward) movement of transport
vesicles carrying recycled or salvaged proteins
compensates for anterograde (forward) movement of
4.5 The concepts of signal-mediated and
bulk flow protein transport
• Soluble secretory proteins, especially those
secreted in large amounts, may not require
specific signals to traverse the exocytic
4.5 The concepts of signal-mediated and bulk flow protein transport
• Sorting signals may be restricted to
membrane proteins and endocytosed
– particularly those that are targeted to some
intracellular destinations, such as lysosomes.
• Some soluble proteins have signals that allow
them to interact with receptors that mediate
their transport to lysosomes.
4.6 COPII-coated vesicles mediate
transport from the ER to the Golgi
• COPII vesicles are the only known class of
transport vesicles originating from the
endoplasmic reticulum.
• Assembly of the COPII coat proteins at export
sites in the endoplasmic reticulum requires a
GTPase and structural proteins.
4.6 COPII-coated vesicles mediate transport from the ER to the Golgi apparatus
• Export signals for membrane proteins in the
endoplasmic reticulum are usually in the
cytoplasmic tail.
• After scission, COPII vesicles may cluster,
fuse, and then move along microtubule tracks
to the cis-side of the Golgi apparatus.
4.7 Resident proteins that escape from the
ER are retrieved
• Abundant, soluble proteins of the endoplasmic
reticulum (ER) contain sequences (such as
KDEL or a related sequence).
• These sequences allow them to be retrieved
from later compartments by the KDEL receptor.
4.7 Resident proteins that escape from the ER are retrieved
• Resident membrane proteins and cycling
proteins are retrieved to the ER by a dibasic
signal in the cytoplasmic tail.
• The ER retrieval signal for type I
transmembrane proteins is a dilysine signal.
– Type II transmembrane proteins have a diarginine
4.8 COPI-coated vesicles mediate
retrograde transport from the Golgi
apparatus to the ER
• COPI coat assembly is triggered by a
membrane-bound GTPase called ARF.
4.8 COPI-coated vesicles mediate retrograde transport from the Golgi apparatus to the ER
• ARF recruits coatomer complexes, and
disassembly follows GTP hydrolysis.
• COPI coats bind directly or indirectly to cargo
proteins that are returned to the endoplasmic
reticulum from the Golgi apparatus.
4.9 There are two popular models for
forward transport through the Golgi
• Transport of large protein structures through
the Golgi apparatus occurs by cisternal
• Individual proteins and small protein
structures are transported through the Golgi
apparatus either by cisternal maturation or
vesicle-mediated transport.
4.10 Retention of proteins in the Golgi
apparatus depends on the membranespanning domain
• The membrane-spanning domain and its
flanking sequences are sufficient to retain
proteins in the Golgi apparatus.
• The retention mechanism for Golgi proteins
depends on the ability to form oligomeric
complexes and the length of the membranespanning domain.
4.11 Rab GTPases and tethers are two
types of proteins that regulate vesicle
• Monomeric GTPases of the Sar/ARF family
are involved in generating the coat that forms
transport vesicles.
• Another family, the Rab GTPases, are
involved in targeting these vesicles to their
destination membranes.
4.11 Rab GTPases and tethers are two types of proteins that regulate vesicle targeting
• Different Rab family members are found at
each step of vesicle-mediated transport.
• Proteins that are recruited or activated by
Rabs (downstream effectors) include:
– tethering proteins such as long fibrous proteins
– large multiprotein complexes
• Tethering proteins link vesicles to membrane
compartments and compartments to each
4.12 SNARE proteins likely mediate fusion
of vesicles with target membranes
• SNARE proteins are both necessary and sufficient for specific
membrane fusion in vitro, but other accessory proteins may be
needed in vivo.
• A v-SNARE on the transport vesicle interacts with the cognate tSNARE on the target membrane compartment.
4.12 SNARE proteins likely mediate fusion of vesicles with target membranes
• The interaction between v- and t-SNAREs is
thought to bring the membranes close
enough together so that they can fuse.
• After fusion:
– the ATPase NSF unravels the v- and t-SNAREs
– the v-SNAREs are recycled to the starting
membrane compartment
4.13 Endocytosis is often mediated by
clathrin-coated vesicles
• The stepwise assembly of clathrin triskelions may
help provide the mechanical means to deform
membranes into coated pits.
• Various adaptor complexes provide the means of
selecting cargo for transport by binding both to:
– sorting signals
– clathrin triskelions
4.13 Endocytosis is often mediated by clathrin-coated vesicles
• GTPases of the dynamin family help release the
coated vesicle from the membrane.
• Uncoating ATPases remove the clathrin coat before
docking and fusion.
4.14 Adaptor complexes link clathrin and
transmembrane cargo proteins
• Adaptor complexes bind to:
– the cytoplasmic tails of transmembrane cargo
– clathrin
– Phospholipids
• Adaptors of the AP family are
heterotetrameric complexes of two adaptin
subunits and two smallerproteins.
4.14 Adaptor complexes link clathrin and transmembrane cargo proteins
• The AP adaptors bind to sorting signals in the
cytoplasmic tails of cargo proteins.
– The best-characterized of these signals contain
tyrosine or dileucine residues.
• Adaptor complexes allow for the selective
and rapid internalization of receptors and
their ligand.
4.15 Some receptors recycle from early
endosomes whereas others are degraded in
• Early endosomes are mildly acidic and lack
degradative enzymes, so:
– internalized ligands can be dissociated without
degradation of their receptors.
• Many receptors are recycled to the cell
surface in transport vesicles that bud from the
tubular extensions of early endosomes.
4.15 Some receptors recycle from early endosomes whereas others are degraded in lysosomes
• Dissociated ligands are transferred from early
endosomes to the more acidic and hydrolaserich late endosomes and lysosomes for
• Receptors that are not recycled:
– are segregated into vesicles within multivesicular
– move to late endosomes and lysosomes for
4.15 Some receptors recycle from early endosomes whereas others are degraded in lysosomes
• Recycling endosomes are found adjacent to
the nucleus.
• They contain a pool of recycling receptors
that can be transported rapidly to the cell
surface when needed.
4.16 Early endosomes become late
endosomes and lysosomes by maturation
• Movement of material from early endosomes to
late endosomes and lysosomes occurs by
• A series of ESCRT protein complexes sorts
proteins into vesicles that bud into the lumen of
– This forms multivesicular bodies that facilitate the
process of proteolytic degradation.
4.17 Sorting of lysosomal proteins occurs in
the trans-Golgi network
• All newly synthesized membrane and
secretory proteins share the same pathway
up until the TGN.
– There they are sorted according to their
destinations into different transport vesicles.
• Clathrin-coated vesicles transport lysosomal
proteins from the trans-Golgi network to
maturing endosomes.
4.17 Sorting of lysosomal proteins occurs in the trans-Golgi network
• In the Golgi apparatus, mannose 6-phosphate is
covalently linked to soluble enzymes destined for
• The mannose 6-phosphate receptor delivers
these enzymes from the trans-Golgi network to
the endocytic pathway.
4.17 Sorting of lysosomal proteins occurs in the trans-Golgi network
• Lysosomal membrane proteins are transported
from the trans-Golgi network to maturing
– But, they use different signals than the soluble
lysosomal enzymes.
4.18 Polarized epithelial cells transport
proteins to apical and basolateral
• The plasma membrane of a polarized cell has
separate domains with distinct sets of proteins.
– This necessitates a further sorting step.
• Depending on the cell type, sorting of cell surface
proteins in polarized cells can occur at:
– the TGN
– endosomes
– one of the plasma membrane domains
• Sorting in polarized cells is mediated by specialized
adaptor complexes and perhaps lipid rafts and
4.19 Some cells store proteins for later
• Some cargo molecules are stored in secretory
granules, which:
– fuse with the plasma membrane
– release their contents only upon stimulation
• Storage of proteins for regulated secretion often
involves a condensation process.
– Cargo self-associates, condensing to form a
concentrated packet for eventual delivery to the
outside of the cell.
4.19 Some cells store proteins for later secretion
• Condensation of proteins for regulated secretion
– begins in the endoplasmic reticulum
– continues in the Golgi apparatus
– is completed in condensing vacuoles that finally yield
secretory granules
• Condensation is accompanied by selective
membrane retrieval at all stages of exocytosis.
4.19 Some cells store proteins for later secretion
• Fusion of synaptic vesicles with the plasma membrane
involves SNARE proteins.
– But it is regulated by calcium-sensitive proteins such as