PP - West Virginia Office of Education Performance Audits

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Section 2:

Historical Perspective of Policy 2320

Dr. Donna Davis

Deputy Director, OEPA West Virginia Board of Education

Overview – Section 2


West Virginia Constitution charges WVBE with the general supervision of public schools.

– Duties subject to many factors: • Pauley vs. Bailey landmark case • • Legislature adopted §18-2E-5 Waiver to No Child Left Behind Act of Congress

West Virginia Board of Education


Accreditation Background

• Pauley v Bailey Opinion (1982) -Master Plan for Public Education -Senate Bill 15 • Senate Bill 14 (1988) • Senate Bill 300 (1990) • Tomblin vs. Gainer Agreed Order (2001) • House Bill 4306 – A Process for Improving Education (1998)

West Virginia Board of Education


Accreditation Background

• House Bill 4674 (2000) • House Bill 4319 (2002) • House Bill 4301 (2004) • Senate Bill 359 (2013) • Waiver NCLB

West Virginia Board of Education


Standards-Based Accountability System

• • Accountability Accreditation

West Virginia Board of Education


Section 6:

School Accreditation

Accreditation System

Measures and Levels West Virginia Board of Education

Operating Principles


• • • Focus on Student Performance – create school and classroom conditions reflected in Policy 2322.

Transparency and Clarity – communicated in advance and reviewed and validated through annual and cyclical reviews.

Vehicle for Local Decision-Making – school uses available tools to reach consensus on improvement priorities.

West Virginia Board of Education


Policy Role Statutory Role

• • W. Va. Code Article 5. COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION. SECTIONS 18-5-1 THROUGH 18-5-47 – 18-5-13. Authority of Boards Generally.

– 18-5-14. Policies to Promote School Board Effectiveness.

Policy. Standards for High-Quality Functioning Boards.

West Virginia Board of Education


STANDARDS FOR HIGH QUALITY FUNCTIONING BOARDS Five Standards 1. Leadership and Advocacy 2. Relationship 3. Accountability 4. Quality Improvement 5. Board Operations

West Virginia Board of Education

OEPA County Board of Education Responsibilities for School Accreditation

• Implementation – Develop understanding of accreditation processes – Establish local direction – Monitor school responsibilities • Completion of School Monitoring Report • Review and verify accuracy of School Monitoring Report.

• School strategic planning process considers annual feedback.

• Ensure audit review findings are addressed.

West Virginia Board of Education

OEPA County Board of Education Responsibilities for School Accreditation

• Establish supports and expectations that impact student performance – Expectation - principal is instructional leader and all schools are student-centered and learning-focused.

– Structures for school self-assessment and goal setting leading to improved performance – School-based PD for unique needs of staff and students – Differentiated support based on performance grade and school need

West Virginia Board of Education



The county board of education, through the county superintendent or designee, has the responsibility to work with all schools with a D performance grade to improve student performance.

West Virginia Board of Education



• • • • Determine Root Causes.

Determine Improvements.

Modify the School Strategic Plan and Monitor Progress.

Evaluate Results.

West Virginia Board of Education


Section 9:

Continuous Improvement and Strategic Planning

West Virginia Board of Education

OEPA School System Continuous Improvement

• Model quality improvement processes expected of schools.

– Clear beliefs about teaching and learning that guide decisions – Focused mission – Goals derived from organized process of data analysis

West Virginia Board of Education


Ultimately, the school system’s improvement process must determine how school system

leadership, resources, services,

supports, and policies can be best utilized to improve the school and classroom learning conditions that impact student performance.

West Virginia Board of Education

OEPA School System Continuous Improvement

Requirements – Analysis of accountability data – Support for schools earning a D or F performance rating – Support for schools with accreditation findings

West Virginia Board of Education


• • • County Board of Education Supports Schools with Two Consecutive D Performance grades.

Schools with Three consecutive D Performance Grades.

Schools with an F Performance Grade.

– Intervention and Support • Schools with Two Consecutive F Performance Grades.

West Virginia Board of Education

OEPA School System Strategic Planning

Development Process 1. Analysis of accountability data (WVAS) 2. Strategies to provide targeted support and technical assistance for schools with a D or F performance grade 3. Support for schools with findings and directives from the WVBE resulting from an accreditation review 4. Strategies for improving overall performance of all schools

West Virginia Board of Education

OEPA Contents of School System Strategic Plan

The contents of the plan are determined by the school system under the direction of the county superintendent. At a minimum, the plan includes the following: • Core beliefs • Mission • Goals • Measurement evidence • Action steps • • Professional development Technical assistance

West Virginia Board of Education

Revisions and Approval


• • • School System Plan revisions are made – annually as new data and information indicate and – when directed by the WVBE as outlined in Policy 2320.

The school system Strategic Plan is approved through formal action of the county board of education. Submitted to WVDE for review and presented to the WVBE for approval.

West Virginia Board of Education

School Continuous Improvement OEPA

The improvement process is facilitated by the principal but involves teachers, staff, and stakeholders in decision-making and leadership roles. The principal makes

improvement a focus by developing staff collective knowledge of needs and by developing an understanding of and commitment to the school’s improvement priorities .

West Virginia Board of Education

School Continuous Improvement OEPA

• • At a minimum, every school MUST utilize: School Monitoring Report, and Summary employee evaluation data to guide improvement efforts.

West Virginia Board of Education


School Strategic Planning Development Process

– The school electronic strategic improvement plan is the culmination of : • School’s self-study of student performance • School’s self-study of school and classroom learning conditions

West Virginia Board of Education

School System Responsibilities OEPA

• • • • Establish direction and expectations through school system goal-setting grounded in analysis of student performance data.

Review and approve school Strategic Plans.

Differentiate school system supports and assistance according to the school needs in order for each school to meet a C or higher level of student performance.

Verify to the WVDE that all school plans have been submitted, reviewed, and approved by the county superintendent or designee.

West Virginia Board of Education



• • • • • School’s Strategic Plan School Monitoring Report Local School Improvement Councils Annual Reports Superintendent reports on school performance.

2016- Superintendent reports on school grade.

West Virginia Board of Education