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Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV2009
What’s New
Job role
Experience with product
Favorite hobby/activity
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Things you need to know
• Class Information
Starting time
Ending time
• Facilities
– Restrooms
– Telephones
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• The content in this course assumes students have
existing skills using Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
• The training is not comprehensive training on
every new feature.
• This course is not comprehensive training of the
software. Also, it is not designed to prepare
participants for any certification exam in Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2009.
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Course & Audience
Course description
Delta training between Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0 SP1 and
Microsoft Dynamics 2009
Target audience
Microsoft Certified Business Solutions Partners’ employees that
are selling, implementing, and supporting Microsoft Dynamics
NAV, with focus on consulting.
Participants must be familiar with past versions of Microsoft
Dynamics NAV, specifically with version 5.0 SP1, so that they
can better understand the significance of the new features.
The material is not suitable for new consultants who need to
attend one of Global Training’s core Microsoft Dynamics NAV
courses (more information on core course material can be found
on Partner source and Customer source).
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What’s New In Dynamics NAV 2009 - Lessons
1 New Technology Overview
2 Architecture
3 Software Requirements
4 Install and Launch the Role Tailored Client
5 Personalize the Role Tailored Client
6 Create Pages with Page Designer
7 Transform Forms
8 New Reporting Solutions
9 Dataport and XMLport Changes
10 Web Services
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New Technology Overview
The objectives are:
Discuss the primary differences between the Classic and RoleTailored
Discuss the difference between two- and three-tiered systems
Discuss enhancements in user Interface
Compare forms to pages
Discuss improved reporting features
Discuss upgrade issues and tools
Discuss the development process
Discuss compilation as it relates to upgrading
Discuss deployment issues and tools
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The objectives are:
• Review the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0 Architecture
• Understand the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009
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Software Requirements
The objectives are:
• The Operating System and Software Prerequisites for
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009
• Choose the Microsoft Windows Server Versions
• Understand Microsoft SQL Server components
• Configure Microsoft SQL Server
• Set up and configure Internet Information Services
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Software Requirements
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Software Requirements
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Software Requirements
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Software Requirements
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Role Tailored Client
The objectives are:
• Install Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Demo version
on a Single Computer
• Install Dynamics NAV 2009 Clients on a Network
• Once installed you can launch the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2009 Role Tailored Client.
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Role Tailored Client
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Role Tailored Client
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Role Tailored Client
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Personalization in the Role Tailored Client
The objectives are:
• Customize the Navigation Pane
• Customize Pages
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Personalization in the Role Tailored Client
• The following are some examples of user
personalization options:
Re-sizing columns.
Changing what appears in drop-down menus.
Personalizing the Navigation pane.
Adding or removing FactBoxes.
Organizing items in the Quick Access pane.
Saving queries or filters.
Choosing columns in a list place.
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Personalization in the Role Tailored Client
• Customize the Navigation Pane
• Renaming or Rearranging Buttons in the Navigation
• Creating a New Menu Button
• Adding a Link to a Menu in the Navigation Pane
• Moving or Copying a Link from One Menu to a
• Rearranging the Order of the Menu
• Restoring the default Settings.
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Personalization in the Role Tailored Client
• Customize Pages
Customizing the Action Pane
Customizing the Fact Box Pane
Customize the FactBoxes
Adding or Removing Panes
Customizing FastTabs
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Create Pages with Page Designer
Page Overview
Page properties
Page triggers
Page Control Overview
Page control properties
Variables vs expressions
Page control triggers
ExtendedDataType property
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Page Types Overview
Page Type
Similar to Menu forms.
A different user profile can have a different RoleCenter page.
Order Processor Role
Center, Page 9006
The RoleTailored Client uses a different RoleCenter to differentiate
users based on their roles in the company and provide task specific
activities to make day-to-day activities more efficient.
Similar to List forms.
Customer List, page 22
The RoleTailored Client uses list pages as list places.
Compared to Classic Client, in RoleTailored Client, users open a list
page first, then a card page.
Similar to Card forms.
Card pages contain one or more FastTabs, or sections of a page that
can be expanded or collapsed.
Customer Card, page
Card pages contain details and statistics about a single entity, such as
a customer or an item.
Compared to Classic Client, in RoleTailored Client, users open a list
page first, then a card page.
Use CardPart for a card page that is used as a part of another page.
Customer Details
FactBox, page 9084
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Page Types Overview
Page Type
Use ListPart for a list page that is used as a part of another page.
Similar to Document forms.
Document pages are pages that have one or more FastTabs for the
document header information and one FastTab for the document lines.
Similar to Worksheet forms.
Sales Journal,
Worksheet pages contain a list where lines are created as a draft and page 253
then acted upon, often with specific details shown under the list.
ConfirmationDialog pages are pages that ask users for input for further Confirm Financial
processing by posing questions.
Void, page 695
Generally, the page includes a detail section with information relevant
to the decision.
Similar to Navigate forms.
ListPlus pages are pages that include one FastTab with a list and
additional FastTabs with fields or more lists.
These pages do not represent a business entity but are used for
custom display or processing of information from multiple entities, such
as the application worksheet or some statistical forms.
My Customers,
page 9150
Sales Order, page
Navigate, page
Standard Sales
Code Card, page
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Page Designer Overview
Page Controls
Container Control Subtypes
General usage. A normal page (non-role center) has
this as the top most element.
Used for RoleCenter Page, in place of ContentArea.
Used to define FactBox controls in a page
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Page Designer Overview
Group Control Subtypes
Create FastTabs in card pages and/or used to group a
number of controls together.
Present data in a tabular format, such as in list page.
Create CueGroups, like in SO Processor Activities page.
Fix layout of other controls, like controls in the bottom
section of Journals, example General Journals.
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Action Designer Overview
Action Types
Action Group
ActionContainer Subtypes
Where it is placed
Where used
Action menu, Actions/New Document
All pages
Action menu, Actions, below Links
All pages
Action menu, Related Information
All pages
Action menu, Reports
All pages
Navigation pane, Home panel
Role Centers
Navigation pane, below Home panel
Role Centers
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Designing Page: Best Practices
• Think about the types of users that use the new page
and list the tasks they perform.
• Make a list of the fields, commands and links needed for
the page.
• Pick the page type that best matches the content
displayed on the page.
• Set the source table of the page to the table that
contains the primary set of data that the page displays.
• Design the page using Page Designer by specifying a
hierarchy of page elements. Determine the details of
how data is displayed by adjusting the properties of each
element on the page.
• Consider any supplemental sources of information that
add value to the page and add these as FactBoxes. It is
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possible that existing FactBoxes can support the design.
Designing Page: Best Practices (cont.)
• Simplify the user experience by reducing what users see
by default. This can be achieved by doing the following:
• Promote Actions to appropriate groups with the
appropriate sequence and size.
• Set the Importance property to Additional for fields
that are used less than three out of ten times.
• Display one to three FactBoxes by default.
• Add the new page to the menu suite so that it is included
on the Departments page.
• If the page is a list place, consider specific user profiles
to get a link to this page from their RoleCenter page.
• If the page is a task page, consider which list places
from which it is useful to link to and add the link.
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• Create a Card Page
• Create a List Page
• Deploy Pages
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Transform Forms
Transformation Process
Basic transformation
UX transformation
Transformation Framework
Transformation principles
Transformation approaches
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Transformation Framework
5.0 FORMS 6.0
UX Tailoring
Manual Specification
Basic Conversion
Automatic Process
In-built Mapping Rules
Code Rules
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Transformation Input Files (TIF)
TIF Name
TransformPages.xml This file contains the two mandatory page properties:
• Page Type
• Card Form ID
In addition, this file also allows to include instructions for the tool with regards to:
• FactBoxes to be associated with selected pages.
• Commands and Reports IDs to be added to the Actions menu on selected pages.
• Importance property to be set for selected Actions and Reports.
This file allows the inclusion of instructions to the tool to skip creating pages for specified
This is relevant in two situations:
• When a form cannot be transformed to a page for technical reasons, for example,
forms with MatrixBox controls.
• For any other reason, to leave the classic form behind.
DeleteElements.xml Similar to IgnorePages.xml, this file allows individual controls to be specified on selected
forms that cannot or should not be transformed onto the corresponding page, for example:
• An InfoPane frame on a sales document is an example of a layout that cannot be
automatically converted to a corresponding control/element in the RoleTailored Client
(a FactBox is an appropriate equivalent).
• The Post Code/City label is set to be removed from all the forms where this control is
found - in its caption, this label refers to two fields.
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Transformation Input Files (TIF) (cont.)
TIF Name
This file allows rules to be specified for replacing one form with another. This is typically
relevant when a form that cannot be converted to a page is re-implemented as a new form.
Logically, rules in the MovePages input file are related to forms identified in the
IgnorePages file.
MoveElements.xml This file allows a set of control properties to be specified that:
• Ensure that the layout of controls on a page is the same as the layout of the original
• Relate to UX modifications. Those properties are as follow:
• FixedLayout ID to be assigned to each of the label controls in the first row in the
matrix-like layout structure.
• Field Importance to be specified for text box controls on cards to manage display
• InstructionalText to be specified on label controls containing text instructions, such
as those found on confirmation dialogs. Text marked with this property can then be
placed in the designated position on a page.
• Icon image to be assigned to an action and be shown next to the action when
promoted onto the action pane. This assignment is based on mapping the icon and
action captions.
• Identification of Container on the Command Bar, promotion onto the action pane
and assignment of a big icon image for selected commands. Identified by caption,
a few recurrent actions, such as Post, Print, Register and so on can then be
applied to a general rule without specifying it per individual form.
• ShortCut keys to be either newly assigned or replace the ones used in the Classic
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TIF Editor
TIF Editor Workflow
Set up the TIF Editor.
Populate the editor with the forms (object IDs) to be transformed
to pages.
Define input specifications.
Export the input data out of the editor to create transformation
input files in XML format. This is done through validation against
the XML schemas.
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Use the TIF Editor to prepare Transformation Input Files
Running the Transformation Tool
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New Reporting Solutions
Architecture Overview
New reporting run-time
Conceptual differences
Changes in report objects
Report design experience
SQL Reporting Services
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Design a report for the Classic Client
Design a report for the RoleTailored Client
Add additional features
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Dataport and XMLport Changes
Moving Forward with Dataports
Transform Dataports to XMLports
XMLport Changes
Terminology changes
Dataport support
Request page
XML schema
Support for namespaces
XML standards
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Web Services
Web Services Overview
Web Services Architecture
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Web Services support
Web Services Opportunities
Historical integration options
Web Services benefits
Suitable candidate for Web Services
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Create, Expose and Consume Web Services
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