Transcript Document


Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects – An Emerging SENCER Model

By Thomas M Zachariah Jacqueline M Dewar Suzanne Larson Loyola Marymount University 1

Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

What is our Emerging Model Course?

Our Model Course incorporates collaborative group projects addressing campus/community issues into the Quantitative Literacy (QL) Course at Loyola Marymount University. Features:  The course is core course  The projects enabled students to connect and apply their classroom learning to their own lives and community 4/29/2020 2

Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Our Model Course

SENCER Project Goals:

 To develop an alternate version of an existing QL course in which students learn and apply mathematics to address local civic issues  Each team member teach at least one section  Recruit other faculty 4/29/2020 3

Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Our Model Course

Intended Student Learning Outcomes:

 Be aware of usefulness of math  Have greater confidence in using math  Be able to describe, analyze and make recommendations about community issues using mathematical tools  Be engaged in a community issue and more likely to do so in the future 4/29/2020 4


Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Presentation Outline

• • • • • Background of the Course • Standard vs. SENCER QL Course Why a Projects Approach? • Going In • Reflecting Back Implementation Issues Institutionalization Efforts Evaluation 5

Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Standard vs. SENCER QL Course

Standard QL (MATH 102)

 Provide students with quantitative skills for their future lives  20 sections per year  Up to 30 students  Excel computer lab 


 Same goal but with increased emphasis on active “citizenship”  5 sections in 05-06  Limit to 24 students  Same Excel lab 4/29/2020 6

Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Comparing Course Content

• • • • • • Number Sense • Uses/abuses of percentages • Dealing with large and small numbers Mathematics of Finance • Credit cards, savings/loans, taxes, investments Elementary Statistics Elementary Probability Theory Social Choice/Theory of Voting Model Project on Student Loan Debt 4/29/2020 7


Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Why a Projects Approach (Going In)?

 Considered a math modeling approach  Textbook level problems  Background of target audience  Projects approach seemed more flexible  Revised course similar to standard course 8


Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

How We Chose the Project Ideas

We asked the students!


Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Top 5 Survey Results

Topic/Interest Level

Tuition Textbook cost Financial Aid Saving for retirement LA homeless


20 17 15 13 10

Medium Low

5 3 6 7 3 4 7 11 7 6


0 2 2 1 1 4/29/2020 10

Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Bottom 5 Survey Results

Topic/Interest Level

Smog Marijuana LMU gender distribution LMU Ethnic distribution Airport noise

High Medium Low

8 8 5 5 7 9 5 10 10 7 0 4 4 11 12


7 4 6 6 12 4/29/2020 11

Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Project Topics We Developed

Project 1 – Textbook Cost Project 2 – Ballona Insect Survey Project 3 – Student Health Center Project 4 – Living Expense: On-campus vs. Off-campus Project 5 – Social Security: Will it Go Broke?

Project 6 – Homework Help Session Model Project – Student Loan Debt

4/29/2020 12

Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Student “Design Your Own” Projects

Project – Campus Parking

Purpose: To determine if there is “enough” parking and if the lots are safe.

Project – Future Financial Planning

Purpose: To develop a financial plan from college graduation to retirement.

Project – College Students’ Work-hours

Purpose: To determine how much college students work and its impact on their studies.

4/29/2020 13

Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Course Manual Gives Details about --

    How to Structure the Projects Various Aspects of Student Group Work How to Assess the Projects Additional Materials We Developed

4/29/2020 14

Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Why a Projects Approach (Reflecting Back)?

 7 Principles (Chickering & Gamson, 1987)   Our Underachieving Colleges (Bok, 2006) LMU’s Core Curriculum Committee 4/29/2020 15


Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Seven Principles of Good Practice for Undergraduate Education

       Encourages Student Faculty Contact Encourages Cooperation Among Students Encourages Active Learning Gives Prompt Feedback Emphasizes Time on Task Communicates High Expectations Respects Diverse Talents and Ways of Learning 16

Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Derek Bok’s View of QL

Our Underachieving Colleges (2005)

Critical Thinking Qualities of Mind/Habits of Thought (p.68)

Define Problems Clearly Gather Relevant Facts Perceive Plausible Solutions Exercise Good Judgment in Choosing 4/29/2020 17


Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Derek Bok’s View of QL

Our Underachieving Colleges (2005)

Critical Thinking Basic Quantitative Methods (p.69)

Grasp of Statistics & Probability Practice Applying Everyday Math Taxes, Budgets, Rigorous Thinking Facility with Computers 18

Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Discussions on Improving the Core

LMU Core Curriculum Committee, 2006

 Alignment with Mission  Content  Relevance  Intellectual Rigor  Infrastructure  Pedagogy and Advising 4/29/2020 19


Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Implementation Issues University Level ??



Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Implementation Issues University Level

• • • • • • • Math Core Course Coordinator is a Developer Core Curriculum Committee Human Subjects Enrollment Off-campus Transportation for Field Trips Budget and Controller’s Office Hiring Student Research Assistants 21


Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Implementation Issues Classroom Level ??



Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Implementation Issues Classroom Level

• • • Collaborative Group Work Student Discomfort with Open-Ended Projects “Grass is Greener ” 23


Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Implementation Issues Project-Related ??



Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Implementation Issues Project-Related

• Coordinating with other people/agencies • Access to Ballona Wetlands • • • • • Fish and Game Campus Student Health Center Center for Study of LA Heads-Up Alcohol Awareness Program Student Loan Office 25

Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Institutionalization Efforts

• • • • SENCER Course considered equivalent to Standard version by the university • Same course title and number Departmental Seminar Talk Course Manual

Dissemination Workshop (9 math faculty) 4/29/2020 26


Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Did We Meet Our Goals?

SENCER Project Goals:

 To develop an alternate version of an existing QL course in which students learn and apply mathematics to address local civic issues  Each team member teach at least one section  Recruit other faculty 27


Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

On Recruiting Other Faculty

What p


nt agreed?

As a result of attending this workshop I have a better idea about:

Rationale for teaching with projects

Materials are available for projects

How to teach with projects



Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

On Recruiting Other Faculty 100% agreed!

As a result of attending this workshop I have a better idea about:

Rationale for teaching with projects

Materials are available for projects

How to teach with projects


Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

On Recruiting Other Faculty

Would you volunteer to teach with projects?

What percent said YES/NO/Not SURE?

4/29/2020 30

Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

On Recruiting Other Faculty

Would you volunteer to teach with projects?

55% YES

It would be fun, rewarding. Sounds cool! Engages students, valuable experience for them

4/29/2020 31

Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

On Recruiting Other Faculty

Would you volunteer to teach with projects?

0% NO

4/29/2020 32

Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

On Recruiting Other Faculty

Would you volunteer to teach with projects?

45% Not Sure

Worried about the time commitment.

Could not do with other new preparations.

4/29/2020 33


Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Student Learning Objectives:

 Be aware of usefulness of math  Have greater confidence in using math  Be able to describe, analyze and make recommendations about community issues using mathematical tools  Be engaged in a community issue and more likely to do so in the future 34

Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

Assessment Instruments

 S tudent A ssessment of L earning G ains (SALG)     Focus Group Surveys Pre- and Post-Tests Knowledge Survey (Spring 06) 4/29/2020 35

Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar 4/29/2020

SENCER Students vs. Regular Students Usefulness of Math & Community Awareness Likert Scale -2(SD) to 2(SA)












Usefulness Community Regular SENCER 36

Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar


Survey of SENCER students (n=29)

• 79% said projects enabled them to connect classroom learning to campus or community issues • 59% said projects helped them practice and learn mathematical or analytical skills. 4/29/2020 37


Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

SENCER Pre/Post Test Results Pre and Post Test Results Fall 2005, Spring 2006 Projects-Based Course

90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% perc en t lo an s savi ng s pl an s r cr ed it card m arg in o f erro nu m bers in p ers pect iv e


sprea dsh eet no rm al di st rib rep ut res io n en ta tiv e samp les pre post 38

Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

SENCER Pre/Post Knowledge Survey (S’06) Pre, Post Knowledge Survey Results - Spring 2006

3 2.5

2 pre post 1.5

1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Question Number

4/29/2020 39

Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar


Focus Group with 19 SENCER students


Should we keep the projects?







1 4/29/2020 40


Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar

A Work in Progress

One developer teaching 2 sections in the fall Another faculty member may try the projects Some new materials available… 41

Quantitative Literacy with Group Projects-An Emerging SENCER Model Course

Thomas M Zachariah, Suzanne Larson & Jacqueline M Dewar



Loyola Marymount University

 David Burns and Karen Oates  Patti Simon  Laurie Fathe 4/29/2020 42