Title I & Title III Annual Parent Meeting

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Transcript Title I & Title III Annual Parent Meeting

Title I Annual Parent Meeting
Riverland Elementary School
World Languages Magnet
August 27, 2014
Mr. Oslay Gil, Principal
Mrs. Jodi Washington, Assistant Principal
Ms. Te’Anka Pinder, Curriculum Specialist, Magnet
Coordinator & Title I Liaison
Welcome and Introductions
School Profile
All About Title I
Standards and Testing
Parental Involvement
Classroom Visits
Riverland Elementary…
Building A Strong C.O.R.E.
(Community of Open-Minded
and Resourceful Educators
Riverland Elementary Profile
• 606 students enrolled in Kdg-5th grades
• 35 students enrolled in our Pre-Kindergarten
• 1 of ONLY 3 World Languages Magnet Schools
in Broward County, where ALL students
receive instruction in French or Spanish.
• Riverland Elementary School’s World
Languages Magnet Program was recently
ranked #2 in the DISTRICT amongst ALL
elementary magnet programs.
Riverland Elementary Profile
• Riverland Elementary School is fully
staffed; 97%% of our classes meet class
size reduction requirements or exceed the
requirements by only 1 or 2 students.
• Riverland Elementary School received a
“C” for the 2013-2014 school year.
• Riverland Elementary School is a Title I
What is Title I?
• Title I is the largest federal assistance
program for our nation’s schools.
• The goal of Title I is a higher quality of
education for every child.
• The program serves millions of children
in elementary and secondary schools each
year. Riverland Elementary is a Title I
What is the “Elementary and
Secondary Education Act”?
Education act signed into law in 1965 and
reauthorized in 2010 to provide flexibility
to that aims to:
• Ensure college and career ready students;
• Great teachers and leaders in every school;
• Equity and opportunity for all students; and
• Raise the bar and reward excellence; and
• Promote innovation and continuous
How Title I Works
• The federal government provides funding
to states each year for Title I.
• The Florida Department of Education
sends the money to the district.
• The school district identifies eligible
schools and provides Title I funds.
• Riverland Elementary implements a
school-wide program.
Title I Programs Provide
Supplemental Support
• $210,258.92 = 3.75 instructional support staff
members, teachers, or paraprofessionals
• $3,356 Parental Involvement Activities
• $19,244 ELO
• Student Planners- COMMUNICATION
Parent’s Rights & Responsibilities
• Be involved and request conferences regularly to
express your opinions and suggestions;
• Be provided information on your child’s level of
achievement on standardized assessments and
progress in reading/language arts, mathematics, and
• Request and receive information on the qualifications
of your child’s teacher; and
• Be informed if your child is taught by a non-highly
qualified teacher for four or more consecutive weeks.
Educational Standards
• Florida’s academic content
standards establish high
expectations for all students.
• Common Core State
Standards/Florida Standards
identify what your child needs
to know and be able to do in all
content areas.
• Information located at:
Monitoring Student Progress
• Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) - Grades 35
• Stanford Achievement Test, 10th Edition (SAT10)
Grades 1-2
• Developmental Reading Assessment K-5
• Florida Assessment for Instruction in Reading –
Florida Standards (FAIR-FS) - Kindergarten and
level 1 and 2 students in grades 3-5
• Informal and formal assessments throughout the
school year for all students.
Who Decides How Funds
are Used?
• Every school has a School Advisory
Council (SAC) composed of:
– Parents, Teachers, Other staff that works
at the school, Principal and Students (at
Middle and High School)
• The School Advisory Council determines
how to use Title I funds.
Working Together!
Title I law requires that all Title I schools:
• assist parents in understanding academic content standards,
assessments, and how to monitor and improve the
achievement of their children.
• provides materials and training to help Title I parents work
with their children to improve their children's achievement.
• Please review and adhere to the Parent and Student
Responsibilities sections of the School-Parent Compact.
Let us always keep in mind that children are most successful
when the home, the school, and the community work together.
Parent Involvement Plan
7:00 p.m.
August 27, 2014
September 9, 2014 3:00 p.m.
Media Center
October 14, 2014
Media Center
5:30 p.m.
Improving Your Child’s Academic
Strategies, materials, and training
to work with your child will be
available at…
•Open House
•Parent Nights
•Parent/Teacher Conferences
Your Involvement is Key to
Your Child’s Success!
• YOU are your child’s first teacher.
• You have the ability to influence your child’s
education more than anyone else.
• You know your child best:
– Share information about your child’s
interests and abilities with teachers; and
– Ask to see progress reports on your child and
the school.
www.getinvolvedineducation.com or call
Support Your Child’s Education
• Share a love of
• Read to your child;
• Ask your child to read
to you;
• Limit TV and video
games time;
• Take advantage of the
public library and the
school media center;
• Show interest in your
child’s school day;
• Ask questions;
• Ask to see homework;
• Encourage your child
to ask for help;
• Praise their efforts;
• Encourage good study
Get to Know Your School &
Communicate with Teachers
• Attend school events
• Visit the classroom
• Volunteer at the
• Join parents’
• Keep teachers
• Attend special Title I
parent trainings
• Attend at least two
conferences per year
• Identify your
concerns/questions at
the conferences
• Reflect periodically
on whether you are
meeting your
responsibilities as
stated in the parentschool compact
Mrs. Santiago-Fecht,
Guidance Counselor
• Academic, Personal, & Social Support
• Career Development
• Facilitate Child Study & Response to Intervention (RtI)
Meetings, discussing and providing academic/behavior
interventions for children experiencing difficulties
• Individual/Small Group Counseling
• Referrals to Outside Agencies
• ESOL Coordinator
• Volunteer Coordinator
Contact information for questions and
concerns: 754-323-7200
Mrs. Tonya Montiel,
ESE Specialist
• Support to teachers with ESE / Gifted students
• Support ESE students academically via pullout and
push-in models
• Facilitate all IEP/EP meetings
Ms. Olga Membrano,
Speech Language Pathologist
Contact information for questions and concerns:
Ms. Phillips
Reading Coach
Plan and develop reading curriculum
Analyze reading scores
Assess students in reading
Aide teachers in planning reading interventions
Provide Professional Development for the
Contact Ms. Phillips at 754-323-7209 or by
email at [email protected]
Mrs. Mudrich-Pagan,
Curriculum Specialist, SAC Chairperson
Curriculum Specialist
• Supports school-wide curriculum implementation in
all subjects areas
• Facilitates professional development for staff
S.A.C. Chairperson
• Facilitates SAC Meetings and activities
Food and Nutritional Services
by Ella Terry, Cafeteria
• Free and Reduced Meal Program
• Online Payments for Meals
Mrs. Pinder,
Curriculum Specialist, Magnet
Coordinator, Title 1 Liaison
Curriculum Specialist
• Support school-wide curriculum implementation in
all subjects areas
• Facilitate professional development for staff
World Languages Magnet Coordinator
• Coordinate Magnet program events
Title 1 Liaison
• Facilitates Title 1 meetings and activities
Classroom Visits
Teachers will provide grade specific information on
the following:
– The Florida Standards
– Grade Level Expectations
– Grade Specific Curriculum
– Monitoring Student Progress
– Definition of Proficiency
– Overview of their plans for the year
– How parents can help their children
Available Resources
• Florida Standards
• Florida Standards Assessments
• Anti-bullying Handbook
Parent-teacher conferences are held
Wednesdays, and Fridays, by
appointment, after school from 2:20
p.m.- 3 p.m.
If you wish to schedule a parentteacher conference, please contact
Mrs. Boorse at (754) 323-7200,
between 7:30 AM and 3:00 PM.
THANK YOU for attending
our Open House & Title I
Annual Meeting!!!
Please come back after the classroom visits at
7:00 PM for our first School Advisory Council
(SAC), School Advisory Forum (SAF), and
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Meetings
of the school year.