Gastric and duodenal ulcer

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Gastric and duodenal
ulcer disease
Ulcer disease
ulcer is a defect of gastric or duodenal mucosa which
interfere over lamina muscularis mucosae, submucosa or
penetrates across whole gastric or duodenal wall
rise of ulcer is conditioned by presence of acid gastric
frequent disease, men are afected 3-4x more than women
 multifactorial
 dysbalance
between protective and aggressive factors
Protective f.: saliva, food, alcalic duodenal fluid, mucus mucine, fast regeneration of gastric epithelial cells, well
perfused gastric mucosa
Aggressive f.: HCl, pepsin, bile acids (reflux), helicobacter
pylori, drugs (analgetics, aspirin, korticoids), nicotine,
Acute ulcer (ulcus acutum)
 smooth non-elevated borders and smooth base
 major bleeding into upper GIT
Chronic ulcer (ulcus chronicum)
 rushed and elevated boders, inflammation with
hypertrophic and fibrotic proliferation is present
 the most frequent form of ulcer disease
Ulcus chronicum mediogastricum
Ulcus chronicum ventriculi et duodeni
Ulcus chronicum praepyloricum
Ulcus chronicum duodeni
Symptoms of gastric ulcer disease:
epigastric pain after meal or during meal
upper dyspeptic syndrome – loss of appetite, nauzea,
vomiting, flatulence
vomiting brings relief
reduced nutrition
loss of weight
Symptoms of duodenal ulcer disease:
epigastric pain 2 hours after meal or on a empty
stomach or during night
good nutrition
seasonal dependence (spring, autumn)
Bleeding - chronic (minor, cause anaemia)
- acute (major, form affected vessel)
Perforation - mostly bulbus duodeni, anterior gastric wall
- acute violent pain
- bleeding can be present
Penetration - of the ulcer deeply through whole wall into
neighbor organ (pancreas, liver)
Stenosis - narrow of the lumen caused by scar, oedema or
inflammatory infiltration after healing of the ulcer
- rise only at pyloric localization
- vomiting of huge volume of gastric content
Zeman, M. et al., Speciální chirurgie, ISBN 80-7262-260-9, 2004
A – penetration
B – perforation
C – bleeding
D - stenosis
regular lifestyle
prohibition of the smoking and alcohol
diet (proteins, milk and milky products)
pharmacology (antagonists of H2 receptors,
antacids, anticholinergics
BI, BII resection
proximal selective vagotomy
vagotomy with pyloroplastic
suture of perforated or haemorrhagic ulcer
Stomach resections:
Billroth I (BI) – gastro-duodenoanastomosis end-to-end
Billroth II (BII) – gastro-jejunoanastomosis end-to-side
with blind closure of duodenum
Proximal selective vagotomy – denervation of parietal
gastric cells
Zeman, M. et al., Speciální chirurgie, ISBN 80-7262-260-9, 2004
Billroth I
Zeman, M. et al., Speciální chirurgie, ISBN 80-7262-260-9, 2004
Billroth II
Zeman, M. et al., Speciální chirurgie, ISBN 80-7262-260-9, 2004
Gastro-enteroanastomosis on
Roux Y crankle
Zeman, M. et al., Speciální chirurgie, ISBN 80-7262-260-9, 2004
Complications after stomach resection:
Early – dehiscence, stenosis of anastomosis, bleeding,
pancreatitis, obstructive icterus, affection of neighbour
Late - days, weeks
- early dumping syndrome
- late dumping syndrome
- incoming crankle syndrome
- outcoming crankle syndrome
- ulcer in anastomosis or in outcoming crankle
Early dumping syndrome:
group of symptoms approved shortly after meal
appears after BII resection
vasomotoric sy. - face redness, fall of blood pressure,
GI sy. - vomiting, diarrhoea
Th.: diet, no sugar, low quantities of food, change BII
to BI resection
Late dumping syndrome:
hypoglycaemia (sugar is not enough digested)
appears after BII resection
weakness, perspiration, dizziness, tremor cca 3h after
Th.: no sugar, change BII to BI resection
Incoming crankle syndrome:
stasis of the content at incoming crankle increase
intraluminal pressure
appears after BII resection
Th.: diet, change BII to BI resection
Outcoming crankle syndrome:
chronic or acute closure of outcoming crankle
appears after BII resection
vomiting after meal, convulsive pain
Th.: change BII to BI resection
Haemorrhagic mediogastric ulcer
Chronic gastric ulcer
Pylorostenosis and gastrectasia
Duodenal ulcer
Stress ulcers
Benign stomach tumors
rise from all layers of stomach wall
often asymptomatic
Polypus, Leiomyoma, Lipoma, Fibroma, Neurofibroma,
Neurinoma, Hemangioma, Karcinoids, Lymfoma
Diagnostic: endoscopy, X – ray
Therapy: local excision, stomach resection
Stomach cancer
long-time asymptomatic
feeling of full stomach, odour from mouth, tiredness,
anaemia, occasional vomiting, loss of appetite, loss of
gastrofibroscopy – biopsy - histology
X-ray, USG, CT - metastasis
Wirchow´s nodule – enlargement of left supraclavicular
Stomach cancer
Praecancerosis: adenomatous polypus, chronic atrofic
gastritis, foveolar hyperplasia (Ménétrier disease), stub
of the stomach after BII resection
Macroscopic: exofytic polypoid form, diskyform
ulcerous form, diffused infiltrating form
Histopathologic: adenocarcinoma, papilar, tubular,
gelatinous cancer, round cell cancer, flagstone cell
cancer, etc.
Stomach cancer
Zeman, M. et al., Speciální chirurgie, ISBN 80-7262-260-9, 2004
Currative – total gastrectomy, sub-total gastrectomy
Paliative – gastrostomy, jejunostomy
Gastric cancer
Gastric stub cancer after B II
Schwanoma fundi vetriculi
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