Mathematical Models of Cell Dynamics

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Math 8803 – Discrete Mathematical Biology
Mathematical Modeling
of Cellular Behavior
Ken Dupont
Graduate Student
(Bio) Mechanical Engineering
Introduction – Tissue Engineering
Tissue engineering (TE) aims to create, restore, and/or
enhance function of biological tissues through a combination
of engineering and biochemical techniques
Bone TE Aim: regrow bone that has been lost due to causes
such as trauma, congenital defect, or removal due to excision
of tumors
The basic method of TE is to implant a construct consisting of
scaffold +/- cells +/- growth factors
PLDL Scaffold, 4 mm D
x 8 mm L
(R Guldberg, GA Tech)
mesenchymal stem
cells (green) on
PLDL scaffold (black
struts), 20X
(K Dupont, GA Tech)
Introduction – Tissue Engineering - Cells
Cells can either be seeded onto scaffolds ex vivo
(outside the body) prior to implantation or can be
enticed to infiltrate the scaffold in vivo (within the
Stem cells can both differentiate into other cells
and continue to proliferate (divide);
mesenchymal stem cells are adult stem cells
found in marrow cavities of long bones that can
become muscle, cartilage, or bone cells
Introduction – Tissue Engineering – Modeling
Mathematical/Computational modeling
of cell dynamics has the potential to be
a very useful tool in TE
Advanced knowledge of the behavior of the
cells on constructs could help to optimize TE
construct design and limit the number of
expensive and time-consuming empirical
Introduction – Processes in TE Constructs
Sengers has listed the many of the events happening at the
cellular level in TE constructs:
Proliferation – cells divide during mitosis
Senescence/Death – cessation of division and later death
Motility – cells adhere to and move throughout their
environment due to a variety of guiding signals (taxis)
Differentiation – stem cells turn into other cell types
Nutrient transport/utilization – nutrient concentrations
higher outside of constructs than inside, and cellular
demands may vary
Matrix changes - cells produce extracellular matrix proteins
(i.e. collagen) and degradation of matrix may occur as well
Cell-cell interactions – Cells can communicate with each
other (such as during contact inhibition)
NOTE – All of the processes can vary with space and time
Processes - Cell Motility
A moving cell – note the ovular nucleus (Dickinson)
Modeling – Cell Motility – Random Walk Background
Cell motion can be modeled as a random walk
• Recall the Bridges of Konigsberg/random walks on graphs from
Random walk (RW) - stochastic process made up of a
sequence of discrete steps of certain length(s). A random
variable can determine the step length and/or walk direction
A more formal description of a random walk is as follows:
“Let X(t) define a trajectory that begins at position X(0) = X0.
A random walk is modeled by the following expression: X(t +
τ) = X(t) + Φ(τ) , where Φ is the random variable that
describes the probabilistic rule for taking a subsequent step
and τ is the time interval between steps” (Wikipedia)
Modeling – Cell Motility – RW Background
A random walk is an example of a Markov chain,
which is a “collection of random variables {Xt}
(where the index t runs through 0,1,…..) having
the property that, given the present, the future is
conditionally independent of the past” (Weisstein):
Modeling – Cell Motility - 1D RW
Endothelial cell
taking a 1D random
walk (Jones)
Paths taken for
eight separate
random walks in
1D originating at
the origin and
taking 100 steps
Modeling – Cell Motility – RW Lattices
The paths allowed during a
random walk can be restricted to
the space of a point lattice
A lattice is a set of connected
horizontal and vertical [for 2D+]
line segments, each passing
between adjacent lattice points
[which are regularly spaced]
A lattice path is therefore a
sequence of points P0, P1, …Pn
with n > 0, such that each Pi is a
lattice point and Pi +1 is obtained
by offsetting one unit east (or
west) or one unit north (or south)
Path created during 2D
walk on a point lattice
(lattice not shown)
Modeling – Cell Motility – RW Lattices
Point lattice unit cells
are generally in the shape
of squares, such that the
point lattices are
sometimes referred to as
grids or meshes
Square lattices helps to
minimize memory use and
computation times
Cells are far from
squares or points, but their
position in the mesh can be
represented by the location
of the cell’s nucleus
Rat mesenchymal stem cells on a
2D cell culture dish with nuclei
stained by Hoechst dye (K Dupont,
GA Tech)
Modeling – Cell Motility/Proliferation – 2D RW Simulation
Endothelial cells forming
monolayer on blood vessel walls
≈ 2D surface
A moving cell will usually stop for
a period of time before continuing
on its walk, or it may divide,
followed by walks of both
daughter cells
As the number of cells fills up the
surface contact inhibition will
dominate the process and the
cells will no longer move or
Lee tracked individual EC motion
experimentally in 2D - average
cell speed, duration of time
remaining stationary, and average
direction changes were
determined for use as parameters
in simulations
Confluent monolayer of ECs
on tissue culture well (Lee)
Cell paths over 36 hours (Lee)
Modeling – Cell Motility/Proliferation – 2D RW Simulation
Lee used a 2D discrete cellular automaton model of the
proliferation dynamics of populations of migrating cells
Assumed steady state nutrient concentrations and neglected cell
These “discrete systems provide an alternative approach to
continuous models that use ordinary and partial differential
equation to describe the dynamics of systems evolving in space
and time” (Lee)
Discrete models can be used to describe movements of
individual cells rather than looking at entire populations of cells
2D lattice of square computational sites
• Each site ≈ size of a cell (28 micron sides)
• each site has a finite # of possible states and 8
nearest neighbors
• The size of the total grid was made to simulate the
size of one well of a 96-well in vitro cell culture plate
with diameter of seven millimeters
Modeling – Cell Motility/Proliferation – 2D RW Simulation
At each time point a lattice site, automaton i, is in a certain state
xi (xi = 0 means no cell present)
If a cell is present, xi needs to specify if the cell is moving, the
direction of locomotion, and the time remaining until a change of
Time is viewed as discrete steps with uniform increments Δt
The state xi of any automaton takes values from the set of 4-digit
integer numbers klmn
• k is the direction that the cell is moving in; k can take any
value from the set {0,1,2,…8}, with 0  no motion, 1 
motion east, 2  motion northeast, etc..
• l is the persistence counter that tells how much time is left
until the next change of direction (tc = l * Δt)
• mn is the cell phase counter, which tells the amount of time
left until the next cell division (tr = (10m + n) * Δt)
Modeling – Cell Motility/Proliferation – 2D RW Simulation
Initial cell direction k assigned randomly
Experimental measurements of the cell trajectories were then
used to assign initial values of l
• The value of the counter decreasing by one after each iteration, with
the cell direction changing when the counter reaches zero
• The experimental data showed that cells generally change directions in
a gradual fashion, so transition probabilities of a cell making a large
angle change in direction are small
mn is assigned to each cell, again using the distribution obtained
from experimental observations of real cell cycles
• 64% of cells divided after 12-18 h passed, 32% after 18-24 h passed,
and 4% after 24 -30 h passed
• mn also decreases by one with each iteration and the cell divides when
it reaches zero
l and mn are reset after each direction change and division,
Modeling – Cell Motility/Proliferation – 2D RW Simulation
• Assume a 2D square lattice with N x N sites, with time step Δt
= 0.5 hours
• Choosing an arbitrary automaton site i gives a value of xi =
3319 at to
• This means that the site contains a cell moving north for three
more iterations (1.5 h) and that the cell will divide after 19
iterations (9.5 h)
• At time to + Δt, the cell will have moved to site i + N, located
one site north of site i, and the value of xi + N = 3218
• The value of xi will then be equal to zero unless another cell
moves into the site
Modeling – Cell Motility/Proliferation – 2D RW Simulation
Each simulation run of the model starts by randomly distributing
cells at varying densities throughout the 2D space
An algorithm is then begun to increment cell activity at each site
with the motion of a cell stopping when it no longer has a free site
in which to move
If a cell tries to move into an occupied site during one iteration, it
will stay in its current location until the next iteration
If a cell divides during one iteration it will not move, and one
daughter cell will remain in the current site and the other will be
randomly assigned to one of the neighbor sites
The rows and columns are scanned randomly for incrementation
during each iteration to prevent artifacts due to scanning sites in
one repeated order
CPU time per run lasts between 50-200 seconds on an
IBMRS/6000 POWERStation 350 computer, with time varying
based on grid size, initial density of cells, and spatial distribution
of cells
Modeling – Cell Motility/Proliferation – 2D RW Simulation
• Confluence reached faster when (nonmotile) cells were
seeded at higher densities (left)
• Increasing cell speed (S) decreases time to confluence
Less of an effect for cells seeded at higher density (0.81%,
right) than those seeded at lower density (0.081%, middle)
This behavior due to increased contact inhibition in the cells
seeded at higher density
Modeling – Cell Motility/Proliferation – 2D RW Simulation
Lee’s model appears to
accurately predict 2D
endothelial cell population
dynamics when compared
to actual experimental
endothelial cell counts (n=3
per time point) after
seeding at various initial
Modeling – Cell Motility/Proliferation – 3D RW Simulation
Cheng, from the same research group as Lee, investigated
application of random walk model of cell motility in 3D
Assumes highly porous scaffold
• Allows unrestricted motion
• A cell at one site can move to any of its 6 adjacent cubic faces
The algorithm for 3D motion is very similar to that of 2D
motion, again containing a migration index, cell division
counter, direction persistence counter, waiting time, and
varying transition probabilities to determine the new
direction that a cell will move in after stopping, colliding, or
One additional feature of the model is that it incorporates a
waiting time that a cell will remain stationary after colliding
with another cell, which accounts for the tendency of cells
to form clusters in 3D
Modeling – Cell Motility/Proliferation – 3D RW Simulation
Cell seeding in two modes is
• Uniform cell seeding
throughout the 3D space
• “Wound healing” seeding,
with cells seeded along a
edges of a cylindrical
“wound” portion of the
entire 3D grid
The simulation runs until the
cell volume fraction, κ(t),
increases to the point that all
available sites are occupied
by cells
Modeling – Cell Motility/Proliferation – 3D RW Simulation
Uniform Seeding
“Wound” Seeding
Modeling – Cell Motility/Proliferation – 3D RW Simulation
Cheng’s model also allowed
study of the effects of
chemotaxis on the amount
of time to reach confluency
Chemotaxis causes cells to
• A) Migrate preferentially in
one direction over all
others (creating a
biased/reinforced random
walk) (top figure)
• B) Proliferate
anisotropically (bottom
figure – note that only four
nearest neighbors are used
in this figure)
P1 > P2 > P3 (Perez)
Modeling – Cell Motility/Proliferation – 3D RW Simulation
With chemotaxis, the time to
confluence drastically increased,
because most of the cells bunched
up near the end of the grid near the
“attractant” and became contact
The list of individual phenomena occurring during tissue repair is a long
one even without considering the specific spatial and temporal interactions
between them
Currently, no model can completely describe the tissue growth process,
because there are still too many unknowns regarding the process itself
Application of discrete models of cell behavior and treatment of cells as
individual stochastic objects can be advantageous compared to continuous
models because the complex behavior of cells can be broken down into
constituent elements
• In the words of Jones: “by modeling crucial steps as discrete
processes, it is then possible to develop individual areas independently
of the rest of the model”
Caution must be used in applying models to living systems because
“theoretical understanding is required as a check on the great risk of error
in software and to bridge the enormous gap between computational
results and insight or understanding” (Cohen)
Until more of the basic biology is known, as well as the math to represent
that biology, models will serve as fair predictors for simplified cases of cell
dynamics and tissue growth
Key Publication References:
Biological/PubMed only
Byrne DP, Lacroix D, Planell JA, Kelly DJ, Prendergast PJ. Simulation of tissue differentiation in a scaffold as a function
of porosity, Young's modulus and dissolution rate: application of mechanobiological models in tissue engineering.
Biomaterials. 2007 Dec: 28(36):5544-54
Cohen JE. Mathematics Is biology’s next microscope, only better; biology is mathematics’ next physics, only better.
PLoS Biology 2004 Dec: 2(12): e439.
Deasy BM, Jankowski RJ, Payne TR, Cao B, Goff JP, Greenberger JS, Huard J. Modeling stem cell population growth:
incorporating terms for proliferative heterogeneity. Stem Cells 2003: 21: 536-545.
Jones PF, Sleeman BD. Angiogenesis - understanding the mathematical challenge. Angiogenesis. 2006: 9(3):127-38.
Perez MA, Prendergast PJ. Random-walk models of cell dispersal included in mechanobiological simulations of tissue
differentiation. Journal of Biomechanics 2007: 40: 2244-2253.
Mathematical/MathSciNet only
Cheng G, Youssef BB, Markenscoff P, Zygourakis K. Cell population dynamics modulate the rates of tissue growth
processes. Biophys J. 2006 Feb 1;90(3):713-24. Epub 2005 Nov 18.
Lee Y, Kouvroukoglou S, McIntire LV, Zygourakis K. A cellular automaton model for the proliferation of migrating
contact-inhibited cells. Biophys J. 1995 Oct;69(4):1284-98.
MacArthur BD, Please CP, Taylor M, Oreffo RO. Mathematical modelling of skeletal repair. Biochem Biophys Res
Commun. 2004 Jan 23;313(4):825-33.
Sengers BG, Taylor M, Please CP, Oreffo RO. Computational modelling of cell spreading and tissue regeneration in
porous scaffolds. Biomaterials. 2007 Apr;28(10):1926-40. Epub 2006 Dec 18.
Cavalli F, Gamba A, Naldi G, Semplice M. Approximation of 2D and 3D models of chemotactic cell movement in
vasculogenesis. Math Everywhere: deterministic and stochastic modeling in biomedicine, economics and industry.
Springer, Berlin, 2007. Pp. 179-191.
Sherratt JA. Cellular growth control and traveling waves of cancer. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 1993 Dec: 53(6): 1713-1730.
Sleeman BD, Wallis IP. Tumour Induced Angiogenesis as a Reinforced Random Walk: Modelling Capillary Network
Formation without Endothelial Cell Proliferation. Mathematical and Computer Modelling. 2002: 36: 339-358.
Jointly Referenced/Other:
Dickinson RB. A generalized transport model for biased cell migration in an anisotropic environment.. J. Math. Biol.
2000: 40: 97-135.
Perumpanani AJ, Simmons DL, Gearing AJH, Miller KM, Ward G, Norbury J, Schneemann M, Sherratt JA. Extracellular
Matrix-Mediated Chemotaxis Can Impede Cell Migration. Proceedings: Biological Sciences 1998 Dec 22: 265(1413)
“Random Walk”. Wikipedia. 6 April 2008.
Weisstein, EW. “Random Walk”. From MathWorld – A Wolfram Web Resource.