Fibonacci Numbers

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Transcript Fibonacci Numbers

Fibonacci Numbers
By Anna Jean
From The Grade 4 Class
• Today I, Anna Jean, am going to take
through the awesome world of Fibonacci
• I know it sounds boring but trust me it
won’t be.
• You will be taken through a amazing
presentation of history and a mathematical
What are Fibonacci numbers?
• Fibonacci numbers are
0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34……. And so on.
• How do they work?
Well Fibonacci numbers are like a pattern
they work like so:
34+21=55 and so on. If you don’t get I will
be taking questions at the end.
Who was Fibonacci?
• Fibonacci was one of the “greatest” European
mathematicians of the middle ages.
• His full name is Leonardo Pisano, and some
people called him Leonardo of Pisa.
• The very strange things about him are #1 he grew
up in North Africa, and #2 thing is that he has
about 50 names!
• One other thing about Fibonacci was that nobody
knows his birth date and death date.
Please Don’t get bored.
• I hope you aren’t bored there are only 16
slides left.
• Don’t be like the guy on the left be like the
guy on the right.
Fun With Fibonacci Numbers
This is a Fox Trot Comic about Fibonacci numbers,
See I told you there was a fun side to Fibonacci
numbers !!!
Fibonacci numbers in nature.
Guess what?
There are Fibonacci numbers in nature you
name it, here is a list of Fibonacci numbers
in nature: Rabbits
Fibonacci Numbers with rabbits
• How it works is there is one pair of baby
rabbits these bunnies can not have babies.
(they mate once a month) Then they have
babies then the next month they have a pair
of babies then the next month both of those
pairs of rabbits have bunnies and then it just
keeps going on.
The Bunny Graph
Pictures of Leonardo Pisano.
Fibonacci numbers with seashells
• How this works is if
you draw a sea shell
on this image it will
work as Fibonacci
As you can see the sea
shell would have
Fibonacci numbers
ranging from 1 to 21.
Here is another image of the
Fibonacci numbers with flowers.
Why is it that the number of petals in a flower is often one of
the following numbers: 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 or 55? For
example, the lily has three petals, buttercups have five of
them, the chicory has 21 of them, the daisy has often 34 or
55 petals, etc. Furthermore, when one observes the heads
of sunflowers, one notices two series of curves, one
winding in one sense and one in another; the number of
spirals not being the same in each sense. Why is the
number of spirals in general either 21 and 34, either 34 and
55, either 55 and 89, or 89 and 144? The same for
pinecones : why do they have either 8 spirals from one side
and 13 from the other, or either 5 spirals from one side and
8 from the other? Finally, why is the number of diagonals
of a pineapple also 8 in one direction and 13 in the other?
Pictures of flowers with Fibonacci #s
in them.
• This image (right) is a
21 pestle flower, this
image (below) is a
picture of an example
of a real flower and
how it grows.
Fibonacci numbers…in YOU!!!
I know you might not believe me but a hand has Fibonacci
numbers in it because of the bones, your hand has 4 bones
but with Fibonacci numbers that is 2,3,5,8. Right when I
found that out I almost fainted, so hopefully you haven't
fainted ………….. Yet!
Fibonacci food!
• As you can see a
banana has 3 sections
which is a Fibonacci
number, An apple has
5 sections which is
also a Fibonacci
Fibonacci with trees.
• The type of growth
exhibited by the
sneezewort occurs also
in simple tree growth,
each stage of
development lasting
one year.
What I learned.
• I learned so many things throughout these
past 2 weeks almost all of the slides taught
me something and the more research I did
each day the more facts got stored in my
• The Number Devil By Mangus Enzenberger
Thank You So Much!!
• Thank you sooooo much for watching my
presentation I had an awesome time and I
hope you liked my power point.
• If you have any questions please ask me
now. !!!!!!!!!!!!!