Transcript Slide 1

(Sulfite) (SO3)2- Often listed in ingredients as sulfur dioxide
(SO2); however, in contact with water this becomes sulfurous acid
(H2SO3), which in water breaks into 2H+ and (SO3)2- (sulfite).
Preservative and antioxidant in food and wine.
Over exposure to sulfites in food may cause
an asthmatic attack. 1 out 100 people are
sensitive to sulfite causing allergic
reactions. Some people have died.
A. Sulfuric Acid H2SO4 or 2H+ + SO42- (Sulfate)
B. Calcium sulfate CaSO4 (Gypsum-drywall) (White
Sands, NM) (casts)
C. Magnesium Sulfate MgSO4 (Epson salts)
D. Barium Sulfate BaSO4 (contrast medium for xrays)
E. Copper sulfate is an algaecide.
Ammonia (NH3) and Ammonium (NH4)+
Ammonia is created in the body from digestion of proteins and
amino acids. If there’s an excess of nitrogen, the body converts it to
urea, which is less toxic. Urea is expelled in the urine.
Some babies are born without the enzymes to convert ammonia to
urea, so they develop hyperammonemia, which is fatal or will cause An acid “A” will give a proton (hydrogen nucleus)
brain damage.
to ammonia to make the ammonium ion
Ammonium nitrate: Fertilizer, explosives
Ammonium chloride: conducts electricity inside drycell batteries. Also used in cough medicines to hide
the taste of bitter tasting medicines.
Acetic acid (vinegar) splits into acetate
(C2H3O2)- and H+ . Other compounds
replace H+ with a different positive ion.
NH4C2H3O2 is
used in permanent
waves products.
Sodium acetate NaC2H3O2 is used for
instant heating pads. By breaking a
capsule a seed crystal of sodium
acetate allows the crystallization of the
supercooled liquid sodium acetate.
Cellulose acetate
made from acetic
acid and cellulose
(wood fiber) used to
make clear plastic,
fabrics, and movie
film (celluloid)
Zinc acetate in
lozenges to fight
Acetic acid splits into acetate
(C2H3O2)- and H+
Calcium acetate
Ca(C2H3O2)2 is used as a
thickener in batters, butter,
puddings, pie fillers. It also is
used to adjust acidity (pH) of
foods and to preserve foods.
Chlorine/Oxygen polyatomic ions
(ClO)- (ClO2)Chlorine combines with itself by sharing
its 7th valence electron. However,
-oxygen has 6 valence electrons, so one
more electron is needed to complete
the shell of eight
Chlorate & perchlorate are strong
oxidizers, meaning they can provide
oxygen to accelerate combustion. On
heating, metallic chlorates &
perchlorates turn into salt plus oxygen,
useful for fireworks & explosives
There is a mineral called chlorite, but it
has no chlorite in it.
Ammonium perchlorate is in
explosives and rocket propellant.
Sodium hypochlorite is the active
ingredient of household bleach.
Nitrates and
nitrites are results
of waste
They contaminate
the ground water.
They can also form
from NO and NO2
gas pollution.
They are oxidizers.
Too much nitrate in
rivers and lakes...
Ammonium nitrate
is used as fertilizer
and explosive
...accelerate algae
growth which
chokes other life.
Sodium (or potassium) nitrite and
nitrate are food preservatives
High nitrate levels in drinking water can
harm infants. Nitrate is converted into nitrite
In the past, potassium nitrate
was extracted from barnyard
soils and used in gunpowder
by bacteria that survives in infants’ stomachs
causing “blue baby syndrome”
Potassium nitrate is an
ingredient of gunpowder
cyanide CN
The seeds and pits of apricots, cherries,
cyanide HCN
almonds, peaches, and apples contain
amygdalin. Inside the intestine bacteria
can convert this to cyanide. Under the
name of Laetrile, amygdalin has been
proposed as a
treatment for
cancer, but the
medical community
Gas chambers used a
has rejected this
pesticide called Zyklon B,
Cassava is an important food source for 500 million
which decomposed to HCN.
people, but the roots contain a substance that, when
First used in camps to
eaten, can trigger the production of cyanide. Only
proper cooking can neutralize the substance.
delouse and for Typhus.
Cyanide CN- is found in
solution. Hydrogen
cyanide HCN is the gas.