Negotiation Indices

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european capacity building initiative
european capacity building initiative
initiative européenne de renforcement des capacités
ECBI Regional Capacity Building Workshop for LDC negotiators
South Africa, East Africa and Asia
October 31 – November 1, Kunduchi Beach Hotel & Resort, Dar Es Salem
Current negotiations on mitigation commitments by developed
countries and mitigation actions by developing countries
Sandra Freitas
for sustained capacity building in support of international climate change negotiations
pour un renforcement durable des capacités en appui aux négociations internationales
sur les changements climatiques
european capacity building initiative
Overall context of the mitigation discussion
under the LCA
Mitigation commitments or actions by
developed countries
Mitigation actions by developing countries
Way forward Durban on mitigation discussion
under the LCA
european capacity building initiative
Context of discussion of the mitigation under the LCA
• UNFCCC: Adoption (1992) ; Entry into force (1994)
• The Kyoto Protocol : Adoption (1997); Entry into force
(2005)  Negotiation on second and potentially
subsequent commitment periods
– AWG – KP established in 2005 (COP 11)
– Dialogue for cooperative action  2007 BAP and AWG –
LCA (COP 13)
• 1b (i – vi ) mitigation issues
– 1bi mitigation by developed countries,
– 1bii mitigation developing countries
european capacity building initiative
Cancun: first outstanding outcome
• Invite both developed and developing countries to
submitted either their commitments or their actions to the
• Set up a registry to match support and actions
• Reinforce reporting issues for both developed and
developing countries :
– BRs and IAR for developed countries
– NATCOM every 4 years, BURs and ICA for developing
• Decide on a WP to further develop guidelines and
modalities for enhanced reporting actions under the
european capacity building initiative
european capacity building initiative
Progress toward implementation of the Cancun
decision on 1bi
Developed countries submitted information on their
economy-wide emission reduction targets..
Workshops were organized in Bonn and Bangkok to
clarify assumptions and conditions related to the
attainment of those quantified economy-wide emission
reduction targets.
In Bonn, Parties engaged in discussions, exchange views
and submit written inputs on these issues.
Between Bonn and Panama, Parties made submissions
setting the foundation for substantive works in Panama
european capacity building initiative
Progress in Panama
First draft still to be agreed on have been issued on three
key issues :
• (i) the biennial reports: objectives and elements, format
• (ii) the process of international assessment and review
(IAR) : objective, process, scope and frequency, input,
output, forum to conduct the IAR ( common accounting
rules and compliance)
• (iii) issues related to economy-wide emission reduction,
the level of ambition and the emission gap  QELROs,,
Conditionality, subsidies to fuel etc.
european capacity building initiative
european capacity building initiative
Progress toward implementation of the Cancun
decision on 1bii
Developing countries submit their nationally appropriate
mitigation actions (NAMA) ,
Workshops have also been organized in Bangkok and
Bonn in order to clarify the underlying assumptions, and
any support needed for implementation of these actions.
Discussions took place and written inputs submitted in
Bonn. Furthermore,
Views were submitted by Parties to lay the foundation of
the work in Panama
Progress in Panama
european capacity building initiative
Four different draft to be refined and agreed upon in
(i) the biennial update reports (BURs) for
developing countries,
(ii) the International Consultation and Analysis
(iii) the registry ( record, and matching available
support from developed countries and actions
seeking support)
(iv) Issues related to NAMAs
Issues for LDCs
european capacity building initiative
• Voluntary nature of the mitigation actions
• Avoid the regional unbalance that have
characterized the CDM : a process to enable LDCs
that wish to, to engage in a NAMA that support
growth and sustainable development
• Streamlining rules and procedures for LDCs
• Support technical, CB and financial (full cost of
enabling activities and for the formulation of
• Closing Panama: Uneven progress
– In the two tracks : LCA > KP
– In the LCA : Mitigation > Adaptation and
discussion around the means of implementation
• Need to ensure balance
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european capacity building initiative
Way forward Durban