Cell analogy: White House - NylandBiology2012-2013

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Transcript Cell analogy: White House - NylandBiology2012-2013

By: Dylan Landgraf

Cell membrane

 It is in both  The analogous part is the gate around the white house  The gate keeps people in or out. It is selectively permeable it doesn’t let uncertified people in.


 It is in both  The analogous part rooms inside the White House. It contains the orgenelles.


 It is in both  The analogous part the president. He controls everything.

Endoplasmic reticulum

 It is in both  The analogous part is fed ex because they ship stuff for the white house.


 It is in both  The analogous part the kitchen. It makes protein and in the kitchen they make food with proteins.


 It is in both  The analogous part is the vice president. He helps the president.


 It is in both  The analogous part is the power company of the white house because it gives the white house power

Golgi body

 It is in both  The analogous part is the mail box. It ships stuff.


 It is in both  The analogous part the closet. It stores stuff.


 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_House _Complex  history.com

 whitehousemuseum.org

 timeforkids.com

 fastlines.net