Transcript GRAPHS

Acid-Base Disorders

Sharon Anderson, M.D.

Division of Nephrology and Hypertension May 2003

General Acid-Base Relationships

Henderson-Hasselbach equation: pH = pK + log HCO 3 _ /pCO 2 H + = 24 x pCO 2 /HCO 3 _


0.1 pH unit =

10 nm/L H +

Approach to Acid-Base Disorders 

1. Consider the clinical setting!

2. Is the patient acidemic or alkalemic?

3. Is the primary process metabolic or respiratory?

4. If metabolic acidosis, gap or non-gap?

5. Is compensation appropriate?

6. Is more than one disorder present?

Simple Acid-Base Disorders Disorder Metabolic acidosis Metabolic alkalosis Respiratory acidosis Respiratory alkalosis   pH     H +   Primary Compensatory Disorder Response  HCO 3 _  pCO 2  HCO 3 _  pCO 2   pCO pCO 2 2  HCO 3 _  HCO 3 _

Metabolic Acidosis  Etiology: Inability of the kidney to excrete the dietary H + load, or increase in the generation of H + (due to addition of H+ or loss of HCO 3 )

Metabolic Acidosis: Elevated Anion Gap

AG = Na + - (Cl + HCO 3 ) = 12 ± 2 [Note: Diagnostic utility is best when AG > 25] Causes: Ketoacidosis Lactic acidosis Intoxications Renal failure Rhabdomyolysis

Anion Gap in Hypoalbuminemia  The true anion gap is underestimated in hypoalbuminemia (= fall in unmeasured anions); AG must be adjusted  Formulas for adjusted AG: – –

For every 1.0 fall in albumin, increase AG by 2.5

Consider the patient’s “normal” AG to be (2 x alb) + (0.5 x phosphate) – Adjusted AG = Observed AG + (2.5 x [normal alb adjusted alb]


Diabetes Starvation Alcoholic Isopropyl alcohol* * Ketosis with normal AG and HCO 3 _

Ketosis: Points to Remember -- Normal AG and HCO 3 _ = isopropyl alcohol -- Beta-hydroxbutyrate not seen by ketotest -- Acetoacetate spuriously  Cr -- False positive ketotest: paraldehyde, disulfiram, captopril

Lactic Acidosis Type A: Type B: Hypoxic Lactate:pyruvate > 10:1 Glycolytic Lactate:pyruvate = 10:1

Intoxications Causing High AG Acidosis 

Aspirin - [high salicylate level; also primary respiratory alkalosis]

Methanol - [optic papillitis]

Ethylene Glycol - [calcium oxalate crystals]


Use of venous vs. arterial pH

As compared with arterial blood gasses: pH pCO 2 HCO 3  0.03-0.04

 7-8 mmHg  2 mEq/L

The Delta/Delta:  AG/  HC0 3  Rationale: For each unit INCREASE in AG (above normal), HC0 3 should DECREASE one unit (below normal)  “Normal” values: AG = 12, HC0 3 = 24

Use of the Delta/Delta: Examples AG HCO3 Diagnosis 18 (  18 (  6) 6) 18 (  6) 18 (  22 (  12 (  6) 2) Appropriate; pure AG acidosis HCO 3 has  less than predicted, so HCO 3 is too high; mixed AG acidosis AND met alk 12) HCO3 has  more than predicted, so HCO 3 is too low; mixed AG AND non-AG acidosis

Causes of Low Anion Gap  Etiology: Fall in unmeasured anions or rise in unmeasured cations Hyperkalemia Lithium intoxication Hypercalcemia Hypermagnesemia Multiple myeloma  Artefactual: hypernatremia, bromide, hyperlipidemia

Osmolar Gap Measured serum osmolality > calculated serum osmolality by > 10 mOsm Calc Sosm = (2 x Na) + BUN/2.8 + Glu/18

Causes of High Osmolar Gap Isotonic hyponatremia Hyperlipidemia Hyperproteinemia Mannitol Glycine infusion Chronic renal failure Ingestions Ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, ethylene glycol, mannitol Contrast Media

Relationship between AG and Osmolar Gap AG Ethylene glycol Methanol

+ +

Renal failure


Isopropyl alcohol


Ethanol Lipids, proteins


Osm gap

+ + + + + +

Comments * Double gap * Double gap * Double gap

Causes of Normal AG (Hyperchloremic) Metabolic Acidosis

High K + Low K + Adrenal insufficiency Interstitial nephritis NH 4 Cl, Arg HCl Diarrhea RTA Ureteral diversion

Use of the Urine Anion Gap (UAG) in Normal AG Acidosis Batlle et al. NEJM 318:594, 1988  Urine AG = (Na + K) - Cl  Negative UAG = Normal, or GI loss of HCO 3  Positive UAG = altered distal renal acidification  Caveats: Less accurate in patients with volume depletion (low urinary Na); and in patients with increased excretion of unmeasured anions (e.g. ketoacidosis), where there is increased excretion of Na and K to maintain electroneutrality)

Use of the Urinary AG in Normal Gap Acidosis Batlle et al. NEJM 318:594, 1988

Plasma K Normal Normal-low High High Normal-low UAG + + + U pH < 5.5

> 5.5

< 5.5

> 5.5

> 5.5

Diagnosis Normal GI HCO 3 loss Aldo deficiency Distal RTA Proximal RTA

Use of the Urine Osmolal Gap  When UAG is positive, and it is unclear if increased cation excretion is responsible, urine NH can be estimated from urine osmolal gap 4 concentration  Calc Uosm = (2 x [Na+K]) + urea nitrogen/2.8 + glu/18  The gap between the calculated and measured Uosm = mostly ammonium  In patients with metabolic acidosis, urine ammonium should be > 20 mEq/L. Lower value = impaired acidification

Renal Tubular Acidosis

Type 1 (distal) Type 2 (proximal) Type 4 Defect HCO 3 Urine pH Plasma K Response to HCO 3 Rx  distal acid.  May be < 10 prox HCO 3 12-20 reab  aldo > 17 > 5.3

Variable < 5.3

Usually low Good Usually low Poor High Fair

Calculation of Bicarbonate Deficit  Bicarb deficit = HCO 3 space x HCO 3 deficit/liter  HCO 3 space =


x lean body wt (kg)  HCO 3 deficit/liter = [desired HCO 3 ] - [measured HCO 3 ]

Approach to Metabolic Acidosis Osmolar Gap High Anion Gap Normal Normal Uremia Lactate Ketoacids Salicylate Increased Ethylene glycol Methanol GI Fluid Loss?

Diarrhea Ileostomy Enteric fistula Yes Distal RTA (Type 1) No > 5.5

Urine pH < 5.5

Serum K High Low Proximal RTA (Type 2) Type 4 RTA

Metabolic Alkalosis   Etiology: Requires both generation of metabolic alkalosis (loss of H + through GI tract or kidneys) and maintenance of alkalosis (impairment in renal HCO 3 Causes of metabolic alkalosis excretion) Loss of hydrogen Retention of bicarbonate Contraction alkalosis  Maintenance factors: Decrease in GFR, increase in HCO 3 reabsorption

Use of Spot Urine Cl and K Urine Chloride Very Low (< 10 mEq/L) Vomiting, NG suction Postdiuretic, posthypercapneic Villous adenoma, congenital chloridorrhea, post- alkali > 20 mEq/L Urine Potassium > 30 mEq/L Low (< 20 mEq/L) Laxative abuse Other profound K depletion Diuretic phase of diuretic Rx, Bartter’s, Gitelman’s, primary aldo, Cushings, Liddle’s, secondary aldosteronism

Treatment of Metabolic Alkalosis 1. Remove offending culprits.

2. Chloride (saline) responsive alkalosis: Replete volume with NaCl.

3. Chloride non-responsive (saline resistant) alkalosis: Acetazolamide (CA inhibitor) Hydrochloric acid infusion Correct hypokalemia if present

Calculation of Bicarbonate Excess Bicarb excess = HCO 3 space x HCO 3 excess/liter HCO 3 space =


x lean body wt (kg) HCO 3 excess/liter = [measured HCO 3 ] - [desired HCO 3 ]

Respiratory Acidosis

Causes of Respiratory Acidosis Inhibition of medullary respiratory center Disorders of respiratory muscles and chest wall Upper airway obstruction Disorders affecting gas exchange across pulmonary capillaries Mechanical ventilation

Respiratory Alkalosis Causes of Respiratory Alkalosis Hypoxemia Pulmonary disease Stimulation of medullary respiratory center Mechanical ventilation

Mixed Acid-Base Disorders: Clues -- Degree of compensation for primary disorder is inappropriate -- Delta AG/delta HCO 3 _ = too high or too low -- Clinical history

Problem 1 A 30-yo man with DM presents with a week of polyuria, polydipsia, fever to 102, nausea, and abdominal pain. He is orthostatic on admission. 130






906 6.1





pH 7.14

pCO 2 18 pO 2 102







906 7.14/18/102 Problem 1, cont.






1. Anticipate the disorder DKA (with anion gap acidosis) 2. Acidemic or alkalemic? 3. Metabolic or respiratory?

pH = acidemic; must be metabolic (low HCO 3 , low pCO 2 ) 4. If metabolic acidosis: gap or non-gap?

AG = 30; + anion gap metabolic acidosis 5. Is compensation appropriate?

pCO2 should = last 2 digits of pH [18] or (1.5 x HCO 3 ) + 8 [17] 6. Mixed disorder?

AG = 30 ( 18); HCO 3 = 6 ( 18); thus simple AG met acidosis

Problem 2 A 30-yo man with DM presents with a week of polyuria, polydipsia, fever to 102, and vomiting for four days. 135








1181 10



pH 7.26

pCO 2 pO 2 23 88

135 I 89 I 50 I 1181 7.26/23/88

Problem 2, cont.

6.1 I 10 I 2.3

1. Anticipate the disorder DKA (AG acidosis); met alk from vomiting 2. Acidemic or alkalemic? 3. Metabolic or respiratory?

pH = acidemic; must be metabolic (low HCO 3 , low pCO 2 ) 4. If metabolic acidosis: gap or non-gap?

AG = 36; + anion gap metabolic acidosis 5. Is compensation appropriate?

pCO2 should = last 2 digits of pH [26] or (1.5 x HCO 3 ) + 8 [23] 6. Mixed disorder?

AG = 36 ( 24); HCO 3 = 10 ( 14); HCO 3 is too high; mixed AG metabolic acidosis and metabolic alkalosis

Problem 3 A 30-yo man with DM presents with a week of polyuria, polydipsia, fever to 102, and diarrhea.







650 5.5





pH 7.26

pCO 2 23 pO 2 88

138 I 111 I 49 I 650 7.26/23/88

Problem 3, cont.

1. Anticipate the disorder

5.51 I 8 I 1.4

DKA (AG acidosis); nongap met acidosis from diarrhea 2. Acidemic or alkalemic? 3. Metabolic or respiratory?

pH = acidemic; must be metabolic (low HCO 3 , low pCO 2 ) 4. If metabolic acidosis: gap or non-gap?

AG = 19; + anion gap metabolic acidosis 5. Is compensation appropriate?

pCO2 should = last 2 digits of pH [26] or (1.5 x HCO 3 ) + 8 [23] 6. Mixed disorder?

AG = 19 ( 7); HCO 3 = 8 ( 16); HCO 3 is too low; mixed AG metabolic acidosis and metabolic acidosis (nongap)

Problem 4 A 30-yo man with DM presents with a week of polyuria, polydipsia, fever, cough, and prurulent sputum.







1008 7.0





pH 6.95

pCO 2 33 pO 2 60

140 I 104 I 75 I 1008 6.95/33/60

Problem 4, cont.

7.0 I 7 I 2.6

1. Anticipate the disorder DKA (AG acidosis); resp alk or resp acidosis from hypoxemia/pneumonia 2. Acidemic or alkalemic? 3. Metabolic or respiratory?

pH = acidemic; must be metabolic (low HCO 3 , low pCO 2 ) 4. If metabolic acidosis: gap or non-gap?

AG = 29; + anion gap metabolic acidosis

140 I 104 I 75 I 1008 6.95/33/60

Problem 4, cont.

7.0 I 7 I 2.6

5. Is compensation appropriate?

pCO 2 should = last 2 digits of pH [95!!] or (1.5 x HCO 3 ) + 8 [18]; pCO 2 is too high so he has a superimposed respiratory acidosis 6. Mixed disorder?

AG = 29 ( 17); HCO 3 = 7 ( 17); so metabolic acidosis is pure AG acidosis. Thus, mixed AG metabolic acidosis and respiratory acidosis

Problem 5 A 31-yo woman who is 33 weeks pregnant presents with a 2-day history of vomiting. 140








8 0.6


85 pH 7.64

pCO 2 25 pO 2 93

140 I 104 I 8 I 85 7.64/25/93

Problem 5, cont.

3.0 I 26 I 0.6

1. Anticipate the disorder Pregnancy: resp alk Vomiting: met alk 2. Acidemic or alkalemic? pH = alkalemic 3. Metabolic or respiratory?

If resp, HCO 3 should be low; if metabolic, then pCO 2 should be high; must have both 4. If metabolic acidosis: gap or non-gap? N/A; no acidosis; no AG

140 I 104 I 8 I 85 7.64/25/93

Problem 5, cont.

3.0 I 26 I 0.6

5. Is compensation appropriate?

NO (by eyeball, for reasons listed above) 6. Mixed disorder?

Yes, mixed metabolic and respiratory alkalosis. No acidosis component.

Problem 6 A 60-yo man has crushing chest pain, SOB and diaphoresis. He has HTN, for which he takes HCTZ. Exam shows BP 88/60, bilateral crackles, S3. EKG shows ischemia; CXR = pulmonary edema.











300 1.9

pH 7.14

pCO 2 60 pO 2 52

140 I 94 I 45 I 300 7.14/60/52

Problem 6, cont.

1. Anticipate the disorder

5.9 I 20 I 1.9

Pulm edema -> resp alk or resp acidosis; shock -> metabolic acidosis; HCTZ -> metabolic alkalosis 2. Acidemic or alkalemic? pH = acidemic 3. Metabolic or respiratory?

If resp, HCO 3 should be > 24 in compensation; if metabolic, then pCO 2 should < 40; must have both respiratory and metabolic acidoses 4. If metabolic acidosis: gap or non-gap? AG = 26; + anion gap metabolic acidosis

140 I 94 I 45 I 300 7.14/60/52

Problem 6, cont.

5.9 I 20 I 1.9

5. Is compensation appropriate?

NO (by eyeball, for reasons listed above) 6. Mixed disorder? Anything else?

AG = 26 ( 14); HCO 3 = 20 ( 4 ); so HCO 3 is too high; must have a superimposed metabolic alkalosis. Thus, triple disorder: respiratory acidosis, anion gap metabolic acidosis, and metabolic alkalosis

Problem 7 A 55-yo woman with a history of a CVA presents to clinic complaining of shortness of breath. 140








30 1.5


115 pH 7.36

pCO 2 38 pO 2 91

140 I 100 I 30 I 115 7.36/38/91

Problem 7, cont.

3.9 I 30 I 1.5

1. Anticipate the disorder Resp alk due to CNS disorder or acute pulmonary process 2. Acidemic or alkalemic? pH = acidemic 3. Metabolic or respiratory? 4. If metabolic acidosis: AG? HCO 3 is high (not metabolic acidosis); pCO 2 is < 40 (not respiratory acidosis); AG is normal (10), so what’s going on??

140 I 100 I 30 I 115 7.36/38/91

Problem 7, cont.

3.9 I 30 I 1.5


By Henderson-Hasselbach H+ = 24 x pCO 2 /HCO 3 = 24 x (38/30) = 30 pH should be 7.50

Problem 8 You are in the ER, and are aware that the lab has been having intermittent problems with the chemistry autoanalyzer. A 30-yo diabetic man, well known to you from previous visits, comes in with severe nausea and vomiting. His blood alcohol level is very high. The ER attending advises you to check his labs and send him home if they are OK.







160 3.0





pH 7.40

pCO 2 pO 2 40 88

Problem 8, cont.

140 I 84 I 28 I 160 7.40/40/88 3.0 I 24 I 1.3

1. Anticipate the disorder Vomiting -> met alk; if unconscious, resp acidosis 2. Acidemic or alkalemic? 3. Metabolic or respiratory?

pH, pCO 2 disorder and HC0 3 are all normal --> no apparent 4. Lab error? Check H-H equations.

H+ = 24 x (pCO 2 /HCO 3 ) = 24 x (40/24) = 40, so pH = 7.40

5. Do you send him home?

Problem 8, cont.

140 I 84 I 28 I 160 7.40/40/88 3.0 I 24 I 1.3

5. Do you send him home?

AG = 32; + anion gap acidosis AG = 32 ( 20); HCO 3 = 24 ( 0); so HCO 3 have a superimposed metabolic alkalosis. is too high; must Thus, mixed AG acidosis and metabolic alkalosis

Problem 9 A 58-yo man with cirrhosis and Type 2 DM presents with fever, abdominal pain, SOB, and vomiting.







160 3.3





pH 7.31

pCO 2 19 pO 2 77

159 I 112 I 55 I 160 7.31/19/77

Problem 9, cont.

3.3 I 12 I 2.8

1. Anticipate the disorder Renal dis --> acidosis; dead gut --> lactic acidosis; vomiting --> met alk; pain --> resp alk; liver disease --> resp alk 2. Acidemic or alkalemic? 3. Metabolic or respiratory?

pH = acidemic; must be metabolic (low HCO 3 , low pCO 2 ) 4. If metabolic acidosis: gap or non-gap?

AG = 35; + anion gap metabolic acidosis

159 I 112 I 55 I 160 7.31/19/77

Problem 9, cont.

3.3 I 12 I 2.8

5. Is compensation appropriate?

pCO 2 should = last 2 digits of pH [31; not] or (1.5 x HCO 3 ) + 8 [26]; pCO 2 is too low so he has a superimposed respiratory alkalosis 6. Mixed disorder?

AG = 35 ( 23); HCO 3 = 12 ( 12); so HCO 3 is too high, so there must be a metabolic alkalosis.

Thus, triple disorder: AG metabolic acidosis, respiratory alkalosis, and metabolic alkalosis

Problem 10 A 70-yo man presents with vomiting and abdominal pain, for which he has been taking Rolaids. He is hypotensive and has a tender abdomen.









118 40



pH 7.74

pCO 2 30 pO 2 105

140 I 69 I 40 I 118 7.74/30/105

Problem 10, cont.

3.4 I 40 I 1.5

1. Anticipate the disorder Dead gut --> lactic acidosis; vomiting or Rolaids --> met alk; pain --> resp alk 2. Acidemic or alkalemic? 3. Metabolic or respiratory?

pH = alkalemic; must be both metabolic (high HCO 3 ) and respiratory (low pCO 2 ) 4. If metabolic acidosis: gap or non-gap?

AG = 31; + anion gap metabolic acidosis

140 I 69 I 40 I 118 7.74/30/105

Problem 10, cont.

3.4 I 40 I 1.5

5. Is compensation appropriate?

Cannot compute, too many disorders 6. Mixed disorder?

AG = 31 ( 19); HCO 3 = 40, not down; so HCO 3 high, so there must be a metabolic alkalosis.

is too Thus, triple disorder: AG metabolic acidosis, respiratory alkalosis, and metabolic alkalosis