Transcript Document

10th REReP Task Force meeting
November 27th, 2007
Brussels, Belgium
Key challenges and
possible solutions
Shpresa Mezini
Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration
Key Challenge
Waste management -1
Albania has progressed with the waste legislation.
Due to lack of financial resources, the later is not yet supported with
the necessary infrastructure (temporary or definitive landfills,
regional or local) according to European standards; consequently,
combined with other factors, this situation results in low
enforcement of the law.
The Joint Ministerial Regulation (between MPPTT and MoEFWA)
No 3 of 30.03.2007 “On the construction waste management
through their generation, transportation and disposal” drafted with
the support of the SIDA waste project in Korce Region.
The draft Instruction of the Waste Management Plans prepared, with
the support of the SIDA waste project in Korce.
The draft decision “On the approval of the list of waste to be
imported for use, recycling and treatment” is completed.
Construction of such landfills is an urgent need for the country, for
the enforcement of environmental legislation, as well as for the
implementation of the SAA and other policy documents.
Waste management -2
 Construction of such landfills is an urgent need for the country, for
the enforcement of environmental legislation, as well as for the
implementation of the SAA and other policy documents.
- Sharra dumpsite project (6 MEuro)
- SIDA supported waste project in the Korca Region (1,6 MEuro)
- Feasibility study and detailed design for Shkodra landfill have
been enabled with the support of the Italian Government
(Toskana region)
• The National Waste Management Plan is foreseen to be covered by
CARDS 2006 project, expected to start in early 2008.
• The Ministry (MoEFWA) is negotiating with the Ministry of
Integration for using IPA funds for the construction of landfills.
Law Drafting
The environmental legislation in Albania is completed and improved
by new laws and by laws.
Draft Laws in the approval/adoption process
D/law “On the protection from international traffic of the flora and fauna species at
D/law “On some amendments of the Law on Protected Areas”
D/law “On some amendments of the Law on environmental protection”
D/law “On some amendments of the Law on Water Resources”
D/law “On the protection of medicinal and oleaginous plants”
2007 - new “National Environmental Strategy and Action Plan” (supported by EU), due to be
adopted by the Albanian Government in Nov. 2007.
“Strategy on fishing” - adopted
In accordance with the National Strategy and Action Plan for the implementation of Aahrus
Convention and the observations of the Compliance Committee of the Convention, the Ministry
drafted a new Action Plan on the implementation of Aarhus Convention, aiming the improvement
of the public information and public participation in the environmental issues.
Laws adopted by Albanian Governement
During the years 2006 – 2007, according to the National Plan for the Implementation of the
SAA and the annual analytic programme, the following legal acts are adopted:
Law “On the adhesion of the Republic of Albania in the Protocol “On the registers and
transfer of pollution”, of the Aahrus Convention.
Law “On the adhesion of the Republic of Albania in the Beijing Amendments of the
protocol of Montreal.
Law “On the adhesion of the Republic of Albania in London Amendments, annex II of
the Protocol of Montreal”
Law “On the adhesion of the Republic of Albania in the Copenhagen Amendments, of
the Protocol of Montreal”
Law “On the adhesion of the Republic of Albania in the Montreal Amendments, of the
Protocol of Montreal”
Law “On the adhesion of the Republic of Albania in the Decisions II/14 and III/17,
Amendments of ESPOO Convention”
Law “On the administration of hazardous wastes”
Law “On some amendments in the law on forests and forest service”
Law “On the protection of biodiversity”
Law “On pastures”
Law “On the evaluation and administration of the noises in the environment”
Law “On the protection of the environment from transboundary pollution”
Investments: Environmental hot spots -1
Reduction of environmental pollution, especially the traditional pollution at
the hot spots identified by UNEP, are the main goals of the MoEFWA in the
short and medium term priority.
Clean up of Chemical Plant in Durrës-Under the Project “Integrated costal zone
Management and Clean UP (ICZM)”-implemented by the Ministry of Public Works,
Transport and Telecommunications. the Component C of this project is under
implementation: Porto Romano Hot-Spot Clean-Up. The contracted company to prepare
the technical-engineering study for the rehabilitation, costing 0,550 MUSD.
Vlora hot spot-The pre-investment study for the rehabilitation of the Vlora hot spot is
finalized and is available to be implemented with the financial support from the possible
fdonors. (CARDS 2005-2006) (planned to start by Sep. 2008)
Reduction of the environmental pollution in the hot spot of Oil Refinery in Ballsh
By the support of the CARDS program 2002 and 2005, a project is underway for the
rehabilitation of the Treatment plant of the waste water; three dumpsites for the sludge
derivate from the treatment are being constructed. The rehabilitation of this hot spot is
due by September 2008.
Environmental Action plan for Patos-Marinez oil extraction area-Under the CARDS
Programme, the project designed to help assessment of environment impact in PatosMarinza oil extraction area, started on April 1st 2007 . The budget is 0,5 MEUR and it is
expected to be implemented during 2008.
Investments: Environmental hot spots -2
Arsenical Elimination in Fier - The project for immobilization and
concentration of arsenical solution in the former Nitrate Fertilizer Plant in Fier,
under PHARE support, it completed. With the support of CARDS 2005, it is
planned the encapsulation of the arsenical waste according to the BE standards
Copper Factory – Rubik. In the frame of CARDS program 2004, the
Detailed Design for Site Rehabilitation of Copper Factory in Rubik is
finalised. The work will start as soon as the construction permits and other
licences are issued.
Sharra dumpsite project. The project aims at reorganising the current
dumpsite and ensure environmentally-safe operations. The completion of this
step will be proceeded with the construction of a new waste discharge field,
next to the current area. The project time frame is 2 year (September 2009)
Environmental Impact Assessment
Key challenges
• Enforcement of the environmental institutions;
• Capacity building;
• More funds allocated;
• More helping instruments from the Ministry like methodologies etc;
• More responsibility by the Aarhus Convention
• Public participation is required by the national law on the protection of
the environment and the law on environmental impact assessment.
• A specific regulation on public participation in the EIA process is
approved from the MoE during 2004
Implementation and practice
• The public very rarely involved in the EIA process. In most of the
cases, public is represented from the Councils of the Local
• Lack of the awareness, expertise (know-how), lack of will and funds
are today obstacles of the public involvement;
Climate Change
– Albania is a Party the UNFCCC as of 1995
– Albania is Party to the Kyoto Protocol as of 2005
– Albania is a non Annex 1 to the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol
• No reduction commitments
– Albania is a relatively low net emitter country and will be highly
affected to the expected climate changes
– Reducing the growth rate of greenhouse gas emissions
– Adaptation to the expected climate change (water resources,
hydropower generation, health, ecosystems)
Possible solutions
– Addressing mitigation and adaptation to the national development
– Enforcing institutions and legislation to get advantage of the carbon
finance and flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol
Cross-border Cooperation -1
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), signed on 31/05/2005, on
“Cooperation in the field of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
under art. 12 of the Kyoto Protocol”
An Annex I to the MoU is signed on Feb. 17, 2007, on the continuation of
the technical and legal assistance to the DNA for building and enhancing local capacities
in the preparation of PINs (Project Idea Notes) and PDDs (Project Design Documents) in
the framework of CDM of the Kyoto Protocol.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Ministry for the Environment
Land and Sea of the Republic of Italy and the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and
Water Administration of the Republic of Albania on “Cooperation for Environmental
Protection” is under negotiation. The aim of this MoU will be the development of joint
programs, initiatives and projects dealing with the prevention and/or reduction of
environmental pollution, environmental protection and promotion of sustainable
Cross-border Cooperation -2
• Cooperation between the Ministry for the Environment Land and Sea of
the Republic of Italy (IMELS), the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy
(METE) of the Republic of Albania and the Ministry of Environment,
Forestry and Water Administration (MoEFWA) of the Republic of Albania.
The Cooperation Agreement under negotiation is aimed at identifying joint
pilot projects to be implemented in Albania.
• Cooperation between Republic of Montenegro and Albania “The Integrated
ecosystem management of Skadar lake,” financed by the Word Bank.
• Integrated ecosystem management in the Prespa Lake Basin of Albania,
FYR-Macedonia and Greece. Objective is to catalyse the adoption and
implementation of ecosystem management interventions in the Prespa Lakes
basin of Albania, FYR-Macedonia, and Greece that integrate ecological,
economic, and social goals with the aim of conserving globally significant
biodiversity and conserving and reducing pollution of the transboundary
Thank you for your attention!