Transcript Document

Field Orientation
Title of presentation
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Welcome to the Field Orientation Session
Please feel free to ask any questions throughout the
Joan Churley
Field Manager, Distance Delivery Program
University of Manitoba
1-800 432-1960/ex 6812
Field Instruction SWRK 3150 Concurrent with
Field Focus SWRK 4200
Field Instruction SWRK 4120 Concurrent with
Field Focus SWRK 4300
• You must be registered in both the Field and Field Focus course.
Please check Aurora to ensure this is the case.
• Your Field Focus is a seminar that teaches social work practice skills
in the context of a field or a focus of practice. The course you are
taking doesn’t have to match where you are placed placed in your field.
12 Credit Hours
 Field counts as 12 credits hours and is a very important
part of your Social Work degree.
 You will be required to put in a great deal of time and
energy into Field and Your Field Focus course.
 Your Field Focus Instructors maintain communication
with the Field Liaison/Field Coordinator to attempt to
identify problems early, make progress checks and so
 You must pass both 3150 and 4200 and both 4120 and
4300. If you fail one ‘half’ you do not get credit for the
other and will have to take both courses again.
Field Instruction 1: SWRK 3150
(12 credit hours)
 This is your first educationally directed Field experience
in which you will have the opportunity to assume
responsibility for social work engagement, assessment,
planning, intervention and evaluation, integrating
theory from class.
 The required hours are calculated as:
28 weeks X 2 days per week x 7.5 hours= 420 hours
 Your 3150 final evaluation follows you to your next Field
 It is important to use this evaluation and build on your
strengths and develop the areas requiring improvement.
Field Instruction 1: SWRK 4120
(12 credit hours)
 An educationally directed practice experience building on
SWRK 3150.
 The required hours are calculated as:
28 weeks X 2 days per week x 7.5 hours= 420 hours
So what will I do in FIELD?
• There are many things that
will happen while you are
in Field.
• Time management, self
care, good communication
with family and social
support networks and your
Field Placement team are
all very important
Tier Building
Orientation to the Agency is very important. It should
• Introduction of student to the key
program staff with whom they will be
working with – particularly the
resource person who may be
providing them with day to day
• Policies and procedures of the
agency need to be discussed :
 Dress code
 Hours of operation
 Confidentiality and signing oaths
of confidentiality
 How to handle absences due to
illness or other reasons
Do you require a car?
Who can drive the agency car?
How do you book a car?
Do you need to be accompanied on
home visits?
Do you have to work “off hours”
Is mileage reimbursed?
How do you identify yourself as a
Emergency contacts?
Safety issues/concerns?
Each agency is unique and have their
own policies and procedures.
We strongly suggest
That you familiarize yourself
with all of the agency policies
and procedures at the
beginning of practicum.
Spend several hours/days
whatever it takes to feel
somewhat comfortable with
the policies and go back and
re read them once you are
working in the placement for
Time away from placement
 Time away must be made up by the student.
 If you are sick or take a few days off you must
make up the time.
 You must pre-approve all time off with your Field
 You are your Field Instructor are responsible to
ensure that you complete 420 hours
 We will be discussing time logs in more detail.
Confidentiality is important:
Students can be FAILED for breeching
A student can be deemed professionally
unsuitable if they breech confidentiality
If you are not sure who you can share
information with please discuss with your
supervisor. When writing your journals
please ensure they are vetted.
General Guidelines
The following guidelines are based on
general best practices. The Faculty
recognizes that circumstances can vary
and encourages consultation with your field
instructor, field liaison, advisor or course
 The issue of confidentiality will be discussed by
student and instructor during orientation to field.
The student is required to review the Code of
Ethics regarding Confidentiality in Professional
Practice prior to assignment of clients
 The confidentiality policy of the field site will be
shared with the student who is required to review
and sign, where applicable, and to confirm
understanding and compliance
Confidentiality continued…
 All students will be provided with training on The
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
(FIPPA) and The Personal Health Information Act
(PHIA) before entering their Field Placement and will
sign a pledge of confidentiality.
 The student is expected to possess a basic
understanding of confidentiality and its limits and to
demonstrate transparency with clients in
communicating these limitations
 Additional training and contracts may be required by
your field placement as well
Confidentiality continued….
 Limits to confidentiality include matters as required
or permitted by relevant laws, court order or when
a clear threat to the safety of the client or others is
 Case studies must not contain any identifying
 Documents with identifying information from field
agencies must be treated in accordance with the
agency’s policies
Confidentiality continued….
 Disposal of documents with identifying information,
including electronic records, must be carried out
according to Agency protocols.
 Identifying information is not to be used in the
classroom or in other context aside from Faculty
approved supervision meetings.
 Confidentiality guidelines will be observed, when
using social media
Social media
 The Canadian Association for Social Work Education (CASWE)
Standards for Accreditation (May, 2012) state that:
The academic unit has a policy regarding ethical use of all forms of
social media to ensure the privacy, confidentiality, and interests of the
academic unit and its field practicum community and demonstrates
how the policy and procedures are consistent with the relevant human
rights legislation, with the mission of CASWE- ACFTS, and with the
mission of the academic unit concerned
 The following guidelines for social media interactions with
current and past clients are based on general best practices.
The Faculty recognizes that circumstances can vary and
encourages consultation with your field instructor, advisor or
field liaison.
Social Media continued….
 Do not “friend” clients or accept requests to be “friended”
from current or previous clients
 Do not use messaging websites such as Twitter or Facebook
to contact clients or to respond to clients.
 Use your professional email address to communicate with
 Use caution when discussing your work or studies with
 Remember that all email communication are retained in the
logs of both your and your clients’ internet providers
 Remember that information that you provide about yourself
on websites can be accessed by clients
Course Objectives Field Instruction
1: 3150
 Students are expected to interact with the key people
(administration, other discipline programs, other
professionals, clients) in the field setting appropriately
and sensitively.
 Students will demonstrate an understanding of the
agency’s structure, mandate, mission and objectives as
well as the service delivery system.
 Students will demonstrate a commitment to the
importance of self awareness as a means to effective
professional involvement. Professional Reflective
journaling will be used to consciously reflect self
awareness throughout the placement.
Important dates:
August 27
September 3
September 10
September 27
November 19
December 6
December 13
Field Orientation Adobe Session 11am CST
Field Placement begins
Learning Contract Adobe session 11am CST
Learning contracts due
Mid-term Evaluation Adobe session 11am CST
Last day of Field – Sessional break begins
Mid-term evaluations due
January 6
March 11
April 11
April 18
Field instruction begins
Final Evaluation Adobe session 11am CST
Field instruction ends
Final term evaluations due
Students will develop the ability to respect
clients’ rights through an understanding of the
CASE Code of Ethics 2005:
Polite and
& Privacy
During the year, students in Field
Placement will:
 Begin to link classroom knowledge with Field placement
experience and take initiative to seek and make the
appropriate use of supervision.
 Have a working knowledge of community resources
Child Care
Field Instruction 2: 4120
Build on the skills
identified in
SWRK 3150
Initiate and
supportive and
relationships and
facilitate effective
responsibility for
their ongoing
Demonstrate a
range of
contracting skills
Demonstrate an
understanding of
the conflicting
expectations in
Place a high
value on
information and
service to clients
Assess, plan and
intervene in
Refer to the Field Instruction
Manual for a full list of
expectations of students in field
 Our manual is presently under construction and is being
Field Instructional Roles
Manager, Distance Delivery
Field Programs
• Communicates and provides
support to students and Field
Instructional site
• Develops formal Faculty/Agency
legal arrangements
• Orients students and Field
Instructors on Adobe
Field Instructor
• Orienting the student to the
Practicum site
• Develops a Learning Contract in
conjunction with student
• Assumes responsibility for
supervising the student on a dayto-day basis
• Evaluates student at Mid-term and
• Provides a minimum of one and
half hours of direct supervision
Faculty Field Liaison
• Provides support, consultation ,
mediation and negotiation for the
student and Field Instructor
• Monitors students progress
through the use of Professional
Reflective Journals, Time logs,
Adobe sessions and so forth
On-Site Agency Program
• Assists Field Instructor in
providing the student field
• Assumes day-to-day responsibility
and supervision of student
• Provides feedback for evaluation
* Please refer to the online manual
for further
University Expectations:
 All Field instructional staff are University- Appointed
instructors. As such they are required to meet the standards
of practice required of all University teachers in their
relationships with students.
 Please refer to manual for further Information
It is very important to know what is
expected in Field…..
 It is important to sit down with your Field Instructor and
discuss what he/she expects of you the student as well as
what you can expect from the instructor, the Liaison and the
resource person.
 It is important to read over the Agencies policies and
procedures manual within the first week of Field to ensure
you understand the “rules” of the agency.
 It is important to understand mutual expectations regarding
preparation for student/instructor supervision this is where
you will be assigned cases and receive feedback.
The Learning Contract
 This a tool designed to keep the student and the Field
instructor focused on goal oriented learning.
We will be spending an hour with you in our next adobe
session going over the learning contract and its importance.
 Your learning contract can be amended anytime
• If you are in placement 2 days a week your learning contract
is due 4 weeks after start date
What is the Learning Contract?
• A “roadmap” to guide the student and instructor in the
learning process;
• It is a combination of what you want to learn, what the
field instructor is willing to teach and what the agency is
mandated to allow.
• Developed on a template of five categories:
• learning objectives;
• learning activities;
• resources;
• methods to measure objectives
• timelines
Deadlines, timelines,
 It is important that your learning contract be realistic and
your learning goals be achievable and measurable.
 Ensure that the deadlines and timelines you incorporate into
your learning contract are realistic.
 Remember you can always add to the learning contract.
 Students and Field instructors should discuss timelines and
document when learning objectives have been achieved.
(This is very helpful when midterm and final evaluations are
Student/Instructor individual supervision
 The most common method of providing an opportunity for
student growth and professional development is through the
individual supervision conference.
 While the demands of the student placement and pressures
on the instructional staff may suggest that mini sessions –
”teachable moments” – are most convenient, experience has
confirmed that a student’s learning is best served if preplanned regular scheduled times are established on a weekly
basis, in privacy, with a minimum of interruptions, and in a
comfortable environment.
Supervision is very important:
 Face to face: weekly: minimum of one to one and a half
 Field Instructor/student is familiar with the evaluation form
and should link this to the learning contract.
 Remember your time logs
 Remember your Professional Reflective Journals and the
importance of sharing the journals during Supervision.
Professional Reflective Journals
 Journaling is a helpful way for students to process what they
are learning in their practicum placement
 Documenting learning/experiences on a regular basis
provides an opportunity to…
Examine ethical
Connect theory to
practice and
remind yourself to
discuss issues
and experiences
during supervision
Identify any
assumptions you
may have made
during the day.
Identify and reflect
of the skills that
you are
Connect learning
to the evaluation
Identify feelings
and stressors
arising from the
experience with
• The electronic version allows for expanding boxes
and revisions
• One activity may meet several learning objectives
• The learning contract should be developed by
student and Field Instructor together
• All forms are available on our website
Journals provide you with an
opportunity to:
 Identify/discuss and reflect on cultural, economic,
political, interpersonal, ethical etc. factors that
impacts your experience in placement.
 Identify/discuss and reflect on your feelings.
 Identify/discuss and reflect on what you did; that is,
applying theory to practice.
 Identify/discuss and reflect on what you’ve learned
 Identify what they need to do to improve……
Are not helpful if you simply record
activities/activities (these are important to
document in the time log)
Are a way to learn how to reflect on
Allow you an opportunity to take risks and
use reflections to express yourself
Questions you may answer in your
Where have you made
progress this week?
What theories have you
applied to practice?
What would or could you do
Are you feeling more confident
in your placement setting?
How has your skill set
Connecting the Field Focus
Course to Field Placement
Important for students, field liaisons, field
instructors to talk about what students are
doing and learning in their field focus
This is a co requisite, you must receive a
passing grade in both to get a credit.
Ensure you are registered in your field
focus courses.
Critical incidents
 If a critical incident occurs please contact Joan by telephone or
email at 204-474-6812 or 1-800 432-1960/ex 6812;
[email protected]
 Contact your Field instructor, deal with the issue and then contact
 Examples, you get hurt on the job, bit by a dog, assaulted by a
client OR
 If you are asked to something that is out of the ordinary,
acupuncture, stay over night in an institution, you are being
threatened, feel unsafe because of harassment of a client………
please speak to me…..
Expectations of students
 Students are expected to complete weekly journals
and hand them in to their Field Instructors at
 Students are expected to complete a monthly
report and summary of their journals and send in to
Joan on a monthly basis.
 Students may be asked to hand in ALL of their
journals should an issue arise during placement.
During supervision
The journal can be used as a way to:
Compare student-instructor views and
Monitor progress
Identify issues, difficulties and areas for work
Assist in evaluating student performance.
Monthly report
 The monthly report is to be completed and submitted to Joan
by email on a monthly basis. Use the electronic form. Fill in
the top part addressing the tasks you have completed and
then complete a summary of your journal.
Time log
 The time log is a document that identifies the activity of the
student and the time spent at the agency.
 It will be completed and sent to Joan at the end of every
Field instructors
 Can assign students to work with individuals,
couples or families
 Are responsible for assigning cases to students
and then ensuring they are supervising the student
 Ensure that students are applying theory to
 Ensure students develop case management skills.
Students may:
 Be involved with outside community agencies in many
different roles
 Work on policy and program planning and or research
 Once again Field instructors would be responsible for
connecting this learning to practice at the placement level.
Students will:
 Document:
Opening summaries
Policy/program reports
Closing summaries
Agency recordings
 Documentation is a very important process that
students must receive feedback on from their Field
Friendly reminder……………….
All documentation belongs to the agency
Students could be called to court many
years from now and asked about their
If you are not sure about something please
ask your Field instructor
Your professional reflective journals are
also considered a document (not a diary)
All of this information
including this PowerPoint is
on line.
Our manual and all forms are
also on line.
Submitting Documents
 All time logs and journals must be submitted through the
D2L web service
 There are separate drop boxes for each journal and time log
 Access D2L here:
 Paper (mailed or faxed) copies will not be accepted
 Signature pages should be scanned and included. Keep a
copy of the signature page in your own files, you could be
required to produce it if there are problems
Submitting Evaluations
 Learning Contracts, Mid-term Evaluations and Final
Evaluations can be submitted via drop box OR via email to
[email protected]
 Signature pages should be scanned and included. Keep a
copy of the signature page in your own files, you could be
required to produce it if there are problems
Joan and the Distance Delivery Team
Would like to welcome you to
your Field Practicum and
hope that you have a
wonderful experience.
We would like to thank all
Field Instructors for accepting
and supervising our students,
Please feel free to contact us
at any time if you have
questions or concerns.
Important dates:
August 27
September 3
September 10
September 27
November 19
December 6
December 13
Field Orientation Adobe Session 11am CST
Field Placement begins
Learning Contract Adobe session 11am CST
Learning contracts due
Mid-term Evaluation Adobe session 11am CST
Last day of Field – Sessional break begins
Mid-term evaluations due
January 6
March 11
April 11
April 18
Field instruction begins
Final Evaluation Adobe session 11am CST
Field instruction ends
Final term evaluations due
Title of presentation