Transcript Document

The world has changed a lot. Our ideas have shifted in curious ways. With
those ideas, we’ve been able to create inventions, a device meant for our
benefits. However, some of these inventions are better than others. These are
the things that broke the barrier, achieved something others thought
impossible. These devices have also inspired our modern age, how we live now
thanks to those inventions. So here are, in my opinion, the five greatest
inventions mankind has created!
This is invention is very commonly known, but it still shows signs of significance. At the time it was invented, it
was the first to successfully use electric lighting and a carbon filament to last for a certain period of time. As time
went on, Edison improved the light bulb so it could be used more easily in households. Soon they were in those
houses, and light would just be pouring out of them during the night. Then, a man named Holborn Viaduct
demonstrated that a generator with conduits (series of wires) could spread electricity. This lead to the first
commercial power utility being built, called the Pearl Street Station. In the early 1900s, many inventors including
Edison were trying to work on creating the florescent lamp. In the 1930s, the creation of the fluorescent lamp was a
success, with better attributes than the incandescent light bulb. Now, in the modern times today, we have LEDs
(light-emitting diode). These are compact lights that can easily transfer electricity to light, and it’s been helping the
market as well. The invention of the light bulb has inspired others to improve and create a better product, thus
giving the present a brighter future.
Let’s face it, the automobile has made our lives much, much easier. However, there are more things that make this invention important. Surprisingly, the
automobile was something that used the ideas of many inventors; it wasn't one person came up with the whole thing. Although, Henry Ford was the one who made
it come to life. He grew up to be an engineer, so he had lots of knowledge about inventing. He first created the Quadricycle, car with four bicycle wheels. Though
it wasn’t a very good vehicle, with no reverse, it did lead to a better model. Determined, Henry made the Ford Motor Company, which made it’s first car, the
Model A. Of course, there needed to be improvements, so they went down to T on the alphabet, making as many fixes as possible to the older car, and renaming it.
Model T was really popular, especially because of the fact that Henry made them cheaper. The first moving assembly line and paid workers were a big reason why
Ford made the car cheaper, which made Model T used by more than half of America. However, as time progressed, other companies made better vehicles, so
Model T was beginning to be used less and less. So Ford hesitantly shut down Model T assembly lines, and then began working on a new car. The finished
product was then named Model A again, though it was placed in four years of competition. After those four years, Model A was getting more unpopular, which
was a problem. Then World War 1 began, along with the death with his son Edsel. So Ford decided he couldn’t handle any more and retired, giving the company
to Edsel’s son, Henry II. Even though it wasn’t a good ending for Ford, many companies like Chrysler and Chevrolet continued to make cars, and these companies
still exist today. That fist automobile changed our present, and now we see many brands of cars, in all shapes, sizes, and colors. And this wouldn’t even have
happened if those inventors out there hadn’t thought of a moving vehicle.
3. Telephone
Don’t you think years have passed when you mail your friend and it takes forever? Well the invention of the telephone improved the way we are able to
communicate today. Actually, the telephone was first an improved version of the telegraph called the harmonic telegraph which operated by sending several notes
at a time along the wire if the signals’ pitches differed from each other. Alexander Graham Bell created this new way of communicating, though it wasn’t a very
big breakthrough. However, in 1874, with the financial support of his father-in-law, he and Thomas Watson, an electrician he had enlisted to help him, started to
create the telephone. Though Bell’s father-in-law was supporting him to improve the harmonic telegraph, Bell and Watson continued their dream on making a
machine that could carry sound waves from one place to another. After meeting with a well respected director of the Smithsonian Institute and receiving
encouraging words, Bell and Watson continued their research, and soon found out what to do. Different tones would determine the strength of the wire, which they
proved. All they needed now was a working transmitter with a membrane that could create different electronic currents and a receiver that would reproduce these
differences in audible frequencies. Then, on March 10, 1876, the birth of the telephone had become a reality, though this also meant the death of the telegraph.
From then on, many telephone lines have been built and telephone services have been established. The telephone’s design had been changed, including rotary
phones, home phones, and cellular phones. With phones also came payphones; you could pay the booth and then you could talk to a specific telephone number for
a limited time. Today, everybody uses phones each day, to call friends, family, and teachers. Safety also has been changed by the telephone. The number 911 that
brought you to the nearest police operator has saved many lives. So the telephone is very important, as it has influenced our modern society greatly.
Imagine flying up high, above the clouds, looking below at the world you live on. Well, you couldn’t do this in the 19th century! Though there had been some
ideas about a flying vehicle, dating all the way back to Leonardo Da Vinci, the tools back then couldn’t have created an airplane. This changed, as Wilbur and
Orville Wright, two brothers with a passionate dream, accomplished what the past inventors couldn’t. Using the ideas of others and making it a reality, flew the
first piloted and powered airplane in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina and made history, even though the plane didn’t stay suspended in the air very long. It was still a
first. Later, more people started looking into the subject a of aerodynamics, trying to figure out why it could stay in the air and how to extend the time it could
fly. When World War 1 started, airplanes played in essential part in the war. Also, many men and women started flying airplanes around the globe, starting
pioneer aviation. One of them, the famous Amelia Earhart also made lots of history. The airplane influenced the study of aerodynamics and many daring pilots
that wanted to push past the limit. In the present time, we now fly airplanes everyday, visiting relatives, going on business trips, or travelling for vacation. It lets
us easily fly from our country to others, and this helped importing and exporting between countries thrive, since planes can carry cargo full of goods. The air
plane has changed our modern time a lot, and for a good cause, too.
How could we possibly live without a computer? Nowadays we do everything on that laptop or PC, it seems like second nature to us to have one. But back in the
really early 1900s, the people living during that time had no screen time, had no computer. Yeah, there were plenty of ideas from many inventors, but still nothing
happened. Then the first breakthrough occurred; in 1936, Konrad Zuse created the Z1 Computer, which was the first freely programmable computer of its time.
Later along the timeline, in 1962, the first game ever created, called Spacewar, was the start of a whole generation of online games. In 1969 ARPAnet was the
original Internet, which was new at the time, but so fascinating to those who had never seen anything like it before. In 1983, the first home computer with a GUI
(graphical user interface) was built. Then in 1985, the war between Microsoft and Apple began. The computer, an interesting invention, has led to companies
being built and new careers popping up for availability. And every day, those top companies are making newer and better models than the previous ones, using
more advanced technology, thus opening up the future for some more opportunities. The computer has changed a lot, and now many have one of these machines,
and they use them everyday as computer popularity grows every day.
So when inventions are really important, they should benefit our lives, and influence us to improve and look
towards the future. They should’ve shocked everyone at first, showing how amazing it was, how new, how abstract
it was from what they originally had. Many inventors out there are still trying to look for new ways of
embellishing on past inventions, others trying to create new ones. No matter who you are, inventions, with the
cooperation of many people who thought outside the box, have influenced your life one way or another. They
made you realize how much has changed, and the modern race for the closest to perfection. But it also teaches you
how determination can help you succeed you in achieving your dreams. And don’t ever forget about that.