Evolution of Youth Groups in Russia

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 Young people have a particular relationship
with the world . There are many groupings
that have interests different from those of
the mainstream culture. A particular cultural
grouping is a way for young people to
express their individuality
What is a Subculture?
 A Subculture is a group with a distinct style and identity. Different
subcultures have their own beliefs , value systems, fashion , and
fowourite music.
The features of a grouping
Cultural grouping = subculture
in Russia in
the 20-th
Young Pioneer Organization
 All Union Young Pioneer Organization named after V. I. Lenin was
organized in the USSR in 1922. Its name was to unite and to bring up
children as real Soviet citizens , fully devoted to the Communist Party
and Soviet Union. Pupils aged from 9 to 14 years joined to Young
Pioneer Organization. The hymn of Young Pioneers is “ March of
Young Pioneers”
Punk subculture appeared in Rassia
in the 70-80-s last century. Punks are
characterised as people who have
critical attilude to the society and
politics. They dress in a shocking way.
They have brightly coloured hair and
wear metal chains. Punks listen to
aggressive music and reject
The term “Octyabryata” appeared in Soviet Union in 1923.
Octyabryata were 7-9 year-old pupils. Their leaders were a
Young Pioneer leader or a Komsomol leader. Octyabryata
wore a badge in a form of a red star with a portrait of V. I.
Lenin . There were special rules for octyabryata. All the
children of the USSR were obliged to take part in all
Communist Organizations for children like Octyabryata, The
Young Pioneer Organization , Komsomol.
Komsomol was a mass public and
political organization of young people
from the age of 14 to 28 in Soviet Union
in the 20-th centry. It was born in
October , 1918 Komsomol was a school
for the youth. About million young
people joined it every year. Komsomol
helped the Communist Party to educate
the youth in the revolutionary and labour
traditions of our country and to develop
the feeling of fuoiet patriotism,
friendship among the peoples of the
Soviet Union. In 1986 Komsomol had
more than 42000000 members. And
about 60 percent of them worked in the
national economy
Bike subculture appeared in Russia with the
appearance of Moscow motorbike club ‘ Night
wolves : Officially it was founded on May
31,1989. A Night wolf №1, nicknamed ‘ the
Surgeon ‘ together with his friends kept order
at the concerts of underground musicians.
Working as guards is classical pastime of bikers
. A biker prebers a heavy bike like Harley
Davidson and a lether jacket. A real biker has
his own values and beliefs. Some people
consider bikers aggressive but in most cases
they have only threatening appearance.
Beatlomania was born in the 60-s of last
century when a Liverpool musical group “
Beatles” appeared. There were 4 misicians in
it: John Lennon , Paul Mc Carntney , George
Harrison and Ringo Starr.
Beatlomania was spread all over the world
very quickly . “Beatles” is considered to be a
symbol of mass culture of the 20-th century.
Their most popular song are “Yesterday”,
“Girl”,”Rain”,”Michelle”, “Yellow Submarine”.
The gereration of our grandparents and
parents were lans of “Beatles”.
A subculture Stealyagi appeared in the USSR
in the 60-s. They have negative attitude to the
foviet morals and support west mode of
life.”Stealyagi” wore bright often absurd
clothes, had their own slang imitating
american style. For the most young people the
subculture became a psychological cover from
poverty and economic dislocation after world
The good old times of our
hippies were the 1970. Their
ideals include love , peace ,
brudom of self-expression, and
nonconformity to society’s
rules. Hippies were worn-out
blue jeans , long hair tied with
bit of string and a couple of
decorative chains . They listen
to rock’n’roll
The subculture “Skinheads” was spread in
Russia in 70-s. They are who humiliate people
of other nationalities. They have a distinct
programme to “clean” Russian nation .
Skinheads often have tatoos in the form of
basists signs . They listen to reggae and rock.
 Have made the questionnaire “Why Teens join a subculture.” 100
pupils of the 10-th and 25-th forms were examined
To express themselves -12 pupils.
To develop their own style distinct from others -17 pupils.
To protest the parents -20 pupils.
To rebel against the society -13 pupils.
To reject everything -14 pupils.
To be in a collective -31 pupils.
To differ from social norms -29 pupils.
To identify with a particular subculture -13 pupils.
To be designed to shock -21 pupils.
To have their own values and beliefs -5 pupils.
Having analysed the results of questionaire we have got to
know that teens choose a subculture:
To express themselves
10 %
To express themselves
19 %
To protest the parents
10 %
To rebel against the society
To rebel against the society
To be in a collective
15 %
To differ from social norms
To identify with a particular subculture
34 %
To be designed to shock
10 %
To be designed to shock
 Having processed the information we have
got from internet, books. We got to know
what subcultures existed in Russia in the 20th century, about their peculiarelies.