CST English-Language Arts & Information Literacy— Sample

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CST English-Language Arts & Information Literacy —Sample Questions Reading Comprehension 2.2

Writing Strategies 1.3

Writing Strategies 1.5

Writing Strategies 1.7

Created by the CJUHSD Teacher-Librarians

Sarah Bosler Connie Joyce Chela Cortez Angela Corbett Marilyn Irwin Karman Johnson Victoria Waddle Julie Zurek


After examining the STAR CST Blueprints for ELA for grades nine through eleven, the Chaffey Joint Union High School District Teacher Librarians discovered that 11% of the questions directly relate to information literacy. The TLs compiled this collection of practice questions to be used in various capacities, such as a “sponge activity” before library instruction. Some questions came from Kent State University’s TRAILS website, while others were created by the TLs themselves. All questions are formatted similarly to the CST test with four possible choices and only one correct answer.

CA English-Language Arts Standards

The following ninth and tenth grade English-Language Arts standards are directly related to information literacy: 

Structural Features of Informational Materials 2.2

: prepare a bibliography of reference materials for a report using a variety of consumer, workplace, and public documents.

Number of questions on STAR test = 2 

Research and Technology 1.3

: use clear research questions and suitable research methods (e.g., library, electronic media, personal interview) to elicit and present evidence from primary and secondary sources.

Number of questions on STAR test = 2  

Research and Technology 1.5

: synthesize information from multiple sources and identify complexities and discrepancies in the information and the different perspectives found in each medium (e.g., almanacs, microfiche, news sources, in-depth field studies, speeches, journals, technical documents).

Number of questions on STAR test = 2

Research and Technology 1.7

: use appropriate conventions for documentation in the text, notes, and bibliographies by adhering to those in style manuals (e.g., the Modern Language Association Handbook, The Chicago Manual of Style).

Number of questions on STAR test = 2

Total information literacy questions = 8 out of 75 11%

CA English-Language Arts Standards

The following eleventh grade English-Language Arts standards are directly related to information literacy: 

Research and Technology 1.7

: use systematic strategies to organize and record information (e.g., anecdotal scripting, annotated bibliographies) Number of questions on STAR test = 2

3% of STAR Test


Research and Technology 1.5

: synthesize information from multiple sources and identify complexities and discrepancies in the information and the different perspectives found in each medium (e.g., almanacs, microfiche, news sources, in-depth field studies, speeches, journals, technical documents).

Number of questions on CaHSEE test = 1 out of 92

Acknowledgement Questions used or modified with the permission of TRAILS 9: Tool for Real-Time Assessment of Information Literacy Skills (Kent State University Libraries and Media Services, Kent, Ohio) available at http://www.trails-9.org


According to the TRAILS use agreement, questions cannot be posted on the free web, and TRAILS must be given credit. Schools must gain permission from TRAILS before using their questions.


Which of the following citations is written in the correct format?

A. Caroline B. Cooney. The Face on the Milk Carton. New York: Bantam Books, 1990. Print. B. Cooney, Caroline B. The Face on the Milk Carton. New York: Bantam Books, 1990. Print.

C. B. Cooney, Caroline. The Face on the Milk Carton. New York: Bantam Books, 1990. Print. D. Mrs. Cooney. The Face on the Milk Carton. New York: Bantam Books, 1990. Print.


B. Cooney, Caroline B. The Face on the Milk Carton. New York: Bantam Books, 1990. Print.

(It is always the author’s last name, comma, first name, then middle initial.)

2. What is a term used to describe what a book or journal article is about?

A. Bibliography B. Library catalog C. Research database D. Subject heading


D. Subject heading

3. You are completing your research paper on the devastation of the Amazon rainforest caused by logging. You locate a statistic from a recent newsletter created by the Lumberjacks of the Great Northwest. Which of the following best reflects the credibility of this source?

A. This is a credible source because there is a clear author.

B. This is a credible source because there are images and graphs.

C. This is not a credible source because the author is likely to be biased.

D. This is not a credible source because there are misspellings.


C. This is not a credible source because the author is likely to be biased.

4. As a student begins his/her research, which person would be most helpful in guiding him?

A) a school counselor B) a geography teacher C) a school principal D) a school librarian Research and Technology 1.3 (CST Release Test Question)


D) a school librarian (The school librarian can show you the resources you’ll need.)

5. You have chosen a project in science class that will require you to locate up-to date facts about the planets. Which of the following resource choices would you make?

A Encyclopedia and world atlas B Web site and almanac C Science textbook and world atlas D Dictionary and Web site


B Web site and almanac

6. If you write a research paper, do your original ideas in the paper belong to you?

A. Yes, but only if you apply for a copyright.

B. Yes, the ideas are your intellectual property.

C. Yes, but only if the paper is published.

D. No, student papers are not protected works.

E. No, they belong to the teacher for whom you wrote the paper.


B. Yes, the ideas are your intellectual property.

7. Does the excerpt below illustrate fact, opinion, or bias?

“According to the U.S. Department of Justice, 39% of adults say they have a gun at home and an additional 2% say they have a gun somewhere else on the property or in a car or truck.” A. Bias B. Fact C. Opinion D. Mostly fact with some opinion


B. Fact

8. If you wanted to search for a topic that has several components, such as nutrition for pregnant women, which Boolean operator would you use?

A. And B. But C. Not D. Or


A. And

9. You want to include the ideas from the following quotation from

School Sports News

in your research paper. Which of the following options below demonstrates the correct use of paraphrasing?

Citation: Krenkle, Cory M. "Soccer’s New Status."

School Sports News


2 Feb. 2007: 16. “Soccer is quickly gaining popularity in America. More schools continue to add soccer to their list of competitive varsity sports. In fact, most high schools that offer varsity soccer have a feeder program in the elementary and intermediate grades so that players come to the sport with a good number of skills and knowledge of the rules of the game.”

A. According to Krenkle, soccer has become very popular in America, partly due to the fact that there are elementary and middle school soccer teams that prepare children to play in high school.

B. Soccer’s increasing popularity in America is seen in the increasing number of high schools that offer it as a varsity sport. In order to have participants with an understanding of the rules and basic skills, these school districts offer soccer to their younger students (Krenkle 16).

C. Most high schools that offer varsity soccer have a feeder program in the elementary and intermediate grades so that players come to the sport with a good number of skills and knowledge of the rules of the game (Krenkle 16).

D. “Soccer is quickly gaining popularity in America. More schools continue to add soccer to their list of competitive varsity sports” (Krenkle).


B. Soccer’s increasing popularity in America is seen in the increasing number of high schools that offer it as a varsity sport. In order to have participants with an understanding of the rules and basic skills, these school districts offer soccer to their younger students (Krenkle 16).

10. You go to the public library to get research help on your Supreme Court paper for government class. The public library employs a number of people, and each employee has different responsibilities and skills. Which employee should you contact to get the research help that you need? A. The staff member placing books on the shelves.

B. The staff member checking books out at the circulation desk.

C. The staff member monitoring the computer lab.

D. The staff member working at the reference desk.


D. The staff member working at the reference desk.

11. Why is it important to create a works cited after you have written your paper or completed your project?

A) It provides a list of the page numbers for each of the quotes that you used in your paper.

B) It shows where you found your information so that others can locate your sources.

C) It completely protects you from being accused of plagiarism.

D) It will give you full credit for that portion of the paper.


B) It shows where you found your information so that others can locate your sources.

(Yes, acknowledging your source material is the first step in protecting yourself against being accused of plagiarism, but it’s not the only element of plagiarism.)

12. Walt Whitman was born in 1819 in New York. He received most of his education outside of the classroom. His parents were uneducated but hard-working. At the age of eleven, he worked in a law office as an office boy where he became interested in reading. He was soon reading William Shakespeare and other writers and was on his way to becoming one of America’s most well-known poets.

Which research question most likely contributed to the development of this paragraph?

A) B) How did Whitman spend his childhood?

What were Whitman’s opinions about America?

C) D) What styles did Whitman incorporate into his poetry?

How did the public react to Whitman’s first publication?

Research and Technology 1.3 (CST Released Questions)


A) How did Whitman spend his childhood?

13. You must write a paper on the environmental practices of the Sony Corporation. Which of the following is most likely to provide balanced, non-biased information?

A. Economic Development Board (www.ebd.org) B. Environmental Protection Agency web site (www.epa.gov) C. Free the Planet! (www.freetheplanet.org) D. Sony’s Web site (www.sony.com)


B. Environmental Protection Agency web site (www.epa.gov)

14. Which of the following terms means correctness in every detail, precision and exactness?

A. Objectivity B. Currency C. Accuracy D. Authority


C. Accuracy

15. If you researched the topic of “fuel cells,” which of the following tools would be the most helpful?

A) a science database B) a health science database C)an Internet search engine D)an online encyclopedia


A) a science database (A general science database has superior, detailed and industry-specific information.)

16. You have just been assigned “how tires are recycled to make new products” as a research topic in your science class. Which of the following would be the best individual to help you focus your topic?

A) car mechanic B) math teacher C) school librarian D) refuse collector


C) school librarian

17. Which of the following concepts makes it legally wrong to reproduce a substantial portion of works of another person without permission?

A. Copyright B. Fair use C. Freedom of information D. Intellectual freedom


A. Copyright

18. When you are assessing a web site’s objectivity, which of the following would you not examine?

A. The intended audience of the web site B. Advertising C. Currency of web site links on the page D. Language and images that paint a one-sided picture


C. Currency of web site links on the page

19. When you are assessing a web site’s authority, which of the following would you not examine?

A. The author’s background and qualifications B. The name and reputation of the sponsoring agency or organization C. The domain name of the URL (.edu, .com, .org) D. The depth of the information provided


D. The depth of the information provided

20. When you are assessing a web site’s currency, which of the following would you not examine?

A. The date the web site was created B. Whether the web site has information that is not mentioned on other web sites C. The date the web site was updated D. Hyperlinks to make sure they are working properly


B. Whether the web site has information that is not mentioned on other web sites

21. Which of the following is an example of a public domain document?

A. The novel


by Stephanie Meyer B. An article about the 2008 Presidential Election C. The entire play

Romeo and Juliet

by William Shakespeare D. An internet image of Mickey Mouse


C. The entire play

Romeo and Juliet

by William Shakespeare

22. The following question refers to a print book

Ancient Rome

by Don Nardo.

According to Nardo, permanent Roman military bases were like towns and had many of the same features (65).

The number in parentheses after the sentence refers to: A. The number of Roman military bases.

B. The publication year of the book by Nardo.

C. The page number the information was taken from.

D. The number of a footnote that will be found at the end of the research paper.


C. The page number the information was taken from.

23. When you are conducting research on a topic, you may want to consult a list of books, journal articles, or other materials about that topic. Which of the following terms refers to such a list?

A) bibliography or works cited B) keyword C) library catalog D) research database


A) Bibliography or works cited (A list of books, journals articles, or other source materials on a research topic is a



works cited


24. In your science class you have been assigned “fire” as your topic in the natural disaster unit. Which of the following would be the best individual to help you focus your topic?

A) city mayor B) police officer C) your counselor D) your science teacher


D) your science teacher

25. You are working on an assignment about the tsunami of Dec. 26, 2004, and come across a quote attributed to John Heilpein of the Associated Press. Which of these resources would help you verify the authority of this quote?

A. Global Disaster Information Network ( http://gdin.org

) B. A web site that contains primary sources from the tsunami.

C. A newspaper and magazine database such as EBSCOhost D. The telephone book


C. A newspaper and magazine database such as EBSCOhost

26. You hear of an outbreak of the bird flu (avian influenza) on the nightly news. How might you best determine the truth of this statement?

A. Ask your physician about the truth of the statement.

B. Call the TV news station and ask to speak with the reporter who relayed the information.

C. Search for an avian flu alert on the World Health Organization’s web site.

D. Ask your neighbors and co-workers if they also saw the newscast.


C. Search for an avian flu alert on the World Health Organization’s web site.

27. Which of the following is


primary source?


A) a bill of sale for a Ford Model T B) a soldier’s hand-drawn map of the battlefield on which he fought C) a scientist’s published lab notes from an experiment that she conducted D) a biography of a famous blues musician


D) a biography of a famous blues musician (If it had said it was an


biography, you would have a primary source. However, a biography is written by a secondary source. Therefore, a biography is the only choice that is not a primary source.)

28. If you want to find good periodical articles on a specific topic, which method is the best way to start?

A) flip through periodicals B) use a research database C) use a web search engine D) use the library catalog


B) use a research database (Periodicals are magazines, journals, and newspapers that are printed on a regular basis. This would not be found on the library catalog. A search engine will lead to some periodicals but is not exclusive.)

29. According to Nardo, permanent Roman military bases were like towns and had many of the same features (65).

Normally, a parenthetical citation will give the author’s last name when referring to a source. The above citation does not have the author’s last name because: A. The author’s last name is included in the sentence.

B. The author is unknown.

C. The book is part of a series.

D. The book is available on the Internet.


A. The author’s last name is included in the sentence.

30. You need to find reliable information about treatments available for headaches and plan to use an article from the periodical Pain-Free Living as your source. What should you think about as you decide whether or not this is a reliable source?

A. What is the publication date?

B. What experience does the author of the article have?

C. Who publishes the periodical?

D. All of the above


D. All of the above

31. When is it acceptable to copy a graphic found on the Internet without giving credit to the source?

A. Only when it is in Google Images B. When it represents a company logo C. Never D. When the source is not mentioned in the text


C. Never

32. If you have a research paper due and the teacher has not advised you to use a particular citation style, which of the following is the best thing to do?

A) Select a citation style and use it consistently.

B) Use various citation styles based on the type of resource.

C) Use your own citation style and use it consistently.

D) Don’t cite your sources.


A) Select a citation style and use it consistently.

(Ideally, your teacher would say if he/she preferred MLA, APA, AMA, or Turabian style citation. If there is none specified, select the one you feel is most appropriate, and use it the whole time.)

33. Which of the following questions is answered in the bibliography on the next slide?

A) Are special running shoes needed for beginners?

B) Is Scanlon-Van Horn Publishers located in New York?

C) Is James Gleick related to Libby Mendez?

D) Is Runner’s Magazine published weekly or semimonthly?

Reading Comprehension 2.2 (CST Release Test Question)

Gleick, James.

Getting Started: Running

. New York: Pilot Press, 1979. Print.

Manning, Lynne. “Back to the Sport I Loved: Pacing Myself.”

Runner’s Magazine

15 May 1999: 34-35. Print.

Mendez, Libby.

Medical Advantages of Exercise

. San Diego: Hanley House, 1966. vii-xii. Print.

O’Shea, Shaun.

Athlete’s Guide to Quality Equipment

. Dallas: Scanlon-Van Horn Publishers, 1998. Print. Shopmeyer, Ingrid.

Ingrid Shopmeyer’s Running for Beginners

. Philadelphia: King Books, 1995. Print.


B) Is Scanlon-Van Horn Publishers located in New York?

(Place of publication can be found in the bibliography/works cited. This one is published in Dallas, not New York.)

34. A student has used two sources in her research that both have authors with the last name ‘Smith.’ One author is Victor Smith. The other is Henrietta Smith. When using information from Henrietta Smith, the student will use ___________ as part of her parenthetical citation. A. The author’s full name (Henrietta Smith) B. The author’s first initial and last name (H. Smith) C. Just the author’s last name (Smith) D. A note explaining that there are two authors with the same last name.


B. The author’s first initial and last name (H. Smith)

35. What would be the best source for more information about the Chicano Mural Movement?

A. A magazine article titled “Historical Art in New York City” B. An essay about the current trends in mural art C. A book titled

The History of Latino Art

D. A journal article entitled “Murals of the Big Three” Research and Technology 1.5 (CST Released Questions)


C. A book titled

The History of Latino Art

36. In geometry class you are assigned the history of Pascal’s triangle as your research topic for a 5-page paper. Which source is the best one for background information on this topic?


Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics


Encyclopedia of Science and Technology


Oxford English Dictionary

D) your trigonometry textbook



Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics

37. If this book were to be added to a bibliography/works cited, which of the following entries would be correct?

A) Dennis Martin. Running for Your Health. Miami: McDevonshire Books, 1997. Print.

B) Dennis Martin. Running for Your Health. 1997. McDevonshire Books: Miami. Print.

C) Martin, Dennis. McDevonshire Books. Running for Your Health. Miami: 1997. Print.

D) Martin, Dennis. Running for Your Health. Miami: McDevonshire Books, 1997. Print.

Reading Comprehension 2.2 (CST Release Test Question)


D) Martin, Dennis. Running for Your Health. Miami: McDevonshire Books, 1997. Print. (The answer follows the correct format: Last name, First name. Title. City Published: Publisher, Year Published. Print.)

38. Which of the following documents is considered a primary source?

A. A history textbook B. An article in a news magazine C. A digital image from the National Archives website http://www.archives.gov

D. A poem in an anthology


C. A digital image from the National Archives website http://www.archives.gov

39. You need to write a paper on an event that took place two days ago. Where are you most likely to find information about the event?

A) book B) encyclopedia C) magazine D) newspaper


D) newspaper

40. What is a bibliographic citation?

A. A summary or evaluation of a particular book or article B. An entry in a reference book C. A source of information about a book or article that helps to locate the item D. An Internet URL


C. A source of information about a book or article that helps to locate the item

41. If a student recycles an old research paper of his own for a new class, he is…

A. Within the rules because the paper is his intellectual property.

B. Within the rules only if he significantly revises the original before turning it in.

C. Within the rules if he incorporates additional sources so that the paper is more up to date.

D. Within the rules if he consults the teacher of the new course and receives permission.


D. Within the rules if he consults the teacher of the new course and receives permission.

42. The following citation in a works cited page is from what type of source?

Wells, Nelson. “The Creative Student.” Education Today and Tomorrow Sept. 2008: 24-31. Print.

A. print book B. electronic book C. print magazine D. electronic magazine


C. print magazine

43. In a bibliography/works cited when information is given about a book, a colon is used to separate: Example: Dennis Martin. Running for Your Health. Miami: McDevonshire Books, 1997. Print.

A) the name of the book and the publication date.

B) the title of the book and the name of the publisher.

C) the name of the author and the title of the book.

D) the name of the publishing company and city where it is located.


D) the name of the publishing company and city where it is located.

(If you look in the bibliography, there is a colon between place of publication and the name of the publisher.)

44. Which of the following periodicals contains articles that report original research and must be peer-reviewed before being published?

A. Popular magazines B. Scholarly journals C. Professional or trade journals D. News magazines


B. Scholarly journals

45. If you are required to write a paper on teenage pregnancy, which of the following databases is likely to have the best articles on this topic?

A) architecture database B) health database C) biology database D) psychology database


B) health database

46. You have used a search engine to locate web sites on drug and alcohol use among teenagers. Below are some web sites that your search retrieved. Read over the site descriptions and choose the one that would best meet your information need. A. www.addictionscare.com -- A 24-hour hotline for help in your community B. www.teen.drugabuse.gov -- Describes how different drugs affect the brain C. www.teendrugabusers.us -- Provides help for parents with troubled teens D. None of the above


B. www.teen.drugabuse.gov -- Describes how different drugs affect the brain

47. The following citation in a works cited page is from what type of source?

Wells, Nelson. “The Creative Student.” Education Today and Tomorrow Sept. 2008: 24-31. Web.

25 Oct. 2008 . A. print book B. electronic book C. print magazine D. electronic magazine


D. electronic magazine

48. Which source would be most helpful for a student who wants to write a report on the general use of assistance animals?

A) Franco, Julia. Training Guide Dogs. Los Angeles: Guiding Lights Publishing, 2002. Print.

B) Lee, Sung. “Sasha: A Canine Hero.” Kennel Club Newsletter Spring 2001: 2-3. Print. C) Quinn, Michael. Guide Dogs and Other Companions. San Francisco: Ice House Publishing, 2001. Print.

D) Scott, Ken. “Local Police Seek Funds for K-9 Unit.” The Daily Ledger 2 Jan. 2003: 4C. Print.

Reading Comprehension 2.2 (CST Release Test Question)


C) Quinn, Michael.

Guide Dogs and Other Companions

. San Francisco: Ice House Publishing, 2001. Print.

(This is the best choice because it is a general source about using assistance animals, not about training or funding, or just one specific animal.)

49. When quoting a passage in your source that is a quotation from someone else, you…

A. Must look up the original quotation and cite that source.

B. Can attribute the quotation to the second author and not worry about the original.

C. Should never use a quotation within a quotation in research papers.

D. Must cite it in such a way that your reader knows this is a quote within a quote.


D. Must cite it in such a way that your reader knows this is a quote within a quote.

50. If a source is written anonymously, the first item in its citation on the works cited page will be: A. The title.

B. The word “anonymous.” C. The abbreviation “NA” for “no author.” D. The publication date.


A. The title.

51. You are researching the problems in preserving the Amazon rainforest. Select the information source that would be the most helpful in finding information for your research paper.

A) a newsletter for the furniture industry B) a magazine with articles by the travel industry C) a journal with articles written by university scientists D) a newspaper editorial


C) a journal with articles written by university scientists

52. In your geography class, you have been assigned a foreign country. You have to draw a map of that country and include its geographic features (rivers, mountains, etc.). Which resources would be the best ones to use?

A) dictionary and newspaper B) atlas and encyclopedia C) thesaurus and atlas D) encyclopedia and almanac


B) atlas and encyclopedia

53. A member of your family has just been diagnosed with a disease. Your mother sends you to the library to find reliable, current information on the disease, but you don’t know where to start your search. Which of the following would be the best way to start?

A) browse the magazines B) browse the nonfiction shelves C) use a computer and search using the name of the disease D) ask the librarian for help


D) ask the librarian for help

54. If you use an image from a website on the Internet in your work:

A. It’s no problem because things on the Internet are free.

B. You must cite the website source of the image.

C. You must indicate “From the Internet” directly under the image.

D. You are never allowed to use images from the Internet because it’s illegal.


B. You must cite the website source of the image.

55. You are doing a research project on the Lewis and Clark expedition. Which of the questions is not important to answer for this report?

A) What supplies did Lewis and Clark take on the journey?

B) What was the route of the expedition?

C) Where are Lewis and Clark buried?

D) What was the goal of the expedition?


C) Where are Lewis and Clark buried?

56. You need to find the longitude and latitude of Sydney, Australia. What is the best reference source to use?

A) almanac B) atlas C) dictionary D) encyclopedia


B) Atlas

57. You are to write a report about healthy eating. You are to use only online resources. From the list below, select the most appropriate source that would help you locate your information on your topic.

A) health web site on the food pyramid B) online encyclopedia article on exercise C) online magazine article on sports medicine D) online newspaper article about obesity


A) health web site on the food pyramid

58. The assignment for health class is to find facts on childhood obesity. You want to save time. Which web site should you check first?


Healthy Adults

(health information for adults) B)

Lose Weight Now

explained) (several diet plans are C)

Kid’s Health

discussed) (children’s health topics are D)

Food for Life

(healthy food choices)



Kid’s Health

(children’s health topics are discussed)

59. On a recent hike you saw an unfamiliar bird. You want to hear what song or call this bird produces. Which library source would allow you to identify the bird and also hear the bird’s song or call? A. A bird identification DVD B. A print field guide on birds C. An encyclopedia on birds D. A general encyclopedia


A. A bird identification DVD

60. Which of the following best identifies a “publication issued periodically, usually weekly or monthly, containing articles, stories, photographs and advertisements”?

A. Journal B. Magazine C. Newsletter D. Newspaper


B. Magazine

61. You have to write a social studies report that requires you to use a primary source. Which of the following groups is an example of only primary sources?

A. Textbooks, biographies, videos, periodicals B. Letters, photographs, diaries, sketchbooks C. Almanacs, biographies, encyclopedias, periodicals D. Letters, textbooks, historical fiction, bibliographies


B. Letters, photographs, diaries, sketchbooks

62.Which of the following statements is generally true about a web search engine?

(For example, Google or Altavista)?

A. It searches free resources.

B. It searches most research databases.

C. It searches using subject headings.

D. It searches all of the documents on the Internet.


A. It searches free resources.

63. Which of the following is a characteristic of a primary source?

A. It is created only after other trustworthy works have been consulted.

B. It is an interpretation or analysis of an original record.

C. It is peer-reviewed for historical accuracy before it is published.

D. It is created by those who are involved in or observe the event.


D. It is created by those who are involved in or observe the event.

64. Your social studies class is discussing Iraq and its future. You have been assigned to a team which must present background information to the rest of the class. Which resources will help your team?

A. A school library catalog B. Google C. A world history database D. All of the above


D. All of the above

65. Read the following quotation from the web site of the organization known as Cattle Producers International.

"Mad Cow disease occurs in animals located in small, defined areas. Government measures to restrict the movement of cattle or even to destroy those in a larger region are not necessary and limit farmers' freedom to make their own decisions.” Which of the following best reflects the credibility of this source?

A. This is a credible source because it is from the Cattle Producers International web site.

B. This is a credible source because the information is written as a quote, indicating this is an expert opinion.

C. This is not a credible source because the organization is likely to be biased about this issue.

D. This is not a credible source because it disregards government policy.


C. This is not a credible source because the organization is likely to be biased about this issue.

66. There are many kinds of libraries. If you want to find a book on a subject in any type of library, which library resource would you use?

A. Library’s online catalog B. Video collection C. Reference tool D. Periodical database


A. Library’s online catalog

67. Everyone in your science class has to create an informational pamphlet on animals. Your topic is giraffes. Select the web site below that has the most authority on giraffes.

A. A site about zoo animals created by Mr. Turner’s sixth graders B. A site created by the San Diego Zoo C. A site created by a tourist on safari in Africa D. None of the above


B. A site created by the San Diego Zoo

68. Which of the following is not a reason why you should cite your sources?

A. Citing gives credit to the author or the first person of the idea.

B. Citing shows that you have researched the idea.

C. Citing allows another person to identify the complete work that you used.

D. Citing tells the reader where to purchase the complete work that you used.


D. Citing tells the reader where to purchase the complete work that you used.

69. Your friend tells you about a web site where you can download all of the latest songs that you hear on the radio for free. If you use this Web site for this purpose, you will be violating which of the following?

A. Fair use B. Right to privacy C. Copyright D. Freedom of information


C. Copyright

70. Johnson, Terry. “Working Dogs Help Save Lives.”

Dog Fancy

. 24 June 2007: 75-77. Print.

What is

Dog Fancy

in the example above?

A. Chapter of a book B. Publishing company C. Title of a magazine D. Title of an article


C. Title of a magazine

71. You want to know which teams won the Super Bowl the last five years. What print reference resource would you use?

A. Atlas B. Encyclopedia C. Thesaurus D. Almanac


D. Almanac

72. You need to find information on alternative fuels, such as ethanol, for a three-page paper. What research approach should you take to find the necessary information? A. Use an Internet search engine, browse the library shelves, and look through informational pamphlets.

B. Search the online library catalog, use an Internet search engine, and search a news database.

C. Search the online library catalog, ask a classmate for help, and look through magazines.

D. None of the above.


B. Search the online library catalog, use an Internet search engine, and search a news database.

73. You have been given a project on immigration. Which library source would not help you research your topic? A. A magazine database B. A nonfiction video C. A fiction book D. A reference book


C. A fiction book

74. You have a list of 20 places to label on a current map of China for tomorrow. You left your map at school, and the assignment is due first thing in the morning. Where might you get a suitable map to use in its place?

A. Historic China – www.chinamaps.org - maps showing China’s history, 221 B.C.E. through 1911 B. Map Machine – www.nationalgeographic.com - maps of the 7 continents C. The National Atlas –www.nationalatlas.gov - maps of the United States D. World Atlas – www.worldatlas.com - outline maps of individual countries


D. World Atlas – www.worldatlas.com outline maps of individual countries

15. In the early 1800s, the U.S. government forced many Native Americans to move west of the Mississippi River. The Cherokee were allowed to stay on their land in Georgia until 1838, when President Jackson forced them to move west also. Their move was known as the Trail of Tears. You need more information about this 1838 event. Which group of words will give you the best results?

A. “Native Americans” AND “forced migration” B. Cherokee AND “U.S. government” C. Cherokee AND “Trail of Tears” D. “Native Americans” AND “removal from land”


C. Cherokee AND “Trail of Tears”

76. You are writing a paper on the use of copper bracelets to relieve arthritis pain. You found a web site and need to evaluate the accuracy of the information. Which of the following would not help you determine the accuracy of the information?

A. Celebrity endorsements B. Bibliography of research articles C. Facts from a university medical center D. None of the above


A. Celebrity endorsements

77. You need to find information about the planet Jupiter for a school project. Your teacher wants one of your sources to be a web page. You have found several that may work, but you must evaluate them to make sure they are good sites. Using the choices below, select the question that will best help you evaluate the sites.

A. Who created the site?

B. Are there images on the web page?

C. How many people use the site?

D. Is the site attractive?


A. Who created the site?

78. You are writing a paper on toy safety. Which web site is most likely to have objective information?

A. Mattel, Inc.

B. U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission C. Toy Manufacturers Association D. China Exporters Society


B. U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission

79. Which of the following is not an example of plagiarism?

A. Writing a paper based on a paper your brother wrote last year for the same class B. Quoting a famous person’s words in your paper and including the person’s name C. Including the work of another person without giving the person credit D. Using a friend’s PowerPoint presentation to write your own paper


B. Quoting a famous person’s words in your paper and including the person’s name

80. You are using recipes from this book in your report. You must include it in your bibliography. Given this title page, who would be the book’s publisher?

A. Fiesta!

B. Fiesta! Cooking Up a Mexican Party C. Cooking Press, Inc.

D. Juan Pablomesa


C. Cooking Press, Inc.

81. What would be the BEST source of information on Australian earthworms?

A. A web site for a company selling earthworms B. A magazine article entitled “Earthworms: The Farmer’s Friend” C. A book entitled

Earthworms from Around the World

D. An Internet site on soil management using earthworms


C. A book entitled

Earthworms from Around the World

82. If a student wanted to learn more about family, food, and customs in Korea, an Internet site would be more useful than a general encyclopedia because the Internet site would probably- A. discuss both history and politics.

B. feature detailed information on nutrition.

C. have more personal information on traditions.

D. show a map of the country and surrounding area.


C. have more personal information on traditions.

83. What source is BEST for finding out what happened on Amelia Earhart’s flight from Newfoundland on Northern Ireland? A. A chapter in a history textbook B. An encyclopedia article on Earhart C. A book on the construction of airplanes D. A biography of Earhart


D. A biography of Earhart

84. Which of the following would be the BEST way to learn about what it was like to work on a ranch in the 1930s?

A. Read a novel that takes place on a ranch in the 1930s. B. Search the Internet for recent articles about ranches.

C. Read the journal of a ranch worker alive in the 1930s.

D. Interview an expert on ranching methods.


C. Read the journal of a ranch worker alive in the 1930s.

85. The following are references for sources of information about the working world. In which source would you be MOST likely to find information about career opportunities in the future?

A. Steger, Benjamin.

Beating the System: How I Became a Corporate Vice President in Four Years

. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1999. Print.

B. Jacobs, Gale. “Office Management.”

USA Today.

8 2000, D5. Print.

March C. Budihas, Gregory S.

Job Hunting in the Decade Ahead.

New York: Random House, 2003. Print.

D. Gonzalez, Maria. “What It Takes to Be a Successful Career Counselor.”


September 15, 2001, 55-56. Print.


C. Budihas, Gregory S.

Job Hunting in the Decade Ahead.

New York: Random House, 2003. Print.

86. Which of the following would be the BEST source of information to explain what went wrong during the

Apollo 13


A. A newsmagazine report on the

Apollo 13


B. An almanac for the year 1970 C. A documentary about the making of the movie

Apollo 13

D. A newspaper editorial about the U.S. space program


A. A newsmagazine report on the

Apollo 13


87. Works Cited Berryman, William.

Call to the Poles.

Cincinnati: Johnson Sutton, 1993. Print.

Creighton, Phillip.

The Ice Warriors

. Atlanta: Pelman, 1996. Print.

Martles, Robert. “On Top of the World.”

Modern Exploration

. May 1988: 45-64. Print.

Thayer, Helen.

Polar Dream

. New York: Simon Schuster, 1995. Print.

Based on the Works Cited above, which author writes for a magazine?

A. Berryman B. Creighton C. Martles D. Thayer Research and Technology 1.7 (CST Released Questions)


C. Martles

88. Which of the works in the Works Cited is most likely the source of information for the temperature at which popcorn kernels pop?

A. “Healthy Snacks” B.

Popcorn: A Healthy Alternative

C. “How Popcorn Evolved” D.

Science of Food

Research and Technology 1.5 (CST Released Questions)



Science of Food

89. Which magazine article would


likely appear in a bibliography for a piece about an artist who painted portraits of Yellowstone in the 1800s?

A. “A Portrait of Yellowstone Before It Was a Park” B. “The Ten Most Popular Tourist Attractions in the United States” C. “Who’s Who in the World of Contemporary Artists” D. “How Lobbyists Get the Job Done in Congress” Reading Comprehension 2.2 (CST Released Questions)


A. “A Portrait of Yellowstone Before It Was a Park” Reading Comprehension 2.2 (CST Released Questions)

90. What is the correct way to list a book about Death Valley by Maxine Garcia?

A. Maxine Garcia, New York:

The Famous Valley.

Hartford Books, 1998. Print.

B. Garcia, Maxine.

The Famous Valley.

New York: Harford Books, 1998. Print.


The Famous Valley

by Maxine Garcia. New York: Hartford Books, 1998. Print.

D. Garcia, Maxine. New York: Hartford Books.

The Famous Valley, 1998.


Research and Technology 1.7 (CST Released Questions)


B. Garcia, Maxine.

The Famous Valley.

New York: Harford Books, 1998. Print.

91. Which source listed below is a periodical?

A. Adams, Wesley.

The Many Faces of Walt Whitman.

London: Bungalow Publishing, 1998. Print.

B. Moseley, Carrie.

Walt Whitman: A Poet for All Time

. New York: Standard Books, 2002. Print. C. Ryan, Tom.

Whitman: An American Voice.

Chicago: Noland, 1999. Print.

D. Stevens, Constance. “Stylistic Innovations in the Poetry of Walt Whitman.”

Poetry Today

12 (2000): 27-37. Print. Research and Technology 1.7 (CST Released Questions)


D. Stevens, Constance. “Stylistic Innovations in the Poetry of Walt Whitman.”

Poetry Today

12 (2000): 27-37. Print.

92. Which source listed below was accessed using a computer?

A. Gaines, James. “What Is El Nino?”

Environmental News

. 16 Feb. 1998, 14-19. Print.

B. Stewart, Joseph. “El Nino and the Galapagos Island Report.”

New York Times

. 28 Aug. 1998, late ed.: K1. Web.

New York Times Online.

24 Mar. 1999. C. Thompson, John. “El Nino’s Wrath Hits Galapagos Islands.”


. 4 Apr. 1998. 89-94. Print. D. Wilson, Eric K.

Galapagos: Ecotourism on the Equator

. New York: EcoBooks, 1999. Print.

Research and Technology 1.7 (CST Released Questions)


B. Stewart, Joseph. “El Nino and the Galapagos Island Report.”

New York Times

. 28 Aug. 1998, late ed.: K1. Web.

New York Times Online.

24 Mar. 1999.

93. From which source is this sentence taken?

According to Wilson, when the water is warmer for a sustained period, the coral tissue expels the zooxanthellae, causing the coral to lose its color; this will eventually kill the coral and all the marine life that depend on it (88). A. Gaines, James. “What Is El Nino?”

Environmental News

. 16 Feb. 1998, 14-19. Print.

B. Stewart, Joseph. “El Nino and the Galapagos Island Report.”

New York Times

. 28 Aug. 1998, late ed.: K1. Web.

New York Times Online.

24 Mar. 1999.

C. Thompson, John. “El Nino’s Wrath Hits Galapagos Islands.”


. 4 Apr. 1998. 89-94. Print. D. Wilson, Eric K.

Galapagos: Ecotourism on the Equator

. New York: EcoBooks, 1999. Print.

Research and Technology 1.7 (CST Released Questions)


D. Wilson, Eric K.

Galapagos: Ecotourism on the Equator

. New York: EcoBooks, 1999. Print.


Which works cited entry is most likely the source for the information about Walt Whitman’s, an American poet, teaching career?

A. Adams, Wesley.

The Many Faces of Walt Whitman.

London: Bungalow Publishing, 1998. Print.

B. Moseley, Carrie.

Walt Whitman: A Poet for All Time.

New York: Standard Books, 2002. Print. C. Ryan, Tom.

Whitman: An American Voice.

Chicago: Noland, 1999. Print. D. Stevens, Constance. “Stylistic Innovations in the Poetry of Walt Whitman.”

Poetry Today

12 (2000): 27 –37. Print. Research and Technology 1.5 (CST Released Questions)


A. Adams, Wesley.

The Many Faces of Walt Whitman.

London: Bungalow Publishing, 1998. Print.


Which research question would be least relevant in researching Eleanor Roosevelt’s life?

A. What role did Eleanor Roosevelt play in the Red Cross organization? B. How old was Eleanor Roosevelt when she married Franklin D. Roosevelt? C. Why did Eleanor Roosevelt resign her position in the United Nations in 1951? D. In what way did Eleanor Roosevelt directly contribute as chair of the UN’s Human Rights Commission? Research and Technology 1.5 (CST Released Questions)


B. How old was Eleanor Roosevelt when she married Franklin D. Roosevelt?

96. Abigail Adams, who later became First Lady as the wife of President John Adams, wrote letters that played a significant role in bringing women’s rights to the attention of the nation. During the American Revolution, she wrote to her husband John, “In the new code of laws . . . I desire you would remember the ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors! Do not put such unlimited power in the hands of the husbands!” (Hoover 97). Which research question most likely contributed to the development of the above paragraph?

A. What did Abigail Adams do to support her family during her husband’s presidency? B. What major contribution did Abigail Adams make during the American Revolution? C. How often did Abigail Adams write to her husband during the American Revolution? D. How were the relationships between husbands and wives defined in the time of Abigail Adams? Research and Technology 1.3 (CST Released Questions)


B. What major contribution did Abigail Adams make during the American Revolution?

97. Which of the following citation is in the correct format for a magazine article?

A. McEvoy, Dermot. “Little Books, Big Success.”

Publishers Weekly

30 Oct. 2006: 26-28. Print.

B. “Little Books, Big Success.” McEvoy, Dermot. 30 Oct. 2006.

Publishers Weekly.

26-28. Print.

C. Dermot McEvoy. “Little Books, Big Success.” 30 Oct. 2006: 26-28.

Publishers Weekly

. Print.


Publishers Weekly

. “Little Books, Big Success” by Dermot McEvoy. 30 Oct. 2006: 26-28. Print.

Research and Technology 2.2


A. McEvoy, Dermot. “Little Books, Big Success.”

Publishers Weekly

30 Oct. 2006: 26-28. Print.

(It is always the author’s last name, comma, first name, then middle initial.)

98. “Maya Angelou’s understanding of the human experience and her ability to translate the fears, joys, and hopes of people of all creeds has made hers the voice that people choose to represent them.” Which research question most likely contributed to the development of this paragraph?

A. What literary devices did Angelou use in her poetry?

B. Why has Angelou’s writing been so popular to the general public?

C. What challenges has Angelou had in her life?

D. What topics does Angelou often write about in her poetry?

Research and Technology 1.3


B. Why has Angelou’s writing been so popular to the general public?

99. You are doing a paper on the death penalty. What source below would be the best source?

A. An interview with a prison guard B. Prodeathpenalty.com

C. A general encyclopedia D. An online database Research and Technology 1.5


D. An online database

100. Which source below is from a print magazine?

A. Wood, Jason. “Spellbound.”

Sight and Sound

28-30. Print.

Dec. 2005: B. Frank, Damon.

Modernist Heresies: British Literary History, 1883-1924.

Columbus: Ohio State UP, 2008. Print.

C. More, Hannah. “The Black Slave Trade: A Poem.”

British Women Poets of the Romantic Era.

472-82. Print.

Mr. 2007. Web. 15 May 2008.

Ed. Paula R. Feldman. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1997. D. Quade, Alex. “Elite Team Rescues Troops Behind Enemy Lines.” CNN.com. Cable News Network, 19 Research and Technology 1.7


A. Wood, Jason. “Spellbound.”

Sight and Sound

Dec. 2005: 28-30. Print.