Rapid assessment report

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Emergency rapid assessment report
The Kammuri Typhoon’s effect
in Lao Cai Province
From 15th- 17th August 2008
Assessment team
Le Thi Sam
- Oxfam
- Team leader
Hoang Hong Hanh
- Tem member
Duong Thuy Nga
- Oxfam
- Tem member
Vu Xuan Viet
- Oxfam
- Tem member
Nguyen Trang Quynh
- SP
- Tem member
Tran Xuan Hoa
- SP
- Tem member
James Lieu
- SP
- Tem member
Provash Mondal
- Oxfam
- Tem member
Stacey Winston
- Observer
Pham Ha Anh
- Oxfam
- Logistician
Ly Ta May
- Oxfam
- Interpreter (Dao)
Ma A Pho
- Oxfam
- Interpreter (Hmong)
Nguyen Huyen Thuy Nhien
- Oxfam
- Interpreter (English)
Tan Thi Su
- SP
- Interpreter (Hmong)
Hang Thi Chau
- SP
- Interpreter (Hmong)
Visited Areas
Bao Yen District
• Long Phuc Commune
(Villages: Mot (1), Bon(4)
• Long Khanh Commune
(Villages:Nam (5) Sau (6)
Bat Xat District
• Trinh Tuong Commune
(Villages: Ban Mac, Tung
Chin 1 )
• Muong Hum Commune
(Village:Seo Po Ho)
Damages and losses
• 5 districts were affected by flash flood and
landslide, especially to Bat Xat and Bao Yen
• 79 persons dead/ missing; 53 persons were injured
• 311 houses were swept;2326 houses were
• 1121 houses are in threaten areas
• Transportation is blocked -249 constructions
(Bridges, culverts) were damaged
• Electricity system were damaged- causing power off
• Many schools and commune health centre were
affected – 99 rooms, 400 sets of table and chair,
many teaching facilities and medical facilities
were damaged
Damages and losses
• 50 tons of rice were swept
• 5627 ha of rice and cash crops (18% of farming land
in Lao Cai province) were damaged (Of which1950 ha
of rice, 1210 ha of cash crops were damaged totally;
350 ha of rice are unable recovery)
• 225 ha of fish pond were damaged, 200 tons of fishes
was lost.
• 62 buffaloes were swept
• 168 Irrigation systems and 27clean water systems
were damaged
• Total of lost/ damaged: 985 bilions.
Initial responses
• Mobilizing people to find missing persons
• Providing Chlorine B and essential medicine for
Commune Health centres
• Providing rice for households who have lost their
houses or all assets for the first one month (15kg – 20kg/
• Support money for households who have dead person (
2-3 millions/ dead person) and injured person ( 1million/
injured person)
• Support money for households who have houses were
destroyed: 5 millions/ hh ( Bao Yen Dist.) or woods and
labour for re- build houses (Bat Xat)
• Mobilizing local people to recover livelihood activities:
repairing irrigation systems, clearing paddy fields.
• Support money for hh who have dead or injured persons ( 290
mill VND)
• Household who have lost their houses and all assets (311hh):
rice ( 6 months= 139,9 tons) money for rebuild houses (10millions
VND/ hh= 3, 110 million VND), Non food items ( 2millions/ hh= 622
millions VND)
• Relocation for 1121 hh in threaten areas ( 10 millions VNS/ hh =
10, 121 millions VND)
• Support for livelihood recovery:
– Recover damaged fields (3160 ha): 14,656.4 millions VND
– Repairing/ constructing irrigation systems: 50,000 million VND
• Constructing new clean water systems (27) : 10,000 millions
• Repairing inter- village transportation, schools, commune
Health care centre: 100,000 millions VND
Total: 188, 708.4 billions VND(11, 347 millions USD ) and 139,9 tons of
• Support money for damaged households (More
than 50%)- 5millions/ hh
• Providing rice ( and food) for households who
lost all their food stock/ crops for 3 – 6 months.
• Finding alternative incomes
• Constructing new clean water systems and
hygiene promotion
• Child protection
• Health care
• Support for vulnerable groups
• Land Use Planning
• The central government has confirmed to
support Lao Cai province 90 billions VND
(5millions USD) and 70 tons of rice
• Other contributions ( through LC Fatherland
Front): 5 biilions VND ( 300,000 USD)
• Initial request from Lao Cai province: 188,
708.4 billions VND(11, 347 millions USD ) and
139,9 tons of rice
• Land for resettlement (House and garden,
Farming land)
• Constructions in resettlement areas
• Providing rice ( and food) for households who
lost all their food stock/ crops for 3 – 6 months.
• Finding alternative incomes
• Constructing new clean water systems in
existing communes in affected areas.
• Health care: medicine for initial treatment, public
health promotion for epidemic prevention
• Child protection and education
• Land Use Planning