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European Climate Assessment (ECA)
Climate Dataset (ECD)
Albert Klein Tank, Aryan van Engelen, et al.*
KNMI, the Netherlands
27 November 2001
WMO-CCL, Geneva, Switzerland
*Acknowledgements: R. Böhm, Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, Austria; G. Demarée, Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium; A. Gocheva, National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, Bulgaria; M. Mileta, Meteorological and Hydrological Service, Croatia; S. Pashiardis, Meteorological Service of Cyprus;
L. Hejkrlik, Czech Hydrometeorological Institute; C. Kern-Hansen, Danish Meteorological Institute; R. Heino, Finnish Meteorological Institute; P. Bessemoulin, Météo-France; G. Müller-Westmeier, Deutscher Wetterdienst; M. Tzanakou, Hellenic National Meteorological Service, Greece; S. Szalai, Hungarian Meteorological Service;
T. Pálsdóttir, Icelandic Meteorological Office; D. Fitzgerald, Met. Eiraan, Ireland; S. Rubin, Israel Meteorological Service; M. Capaldo, Ufficio Generale della Meteorologia, Italy; M. Maugeri, Isituto di Fisica Generale Applicata, Italy; A. Leitass, Latvian Hydrometeorological Agency; A. Bukantis, Division of Climatology of the Institute of
Geography, Lithuania; A. Romain, Service Meteorologique du Luxembourg; A.F.V. van Engelen, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, The Netherlands; E. Forland, Norwegian Meteorological Institute; M. Mietus, Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, Poland; F. Coelho, Instituto de Meteorologia, Portugal; C. Mares,
National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, Romania; V. Razuvaev, Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring; E. Nieplova, Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute; T. Cegnar, Hydrometeorological Institute of Slovenia; J. Antonio López, Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia Spain; B. Dahlström,
Swedisch Meteorological and Hydrological Institute; A. Moberg, Stockholm University, Sweden, W. Kirchhofer, MeteoSwiss, Switzerland; A. Ceylan, Devlet Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüoü, Turkey; O. Pachaliuk, Central Geophysical Observatory, Committee of the hydrometeorology, Ukraine; L.V. Alexander, Met Office, United Kingdom;
P. Petrovic, Federal Hydrometeorological Institute, Yugoslavia.
IPCC-TAR (2001)
Geneva, Switzerland
ECA & ECD objectives:
study extremes and variability in the temperature and
precipitation climate of WMO RA VI
provide unrestricted access to collected station series
of temperature and precipitation with daily time
resolution (necessary for extremes analysis)
use indicators from the dictionary prepared by
the joint CCL/CLIVAR Working Group on Climate
Change Detection (agenda item 5, ref. 3 and 8)
summarize all (preliminary) results at project web-site
and use web-site to communicate indicator definitions
and disseminate daily station series
Results 1:
temperature extremes
Frich et al. (Clim.res., 2001)
IPCC-TAR (2001; Ch.2, Folland and Karl)
IPCC-TAR (2001; Ch.2, Folland and Karl)
Results 2:
Results 3:
daily dataset 1901-1999:
126 out of 250 collected station series of
temperature and precipitation are now available
for free download at:
(Klein Tank et al., submitted to Int. J. of Climatol.)
ECA report will be published in spring 2002
>>> new participants welcome ! <<<
ECD dataset will soon also be available
at interactive web-site:
follow-up ? data quality control, homogeneity analysis
and meta data collection and distribution