Transcript CFO Seminar

CFO Seminar
September 13th, 2014
Directors & Officers Insurance
Directors & Officers Insurance
• What is D & O insurance
• Why does your club need this coverage
• What does it mean to you as individuals who volunteer
What is D & O Insurance
• Personal liability insurance that provides general cover to a firm's
directors and senior executives. Paid usually by the firm, it reimburses
(in part or in full) the costs resulting from law suits and judgments
arising out of poor management decisions, employee dismissals,
shareholder grievances, and other such acts committed in good faith.
Criminal offenses are not covered under this insurance.
Criminal acts exclusion
Intentional illegal acts or illegal profits are typically not covered under
D&O insurance policies; coverage would only extend to "wrongful acts"
as defined under the policy, which may include certain acts, omissions,
misstatements while acting for the organization. Due to exclusions and
as a matter of public policy, coverage is not provided for criminal fraud.
Who needs Directors and Officers Insurance
• Condo Corporations
• Associations,
• Gun Clubs
• Veterans Clubs
• Volunteer Organizations
• Etc.
• Companies
There are 9 reason why a organization requires Directors and Officers
1.Non Profit Director and Officer boards can be sued by
donors, employees (prospective, current or former), the
general public, third parties, clients, and/or government
2.The personal assets of the individual board members
are at stake! Directors & Officers (D&O) insurance can
help protect a board member’s home, investments, or
other personal assets.
3.The bylaws of the Non Profit may indemnify the Board
but does not guarantee the entity has the resources to
fund the cost of a claim. The financial backing of a
Directors & Officers policy will ensure financial solvency to
the organization.
4. Directors and Officers lawsuits can have a devastating
impact on the operating budget of the Non Profit
organization, and can even put the entity out of business
5.The average cost of a Directors and Officers policy is
often under $1,000 with a zero retention yet the average
cost of a claim is over $100,000.
6.Directors and Officers claims are not covered under
General Liability or any other policy form.
7.Corporate scandals have heightened regulation of
accounting practices. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act has also
impacted Non Profits.
8. The Canada Revenue Agency has increased their
scrutiny of Non Profits. Over 400 private foundations have
been audited in the past year
9. Directors of Non Profit boards have the same fiduciary
duties as corporate board members. Non Profit Directors
and Officers lawsuits may involve a variety of issues
related to the daily operations of the board including
•Duty of Care – requires Directors and Officers to act
prudently and reasonably in regard to the
management of the organization’s affairs
•Duty of Loyalty – prohibits Directors and Officers
from using their position in the organization to further
their own personal interest
•Duty of Obedience – requires Directors and Officers
to ensure that the organization is run in accordance
with it’s charter and bylaws, and that the organization
complies with applicable laws
What if I am a member of several
• You should confirm they carry Directors and Officers Insurance
• In some cases your club Directors and Officers Insurance extends
coverage to you as a director of other organizations and will respond
if the other organizations insurance can not cover the cost of the
claims settlement.