Transcript Folie 1

Presentation ECER Relations between domicile and dispositions of vocational integration

Istanbul, 11.9.2013

Claudia Tunsch

A. Starting position: vocational exclusion of young people in a German urban district

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Claudia Tunsch, Germany, phon: +49 551 79099417 [email protected]

B. Current state of the scientific discourse 1. Characteristics of vocational exclusion

Selections within the educational system Problems by transition from school to workplace Social origin Ethnic origin Gender Region and Mechanisms of selection in enterprises ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Claudia Tunsch, Germany, phon: +49 551 79099417 [email protected]

2. Urban development Highly heterogeneous structure in the cities

in contrast

Homogeneous structures in the districts

There are districts in which only rich people live or districts with only poor people -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Claudia Tunsch, Germany, phone: +49 551 79099417 [email protected]

C. Theoretical approach

“Social Space” (Bordieu 1997) + “The constitution of space” (Löw 2001) + “The object of activity( Leontjev quoted after Deinet 2009)“+ “Concept of spatial learning for education in the area of social work” (Deinet/Reutlinger 2004)

“Interrelational concept of spatial learning in context of education”

(Learning material, symbolic, virtual and communicative by confrontation) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Claudia Tunsch, Germany, phon: +49 551 79099417 [email protected]

D. “Space-Education Model”

„Territorial Ressources “ „Social and cultural practices”

(Tunsch 2013)

„Local settlement“

E. Empirical approach

„Social and ethnic origin“ 1. Territorial analyzes by literature, documents and statistic data 2. Standardized written survey with people from the local schools 3. Qualitative survey based on guides interrogations with young people of the district.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Claudia Tunsch, Germany, phon: +49 551 79099417 [email protected]

F. Particular results: spatial effects of educational dispositions

• Homogeneous district with low urban structures • Six spatial types with different educational dispositions Analyzed practice: “Career exploration” (Ratschinski 2012) “Career indecision” (Ratschinski 2012) Level of school leaving qualification Social and ethnic origin Extent of private and vocational networks Emotional native feeling to the domicile Duration of located generations ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Claudia Tunsch, Germany, phon: +49 551 79099417 [email protected]

G. Conclusions and perspectives

1. Urban spaces influence the success of (vocational) education.

2. “Interrelational concept of spatial learning” bases on social processes in material, symbolic, virtual or communicative confrontation.

3. Supporting young adults has to involve taking a look at their entire circumstances, conditions and causes. 4. The relational spatial theory - by pointing out conditions and reasons of educational positions - is able to identify and to visualize hierarchical relations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Claudia Tunsch, Germany, phon: +49 551 79099417 [email protected]

Thank you for your attention!

Particular references

Bourdieu, P. (1997). Ortseffekte. In P. Bourdieu et al., Das Elend der Welt. Zeugnisse und Diagnosen alltäglichen Leidens an der Gesellschaft (Seiten 159–167). Konstanz: UVK Universitätsverlag.

Deinet, U., Reutlinger, C. (2004)(Hrsg.). „Aneignung als Bildungskonzept der Sozialpädagogik. Beiträge zur Pädagogik des Kindes- und Jugendalters in Zeiten entgrenzter Lernorte. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Koch, M. (2013). „Verschüttetes Können?“. Kompetenz, Herkunft und Habitus benachteiligter Jugendlicher. Münster: Waxmann.

Löw, M. (2001).Raumsoziologie. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.

Ratschinski, G. (2012). Berufswahlkompetenz. Versuch einer zeitgemäßen Operationalisierung der Berufswahlreife. In G. Ratschinski, A. Steuber (Hrsg.), Ausbildungsreife. Kontroversen, Alternativen und Förderansätze (Seiten 135–156). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Tunsch, C. (2013). „Diskrepanzen“. Bildungschancen von Jugendlichen in „entmischten“ Stadtteilen am Beispiel Stöckens - Raumtheoretische Betrachtungen auf Bildungsdispositionen. Zur Vernachlässigung der Raumkategorie. Non public PHD. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover .

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Claudia Tunsch, Germany, phon: +49 551 79099417 [email protected]