CEN TC 230 WG2 “Biological Methods”

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CEN TC 230 WG2
“Biological Methods”
Work Programme
October 2008
(Convenor – Paul Logan)
• Design of Multimetric Indices ENV Technical
• Pro-rata Multi-Habitat Sampling of benthic
invertebrates from wadeable river
• Field and laboratory procedures
• Selection of sampling methods and devices for
benthic macroinvertebrates in fresh waters (ISO)
Macrophytes & Algae
(Convenor Dr Arnold Veen)
• Phytoplankton biovolume determination by
microscopic measurement of cell dimensions
• Quantitative and qualitative sampling of
phytoplankton from inland waters
• Surveying, sampling and laboratory analysis of
phytobenthos in shallow running water
• European Macrophyte List
(Convenor Prof. Goran Dave)
• Estimation of fish abundance with mobile
hydroacoustic methods
• Seine netting methodology for quantitative
sampling of fish
Water Body Characteristics
(Convenor Prof Phil Boon)
• Determining the degree of modification of river
• Assessing the hydromorphological features of
lakes and reservoirs
• Hydromorphology of estuaries
Quality Assurance
(Convenor Prof Georg Janauer)
• Design and analysis of interlaboratory
comparison studies for ecological assessment
• Selection and design of taxonomic keys
• Performance characteristics in aquatic
ecological methods
(Convenor Dr Sabine Cochrane)
• Quantitative and qualitative investigation of
marine phytoplankton
• Estimation of chlorophyll a using in vivo
fluorometry and photometry
• Survey of marine macroalgae opportunistic
macroalgae and rocky shore macroalgae
CEN Mandate Projects
• Phytoplankton biovolume determination by
microscopic measurement of cell dimensions
• Quantitative and qualitative sampling of
phytoplankton from inland waters
• Estimation of fish abundance with mobile
hydroacoustic methods
• Coordinator
www.cen.eu/cenorm - October/November
• workshops with Ecostat experts