Indiana vom Wildsteiger Land

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Transcript Indiana vom Wildsteiger Land

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Jan and Lisa
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This is a true story…
offered to you by Jantie &
daughter Lisa Demeyere
8570 Vichte, Belgium
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It’s the story of a German
Shepherd Dog, who lived a
happy life, but not for long.
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The Story of...
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Indiana vom Wildsteiger Land
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Is the Story of...
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Canine Hip
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Indiana was born
July 7th 2003
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A very promising young pup
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Indiana was born in a litter of 7
pups (4,3).
His parents were:
Nanda vom Wildsteiger Land and
Xenos vom Wildsteiger Land
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Meet the
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Xenos’ Parents:
Wallace aus
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Ulrika vom
Wildsteiger Land
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Nanda’s Parents:
Nils v. Wildsteiger
Yanke v.
Wildsteiger Land
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His littermates were:
Ice, Inko & Isaak (males)
Iduna, Idda & Ingana (females)
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Littermates playing...
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Littermates feeding...
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Littermates napping.
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Indiana was tattooed and left for
Belgium August 29th
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His arrival had been anticipated
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With a playful beginning, full of
joy and fun to build up trust,
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training and socializing started at
the earliest of ages.
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“This leash is fun!”
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“Let’s go for a walk!”
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First visits to the training field,
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with so much to see,
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so much to try out,
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a lot of toys,
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to chew and bite on,
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a lot of strange creatures,
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a whole world to discover,
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And a lot of rest...
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And rest...
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And rest...
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And rest, to digest all those new
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The ears grow bigger…
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And bigger
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Trips to the seaside,
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Trips to the lake,
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And many trips to the park.
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Growing up slowly...
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But steady!
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Fall 2003
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Indiana was introduced in the local GSDbreeding club of KG08 Groeninghe
Twice a week, Indy and his owners were
trained to become knowledgeable handlers.
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Indiana has been spotted in city centers
and train stations,
getting used to crowds, traffic, and a lot
of noises!
And he enjoyed tracking in the fields.
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An Indian-a Summer...
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Indiana was kept in perfect condition,
dewormed regularly,
got all of his shots and was spoiled
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It could of course not be prevented,
that he also got sick once in a while.
In November he suffered from a never
stopping diarrhoea, which led us to the
later to the Pets Clinic, he was almost
completely dehydrated.
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Thanks to the professionalism of the
entire crew of the Pets Clinic of the
Ghent University in Merelbeke, Indiana
recovered very well, but was diagnosed
with Endocrine Pancreas Insufficiency
He was immediately put on a diet!
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Winter 2003/2004
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The first winter comes around...
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Snow is falling...
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Indiana just loves it!
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What a great time!
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Fooling around in the snow...
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Then comes the
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Indiana achieves VV1 twice
(vielversprechend = very promising),
in the Puppyclass of International
(1 non-SV-Judge, 1 SV-Judge: John Thys)
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Indiana on WUSVSelection poster
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April 3rd 2004, at a Judgement Day
for GSDs, Indiana receives an
excellent written report by SV-Judge
Roland Dierendonck.
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And then, the first Zuchtschau
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And another…
(Pinkstertrofee SG5 SV-Judge H.P. Fetten)
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And finally, the Belgian Siegerschau!
(SV-Judge L. Schweikert)
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SG5 Belgische Siegerschau 2004,
Month of August (13 months of age)
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Lisa and I were very pleased with the
results of our buddy,
we continued our training for the BH
and started Schutzdienst.
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In the meantime Indiana had already
celebrated his first birthday,
so we needed to have his hips checked!
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September 7th 2004, aged 14 months,
Indiana was x-rayed.
The outcome was a huge schock!
Indiana’s left hip looked like a Greek
The vets suggested the final shot!
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I was completely devastated!
Lisa needed to be consulted, being
a co-owner.
I took Indiana back home.
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Unilateral Hip Dysplasia
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The left hip looks very bad indeed.
We informed the breeder, got no reaction!
Through the Internet we were being
informed about Indiana’s littermate Ice.
He seemed to be affected by Hip Dysplasia
also, was diagnosed HD-5, (HD-E) = severe
Hip Dysplasia.
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Ice vom Wildsteiger Land
Indiana’s brother Ice
He also was diagnosed with severe HD
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Meanwhile Indiana was immediately
banned from dogsport (including
Schutzdienst) and heavy duty.
His x-rays were sent to different
internationally renowned experts.
The Belgian HD/ED-Commission
diagnosed: HD-D = HD-4.
Other experts confirmed this result.
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FCI-Diagnosis: HD-D
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Medical Follow-up:
7.09.2004 – 1st radiographs
Aged 14 months – first x-rays
Dr. Koen Vandendriessche
Dierenkliniek Causus, Westkerkestraat 20,
B-8460 Oudenburg
Radiographs were sent to the breeder.
They were never returned!
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Complete DENIAL!!
The breeder criticized the quality of the
And proposed to x-ray again at his own
Vets!? (WHY?)
Dr. Vandendriessche was appalled and
raised objections in writing to the breeder.
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Medical Follow-up:
23.11.2004 – 2nd radiographs
Aged: 16 months – new x-rays were needed
for HD/ED-Commission
Dr. F. Coopman / Dr. H. Van Bree
Universiteit Gent – Faculteit
Arthrosis unmistakably increased,
X-rays were submitted to the HD/EDCommission:
Findings: HD-D = HD-4 = a4 Diagnosis.
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Department of Medical Imaging (Veterinary
Faculty Ghent University) sent the images to
different colleagues. Among others to:
1. ECVDI = European College of Veterinary
Diagnostic Imaging, University of Giessen,
Dr. Bernd Tellhelm, Member of the Scientific
Council of the SV.
2. ECVS = European College of Veterinary
Surgeons, Vetsuisse Faculty University in Zürich,
Prof. Mark Flückiger, Member of the Scientific
Council of the SV.
Some recommended HD-E (HD-5), overall result
HD-D (HD-4).
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Indiana in the Press: Part 1
WUFF-Magazine 12/06-01/07:
“Indiana’s last Winter:
Anatomy of a Tragedy”
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The Indiana Trial
The breeder kept waving all responsability,
although he had promised “a show quality
pup”, fit for breeding!
The story of how and why I went to court
was published by Dr. Hans Mosser in the
german language dogmagazine: WUFF
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Indiana in the Press: Part 2
Indy in WUFF-Magazine 02/07:
“The Trial”
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What about Indy?
In order to evaluate Indiana’s condition,
he was regularly checked.
Although obviously handicapped, he
kept his spirits up.
We tried to make the best of his life.
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Medical Follow-up:
1.09.2005 – 3rd radiographs
Aged: 26 months – Status control
Follow-up x-rays by Dr. Coopman
University of Ghent
Arthrosis had increased further.
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Medical Follow-up:
18.05.2006 – 4th radiographs
Aged: 34 months – Status control
Final radiographs Dr. Coopman
University of Ghent
Arthrosis increased even more,
Indiana was put to sleep after the
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Medical Follow-up:
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19.05.2006 - Autopsy
Laboratorium Pathologie van de Huisdieren
Prof. Dr. R. Ducatelle, University of Ghent
Findings: please see report of post-mortem
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After the first diagnosis Indiana was
immediately banned from heavy duty
No more dogsport, no more Schutzdienst
No inline-skating, no bike rides
No extensive walks, no more trips to seaside or
lake, no more tracking
No more preparations for Zuchtschau, we even
skipped his BH
Instead, Indiana was treated like a disabled
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Flashback to first diagnose
From now on, Indiana takes it easy!
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No more running
or jumping!
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At the club, Indiana is now a spectator,
he stays at the side!
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While daddy risks his life!
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No more dogsport for Indy
and me...
gives me some time to study the magnitude
of Canine HD.
The SV promotes a healthy German
Shepherd Dog.
In the SV-Genetics Database the Kennel
Club documents 57,24% of all x-rayed
GSDs have perfect hips, only 4,90% would
be dysplastic!?
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Let’s have a look at SV-charts!
X-rayed pop.: 33,23% = >
HD-1: 57,24% & HD-4+5: 4,90%!?
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Now, what’s the REAL picture?
I have taken the liberty of taking into account some of
the diagnoses that never find their way into the
All Insiders know that many results are held back, and
many pups are prescreened.
For this simulation, a correction of the amount of xrayed dogs of merely 10% was made, but already the
result leaves one speechless.
Less than half of the GSDs would give proof of
anatomically perfect and sound hips.
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Most people have no idea whatsoever, how
many GSDs are affected by Hip Dysplasia.
I am glad to be able to offer some graphics
on the subject to all whom it may concern.
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Correction! / Simulation:
Simulation X-rayed pop.: 43,23% = >
HD-1: 44,01% & HD-4+5: 26,90%!!
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Less than half of the GSDs have sound hips!
The simulation shows that with a tiny
correction, the amount of a1 (HD-1) results
drops from 57% to merely 44%!
The amount of severely dysplastic dogs (HD-4 &
HD-5) increases from 4,90% to an alarming
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So DO be careful when numbers are presented to
document the phenomenon of Hip Dysplasia.
They might NOT be accurate.
Withheld x-rays need to be taken into account when
searching for "the whole picture". A mere 10% of nonregistered bad diagnoses was used in the simulation to
have an idea of Hip Dysplasia’s REAL frequency.
I hope GSD-enthusiasts and -breeders will do all that is
in their power to improve the situation.
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1986-2003: No changes!!
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Figures indicate no major improvement since 1986!!
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Further information about the real
magnitude of Canine Hip Dysplasia and
other studies and statistics can be found on
our website:
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In the meantime, Indy had a quiet life,
nevertheless he seemed to become less and less
mobile by the day.
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An operation would carry many risks. We
did not want Indy to suffer maybe even
more than he already had.
Together, Lisa and I made the final
decision to have him put to sleep.
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In the last weeks of his life, all of his
friends came to say their Goodbyes...
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All members of my
family, and the
people Indy met
during his daily
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Not to mention the
ones who were nuts
about him!
Like Yentl...
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And… Claudia!
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Finally, I brought Indy to the University of
Ghent for an ultimate evaluation after
which we put him to sleep.
An “In Memoriam” was put on our
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Revelation of the post-mortem
In order to evaluate if "the final decision" was
indeed the right one, a post-mortem examination
took place.
We found our personal impressions of his pain (of
which we had no proof) confirmed by the images
of the autopsy.
As the expert said: “The circular ligaments inside
the hip bowl were destroyed (partially torn apart)
and the cartilage was completely battered.”
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It was a great relief reading the medical
confirmation that indeed this hip was ruined to
a degree that euthanasia was the only way for us
to immediately stop his pain.
(We found out later that Indiana’s brother Ice
had already been put to sleep, after many
months of severe pain.)
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I quote an expert:
"That is a severely dysplastic femur head and
socket. It looks like it could easily dislocate
because the socket is so open and the femur head
is deformed and arthritic from what I can see.
One side looks pretty good, and even though the
positioning is not ideal, still the dysplastic hip
joint is very evident...
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… They would have to replace the socket and
femur head to give Indiana any kind of painfree
That surgery is very painful and requires a long
time for recuperation which is difficult for a large
breed dog to remain quiet enough physically for it
to heal.
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… Often a very powerful hindquarter
musculature and ligamentation will hold the leg
in position, but with that socket, sooner or later, I
would think, one false step by that dog and it
could dislocate and the pain would be
I think Jantie did the right thing, personally,
from what I can see of the x-ray, this dog was in
serious trouble, with no good outlook for the
future.” End of quote.
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Lisa and I are now at rest, Indiana will not have
to suffer anymore.
We believe we took the right decision.
Now we need to see to it, that less GSDs must
suffer like he did. We hope you will help us in
this endeavour.
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This is certainly not a “unique” story. Many tens of
thousands of dogs are affected by CHD every year.
I call upon all scientific personnel and dog fans to strive
for a healthier GSD.
Calling upon the German Kennel Club SV has proved to
be unsuccessful. The association and its breeders wave all
responsibility when it comes to HD and disregard the
latest scientific findings.
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Breeding regulations need to be adjusted, so that less
dogs must suffer.
I’m convinced public awareness will increase the
pressure on the SV and the breeders, and you can help to
spread the word.
Lisa and I hope you will try and do just that. The lives of
Ice and Indiana should not have been in vain.
May God bless you and all GSDs!
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This presentation was made as a small
contribution to the breed, in order to change
something leading to a healthier GSD.
“Ut aliquid fiat!”
as the Romans say.
So that something changes!
“Damit etwas geschehe!”
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Rest in Peace
now Indiana!
We love you!
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Thank you for your time.
I hope you will learn from this
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The End
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Music featured:
Niccoló Paganini
“Violin Concerto No. 1, Opus 6”: Rondo
by Viktoria Mullova & Academy of St Martin in
the Fields, conducted by Sir Neville Marriner
Giuseppe Verdi, Macbeth, “Patria oppressa!”, by
Dresden State Opera Chorus & Dresden State
Orchestra, conducted by Silvio Varviso
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More Music:
Antonio Vivaldi, “Le quattro Stagioni”:
L’autunno, l’ inverno, la primavera,
by Viktoria Mullova & Chamber Orchestra of
Europe, conducted by Claudio Abado
Conrado García, “Valle del Alto”, by Alborada de
Ocobamba (dedicado a todo los niños del mundo)
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Jantie Demeyere
8570 Vichte
[email protected]
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