This Is My Home: PowerPoint

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A Minnesota Human Rights
Education Experience
Created by the U of MN
Human Rights Center
in partnership with the
MN Department of
Human Rights
“Education is a Human Right”
 Human Rights Teacher Training and new
resource development
 Upper-Midwest Human Rights Fellowship
University of Minnesota
Human Rights Center
“Educate to Eliminate”
 Community Forums
“The Right Focus on…”
 Public Service Announcements
“Don’t Go There”
Minnesota Department
of Human Rights
What Are Human
• Human rights are the rights a
person has simply because he or
she is a human being.
• Human rights are held by all
persons equally, universally, and
• Human Rights include civil,
political, economic, social, and
cultural rights.
• These rights are established in
the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, the U.S. Bill of
Rights, the Minnesota Human
Rights Act, the Convention on
the Rights of the Child, and other
human rights documents.
What Is Human
Rights Education?
Human Rights Education is a
life-long process by which people at
all levels of development and in all
strata of society learn respect for
the dignity of others and the means
and methods of ensuring that
respect in all societies.
The World Programme for Human
Rights Education (A/59/525/Rev. 1)
Human rights education can be
defined as education, training and
information aiming at building a
universal culture of human rights
through the sharing of knowledge,
imparting of skills and moulding of
attitudes directed to:
The strengthening of respect for human
rights and fundamental freedoms;
The full development of the human
personality and the sense of its dignity;
The promotion of understanding,
tolerance, gender equality and friendship
among all nations, indigenous peoples
and racial, national, ethnic, religious and
linguistic groups;
The enabling of all persons to participate
effectively in a free and democratic society
governed by the rule of law;
The building and maintenance of peace;
The promotion of people-centered
sustainable development and social
The World Programme for Human
Rights Education Launched
January 1, 2005 – December 31, 2007
Resolution 2004/71 of the Commission on
Human Rights supported the first phase
(2005-2007) of the World Program for HRE to
focus on primary and secondary school
UN General Assembly adopted resolution
in support of The World Programme for HRE
Revised draft plan of action for the first
phase (2005-2007) of the World Programme
for HRE
What is
This is My Home?
This is My Home is a human rights
education resource for primary and
secondary students, which seeks to
create peaceful, effective, and fun
learning environments for all to thrive in
Minnesota schools. This is My Home
includes model lessons for grades K-12,
a unique student-centered education
process, and a wide scope of additional
resources for educators.
Primary Objectives
• To engage all members of the
school community in creating a
learning environment in which
everyone can grow to their full
potential with their human rights
and human dignity upheld;
• To motivate all members of the
school community to take
responsibility in promoting and
protecting human rights, so that
student achievement, development,
and performance can thrive
• To develop new tools for sharing
and monitoring effective human
rights education practices.
The This is My Home Toolkit
• Classroom Starter Packet: Human
Rights for All
• This is My Home Interactive CD:
Welcome to Human Rights
• This is My Home DVD: Minnesota
Students share their stories
Who can Participate?
This is My Home was created to
address the needs of Minnesota’s K-12
students, educators, families, and
community members. In Fall 2005, all
Minnesota primary and secondary
schools will receive the This is My
Home Tool Kit, which will also be
available online. Every school is
encouraged to incorporate these
resources into their lesson plans and
school policies and procedures.
How is it Different?
The Human
Rights Education
The studentcentered Process
Human Rights skills and practices
incorporated with MN Academic Standards
Human Rights principles, language,
and values
Applies standards within:
The UDHR, Bill of Rights, MN HR Act
1. The Human Rights Education
A developmental sequence for
learning human rights language,
principles, skills, and practices.
Human Rights Principles
Human Dignity
2. The Human Rights Process
A student–centered learning circle with 7 steps:
• (1) Observe and Identify the Issue or Problem
• (2) Describe and Compare
• (3) Generate Responses, Formulate Positions, and
Make Predictions
• (4) Select a Response and Take Action
• (5) Observe and Collect Information
• (6) Reflect and Draw Conclusions
• (7) Communicate Learning with Others in the
3. Educational Standards and
Human Rights
Minnesota Academic Standards
The Minnesota Human Rights Act
The United States Bill of Rights
The Universal Declaration of
Human Rights.
• Convention of the Rights of the
How will we measure the impact?
In recent studies, Minnesota has
been shown:
• To have one of the widest
achievement gaps in the nation
between white students and
students of color.
• To rank particularly high in teasing,
bullying, and aggressive behaviors.
Indicators to Measure
This is My Home strives to create a
positive change in:
• Community Partnerships
• Family Involvement
• School Climate
• Student Learning and Development
“Be the change you want to
see in the world.”
Bringing HRE into your
community is easy!
The Great Question – Eleanor Roosevelt, 1958
Where, after all, do universal rights
begin? In small places, close to home –
so close and so small that they cannot be
seen on any maps of the world. Yet they
are the worlds of the individual person;
the neighborhood he lives in; the school
or college he attends; the factory, farm,
or office where he works. Such are the
places where every man, woman, and
child seeks equal justice, equal
opportunity, equal dignity without
discrimination. Unless these rights have
meaning there, they have little meaning
anywhere. Without concerned citizen
action to uphold them close to home, we
shall look in vain for progress in the
larger world.
Contact Information
• The University of Minnesota
Human Rights Resource Center
• Mission: To foster learning that
develops the knowledge, skills and
values needed to build a universal
culture of human rights.
Contact Information
• Kristi Rudelius-Palmer
[email protected]
• Kimberly Walsh
Education and Outreach Coordinator
[email protected]