Preparing for the future

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Transcript Preparing for the future

Townhill Primary School
Mrs Bunyan
What is Mental Maths?
Using number based skills with ACCURACY,
calculations in our daily lives.
Daily Practice of Speed, Accuracy & Confidence
leads to competence in using number based
The more we practice the better we’ll become!
Importance of Mental Maths
• Numeracy is an important foundation for lifelong learning, supporting
all areas of learning.
• It is a skill for life, learning and work.
• Every day, we, as adults, work out calculations for change,
housekeeping, measurements, etc.
Numeracy Experiences and Outcomes
•Number and number processes
•Estimation and rounding
•Fractions, decimal fractions and percentages
•Data and analysis
•Ideas of chance and uncertainty
High School Mental Maths
What is expected of 1st Year pupils?
Work out 22 written “sums” as quickly and
as accurately as possible in 2 minutes!
The long journey to competence
Primary One……………..
Count to and know names of numbers up to 100
Recognise, know and use numbers up to 10 by:
Counting up/down 1,2,3,4,5 etc
Counting up 10, 20, 30, 40 etc
Counting up 5, 10, 15, 20 etc
Adding on all numbers to get an answer within 10
Taking away numbers within 10
Primary 1(early level) examples
• 3+4=7
• 8-4=4
• Double 4? 8 Double 2? 4
• Half of 6? 3 Half of 2? 1
The journey continues…….
P2 (first level)…….
Count and know names of numbers up to 200/300
Recognise, know and use numbers up to 20 and then 50 by:
Counting up/down 1,2,3 etc… 99 on to 100 & 199 onto 200
Counting up 10, 20, 30, 40 etc
Counting up 5, 10, 15, 20 etc
Adding on numbers to get an answer within 50
Taking away numbers within 50
Doubling and Halving as part of the 2x table
Counting on in 10s and 5s as part of the 5x and 10x tables
Introduce the 4x table as a connection of the 2x table
Begin to use more specialist vocabulary for fractions ½, ¼
and how to use them with times tables
P3 (first level)………….
Count to and know names of numbers up to 1 000
Recognise, count and use numbers to 100
Counting on in 10s and 100s
Mental calculations….32 + 45 = add the tens then the units
30 + 40 = 70 and 2 + 5 = 7………..answer 77
This differs from written calculations of 48
+ 51
• 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 10 x
• Corresponding use of fraction vocabulary for dividing i.e.
1/5 of a number means divide by/share between 5
Counting on in 10s e.g. 1, 11, 21, 31, 41, 51…….
Counting on in 100s e.g. 23, 123, 223, 323, 423…….
Introducing 3x table and 6x table
Looking for times table patterns of numbers same as
adding on from 0………… e.g. 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18
etc…(3x) or
0, 6, 12, 18, 24……. (6x)
• 1/3 means divide by 3 or 1/6 means divide by 6
P4 (first level) ………………
Recognise and count numbers up to 10 000
Recognise count and use numbers up to 1 000
Counting on and back as before
Know and use all times tables
Rounding up/down numbers to the nearest 10, 100
Developing use of all numbers in the “four operations” –
(that is addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)
P5 (second level) …………
• Recognising & counting up to 100 000
• Know, count and use numbers up to 10 000 - building
on P1-4 experiences and skills of manipulating numbers
and processes mentally.
• Getting noticeably quicker with easier calculations and
developing confidence as numbers increase
• Rounding up/down to 10 000
• Using our x tables knowledge to work out bigger
calculations 4x6= ? 40 x 60= ? (see the connection?) or
16 -:- 4 = ? 160 -:- 40 = (connection?)
Primary 6 & 7
The Numeracy Gateway for life…………
(and especially the High School Numeracy curriculum!)
……Fractions, Decimal Fractions and
P6 and P7
• Recognise, know, count and use numbers to 1 000 000
(one million) using the four operations + - x -:• Work with increasingly difficult numbers
• Link fractions to decimal fractions and then on to
• Know all common/easily recognisable %, link them, and
use fraction skills to calculate answer 50% of 70 means
½ of 70. 75% of 600 means ¾ of 600 etc
• Introduce negative numbers 0, -1, -2, -3, -4 etc
• Introduce the word “Algebra” and discover they’ve been
doing it since P1!
What can you do?
•Encourage your child to talk about numbers for
example when handling money – recognise coins, learn
their value, work out simple change – they need number
skills for this.
•Take time to ask the quick fire times table questions – a
few minutes everyday will increase competence and
•Use shopping trips to develop your child’s number
skills – getting amounts of items, working out the best
offer, simple budgeting
•Look for signs in the environment and when you see a
bargain……. 30% off - talk about it (at any age!)
What can you do?
•Support their learning of number bonds. Having instant
recall of 6+3=9, enables 60+30, 600+ 300 etc.
•Encourage them to use clocks in the house to tell the
time – use train, bus timetables to plan journeys and
work out how long they will take
• Play board games that encourage logical and strategic
planning, e.g. Dominoes, Monopoly, Chess, Battleships
What can you do?
•Play snooker/pool or darts to encourage mental
• Baking and cooking provide lots of opportunities to
look at weight and measure/scales….. Even dividing up
food to serve.
What can you do?
• Play bingo – it can be based upon number,
addition/subtraction facts, times tables.
• Help your child to learn their tables – really helps with
work on division, fractions, percentages etc.
• Model the ways you use number in your life…..
•Numbers never begin and end in school…… they are
most definitely – FOR LIFE!