The Benefits of 4-H Youth Development Participation

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Transcript The Benefits of 4-H Youth Development Participation

The Benefits
of 4-H Youth
Karen Nelson
Columbia County
4-H Youth Development
•User Groups
•Explains the background of 4-H Youth
Development programming.
•Discusses the value of non-formal
educational programs.
•Shares research results that document
the developmental benefits of 4-H Youth
• Wisconsin 4-H Youth
Development - Making a
Difference Through Positive
Youth Development
• “4-H empowers youth to
reach their full potential,
working and learning in
partnership with caring
Number of youth
participating in 4-H in the
United States in 2003.
A. 2 million
B. 4 million
C. 6 million
D. 7 million
Answer: Over 7 million
young people in 3,051
counties. Over 1.5 million
were members of 4-H clubs.
Over 4 million participated in
school-enrichment groups.
4-H youth development facts in brief.” (2003)
Number of 4-H Club members
in Wisconsin in 2003.
A. 10,000
B. 20,000
C. 33,000
D. 50,000
Answer: 50,000 members
and 14,500 adult and youth
volunteer leaders.
Source: Wisconsin ES-237 Report (2003)
Amount of money county
government in Wisconsin
invested in 4-H Youth
Development staff and support
in 2001?
A. $2 million
B. $3.5 million
C. $4.5 million
D. $5 million
Answer: In 2001, County
government in Wisconsin
invested about $3.5 million in
4-H Youth Development staff
and support, including both
fully funded county 4-H staff
and county-university costshared faculty and staff.
“Investing in Wisconsin’s youth – 4-H youth
development.” (2001)
What did Wisconsin counties get
for that investment?
A. Participation of 245,000 young
people in 4-H programs.
B. Between $19.05 and $40.35
million return on investment.
C. 10,000 community service
projects by 4-H members and their
D. All of the above.
Answer: D. All of the above.
Nearly 245,000 youth were reached
through 4-H in 2003.
$3.7 million – $25 million for
delinquency prevention
$1.25 million for volunteer work on
behalf of communities
$4.6 million in state and federal funds.
$9.5 million for volunteer work for
Extension programs
More than 10,000 local service projects
are conducted annually.
“Investing in Wisconsin’s youth – 4-H youth
development.” (2001) and WI ES237 Report
University of Wisconsin-Extension Summary Organizational
Through UW-Extension, all Wisconsin people can access university resources and engage in lifelong
learning, wherever they live and work.
Interim Chancellor
General Educational Administration
Interim Provost and Vice Chancellor
Interim Vice Chancellor, Admin. and Finance
Extension Conference Centers
J.F. Friedrick Inn and Conference
Lowell Inn and Conference Center
The Pyle Center
Business and Manufacturing
Broadcasting and Media
Cooperative Extension
Outreach and E-Learning
Dean and Director
Interim Dean and Director
27 Wisconsin Public Radio
Small Business Development
Centers at 13 UW Campuses.
Faculty and staff in 72 county
offices and on 6 UW campuses.
6 Wisconsin Public Television
Wisconsin Innovations Service
Center (WISC)
Instructional Communications
Center for Innovation and
Community, Natural Resources
and Economic Development
Continuing education, credit
and noncredit outreach at 26
UW campuses.
Independent Learning
School for Workers
Family Living
UW Learning Innovations
*Administered jointly with the
Educational Communications
4-H Youth Development
WI Geological and Natural History
WI Rural Leadership Program
Higher Education Location
Program (HELP)
4-H Emphasis: Development of
life skills, career preparation and
leadership development.
•Provide young people a chance to
learn new skills
•Programs are delivered in multiple
4-H Youth Development moves
individuals, communities and
programs toward positive youth
Positive Youth Development:
… occurs from an intentional
process that promotes positive
outcomes for young people by
providing opportunities, choices,
relationships, and the support
necessary for youth to fully
Smith (2004)
How do we know that a positive
youth development program like 4H makes a difference in the lives of
youth, families and communities?
•Provides opportunities to master
competencies that prepare them for
•Creates environments that meet
their needs
•Typically take place during nonschool hours in a non-formal
educational setting
Out-of-school, non-formal educational
opportunities like 4-H are important
because they involve:
•Personal choice
•Multiple leadership roles
•Hands-on learning
•Peer relationships outside of the classroom
•Access to multiple caring adults
•Access to multiple adult role models
•Sense of community through youth/adult
•Developing initiative
•Participation in diverse activities
Russell (2001)
A major strength of 4-H is the
variety of activities in which
youth can choose to be
involved. Another strength is
the emphasis in 4-H of
providing family-based
Family involvement is crucial to the
development of healthy youth.
•Family access to community
resources increases competence.
•Higher perception of academic ability
and positive relationship with peers.
•Less time spent with peers.
•Stronger relationships within the
•Parental community ties predict
academic success.
Having considered the benefits of
extracurricular activities for
children, particularly those that
involved parents, let’s consider
some evidence about the benefits of
4-H in particular.
•Positive Youth Development
•Life Skill Development
4-H Youth Development
4-H youth reported that they are less likely than
other youth to:
•Shoplift or steal.
•Use illegal drugs of any kind to get high.
•Ride in a car with someone who has been
•Smoke cigarettes.
•Damage property for the fun of it.
•Skip school or cut class without permission.
Youth involved in positive out-of-school
alternatives develop critical skills: leadership,
self-confidence, caring.
Astroth (2001) - Montana
A lower percentage of 4-Hers than non-4-H
•Spend 6 or more hours/week playing
computer/video games.
•Spend 8 hours or more hours/week
watching television.
•Steal something (past year).
•Damage property (past year).
•Smoke cigarettes (past year).
•Drink alcohol (past year).
•Ride in a car whose driver was drinking
(past year).
Minnesota 4-H Youth Survey (2002)
Local Results:
4-H Youth Development
Positive Youth Development
•4-H youth have higher scores for
community contribution than do youth
involved in other youth development
•Community contributions of youth
involved in 4-H programs increases
in relation how long they participate.
•Frequency of community
participation is significantly predicted
by 4-H program participation.
Lerner (2003) – National 4-H Impact Study
4-H Alumni remain more active in
their communities throughout
their lives than youth participants
in other non-formal, structured
youth organizations.
Ladewig (1987) - Texas
Comparing 4-H’ers with all
other youth in Minnesota a
higher percentage of 4-Hers
than non-4-H members
•Volunteer in the community.
•Are involved in other activities –
•Are involved in other activities –
Minnesota 4-H Youth Survey (2002)
4-H club members scored higher than youth
(with or without other club participation) who
completed a Search Institute Survey on all
developmental assets including:
•Educational aspiration
•Achievement motivation
•Desire to help others
•School grades
•Decision Making
•Having a value system
•Interaction with adults
•Ability to make friends
Mead (1999) – New York
Local Results:
4-H Youth Development
Life Skill Development
A study of Wisconsin youth involved in
animal science projects found that 4-H
members compared to non-4-H
•Were more likely to set goals for
themselves and achieve them.
•Understood and practiced ethical
decision making.
•Were more likely to serve in a
leadership position on a club, group or
•Take responsibility for the decisions they
Lackey (2004) - Wisconsin
Wisconsin 4-H Camp Counselors
develop life skills including:
•People skills
•Problem solving
•Planning and organizing
Forsythe (2004) - Wisconsin
Wisconsin 4-H Camp Counselors
identified the counselor experience as a
unique opportunity. It helps young
•Understand and work with children.
•Develop responsibility.
•Be a role model.
In addition
•93% identified at least one skill they
will use in their community.
•96% identified at least one skill that
will help them in a future job.
Forsythe, Matysik & Nelson (2004) - Wisconsin
4-H Community Club Members indicate that:
•4-H teaches them to work out differences
peacefully. (88%)
•4-H has taught them problem solving skills.
•4-H has taught them decision making skills.
•4-H has helped teach them how to develop a plan
to reach their goals. (91%)
•4-H has helped them accept difference in others.
•4-H helped teach them skills to be a leader.
Texas 4-H impact assessment (2000)
Through 4-H, club members gain skills:
69 – 86% gained leadership skills.
45 – 49% improved their leadership skills in getting along
with others, having a friendly personality, respecting other
and setting goals.
45 – 61% improved in determining needs, using information
to solve problems, showing responsible attitudes, and being
40 – 44% improved their skills in trusting other people and
using logical thinking.
40 – 44% improved their skills in considering alternatives,
solving problems, considering input from all group members,
being flexible, selecting alternatives, handling mistakes,
listening effectively, having positive self-concept, clarifying
values, and having good manners.
Clark (1998) – Illinois
Local Results
4-H teaches lessons, habits,
attitudes and skills that last a
lifetime and continue to
benefit local communities
throughout Wisconsin.
Kress (2004)
“4-H youth development facts in brief.” (2003) Retrieved on December
23, 2004 from
Astroth, Kirk. (2001). “Research findings show the impact of 4-H”
Montana 4-H Research Summary, Montana State University.
Astroth, Kirk, and George Haynes. (2002). “More than cows and
cooking: Newest research shows the impact of 4-H.” Journal of
Extension. 40(4).
Boyd, Barry L., Don R. Herring, and Gary E. Briers. (1992). “Developing
life skills in youth.” Journal of Extension. 30 (4).
Cantrell, Joy, Anne L. Heinsohn, and Melanie K Doebler. (1989). “Is it
worth the costs?” Journal of Extension. 27(1).
Clark, Charlie, Carol Wilcoxen, Cheryl Geitner, Dianne White, Sarah
Anderson, and Diane Baker. (1998). “Assessing leadership life skills
gained through 4-H.” Illinois Extension
Forsythe, Katie, Robert Matysik, and Karen Nelson. (2004) “Impact of the
4-H camp counselor experience.” Department of Youth Development,
University of Wisconsin – Extension.
Gamon, Julia, and Ond Pedro Dehegedus-Hetzel. (1994). “Swine project
skill development.” Journal of Extension. 32(1).
References (cont):
Investing in Wisconsin’s youth – 4-H youth development.” (2001)
Retrieved December 23, 2004 from UW-Extension Web site:
Kress, Cathann A.. (2004.) “What does America need from 4-H?”
Prepared for Connecticut 4-H Newsletter. Retrieved December 23, 2004
from National 4-H Headquarters Web site:
Lackey, Jill Florence & Associates. “Evaluation of the Wisconsin 4-H
animal science projects.” (2004.) A Youth Development Program of the
University of Wisconsin-Extension.
Ladewig, Howard and John Thomas. (1987). “Does 4-H make a
difference?” The Texas A & M University System.
Lerner, Jacqueline. “4-H study on positive youth development.” Tufts
University. Retrieved December 23, 2004, from the California 4-H Youth
Development Program Web site:
McLaughlin, M.W. (2000). “Community Counts: How youth organizations
matter for youth development”, Executive Summary Abstract. Retrieved
January 11, 2005 from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children & Families Web site:
References (cont):
Mead, June, Eunice Rodriquez, Thomas Hirschl and Stephen Goggin.
(1999). Understanding the difference 4-H clubs make in the lives of New
York youth: How 4-H contributes to positive youth development.
Miller, Jeffrey P. and Blannie E. Bowen. (1993). “Competency, coping, and
contributory life skills development of early adolescents.” Journal of
Agricultural Education. Spring: 68-76.
Russell, Stephen T. (2001). “The developmental benefits of nonformal
education and youth development.” 4-H Center for Youth Development
Focus. The University of California, Davis.
Smith, Allan T., (2002). “4-H youth development facts in brief.” Retrieved
December 23, 2004 from National 4-H Headquarters Web site:
“Texas 4-H impact assessment.” (2000) Retrieved June 30, 2004, from
University of Florida Extension Service Web site:
Ward, Carol Knowlton. (1996). “Life skill development related to
participation in 4-H animal science projects.” Journal of Extension. 34(2).