Transcript Slide 1

Ufficio Educazione Fisica UST Vicenza
In collaborazione con
Palladio Baseball & Softball Vicenza
Program of Events
Bob Addison
” Do You Know How to
Play Baseball?”
A Simple Explanation of Baseball
This is a game played by two teams,
one out the other in. The one that's in,
sends players out one at a time, to see if
they can get in before they get out. If
they get out before they get in, they
come in, but it doesn't count. If they
get in before they get out it does count.
When the ones out get three outs
from the ones in before they get in
without being out, the team that's
out comes in and the team in goes
out to get those going in out before
they get in without being out.
Il baseball (in italiano, sebbene non usato, anche
pallabase)[1] è uno sport di squadra in cui due squadre
composte da 9 giocatori si scontrano per 9 inning, nove
riprese in cui le due squadre si alternano nella fase di
attacco e di difesa. Il lanciatore (di una squadra) lancia
la palla verso il battitore (dell'altra squadra), che cerca
di colpirla "in battuta" con la mazza di legno, in modo
da avanzare in senso antiorario su una serie di quattro
basi, poste agli angoli di un quadrato chiamato
diamante, e tornare infine al punto di partenza (casa
base), dove ha diritto a segnare un punto per la propria
Baseball Equipment
Gli oggetti in uso
Batting Helmet
Baseball Cap
Baseball Cleats
Catcher’s Gear
Mascherina— mask
Pettorina— chest
Schinieri— shin guards
Baseball Socks
Baseball Uniform
Baseball Bat
Baseball Glove and Baseball
Turn your shoulders toward your target
Make the “Field Goal” position and snap
your wrist down
• Field Goal position refers to making
a signal like a referee in football
when a touchdown is scored
Follow through after throwing the ball
Always use both hands to catch the ball
Keep your eye on the ball and watch it
into your glove
Try to catch the ball in the web of your
mitt or wherever it is most comfortable
and easy to quickly grab
Lengthen your stride
Pump your arms as fast
as you can
Keep your head stationary
Stand comfortably in the batters’ box
Watch the ball hit the bat
Follow through and finish your swing
Sequence of Events
Presentation Slides: “ Do You Know Baseball” (10 Minutes)
Stretching and Warm-up Drills (15-20 Minutes)
How to Throw/Catch/Field a Baseball (20-30 Minutes)
Station 1
Station 2
Class is broken down into equal stations
 Each session is 20 minutes
Station 3
Station 2
Class is broken down into equal stations
 Each session is 20 minutes
Practice Game: (45 Minutes)
” Do You Know How to Play Baseball”
2 hour Session: Warm-up Fundamentals/
Drills/Practice/ Scrimmage Game
Warm – Up Fundamentals (15 Min)
Neck Rotation; Shoulder shrugs; Trunk rotation/Hip
Flexibility stretches for legs/hamstrings
Side Straddle Hop/Jumping Jacks
Aerobic Activity/ Drills
Suicides/ shuttles
Five (5) Minute Water Break
45 minutes of Stations
Drills – Learning the Fundamentals & Practice
Base Running – On the Field. (10 minutes)
Practice running down first base running through the bag
and watching the coach – Drill
Running to second, third and home plate – touching the
right portion of the base and running with your head up.
Stopping and Starting on base. -
Watching the Third base coach
Staying within the base lines.
Multiple Base runners – can’t pass the base runner ahead
of you
Staying on the base when a batter is up – position
Avoid ball in play when running and avoid fielders (can’t
Foul Balls – runner can’t advance – must go back to the
occupied bag
Hitting – Behind the Backstop/Right Field (15 minutes)
Tee Hitting Set-up – 2 Tees at least 10 feet apart behind
the backstop
Divide the class in equal lines behind the tees - Each child
should get between 10 – 15 swings
2. Live Hitting – Set-up – one line approximately 20 feet
into right field.
Place a helmet on the child and place a home plate on the
Give each child 5 – 10 swings. Pitches can be delivered
either overhand or underhand.
” Do You Know How to Play Baseball”
Fielding – On the Field (Gym) – (10 minutes)
Instruct batters on the following:
Choosing the right bat (weight, length, comfort)
Grip – Line up knuckles
Head in position to see ball
Good Balance
Plate Coverage
Weight Shift – Using the Tee Transfer from back
foot to front foot
Stride – Short and towards the pitcher
Hands in Ready Position – top of back shoulder
Level Swing
Short Quick Swing – Point of Contact in Front of
“Step head down – swing the bat around”
Follow Through
Dropping the Bat and running to the base
Explaining Balls, Strikes, Hitting
Set –up Two lines of four, one line at second base
and one line at shortstop –
roll ground balls directly out in front of the fielders
– throw back to coach –
Drill (5-10 reps)
Set - up Two lines of four, one line at second base
and one line at shortstop –
roll ground balls to the forehand of the fielders –
throw back to coach – Drill (5-10 reps)
Set –up Two lines of four, one line at second base
and one line at shortstop – roll ground balls to the
backhand of the fielders – throw back to coach –
Drill (5-10 reps)
Please instruct fielders on the following:
Ready Position
Rear Down
Hands out in Front
Knees Slightly Bent
Standing on the balls of their feet
Glove Open (palm facing out)
Backhand – crossover step
” Do You Know How to Play Baseball”
Catching – (5 minutes)
Set-up Two lines of four and have the children stand
in ready position
Make an underhand toss above the waist to the
forehand – Drill
Make an underhand toss above the waist to the
backhand – Drill (5-10reps of each drill)
Instruct fielders on the following:
Ready Position
Eye on the Ball
Glove out in Front (palm facing out) fingers to the
sky for balls thrown
above the waist
Glove out in Front (palm facing out) fingers to the
ground for balls
thrown below the waist
Two Hands vs. One Hand Catching
5. Throwing – Behind the Backstop (5 minutes)
Set-up – Two lines - Play catch with each child for a
Square Your Body to the Target
Step towards the target with the foot opposite your
throwing arm
Bring Your Throwing Arm Back Behind Your Head
Release the Ball as your arm passes your head
Follow Through with your Body
Water Break – 5 Minutes
Practice Game – 45 Minutes – 1 Hour
Set up small field to play simulated game with class
No winning or losing – Score is insignificant
All players should get at least on at bat per game
Inning is over when the following takes place:
All batters get up before three outs are achieved
Three outs are achieved
Manager/coach pitch to their team.
Overhand or Underhand
5-6 pitches should be thrown per batter
If contact can’t be achieved – place the batting tee
on home plate
There are no strikes outs or walks.
Field Assignment
What can you do to Improve
• Grab & Grip - scoop roller and find the throwing grip
- on the run. Also balls in sun.
• Jog and wind sprints. (Remember your warm ups.)
• Free weights - work both curls - slowly to full
• Check/tighten/repair your glove (open webbed) and
• Wall Bounces (tennis or rubber ball)
• Heel deflections (keep the ball out of the webbing) to develop quick transfers to throwing hand, and
soft hands (cradle the ball).
• Footwork - low pivots.
• Weights - for thighs, lower back, ankles.
• Check/tighten/repair your glove (small pocket) and
• Wall Bounces (tennis or rubber ball) - with glove
and in tight off body.
• Footwork - jump rope.
• Weights - curls - slow and extended, also work
• Check your glove (deep padded pocket), cup and
• Wall Bounces (tennis or rubber ball)
• Normal fielding and simulated coverage - feet
against board or brick.
• Exercise - leg strengthening, stretching.
Wall Bounces (tennis or rubber ball) - with glove
and in tight off body.
Pop Ups & Scoops - off slow rollers and dead balls,
come up to goal post.
Exercises - wrist curls, squats.
Check your glove, cup, cleats at home, team gear
before warm-ups.
Balance-Load-Step-Pivot - Bat behind back, use a
mirror - step in, out, stay level.
Top-hand power. Back knee on ground. choke bat,
swing through zone. Dry or soft toss.
In the Zone. Dry swings - in, out, low (body down,
back angle, assess your strike zone).
Lead-off step; the pivot and stride, the arc, and
Slide Leg: Crab-walk position, remove hands.
Which leg tucks under?
Ideal 5 Days: Team Practice / Endurance / Side
work Day / Light Day / Game Day
Side Work - 2 days after / 2 days before - Set
routine, pitch count. (60-70%)
Remember your post-set flexibility stretching and
jog. (10 min. ice, 20 min. run.)
• Light day exercise - stretching, aerobic work out, leg
exercises only.
Palladio Baseball & Softball
Stadio Comunale di Baseball,
via Bellini 59
[email protected]