Transcript Slide 1

April 2009
Completed or
in-process projects
examples of both local, regional,
and international projects
St. Michael Lutheran Church, St. Petersburg, Russia
More than $1 million in gifts through
Fan into Flame have provided for the
renovation of this huge church
returned by the Russian government.
An overflow
crowd listens
to a concert
from the
hallway of St.
Michael’s in
Sacred music Gospel outreach concerts have reached
14,500 people during renovation.
New Churches in India
The goal is to
begin 50 new
churches in
Our Savior Lutheran Church, Austin, Texas, made the
decision to allocate its $50,000 Fan into Flame gift for new
church starts in India. This total will help the India
Evangelical Lutheran Church (IELC) purchase one new
church site each year for five years.
Construction of the Central Asia Lutheran Seminary,
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
It will also serve
Concordia Church as
a worship center and
as the national
church body
The first worship service was held on Palm Sunday, April
5, 2009, in the new Bishkek building. The church was
blessed by Pastor Mansur before the people entered. The
service was lead by Bishop Kenjebek, Pastor Mansur, and
Deacon Sergei.
Lucumo, Peru
LCMS volunteers
help rebuild
Lucumo in
January 2008.
building will help
establish longterm ministry in
the area under a
missionary to be
placed in 2009
with Fan into
Flame funds.
Ablaze! Bible Listening in Lutheran Schools Project
30 percent of Lutheran schools are participating in the Bible Listening
Project by listening to digital recordings of the Bible recorded in a dramatic
style. More than $1 million in Fan into Flame gifts provided the digital Bibles
to youth, Lutheran teachers, and the students.
Student offerings
are providing
digital Bibles in
seven languages
for new Bible
listening groups in
India Evangelical Lutheran Church President
Samuel trains pastors to use digital players
(Proclaimers), through a partnership with
Hosanna/Faith Comes by Hearing.
Cristo Rey, Moline, Illinois
This outreach to Hispanics
in Moline, Ill., began with a
Fan into Flame gift to the
Central Illinois District.
Cristo Rey outreach
New LCMS International Missionaries Placed
Shauen and Krista Trump,
missionaries to Uganda,
are 2 of 16 missionaries
placed in 2008-09 as a
result of initial funding
from Fan into Flame gifts.
Ascension Lutheran Church (SELC),
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Fan into Flame funds raised by Ascension Lutheran support
the congregation’s relationship building with Muslim, Hindu,
Sikh, and Buddhist immigrants, their neighbors in inner city
Amigos en Cristo Southwest Florida
Amigos en Cristo (Friends in Christ) is a ministry of the Southwest
Florida Outreach Council of the LCMS. It is partially funded by Fan
into Flame. On of the ministries is to link migrant workers with
government assistance agencies.
Concordia Lutheran Seminary, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Being upgraded through funding received through Fan into Flame
New Church Starts and Revitalization
$2 million in Fan into Flame gifts from donors and grants from Thrivent for
Lutherans Foundation are helping fund 25 of 166 Covenant Congregations
that are planting new churches like theAlley, as well as 239 churches
engaging in a transformation process.
The welcome sign for theAlley, a
Cottage Grove, Minn., church plant
started by Woodbury Lutheran
Church in Woodbury, Minn.,
meeting in a local school.
Grace Lutheran Church, Midland, Texas
The board of missions at Grace Lutheran used part of its Fan into Flame
gifts to establish a youth puppet outreach ministry. They put together a
Wild West Buckaroo Revue show.
Sri Lanka
Other mission training centers like this first one are being built on the tea
plantations in Sri Lanka with Fan into Flame gifts. They serve as a
combination itinerant seminary graduate evangelist (probationers)
residence and as day care/worship centers.
First Immanuel Lutheran, Cedarburg, Wisconsin
In 2008, used part of its share of Fan into Flame
funds to prepare school kits for Uruguay.
In early 2009,
members of the
congregation used
Fan into Flame gifts
to travel to Guatemala
to run a medical
clinic, fix a church
roof, and build a
concrete block house
for the family at the
Ghana Seminary
President Kieschnick meets with students attending the Ghana
seminary in the church’s national office building, where they
also sleep on bunk beds in two offices.
A new seminary
is now under
nearby in Accra
because of
funding from
Fan into Flame.
China Lutheran Seminary in Taiwan
The new eightstory China
Seminary was
dedicated in
Taiwan in August
of 2008. Fan into
Flame gifts
partially funded
the construction. • 1-800-977-2017