Transcript Evaluation:

26 September 2007 Student Assessment: New Ideas and Old Basics Louis Pangaro, MD Professor and Vice-chair for Educational Programs Department of Internal Medicine Uniformed Service University of the Health Sciences

clinical assessment”

• • • •

By teachers (house staff and faculty) On clinical rotations Based on words = descriptors Using words = descriptive

In vivo (vs. in vitro end of course/year)


What’s old?

• •

Suspicion of grades by teachers Teachers reluctance to be direct (honest?)

Belief that grading by teachers is subjective

Lawsuits about low grades

• Jamieson, Guidebook for Clerkship Directors, 2005.


What’s basic?

• We have an obligation • Fairness • Mentoring – The Hippocratic Oath • Professionalism – Duty and expertise (Pellegrino) 4

How it looked in 1987 •

lack of meaningful comments by evaluators

insufficient definition of evaluation criteria

too much inter-observer variability

late submission of evaluations

delay in feedback to students Tonesk X, Buchanan RG. J Med Ed. 1987


How it looked in 2001

• “Areas of weakness in current [clinical] evaluation models include psychometric properties associated with the tools, namely their questionable reliability and validity.” • Turnbull, International Handbook of Research in Medical Education, 2002.


How it looks in 2007

• • •

“Constructive criticism is hard to come by..” “…Candor is at least as painful to the provider as to the recipient…” “…faculty members feel uncomfortable inflicting pain even in a good cause like student improvement.”

• HMS Student Handbook, 2006-2007 7

focus • The emotional issues for teachers and learners in the grading process.

• Dealing with barriers to candor.


Quality: minimizing unwarranted variation in physician performance.


Faculty Development: minimizing unwarranted variation in teacher performance.


What’s new

• • • • •

A believe that quality methods can apply to teaching.

Search for more rigor.

“Best Evididence Med Ed” (BEBM) “Med Ed Research Certificate” MPH, MHPE programs


Today: describing success in clinical evaluations


New focus on evaluation in clincial setting:

Attention to professional traits (Papadakis)

Lawsuits by patients


Context of new methods • • • •

Objective Structured Clinical Exams 360 0 assessments Portfolios Descriptive vocabularies

To get more inter-rater agreement

To calibrate differences between levels of performance



• •

[Norm] Exam is generally appropriate in scope and technique. Identifies major abnormalities and pertinent normal findings, only occasionally missing elements. Exam linked to history. Appropriate for level of training.

• HMS Clerkship Grading Form 14


• •

[Poor] Consistently misses important findings and often does not make appropriate connection between history and physical. Often uses faulty or inappropriate technique. Not organized or thorough.



• •

[Excellent] Exam is consistently superior. Uncovers subtle and important findings, incorporating advanced techniques where appropriate. Exceptionally organized and thorough, even on difficult cases.


American Board of Internal Med

Average and 2 SDs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Minimal acceptable 17

ACGME Outcomes Project

New emphasis on outcomes (vs curriculum)

“long-term effort designed to emphasize educational outcome assessment in residency programs and in the accreditation process.”


ACGME: Outcomes: a cultural shift •

Designing Curriculum is no longer enough

Results must be demonstrated.

• •

A shift from process to product.

Content expertise not enough; need pedagogic expertise


ACGME “Competencies”(1999)

• • • • • •

Medical Knowledge Interpersonal & communication skills Professionalism Patient Care System-based Practice Practice-based learning & Improvement


the ACGME has spoken !


CanMEDS (2005)

Medical Expert





Health Advocate



“R.I.M.E. Scheme”




Pangaro, Academic Med, 1999


Acceptance (1) Ob-Gyn

“The RIME method is a valid, logistically feasible and acceptable way of assessing medical student clinical performance… …..minimizes disadvantages of descriptive evaluation, and maximizes the opportunity for accurate observations and helpful feedback.”

APGO UME Taskforce: Espey et al, Am J Ob Gyn, 2007


Fairness Consistency Expectations


Principle 1 : Fairness

 to society :  valid (not arbitrary) and  sensitive to detect marginal performers  to students :  know what’s expected,  timely feedback  to teachers :  know what observations to make  protected (legally, emotionally) 26

Principle 2 : Consistency  Reliability - Within teacher - Between teachers - In same rotation or across blocks - Between sites in same clerkship - Between disciplines - suitable for high-stakes decisions 27


Simplicity leads to acceptance and use

Acceptance to consistency

Consistency to fairness


Fairness & Consistency Reliability &Validity = Stability of measurement and strength of inferences from observations


“ Old” beliefs in our culture

• Grading by teachers is subjective, Examinations are objective • Measurement > description, Numbers are > words 30

Framing the question more simply: • •

What do we expect of students?

Can we get all teachers to have the same expectations, and apply them consistently?

[A question of words and of conceptual frameworks]


community Educational Goals Curriculum Evaluation

Depends on expectations

Feedback / Grading


The goal: progressive independence of the learner Teacher/ program Learner Content – Goals (Patients)

after SFDP 33

Frames of reference for expressing goals


Analytic 2.

Developmental 3.



goals for education (generic):






Bloom’s Taxonomies

Cognitive Domain Psychomotor Domain Affective Domain 36


Analytic expression of Goals

“ana-lytic”: takes the learner “apart”

into domains, categories

“attitude”, “skills”, “knowledge”

considered separately

generic terms

useful for discrete assessments


Curricular Goals : KNOWLEDGE

• • • • • • • • • • •

The School of Medicine will ensure that before graduation a student will have demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the faculty, the following:

The capacity to recognize the limitations in one’s knowledge and clinical skills and to make a commitment to engage in lifelong learning Knowledge of the normal structure and function of each of the major organ systems of the body and the current basic scientific mechanisms operative at the systemic, cellular, and molecular levels Knowledge of the various causes (genetic, developmental, metabolic, toxic, microbiologic, immune, psychosocial, neoplastic, traumatic, and degenerative) of illnesses and diseases Knowledge of the altered structure and function of the body and its major organ systems that are seen in various illnesses and diseases Knowledge of the scientific method in establishing the causation of disease and efficacy of traditional and non-traditional therapies Knowledge of health care policy and the economic, psychological, social, and cultural factors that affect health and health care delivery Knowledge of the most frequent clinical, laboratory, radiographic, and pathologic manifestations of common as well as life threatening diseases Knowledge about relieving pain and ameliorating the suffering of patients Knowledge of the epidemiology of diseases and the systematic approaches useful in promoting health Knowledge of techniques of patient education and counseling in basic lifestyle changes/prevention 38 Knowledge of and approaches to reduce the psychological and physical risks and stresses of the practice of medicine

Curricular Goals : SKILLS

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

The School of Medicine will ensure that before graduation a student will have demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the faculty, the following:

The ability to obtain an accurate medical history and the ability to perform both a complete and an organ specific examination, including a mental status examination

(See appendix A)

The ability to perform routine technical procedures

(See appendix B)

The ability to interpret the results and be aware of the indications, complications, and limitations of commonly used diagnostic procedures

(See appendix C)

The ability to demonstrate knowledge of theories and principles that govern ethical decision making The ability to reason deductively and inductively in solving clinical problems The ability to construct appropriate differential diagnoses and treatment plans for patients with common conditions, both acute and chronic, including medical, psychiatric, and surgical conditions, and those requiring short- and long-term rehabilitation The ability to recognize patients with immediate life threatening conditions regardless of etiology, and to institute appropriate initial therapy The ability to recognize and outline an initial course of management for patients with serious conditions requiring critical care The ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with patients, patients’ families, colleagues, and others with whom physicians must exchange information in carrying out their responsibilities The ability to select appropriate tests for detecting patients at risk for specific diseases and to determine strategies for responding appropriately The ability to retrieve, critically review, and effectively utilize biomedical information from electronic databases and other resources for solving problems and making decisions that are relevant to the care of individuals and populations The ability to evaluate the economic, psychosocial, and cultural factors that impact the health of patients and families and to incorporate these into assessment and treatment plan 39

Curricular Goals : ATTITUDES

The School of Medicine will ensure that before graduation a student will have demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the faculty, the following:

• A commitment to advocate the interests of one’s patients • Compassionate treatment of patients, and respect for their privacy and dignity • Honesty and integrity and dutifulness in all interactions with patients, their families, colleagues, and others with whom physicians interact • An understanding of, and respect for, the roles of other health care professionals, and the need to collaborate with others in caring for patients and promoting health • A commitment to provide care to patients who are unable to pay and to advocate for access to health care for members of underserved populations 40

2. Developmental Terms:

• “ Novice” can identify absence of pulse • • “Advanced learner” can distinguish specific arrythmias “Expert” can manage ventricular fibrillation 41

Dreyfus and Dreyfus

     

Novice Advanced beginner Competent performance Proficient performance Intuitive expert Master students residents facutly Mind Over Machine (1986)


Developmental vs. Analytic

• time-line, progression included levels of function • essential for multi-year training • although the terms (“novice”, “master”…) remain generic


Goals: ACGME “Competencies”

• • • • • •

Medical Knowledge Interpersonal & communication skills Professionalism Patient Care Practice-based learning System-based Practice analytic? developmental?

What about the last three??


A cube to encompass competence UME --> GME

CME school hospital clinic Medical Knowledge Patient Care Interpersonal skills Professionalism Practice-based learning/improv.

System-based Practice


Resistance is futile


community Educational Goals Curriculum Evaluation

Depends on expectations

Feedback / Grading


3. the “Synthetic”framework

• • • “syn-thetic” -putting the learner back together “K S A” are all required, integrated terms are a bit less generic, more behavioral 48

“R.I.M.E. Scheme”




Pangaro, Academic Med, 1999


a framework to classify level of function

rudimentary reporting : “My patient has a fever, cough and a bad rash it’s vesicular or pustular ….”

rudimentary interpreting: “I think it might be due to chicken pox or herpes.”


rudimentary manager/educator : “I’d consider a smear of the fluid and a chest x ray . …We might observe or treat with acyclovir, …but I’m not sure. I’ll have to look this up.”


Alternative model R.I.M.E.

Framework that is



student can visualize, framework for observer




• • • •

Reporter: takes ownership of getting the facts on every patient (“what”?) Interpreter: takes ownership of thinking and explaining (“why”?)… Manager: takes ownership of planning with patient (“how?)… Educator: takes ownership of developing and sharing expertise…


Matrix: transition to higher expectations

I II III IV PGY1 PGY2/3 EDUCATOR I R R R P MANAGER INTERPRETER REPORTER I R I R P I R P P I = introduced R = repetition P = proficiency Practice M M M M M = mastery in practice


Duty and Expertise (Pellegrino)

• Each RIME “level” is a way of asking, does the student fulfill that promise • Making a diagnosis, not “giving” it.

• “Objective” • Does it affect teacher ratings?


Example: Construct Validity Grade Distributions Univ. of Utah

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 Numeric 0.5

1 1.5

2 2.5

3 3.5

4 Low Pass Pass HP Honors Battistone Acad. Med. , 2001


Grade Distributions Univ. of Utah after RIME methods

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 O 0.5

RIME Numeric 1 1.5

2 2.5

3 3.5

4 R I M E Battistone Acad. Med. , 2001


Case using RIME:

• • •

W.O., student, “presents” Mrs. Jones: 45yo woman with acute lower back pain gives detailed description clinical picture suggestive of acute lumbar strain through physical examination,

blood pressure 130/80, heart rate 80

left-sided para-spinal tenderness L2 – L5


Case using RIME (continued)

• •

while student is writing up findings in the patient’s record, you interview and examine patient. Mrs. Jones asks: “Doctor, can you take my blood pressure since no one has?”

at what “RIME” level is this student?


Is the student ready for more responsibility – yes or no?

RIME is a razor.


Complimentary Approaches Synthetic (“steps”) • (non-reporter) • Reporter • Interpreter • Educator Analytic (domains) • Attitude • Skills

ACGME “Professionalism”


The RIME rhythm is familiar:


…….S.0….. Assessment..

Reporter ….A………… Interpreter Plan………….

… .P………….

Manager/ Educator


Reliability versus validity

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Reliable Valid



• Computed estimate of whether an assessment tool is testing a single construct.

• A reliability of 0.8 is considered needed for high stakes decisions (80% signal).


Typical Reliabilities

exam type alpha

“shelf”-100 MCQ 0.75 - .8

Step 1 USMLE 0.9 - .95

OSCE (6 stations)

OSCE (12 stations) 0.5 - 0.6

0.7 - 0.9


Third-year performance Level = Grade

(Observer) Low Pass D 1.0

Reporter Pass


Manager/ Educator High Pass Honors C 2.0

B 3.0

A 4.0


USU Medicine clerkship (students) n = 467 Reliability 0.83

Roop, Amer J Med, 2001



What can you infer from your evaluation? Are you measuring what is important?

X X X X X X X Valid


EDP Evaluation System

• •

RIME Vocabulary Formal Evaluation Sessions

Sit down with teachers every few weeks

Noel, J Med Ed, 1987 (detecting marginal students)

“Frame of reference training”


Content Validity: Detecting Deficiencies in Professionalism % of professionalism domains rated less than acceptable 20 15 17.7



10 5 0 5.5



Checksheet DI Written DI Eval Session DI Ambulatory# Ward+ Hemmer, Academic Medicine, 2000.


Predictive Validity: Sensitivity in predicting Internship Problems (PGY1 supervisor surveys) percent 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 75 8 53 9 Low Ratings Bad Comment USU classes of 86 - 93 Medicine GPA s Medicine Lavin, Academic Medicine 1998


Acceptance (2): Medicine

• 93% teachers’ evaluations • 81% NBME subject examination • 42 % RIME vocabulary • 32% OSCE • 22% direct observation (mini-CEX)

Hemmer, Teach Learn Med, 2007


Limitations of our system

RIME is sometimes taken as developmental scheme.

The analytic model is very strong, and RIME is used for cognitive growth only.

Wanting to skip the Evaluation Sessions - they take time!


Basics Innovations

• Clinicians are good diagnosticians • We are mentors for our students • We promise society duty and expertise • Descriptors provide patterns and exemplars • Descriptive frameworks allow behavioral feedback • Synthetic frameworks make this simpler 74


Simplicity leads to acceptance and use

Acceptance to consistency

Consistency to fairness


Thanks for coming!

[email protected]