Transcript Document

The part-time experience?

Keys Caretakers Cold coffee

Recruitment and Admission of part-time students

SPA Seminar Northern Ireland 12 April 2011 Leslie Currie, Senior Project Officer, SPA

We’ll look at the

• • • • •

National picture Northern Ireland context SPA Good Practice Statement Market Way forward

UK wide - Higher education students, UK-domiciled, analysed by qualification aim, 2007/08

PG research Postgraduate taught First degrees Foundation degrees Higher national certificate/diploma Other UG qualifications

Full-time student numbers

33051 82283 974720 30645 14609

Part-time student numbers

20406 197914 188548 28060 15827

Part-time as a percentage of total students

66665 311585 82 Total 1201973 762340 39

The supply of part-time higher education in the UK, UUK, July 2010 cationInTheUK20100929.pdf

38 71 16 48 52


• Increased interest by governments • Proposed changes in financial support • UCAS interest • HEIs organise PT admissions in many different ways • IAG

Northern Ireland - Part-time students by HEI, level & mode of study 2009/10

Queen’s Belfast



% of total PG




% of total UG

22 St. Mary’s University College 95 83 15 2 75 75 265 23 Stranmillis University College University of Ulster NI Total UK Total 3880 6130 280450 72 55 48 5205 9340 580810 25 23 30

What is Fair Admissions?

Schwartz - 5 principles:

1. Transparent admissions requirements 2. Selection of students on the basis of achievement and potential. Students should be able to complete the course.

3. Reliable and valid assessment methods 4. Minimising barriers to applicants 5. Professional staff, underpinned by appropriate institutional structures and processes

Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) - Code of Practice

Fair admissions also applies to part-time admissions

Part-time admissions & recruitment SPA’s recommendations

A core part of an HEI’s activity



as wide as possible


Strategic commitment management

by HEIs –

engagement of senior


Recruitment and admissions

part of established academic and administrative procedures

and with appropriate policies.


IT and reporting systems


with main system. Data

collected and monitored



Applicants - a

single clear point of contact with institution.

Part-time admissions & recruitment SPA’s recommendations




Financial support - e

qual support to PT students.

Funding arrangements - should

not discourage HEIs from offering PT courses.

Recruitment and marketing

activities by HEIs should include PT opportunities.


on PT - easily available at institution and national level.



should provide advice & guidance on PT possibilities.


Support and transition arrangements

be in place.

for part-time students must 11.

The needs of


should be considered by institutions.

Part-time recommendations

8.6 Changing the funding model … a simplified system that better reflects the need for part-time, modular study to ensure flexibility, adaptability and responsiveness in higher education.

Expert Groups recommend

 Multiple transition routes into and out of higher education  Curricula and Credit Frameworks - to maximize accessibility to and progression within higher education   Funding to be reviewed; greater incentives for HEIs to provide part time courses and encourage people currently in employment to enter HE The Department to address …student loans for part-time study to facilitate the changing balance between full-time and part time study … likely to occur in the coming years.

Consultation document on the development of a higher education strategy for Northern Ireland, 2011


‘…policy can enable and support participation, but it can only directly encourage it to a limited extent.’ (6.5)     People will tend to participate in learning when policy encourages: Some protection from financial risk Flexible provision Peer and academic support for learners Clear information about how learning can benefit the learner (6.10)

Looking to Learn: Investigating the Motivations to Learn and the Barriers Faced by Adults Wishing to Undertake Part-Time Study

Scottish Government, March 2006

The assumption that everybody should be learning seems to slide quite easily into the belief that everybody wants to learn all of the time. (1.23) The structures and policies used to frame lifelong learning and participation are often left over from an era of highly differentiated education, and perpetuate rigid divisions between different types of learning such as formal and informal, or full-time and part-time. The highly diverse - and sometimes arbitrary seeming - nature of the entry requirements for different courses is not optimal for encouraging participation. (6.15)

Looking to Learn: Investigating the Motivations to Learn and the Barriers Faced by Adults Wishing to Undertake Part-Time Study, Scottish Government, March 2006


      

To an HEI

Is it worth the cost of offering it?

Will it always be excluded from MASN?

Who runs it? Can’t it be left to departments? Surely the centre doesn’t have to bother?

Aren’t PT students all mature and with lower qualifications? Or executives on distance learning?

Is it truly part of a flexible pattern, allowing students in and out?

What will be the implications if UCAS introduce a PT admissions product?

What about the OU?


  

To an adviser

Applicants don’t think it’s a real option, equal with full-time If they follow a PT option, students will be financially disadvantaged How do you find information – at all levels, national and HEI?

   

To an applicant

Is it for interest – or for fun?

Am I going to get a reward which outweighs the time, money and effort I’ll put into it? Am I really and tangibly supported by my employer?

How do I decide on my options?

Over to you Infrastructure

 Information for applicants     Entry and admissions routes Progression and flexibility Structures within institutions Legacy and mission

Market and motivation

   Why should people do it?

How do you talk to them?

Employers – what do they need?