Transcript Slide 1

Second-Wave Feminism
"Second Wave" Feminism -- Contexts:
 feminism ebbed to its lowest point in the
1950s as Americans celebrated domesticity
 more women received higher education
 married women became secondary wage
 confronted sex and wage discrimination on
the job
 carried the "double burden" of wage work
and housework
 suburbanization created a female ghetto
Women’s Strike for Peace, est. 1961. Here, WSP
members protest during the Cuban Missile Crisis
Ella Baker
Dorothy Cotton
Septima Clark
Dorothy Height
Shirley Chisolm
Pauli Murray
Feminism re-emerges
• demographic shift begins in 1957
• women respond to civil rights movement
• early sign of dissent: Kennedy's President's
Commission on the Status of Women
(1961) and Betty Friedan's The Feminine
Mystique (1963)
Esther Peterson
If a woman had a problem in the 1950's and
1960's, she knew that something must be
wrong with her marriage, or with herself.
Other women were satisfied with their lives,
she thought. What kind of a woman was she
if she did not feel this mysterious fulfillment
waxing the kitchen floor? She was so
ashamed to admit her dissatisfaction that she
never knew how many other women shared
it. If she tried to tell her husband, he didn't
understand what she was talking about. She
did not really understand it herself.
But on an April morning in 1959, I heard a mother
of four, having coffee with four other mothers in a
suburban development fifteen miles from New
York, say in a tone of quiet desperation, "the
problem." And the others knew, without words,
that she was not talking about a problem with her
husband, or her children, or her home. Suddenly
they realized they all shared the same problem, the
problem that has no name. They began, hesitantly,
to talk about it. Later, after they had picked up
their children at nursery school and taken them
home to nap, two of the women cried, in sheer
relief, just to know they were not alone.
President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964
• NOW’s stated purpose:
– "To take action to bring women into full
participation in the mainstream of American
society now, assuming all the privileges and
responsibilities of citizenship thereof in truly equal
partnership with men."
Women's Liberation
• started in 1967 by female veterans of civil
rights and antiwar movements
• repudiated negative cultural valuation of
femininity (Miss America, 1968)
• introduced principle, "The personal is
political," and consciousness raising
"I think a lot about being attractive," Ann said. "People
don't find the real self of a woman attractive." And then
she went on to give some examples. And I just sat there
listening to her describe all the false ways women have to
act: playing dumb, always being agreeable, always being
nice, not to mention what we had to do to our bodies, with
the clothes and shoes we wore, the diets we had to go
through, going blind not wearing glasses, all because men
didn't find our real selves, our human freedom, our basic
humanity "attractive." And I realized I still could learn a
lot about how to understand and describe the particular
oppression of women in ways that could reach other
women in the way this had just reached me. The whole
group was moved as I was, and we decided on the spot
that what we needed -- in the words Ann used -- was to
"raise our consciousness some more."
Consciousness-raising -- studying the whole
gamut of women's lives, starting with the full
reality of one's own -- would also be a way of
keeping the movement radical by preventing it
from getting sidetracked into single issue
reforms and single issue organizing. It would
be a way of carrying theory about women
further than it had ever been carried before, as
the groundwork for achieving a radical
solution for women as yet attained nowhere.
Whole areas of women's lives were declared off
limits to discussion. The topics we were talking
about in our groups were dismissed as "petty" or
"not political." Often these were the key areas in
terms of how women are oppressed as a particular
group -- like housework, childcare and sex.
Everybody from Republicans to Communists said
that they agreed that equal pay for equal work was a
valid issue and deserved support. But when women
wanted to try to figure out why we weren't getting
equal pay for equal work anywhere, and wanted to
take a look in these areas, then what we were doing
wasn't politics, economic or even study at all, but
"therapy," something that women had to work out
for themselves individually.
Scenes from the
Miss America Protest:
Varieties of Second-Wave Feminism
• Liberal feminism
• Radical feminism
• Cultural feminism
• Socialist feminism
Feminism in the 70s and 80s
– NOW endorses ERA in 1967
– Women’s Strike for Equality, August 26, 1970
– ERA approved by Congress in 1972
– Failed to achieve ratification by 1982 deadline
• Abortion
– Roe v. Wade, 1973
– Contributes to antifeminist backlash
• Pornography debates within feminism
• Women in politics
Roe v. Wade
• laws prohibiting abortion in the first
trimester of the pregnancy are
unconstitutional under the Due Process
Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment,
which guarantees a right to privacy
– states reserve right to restrict abortion later
in the pregnancy
• Roe v. Wade prompts a national debate
• Changes the face of national politics
Pornography Debates
• “Porn is the theory. Rape is the practice.” –
Gloria Steinem
• Women against Pornography and the Christian
• “Pro-sex”/anti-censorship feminists
Women in Politics
• Shirley Chisolm became first African-American
woman elected to Congress in 198; in 1972,
she runs for President
• Bella Abzug (D-NY) elected to Congress in
1970: “A woman’s place is in the House.”
• Barbara Jordan (D-TX), first black woman
elected to Congress from former Confederate
State in 1973, delivers keynote address to the
Democratic National Convention in 1976.
• Sandra Day O'Connor becomes the first
woman nominated to the Supreme Court in
1981; she is unanimously confirmed.
• Jeane Jordan Kirkpatrick becomes the first
female United States Ambassador to the
United Nations in 1981.
• Geraldine Ferraro is the first female Vice
Presidential candidate in 1984
• And the list continues…
Madeleine May Kunin
• 77th Governor of Vermont,
• Deputy secretary of
education, 1993-97
• U.S. Ambassador to
Switzerland, 1996-99.
• Vermont's first and only
female governor
• Also Vermont’s first Jewish
• We have seen two women serve as secretary of
state, Madeleine Albright and Condoleezza Rice;
one woman as U.S. attorney general, Janet Reno;
and two women justices in the Supreme Court,
Sandra Day O'Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
For the first time in our history, we [had] a
serious, qualified woman candidate for
president—Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. On
January 23, 2007, we saw the portrait of political
leadership change in the Congress with the
election of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.