Transcript Document

(1) It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that is not
found even among pagans; for a man is living with his father's wife. (2) And you are
arrogant! Should you not rather have mourned, so that he who has done this would have been
removed from among you? (3) For though absent in body, I am present in spirit; and as if
present I have already pronounced judgment (4) in the name of the Lord Jesus on the man
who has done such a thing. When you are assembled, and my spirit is present with the power
of our Lord Jesus, (5) you are to hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh,
so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord. (6) Your boasting is not a good thing.
Do you not know that a little yeast leavens the whole batch of dough? (7) Clean out the old
yeast so that you may be a new batch, as you really are unleavened. For our paschal lamb,
Christ, has been sacrificed. (8) Therefore, let us celebrate the festival, not with the old yeast,
the yeast of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. (9) I wrote
to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral persons-- (10) not at all meaning
the immoral of this world, or the greedy and robbers, or idolaters, since you would then need
to go out of the world. (11) But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who
bears the name of brother or sister who is sexually immoral or greedy, or is an idolater, reviler,
drunkard, or robber. Do not even eat with such a one. (12) For what have I to do with judging
those outside? Is it not those who are inside that you are to judge? (13) God will judge those
outside. "Drive out the wicked person from among you."
1 Corinthians 5
 It is actually reported that
there is sexual immorality
[pornea] among you, and of a
kind that is not found even
among pagans; for a man is
living with his father's wife.
(1Cor 5:1)
 pornea = all extra-marital sex
 “to have” = sexual relations
 The son’s mother, alive or dead?
 The father’s wife, slave or free? young or old?
 The father and wife divorced?
 The father Christian?
 The son Christian?
 The woman Christian?
… we just don’t know, but Paul and the church in Corinth did.
 (2Co 7:12) “…it was not on account of the one who
did the wrong, nor on account of the one who was
the son did wrong
the father was wronged
silence about the woman’s conduct or any
consequences indicates she was not Christian
Paul is much more concerned about the attitude of
the church
 Would ordinary society in Corinth have been
shocked and outraged at a marriage between a man
and the second wife of his father?
 “No one who has studied the state of Greek society
will answer that question in the affirmative.
 Everyone knows that there was not in those cities
such strictness of moral judgement.”
 Ramsay, Historical Commentary on First Corinthians, 37
 Large port city, two harbours
 Hosted the Isthmian Games
 Temple to Aphrodite, goddess of ‘love’
 Openly sanctioned brothels
 Intellectually astute, financially wealthy, morally
 “Greek custom and law has always been very lax as to
restrictions on marriage. Marriage of uncle and niece, or
aunt and nephew, had always been freely permitted in
Athens. Stepbrother and stepsister might contract marriage
with one another, if their relationship were through their
father (though not if it were through the mother)....It
would be hard to find proof of any Greek objection to this
Corinthian marriage even in the strictest period of Greek
morality, if there ever was any strict period.”
 “In short, the Corinthian church, when it condoned this
crime, was simply judging as the Corinthians had always
judged. It was not sinking below its pagan level. It was
standing contentedly on that level.” Ramsay, 38
“not” οὐδέ - oude , oo-deh'
 From G3756 and G1161;
not however, that is, neither,
nor, not even: - neither (indeed), never, no (more, nor, not), nor
(yet), (also, even, then) not (even, so much as), + nothing, so much as.
“named” ὀνομάζω - onomazō, on-om-ad'-zo
 From G3686;
to name, that is, assign an appellation;
by extension to utter, mention, profess: - call, name.
 What the Corinthian church would have to deal
with therefore was an indistinct borderline
moral issue which would not be considered a
judicial matter in Corinth.
 And yet, it was very offensive to the Christian
father whose Christian son had taken up with his
(probably non-Christian) wife.
 There were all sorts of moral conundrums for the
early Christians within Greco-Roman society
 slave marriages (not legally recognised, dissoluble by the
infant exposure
sexual abuse of slaves
polygamy, adultery, incest
 In many instances a moral judgement or rescue of
a Christian was out of reach for the church.
 Sue at law?
 “Not named” as a crime!
 Murder/Retribution?
 It’s his son!
 Disinherit?
 “avenge not yourselves”
For the powerless in pagan
society there was one last
 to invoke the judgment
of the gods upon the
 Physical affliction was
expected (fever)
 Imprecation was feared
and respected
 “These forms played a great part in ancient life, and
many examples of them have been preserved to our
time. We find divine wrath and punishment thus
invoked against thieves, slanderers, poisoners,
assassins, an adopted child who had raised his
hand against his foster mother, users of false
weights, persons who refused to restore money
deposited in their case, and so on. Even a mere
advertisement of lost property was accompanied by a
curse consigning to divine punishment anyone that
found and did not restore the lost article.” Ramsay, 46
 Christianised version of invoking the gods
 Paul mentions this also in 1 Tim 1:20
 “among them are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I
have turned over to Satan, so that they may learn not to
 Satan here is seen as God’s agent, not God’s enemy
 The church surrenders an offender to God for
rebuke, affliction and instruction
 Imprecatory prayer brings relief, catharsis,
reassurance and release to the victim
 Deut 32:35 Vengeance is mine, and recompense, for
the time when their foot shall slip; because the day
of their calamity is at hand, their doom comes
swiftly. (36) Indeed the LORD will vindicate his
people, have compassion on his servants, when he
sees that their power is gone, neither bond nor free
 Rom 12:19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but
leave room for the wrath of God; for it is written,
"Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord."
 And you are arrogant! Should you not rather have
mourned…? (v.2)
 Your boasting is not a good thing. Do you not know
that a little yeast leavens the whole batch of dough?
 The church members:
 indulged Christian freedom from ‘law’
 dismissed the father’s need for justice and support
 were unconcerned about church reputation
 were insensitive to a member’s possible alienation
that Christians are not free from
 moral law
 the body
 communal concern for one another
 responsibility to the reputation of the gospel
 it is not the business of just one or two
 some problems affect the whole community
 the ultimate aim is restoration, not judgement
 the problem is not so much in the facts of the case,
but the emotional state of the parties, what they
can or can’t deal with
 sometimes people just need space and time apart
the yeast of malice and evil vs the unleavened bread of
sincerity and truth (v.8)
 Boasting “puffs up”
 It is their complacency that Paul condemns
Drive out the evil from among you. (v.13)
 does not say evil person or wicked one
 Paul says nothing about reversing the sexual alliances
 Possibly it is the arrogance and boasting, and not the
offending man, which Paul calls on them to purge
 Jesus: ate with any and all who invited him
 Paul: requires commitment/accountability
 He adds ‘slanderer’ and ‘drunkard’ to the vice lists
 In 1st century cultures, eating with someone was a
form of social approval
 In church scandals there is no such thing as a
consensus. Everyone has their supporters
A censured offender can simply go to another
Avoiding specific people can only be a personal
decision; we cannot command it for others
Does it work?
Does it make us feel better?
What have we learned about ‘delivering to Satan’