3rd SPOs Periodical Round Table Meeting

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Transcript 3rd SPOs Periodical Round Table Meeting




JUNE- 2010


Regulatory framework

Introduction of the “Programme Management Guidelines” (particularly PIM, Turkish version, SPO webpage etc.)

Better understanding of the “Sensitive Post” concept in DIS institutions

Information on the Irregularity and Irregularity Reports

Workflow on how to follow the procedure for the preparation of Progress & Monitoring Reports

CFCU-3rd SPOs Round Table Meeting-June 2010



1 st

Round Table Meeting held on

28 th and 30 th April 2009

“The Self Assessment Sheet Briefing” held on 21 st May 2009.

The SPOs Self Assessment Analysis Report” for 2007 NP was prepared in

June 2009

This report was approved by the PAO and published at the CFCU website as a summary, on

10 th July 2009

Accordingly, the NAO and NIPAC were informed on the report by the PAO.

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At the same time, the relevant SPOs were informed by the PAO on the results/scores of assessment, they obtained, via official letter dated

11 th August 2009.

The spot check visits” to the SPO offices were realized between June and December 2009 by the CFCU.

Among the 33 offices, 26 offices have been visited personally by the CFCU

Aide Memoire” was prepared by the CFCU.

Revised/updated versions of the

Workload Analysis Self Assessment Sheets

and were received from the 2007 SPOs on May 2010.

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A. The requirements [selected indicative] of the IPA Regulation – 1085/2006 and its Implementing Regulation – 718/2007 for management and control B. IPA IR Article 11.3, Operational Agreement between PAO and SPOs.

Where specific persons have been given responsibility for an activity in relation to the management, implementation and control of programmes, the beneficiary country shall enable such persons to exercise the duties associated with that responsibility, including in cases where there is no hierarchical link between them and the bodies participating in that activity.

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C. Template for Self-Assessment Sheets D. PAO Analytical Report of SPO Self Assessment on-the-spot Assessment by PAO services under Article 11.3. and as input to Article 27 and Follow-Up Statement of Assurance by NAO.

In accordance with Article 25(5), the national authorising officer shall make an annual management declaration, which shall take the form of a statement of assurance to be presented to the Commission by 28 February each year. He shall forward a copy of the statement of assurance to the competent accrediting officer.

The statement of assurance shall be based on the national authorising officer's actual supervision of the management and control systems throughout the financial year.

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E. Senior Programme Officer (SPO)

– Clarity of function

Pursuant to article 75(3) of the IPA IR , PAO shall designate officials within the national administration as SPOs.

Under the overall responsibility of the PAO concerned, SPOs shall carry out the following tasks:

be responsible for the technical aspect of the operations within line ministries,

assist the PAO in the good and timely preparation and implementation of operations at technical level,

be in charge of the coordination within each priority axis set down in the beneficiary country’s project proposal.

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SPO Webpage

Unofficial Turkish translations of PIM&POG

PIM - Programme Implementation Manual

POG - Programme Operational Guide

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CFCU-3rd SPOs Round Table Meeting-June 2010


Programme Management Guidelines Part 1 - Programme Implementation Manual (PIM)

“Program Uygulama El Kitabı”

Part 2 - Project Operational Guide (POG)

“Program Yürütme Rehberi”

PIM & POG were translated into Turkish.

Unofficial Turkish translations have been sent to the 2007 and 2008 SPOs on 19.04.2010.

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Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) – Key Issues (1)

 Strategic level overview and key skills.


 To reflect the current

Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance

(IPA) framework  To describe clearly and accessibly the

complete DIS structure

and the role/contribution of all stakeholders  To

incorporate the Operational Agreement

into the PMG  To stress the importance of

avoiding Last minute Contracting

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Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) - Key Issues (2)

Programming Phase


Commission Services - NIPAC - Line Ministries and Agencies

Annual Enlargement Strategy

Regular Report and Negotiations Accession Partnership (AP)

9 th Development Plan

Negotiation Framework

Implementation Phase


Commission Services




Line Ministries and Agencies

Working Document (Programme Document 1)

Quarter 4 in Year N-1

Ex-post Evaluation of Financing Agreement

N+3 and beyond

Expiry and closing Audit of Financing Agreement

After N+3 generally

Monitoring and Assessment Reports

On clusters of Financing Agreement in years N+2 and N+3

Implementation – Tenders, Contracts and Management

Derived directly from Project fiches Years N+1 and N+2

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Commission Decision

Marking the budgetary commitment Quarter 3 in Year N

Financing Agreement

Country’s agreement with the Commission Qr. 3-4 in Year N

Financing Agreement

National Fund delegation agreement with Implementing Agency Quarter 1 in Year N+1



Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) - Key Issues (3)

Programming Identification Implementation Financing

CFCU-3rd SPOs Round Table Meeting-June 2010

Formulation 14

Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) –Key Issues (4)


The purpose of the programming phase is to identify and agree the main objectives and priorities for financial cooperation.


In this phase, the line ministries and agencies are required to formulate project ideas through Project Identification Sheets.


In this phase, the line ministries and agencies are required to formulate PFs related to the approved project proposals.


This phase ends with the signature of the FA.

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Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) – Key Issues (5)


 Preparation of project documents which describe define inputs and describe actions to be financed: o

ToR for technical assistance (TA)

   o o o o

Technical Specification (TS) for supply of goods Guidelines for applicants for grant scheme (GS) Contracts for twinning programmes Detailed design for works

Tendering and contracting to select the service provider applying open and fair competition methods Project implementation and contract administration which is the phase where project activities are implemented and disbursements accordingly executed Monitoring to assess implementation performances and achievements in order to take corrective actions

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Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) – Key Issues (6)


The aim of evaluation is to assess the impact of the project, if the objectives have been achieved, and to learn lessons by identifying shortcomings and mistakes that occurred during the implementation, in order to improve the execution of future projects.

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Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) - Key Issues (7)

Decentralised Implementation System

 The purpose of the DIS is to provide the appropriate legal and administrative framework for the transfer of responsibilities for the implementation of the EU funded programmes from the EC to the partner countries.

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Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) - Key Issues (8)

        

DIS Actors/Institutions

Competent Acrediting Officer (CAO) National IPA Coordinator (NIPAC) Financial Co-operation Committee (FCC) National Fund (NF) National Authorising Officer (NAO) Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU) Programme Authorising Officer (PAO) Senior Programme Officers (SPO) Transition Assistance and Institution Building Committee (TAIB Committee) CFCU-3rd SPOs Round Table Meeting-June 2010


Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) –

Key Issues (9)

The SPO shall be responsible for ensuring that an adequate organisation, with sound internal procedures, is established within his/her line Ministry or Agency staffed by an appropriate number of qualified personnel to enable him/her to carry out the implementation of EU funded projects in a timely, effective and efficient manner.

Human Resources Requirements Ethics Policy

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Conflict of Interest

The SPO and SPO Team should be careful about conflict of interest As CONFLICT OF INTEREST;  During preparation of TS/Market Survey,  Evaluation Committee members.

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PIM Section 9.3 Ethics Policy

The SPO and SPO Team should be careful about ethic clauses As ETHICS;  Appointment policy towards potential tenderers in the market  Same ethic rules applicable with the CFCU

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Project Operational Guide (POG) – Key Issues


supports the PIM. It is comprised of a detailed set of guidelines on how to carry out all of the activities; including instructions, checklists, standard formats, etc.

Basic Principles

    Common Advertising Rules Common Tendering Rules Common Technical Evaluation Rules Common Contract Participation, Evaluation and Award Rules

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Project Operational Guide (POG) Procurement Procedures (1)

Basic Procedures  Contract Types  Contract Values  Checklist for a procurement procedure  Timescale for a procurement procedure

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Project Operational Guide (POG) Procurement Procedures (2) SERVICES Table-1: Which Procedure to Use according to PRAG ≥ €200,000

International restricted tender procedure

1.< €200,000 but > € 10,000

FWCs 2.

Competitive negotiated procedure

≤ €10,000

Single tender


International open tender procedure


International open tender procedure


International restricted tender procedure

< €150,000 but ≥60,000

Local open tender procedure

< €60,000 but > €10,000

Competitive negotiated procedure

< € 5,000,000 but ≥ €300,000

Local open tender procedure

< € 300,000 but > € 10,000

Competitive negotiated procedure

≤ €10,000

Single tender

≤ €10,000

Single tender

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At the level of SPO office,

inventory of sensitive post and

the corresponding policy to mitigate the risk involved in the positions identifying as sensitive must be in line with “Sensitive Post Policy Paper

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CFCU-3rd SPOs Round Table Meeting-June 2010



A sensitive function is; any post within the SPO office whose occupant could cause adverse effect to the integrity and functioning of the institution by virtue of the nature of his/her responsibility .

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Sensitive functions forms an important part of internal control system.

Identification of a function as sensitive does not question the integrity of the jobholder.

Concentrate on the functions where the risk of fraud or misuse of funds or highly sensitive information for personal gain is significant.

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It aims,


to develop a sound management system and internal control system to establish a list of functions where there is a risk that a failure to perform them correctly for each post could seriously harm the interests of the SPOs’ functions.


protect EU/TR financial interests against fraud and misuse and raises the awareness among the staff when performing their mission.

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A post can be characterised as being sensitive:

a) by the nature of the activity itself.

This could be the case for all activities where a high degree of personal judgement is involved when taking decisions, e.g. experts taking decisions in the area of procurement or contracts, with regard to policy-making and negotiation or in areas where there is a relatively high degree of freedom to act and/or where supervision levels might be low; or sometimes the private assumptions on the personal capacity of the experts in the system.

b) by the context in which the activity is carried out.

might harm the interests of the ministry. This could apply to functions dealing with policy-making where officials might be subject to pressure to disclose sensitive information and where disclosure

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In the Ministry, the responsibility for identifying and managing sensitive functions rests with

Senior Programme Officer

who is responsible for ensuring that adequate internal control systems are in place.

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Step 1: Define whether a post should be considered sensitive by nature or context taking into account of the risks involved


Step 2: Assess the extent to which controls and checks are in place to mitigate the risks identified for the posts considered as sensitive Step 3: controls Take appropriate measures to strengthen Accept the risk Step 4: Assess the remaining risk levels Step 5: control Decide whether to accept this remaining level of risk or, if necessary, to enhance the mechanisms already in place.

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Step 6: Evaluate the remaining risk level again.

Go to Step 3 33

Criteria for defining SENSITIVE POSTS (1)

Factors contributing to the sensitivity of a function:

Decision-making capacity

Capacity to influence decisions

Relations with third parties outside the Ministry

(Contractors, Beneficiaries, grantees, CFCU, EU Delegation etc.)

Regular access to confidential information.

High-level of specialised expertise

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Criteria for defining SENSITIVE POSTS (2) Fields of activity which may be sensitive

:  Financial management  Contract management  Human Resource Management  IT Management  Administration

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Criteria for defining SENSITIVE POSTS (3)

The SPO shall designate which of its positions are sensitive.

In designating sensitive positions, SPO shall include positions whose duties require, provide for, or encompass: 

Director General

Assistant to a Director General

 

Head of Unit Head of Human and/or Financial Resources Unit

Authorising Officer

 

IT Expert(s) Security Officer

Administrative Assistant


CFCU-3rd SPOs Round Table Meeting-June 2010


SENSITIVE POSTS: MITIGATING CONTROLS Control chain by internal controls such as,

• • •

Segregation of duties “Four-eyes” control principle Supervisory activities

IT control mechanisms

Checklists for administrative controls (included in the PMG) Or any control or position that makes it nearly possible to committ fraud.

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Irregularity and Fraud

The SPO, as the Irregularity Officer: Irregularity Irregularity means any infringement of a provision of Community or Turkish law (including, FAs, Operational Agreements) resulting from an act or omission by an economic operator (employee, natural or legal persons or other bodies recognised by national law), which has, or would have, the effect of prejudicing the general budget of the Communities or the state budget of Turkey by charging an unjustified item of expenditure to the budget .

Fraud Fraud means any intentional act or omission relating to:

  

The use or presentation of false, incorrect or incomplete statements or documents, which has as effect the misappropriation or wrongful retention of funds from the general budget of the European Communities or from the state budget of Turkey, Non-disclosure of information in violation of a specific obligation, with the same effect, The misapplication of funds for purposes other than those for which they are originally granted Reaction Reporting Reaction Reporting

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Irregularity Reports/Procedures


Why do we report?

When do we report?

How do we report?

Other responsibilities

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Definitions of Irregularity

PIF Regulation

Article 1(2) of Council Regulation 2988/95 on the protection of the European Communities financial interests

IPA Implementing Regulation

Article 718/2007 2 (6) of Commission

IPA Framework Agreement

Regulation Article 28(4)(a)

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“ IPA Implementing Regulation- Article 7(3) (h):

the definitions of irregularity agreement


…shall be laid down in the framework

IPA Framework Agreement- Article 28(4)(a):

Irregularity shall mean any infringement of a provision of applicable rules and contracts resulting from an act or an omission by an economic operator which has, or would have, the effect of prejudicing the general budget of the European Union by charging an unjustified item of expenditure to the general budget.

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Elements of Irregularity

an economic operator

an act or an omission

infringement of applicable rules and contracts

charging an unjustified item of expenditure to the general budget

actual or possible effect of prejudicing the general budget of the European Union

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In practice, Irregularity is something not regular and many events, regardless of its effects on the EU/TR financial interests, may be asked to be reported!...

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Source of Irregularities

Disclosure of information that affect the principle of open and fair competition

Hidden a conflict of interest

Collusion with a tenderer

Inappropriate use of equipment/material supplied

Submission of provisional/final acceptance of goods report false or incorrect information in relation quantities and TS

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IPA Framework Agreement- Article 28(4)(b):


relating to: shall mean o any intentional act or omission the use or presentation of false, incorrect or incomplete statements or documents , which has as its effect the misappropriation or wrongful retention of funds from the general budget of the European Communities or budgets managed by, or on behalf of, the European Communities; o o non disclosure of information obligation with the same effect; in violation of a specific the misapplication of such funds for purposes other than those for which they are originally granted.

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Why do we report?

IPA Implementing Regulation (718/2007) Article 19, IPA Framework Agreement Article 28:

(1) The Beneficiary shall ensure investigation and effective treatment of suspected cases of fraud and irregularities and shall ensure the functioning of a mechanism control and reporting …In the case of suspected fraud or irregularity, the Commission shall be informed without delay .

(2) Furthermore, the Beneficiary (country) shall take appropriate measure to prevent and counter any active or passive corruption practices at any stage procurement procedure or grant award procedure or during the implementation of corresponding contracts.

of any the

CFCU-3rd SPOs Round Table Meeting-June 2010

Why do you report?

Operational Agreement

Article 6- Responsibilities of the Senior Programme Officers

The immediate reporting of any determined/suspicious irregularity to the CFCU and, where non detected, the preparation and submission of a monthly “Zero” Irregularity Report to the CFCU,

Article 16 (2) Reporting SPO shall submit to the CFCU the information, on a monthly basis by the 5 th working day of the following month, on any determined/suspicious irregularities that may have occurred or, if none then, the submission of a “Zero” Irregularity Report

Annex 1- Declaration of the Senior Programme Officer

to submit monthly irregularity reports to the CFCU in accordance with the forms forwarded by the CFCU CFCU-3rd SPOs Round Table Meeting-June 2010

When do we report? (1)

Immediate Reporting: As the Irregularity Officer, SPO should report all the irregularities detected within the SPO office or by the SPO and reported irregularities by the line ministry immediately to the PAO (CFCU) by using the standard form.

All the documents certifying that irregularity was committed should be annexed to the irregularity report.

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When Do We Report? (2)

Monthly Reports:

gathered about the irregularity after immediate report will continue to be reported by SPO to CFCU and NAO (NF) via monthly reports The information and documents until the irregularity is resolved by using the standard form together with the Progress Report.

Zero Irregularity Report:

If there is not a specific irregularity reported in a quarter, not only from the SPOs but also from own activities and LMs activities regarding the projects in the FAs, the Zero Irregularity Report, prepared by SPO should be submitted to the PAO by the tenth day of the month following the end of using the standard form.

each quarter by

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How do we report? (1)

Programme Management Guidelines-

Programme Implementation Manual (PIM)

8.6.Reporting Irregularities

Operational Agreement-

Annex 3- Template Irregularity Reports CFCU-3rd SPOs Round Table Meeting-June 2010


How do we report? (2)


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How do we report? (3)


*Extracted from the Operational Agreements- Annex 3

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Other Responsibilities

 PIM 8.4.1

The SPO, as the

Irregularity Officer

at the SPO Office level, will inform staff and final beneficiaries about: o Irregularities classification o o Preventive actions Reaction to irregularities and to omissions  PIM 8.6.3

The Irregularity Officer should ensure that the irregularities reported by the staff is registered to irregularity register and is submitted to the PAO together with the measures taken by SPO.

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Decision of Joint Monitoring Committee Meeting (Jan. 2009)

Reports submitted quarterly basis

Q1-2010: January, February, March 2010

 

Q2-2010: April, May, June 2010 ….

Template of monthly “ Progress Reports ” submitted to the CFCU and the bi annual “ Monitoring Reports ” submitted to the EUSG by the Beneficiary Institutions were merged

New Progress and Monitoring Report formed

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Which Projects?

Disbursement deadline (DD) of the programme did not expire

The projects under;

2005 NP (DD: 30.11.2010 with exceptions)

2006 NP (DD: 30.11.2010 with exceptions)

IPA (DD: n+2+2+1 with exceptions)

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New PMRs via Electronic Media (1)

No more hardcopies/signatures

Preparation / circulation via electronic media

The developed system will send e-mails to parties in accordance with the workflow

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New PMRs via Electronic Media (2)

Basic Project data and other information on the PMRs automatically filled

Reference number /Title of project

 

Budget / contracted / disbursed amounts Expiry dates, beneficiary institution/SPO details

Beneficiaries will only fill the essay part of the report


 

Activities Current Problems & Risks

 

Anticipated Problems & Risks Planned Activities

The PMRs for the 2 nd quarter of 2010 will be submitted electronically by the Beneficiaries which the electronic media will be operational in July.

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INSTITUTIONS ACTIONS The Beneficiary Institutions EUSG Prepare / Revise / Approve Approve / Reject / comments CFCU National Fund EU Delegation Approve / Reject / comments Preview / Comment via e-mail Preview / Comment via e-mail

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Role of SPO

 Main responsibility to prepare/revise PMRs   Approve the report in the system not later than the 5 th working day of the following month of each quarter period

(i.e. the reports for 1st Quarter 2010 - January-February-March 2010 shall be filled till )

“ Irregularity Report ” and/or “ Zero Irregularity Report ” should be prepared and

signed hard

copies submitted to the CFCU

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How to use new electronic system?

  

User Name and Password given to

Each SPO & one contact person

EUSG, NF, EU Delegation Reports status can be seen at any time by each party

At the Beneficiary/ at the EUSG/ at the CFCU/ completed Only the party who is in the queue to revise/comment the report will have the authority to make revisions to the report

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Project under the 2005 NP

(General - III)

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SPO Screen (1)

To get into the project details, click on the reference number (as in the left column) To see the history of each project (rejections, comments, approvals) click the lens icon at right.

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SPO Screen (2)

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SPO Screen (3)

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PMR Cycle History

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Next Step?

Letters will be sent for asking the contact details of the new users

Usernames given and passwords will be

Training will be organised in June

Then the system will be functional

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CFCU-3rd SPOs Round Table Meeting-June 2010