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Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure

Margaret J. Neff, MD MSc Assistant Professor of Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care

“Your patient’s sat is 88%”

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55 y/o man with a history of mild COPD 3 days s/p elective surgery

bilateral knee replacements

Uneventful post-operative course except for an ileus and ongoing complaints of pain

Had been on room air during the day

You’re called with this sat at 3 a.m.

“He says he can’t catch his breath”

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Repeat sat confirmed: 88% CXR done in the a.m. had shown mild bibasilar atelectasis

possible RLL infiltrate ABG: 7.45/32/60 on room air On high flow oxygen, his PaO 2 is 100

Causes of Hypoxemia

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Decreased PiO 2 Hypoventilation Diffusion abnormality Ventilation/Perfusion mismatch

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Dead space (high V/Q) Shunt (low V/Q)

Decreased PiO


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High altitude Iatrogenic

i.e. wrong gas mixture

Unlikely to be an issue in clinical hypoxemia

Aa gradient normal


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Essentially alveolar hypoventilation CNS drive depressed Pain and splinting Thoracic or abdominal restriction Commonly seen clinically

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May be manifest as bibasilar atelectasis Hypoxemia reverses if take deep breath

Aa gradient normal

Diffusion Abnormality

Acute or chronic disease which affects the ability for oxygen to transport from alveolus to capillary

Common in moderate to severe lung disease, vascular disease, etc

Unlikely to cause acute hypoxemia

Aa gradient increased

Ventilation/Perfusion Mismatch Dead Space

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Areas with normal ventilation, reduced perfusion (high V/Q ratio) Pulmonary embolus is a good example Dead space and poor CO 2 removal require increased minute ventilation May or may not be hypoxemia

Aa gradient increased

Ventilation/Perfusion Mismatch Shunt

Areas with decreased ventilation and normal perfusion (low V/Q)

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Consolidation from pneumonia Can increase if lose ability for hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction

non-selective vasodilators: nitrates, nipride

Poorly oxygen responsive

Aa gradient increased

“Your patient is still SOB”

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Unlikely a problem with PiO 2 or diffusion May be some degree of hypoventilation due to narcotic use

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Sputum with lots of polys and GPC Repeat CXR shows consolidated RLL Other possibilities?

“Your next admit is here”

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45 y/o man with diabetes and urosepsis

progressively hypotensive, tachypneic Intubated for respiratory distress and hypoxemia: oxygen sat on high flow oxygen of 90%

Effusion or Edema?

“Bilateral infiltrates consistent with pulmonary edema” meets radiographic criteria for acute lung injury CT reveals normal parenchyma but bilateral effusions

Courtesy of G. Rubenfeld

Pleural Effusion 1 day later After CT insertion

Acute Lung Injury (ALI)

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Clinical diagnosis (AECC definition) CXR: bilateral infiltrates consistent with pulmonary edema PaO2/FiO2 ratio < 300 (< 200 for ARDS) No evidence of left atrial hypertension

PAWP < 18 if available


ALI Risk Factors

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Trauma Sepsis Aspiration Multiple transfusions Pancreatitis, overdose, near drowning Still up to 20% of patients without a defined risk factor

in other words, don’t have to have a risk to have ALI/ARDS

ALI Pathophysiology

Inflammatory process and increased vascular permeability

Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid: neutrophil predominant

those with persistent neutrophils in BAL tend to have a worse clinical course

ALI: clinical manifestations

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Early in the course of ARDS, hypoxemia often dominant Due primarily to intrapulmonary shunting

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atelectasis and alveolar flooding disruption of normally protective hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction

ALI: clinical manifestations

After 3-7 days, poor compliance can become the major problem

fibroproliferative stage

Increasing dead space (can exceed 70%)

fibrosis, microthrombi in vessels

can lead to pulmonary hypertension and right heart dysfunction

ALI: Management

Lung protective ventilation

22% reduction in mortality

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Tidal volume 6 ml/kg (PBW) Pst < 30 cmH2O

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allowing pH down to 7.15 if necessary confirms previous animal studies showing increased systemic inflammation with higher tidal volumes, precipitated by lung stretch

NEJM 2000

Other Potential Therapies

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Prone positioning?


Anti-inflammatory agents?



Inhaled nitric oxide?



Hypothesized to be effective due to intense inflammatory response seen in ARDS patients

Bronchoalveolar lavage with >70% neutrophils (normally < 2%)

Plasma IL6 levels elevated

Previous studies using steroids early in ARDS have not proven beneficial 1

1 Crit Care Med 23:1294-1303

Steroids Late in ARDS

After first 3-7 days, ARDS progresses in many patients to a fibrotic stage

Proliferation of alveolar type II cells

Several small studies of steroids at this phase 1

Inconclusive, in part due to study design

Possibly due to the need for a balance of pro and anti-inflammatory mediators

1 JAMA 280:159-165

Recent Steroid Trial

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NIH sponsored ARDS network (“LaSRS”)

10 sites nationally conducting ARDS studies Enrolled patients at day 7-28 of ARDS

Receive steroids 2mg/kg/d (tapered over 2 weeks) 180 patients enrolled

No difference in mortality (increased with steroids if given >14 days after ALI)

Steroids: more vent-free days, shock-free days; also more neuromuscular complications

NEJM 2006; 354(16):1671


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Liberal vs conservative fluid mgmt

No difference in mortality

Conservative strategy resulted in better lung fxn and shorter time on vent & in ICU

Fluid strategy initiated after shock resuscitation PAC vs CVC

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No difference in mortality More complications in PAC

NEJM 2006; 354(21):2213-24 & NEJM 2006;354(24):2564-75

What else can we do for ARDS patients?

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Minimize ICU-related complications

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HOB elevation DVT prophylaxis Stress gastritis prophylaxis Optimizing nutrition

Early enteral feeding +/- TPN Invasive diagnostic strategies for ventilator associated pneumonia Tight glucose control Sedation management


RCT of HOB Elevation

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1 year enrollment in MICU (Spain) Randomized to HOB > 45° or supine Excluded if recent abd or neurosurgery, refractory shock, re-intubation Endpoint: clinically or microbiologically confirmed pneumonia

(not rigorously defined, though) 86 patients enrolled

Mean age 65yr; 34% with COPD

Lancet 1999;354:1851-8


Nosocomial pneumonia lower in semi recumbent group

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8% vs 34% for clinically suspected 5% vs 23% for micro proven

Supine position and enteral feeding were independent risk factors for VAP

Highest risk when both occurred together

Ventilator Associated Pneumonia

Often difficult diagnosis to make clinically

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CXR in ALI patient is already abnormal ET aspirates may just reflect colonization

May be on antibiotics for surgical procedures or other infections

VAP Diagnosis

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RCT of 413 patients intubated for at least 48 hours 1

Clinical suspicion of VAP

No antibiotic change for prior 72 hours Bronchoscopy vs ET aspirate Bronch: Reduced mortality at day 14, decreased antibiotic use, more antibiotic free days, more appropriate abx choices

1 Ann Intern Med 2000;132:621-30

Tight Glucose Control In ICU

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Recognized hyperglycemia/insulin resistance in ICU patients RCT of glucose control in SICU patients

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2/3 cardiac surgery patients 13% with h/o diabetes Glucose goals: 80-110 vs 180-200 Decreased mortality

(ICU) 4.6% vs 8%; (hospital) 10.9% vs 7.2% Subsequent studies show benefit > 4yrs for CV surg patients; questions results in MICU

N Engl J Med 2001;3451359-67; Eur Heart J 2006 Apr 11 Epub; NEJM 2006 354(5):449-61

Interruption of Sedative Infusions in the ICU

Prospective, randomized trial

150 patients receiving continuous infusions

Targeted Ramsay 3-4

Randomized to daily interruption of infusion or standard care

The intervention was disruption of infusion, not controlling dosing or sedation targets

Once patient awake, investigator notified primary team and decision made regarding resuming infusion (not based on protocol)

Kress, et al. NEJM 2000; 342:1471-7

Better Outcomes with Interruption of Sedative (& Analgesic) Infusion

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2 fewer days on ventilator (5 days vs 7) 3.5 fewer days in the ICU (6.5 vs 10) Fewer diagnostic tests to work up altered mental status (9% vs 27%)

No difference in complications

e.g. self-extubations (4% vs 7%)

Does Deep Sedation Predispose to PTSD?

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Factual memory protected against post traumatic stress disorder symptoms Delusional memory was a risk for PTSD Implications:

Deep sedation and complete amnesia may not be beneficial to patients

Side effects of drugs (hallucinations, nightmares) may be harmful

Jones, et al. Crit Care Med 2001;29:573-80

ALI: Outcomes

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Improved mortality over the past 30 years

60% mortality reduced to 30-40% Most continue to improve lung function over the first year

often left with abnormal diffusion capacity Evidence to suggest some loss in neuropsychiatric function/testing and neuromuscular function

Respiratory Failure

Your 2 patients did well

Patient with pneumonia continued to improve and transferred to rehab

Patient with urosepsis was in the ICU for 7 days with ALI but was extubated and doing well.

Acute Respiratory Failure

When faced with acute SOB, run through the list of possibilities while initiating diagnostic testing and applying oxygen

Think of the clinical scenario to help you trim the possibilities

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See if interventions help Diagnose and treat for the most life threatening while you’re fine-tuning the diagnosis