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Chapter 3 Language Translation Issues & Program Verifications

To specify the syntax of a language, the context-free grammar or Backus-Naur form grammar were developed, but it is realized that (only) syntax was insufficient. (how about the semantics?) 3.1 Programming language syntax Syntax ::= “ the arrangement of words as elements in a sentence to show their relationship,” describes the sequence of symbols that make up valid programs.

X := Y + Z (valid for a Pascal program) let X = Y + Z (Basic) X = Y + Z (C language) Add Y , Z to X (COBOL)

How much is 2 + 3 * 4 ? (14 or 20 ? It depends on syntax.) In a statement like X = 2.45 + 3.67, syntax cannot tell us whether Variable X was declared or declared as type real. Results of X=5, X=6, and X=6.12 are all possible. We need more than just syntactic structures for the full description of a PL. Other attributes, under the general term

semantics, such as the use of declarations, operations, sequence control, and referencing environments

, affect a variable and are not always determined by syntax rules.

3.1.1 General Syntactic Criteria The details of syntax are chosen largely on the basis of secondary criteria, such as

readability, writeability, ease of verifiability, ease of translation, lack of ambiguity

, which are unrelated to the

primary goal of communicating information

to the language processor.


It is enhanced by such language features as natural statement formats, structured statements, liberal use of keywords and noise(optional) words, provision for embedded comments, unrestricted length identifiers, mnemonic operator symbols, free field format, and complete data declarations.


The syntactic features that makes a program easy to write are often in conflict with those features that make it easy to read.

It is enhanced by use of concise and regular syntactic structures, whereas for readability a variety of more verbose( tedious) constructs are helpful.

Implicit syntactic conventions that allow declarations and operations to be left unspecified make programs shorter and easier to write but harder to read.

A syntax is redundant if it communicates the same item of information in more than one way. The disadvantage is that redundancy makes programs more verbose and thus harder to write.

Ease of verifiability:( to be covered at Sec.4-2-4) Ease of translation:



syntax provides an example of a program structure that is neither particularly readable nor particularly writable but that is extremely simple to translate.

Lack of ambiguity: for example;

“a dangling else” problem in Pascal, a reference to A(I, J) in FORTRAN. How to solve them?

Delimiters & brackets:

Brackets are paired delimiters.

Free- & fixed-field formats:

free format for HLL now.


from which the statements are built.


SNOBOL4 has only one basic statement syntax while COBOL provides different syntactic structures for each statement type. APL & SNOBOL4 not allow “embedded statements”.

3.1.2 Syntactic Elements of a Language

Character set:

from 6-bit to 8-bit char’s, now up to 16-bit char’s.


a string beginning with a letter, and …, length ?

Operator symbols:

**, ^, sqr, sqrt, =, EQ, …

Keywords & reserved words:


Noise words:



allow comments in several ways; …

Blanks (spaces):

In SNOBOL4, it is used as a concatenation opr.

3.1.3 Overall Program-Subprogram Structure Separate subprogram def’s: each subp as a separate syntactic unit.(c) Separate data def’s: the


mechanism in Java, C++ .

Nested subprogram def’s: Pascal with this concept to any depth.

Separate interface def’s: 若允許副程式單獨編譯 , 則介面需小心 , 然 不如是 , 則再編譯之花費不紫 .

Data description separated from executable statements: COBOL’s.

Unseparated subprogram def’s: SNOBOL4’s lack of organization.

3.2 Stages in Translation

原始程式 編譯程式 Position := initial + rate * 60 Lexical analyzer id1 := id2 + id3 * 60 Syntax analyzer 語法樹 ( 一 ) Semantic analyzer 語法樹 ( 二 ) Intermediate code generator 目的程式 目的碼 Code generator temp1:=id3 * 60.0 id1 := id2 + temp1 Code optimizer temp1:=inttoreal(60) temp2:=id3 * temp1 temp3:=id2 + temp2 id1:=temp3

3.2.1 Analysis of the Source Program Lexical analysis (scanning): It reads successive lines of input program, breaks them down into individual lexical items (tokens).

The formal model used to design lexical analyzers is the finite state automata.

How about : DO 10 I = 1, 5 and DO 10 I = 1.5

Syntactic analysis (parsing): Here the larger program structures are identified by the help of GRAMMARS.

Semantic analysis: The bridge between the analysis and synthesis parts of translation. It includes the following functions:

1. Symbol-table maintenance: The symbol-table entry contains more than just the identifier. It contains additional data concerning the attributes of that identifier: its type, type of values, referencing environment, and whatever other information is available from the input program through declarations and usage. The semantic analyzers enter this information into the symbol table as they process declarations, subprogram headers, and program statements.

2. Insertion of implicit information: take example of FORTRAN.

3. Error detection: The semantic analyzer must not only recognize those errors but determine the appropriate way to continue with syntactic analysis of the remainder of the program.

4. Macro processing and compile-time operation: Macro is a piece of program text that has been separately defined and that is to be inserted into the program during translation. A compile-time operation is an operation to be performed during translation to control the translation of the source program.

3.2.2 Synthesis of the Object Program 1. Optimization: Much research has been done on program optimization, and many sophisticated techniques are known.

2. Code generation: The output code may be directly executable, or there may be other translation steps to follow (e.g., assembly or linking and loading).

3. Linking and loading: In the optional final stage of translation, the pieces of code resulting from separate translation of subprograms are coalesced( merged) into the final executable program.

3.3 Formal Translation Models The syntactic recognition parts of compiler theory are fairly standard and generally based on the context-free theory of languages. We briefly summarize that theory in the next few pages.

The two classes of grammars useful in compiler technology include the BNF grammar (or context-free grammar) and the regular grammar


3.3.1 BNF Grammars The BNF and context-free grammar forms are equivalent in power; the differences are only in notation. For this reason, the terms BNF grammar and context-free grammar are usually interchangeable in discussion of syntax.

Parse trees:

Given a grammar, we can use a single-replacement rule to generate strings in our language. For example, the following grammar generates all sequences of balanced parentheses: S  SS | (S) | ( ) Try to figure out the above parse tree .

Now, we have figure 3.4, with the grammar depicted in fig. 3.5.

Ambiguity: In natural language, we have They are flying planes.

For grammars below, we have S  SS | 0 | 1 T  0T | 1T | 0 | 1

Extensions to BNF Notation:

Square brackets, parentheses, and an asterisk.

Try to process 100101 yourself.


Finite Automata:

The NFA is a useful concept in proving theorems. Also, the concept of nondeterminism plays a central role in both the theory of languages and the theory of computation, and it is useful to understand this notion( i.e., concept) fully in a very simple context initially.

A finite automaton (FA) consists of a finite set of states and a set of transitions from state to state that occur on input symbols chosen from an alphabet Σ . For each input symbol there is exactly one transition out of each state (possibly back to the state itself). One state, usually denoted q 0 , is the initial state, in which the automaton starts. Some states are designed as final or accepting states.

b q 0 q 1 b a a (a*ba*ba*)*

Consider modifying the finite automaton model to allow zero, one, or more transitions from a state

on the same input symbol

. This new model is called a nondeterministic finite automaton(NFA). Note that the FA( i.e., DFA for emphasis) is a special case of the NFA in which for each state there is a unique transition on each symbol. We may extend our model of the NFA to include transitions on the empty input ε . Therefore, our NFA may be depicted as: q 0 a b q 1 b (ab + | ab + a) * a ε q 2

RE 正規表示式 (Regular Expression) NFA 非決定性有限自動機 (Nondeterministic Finite State Automaton) DFA 決定性有限自動機 (Deterministic Finite State Automaton) 最小之決定性有限自動機 (Minimized DFA) = Transition Diagram Source Program Lex by Lesk in 1975 MDFA + Driver token

(1) Regular Expression [1] 若 RE 是 ø ( 空集合 ), 則其 NFA 為 NFA [2] 若 RE 是 ε(空字串),則其NFA為 [3] 若 RE 是 a (  ), 則其 NFA 為 [4] 若 S 與 T 兩 NFA 分別為 MS 則 {i} S|T 之 NFA 為 則 則 {ii} S•T {iii} S * 之 之 NFA NFA 為 為 ε a MT ε ε ε MS MT MS ε ε MS MT ε ε ε ε ε

Computational Power of an FSA: The set of strings they can recognize is limited( with the help of Pumping Lemma to check it out).

A Push-Down Automaton (PDA) is a septuple P=(Q,



, q 0 , z, F), where Q is finite set of states,

is a finite input alphabet,

is a finite stack alphabet,

maps elements of Q x (

x {

}) x

into finite subsets of Q x

* q 0

Q is start state, z

 

is start stack symbol, F

Q is set of final states.

Example: Let P=({q 0 , q 1 , q 2 }, {0,1}, {Z, 0},

, q 0 , Z, {q 0 }) where

(q 0 , 0, Z) = {(q 1 , 0Z)}

(q 1 , 0, 0) = {(q 1 , 00)}

(q 1 , 1, 0) = {(q 2 ,


(q 2 , 1, 0) = {(q 2 ,


(q 2 ,

, Z) = {(q 0 ,



0 n 1 n | n

0} ? Why ?






recursive procedure




back-tracking token

例示 S ::= cAd A ::= ab A ::= a 若

input string

c a d

top-down parsing


S S S c A d c A d c A d


Procedure S( ) begin if input symbol = ‘c’ then end ADVANCE( ) if A( ) then if input symbol = ‘d’ then end if end if ADVANCE( ) return true end if return false a b a


Procedure A( ) begin isave = input-point if input symbol = ‘a’ then ADVANCE( ) if input symbol = ‘b’ then


ADVANCE( ) return true end if input-point = isave //


ab // if input symbol = ‘a’ then ADVANCE( ) return true end if else end return false end if :

    

Introduction The

General Problem

of Describing Syntax

Formal Methods

of Describing Syntax

Attribute Grammars


the Meanings

of Programs: Dynamic Semantics

Copyright © 2009 Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.





form or


of the expressions, statements, and program units

 


the meaning

of the expressions, statements, and program units Syntax and semantics provide a language’s definition

 Users of a language definition  language designers  Implementers Programmers (the users of the language) Wesley. All rights reserved.


The General Problem of Describing Syntax:




is a string of characters over some alphabet



is a set of sentences




the lowest level syntactic unit

of a language (e.g.,



sum, begin





s a


of lexemes (e.g., identifier)

pls refer to next page!

Copyright © 2009 Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.


Index = 2 * count + 17 ; Lexemes Tokens Index identifier = equal_sign 2 int_literal * mult_op count identifier + plus_op 17 int_literal ; semicolon Copyright © 2009 Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.


Formal Definition of Languages


  A recognition device reads input strings over the alphabet of the language and decides whether the input strings belong to the language Example: syntax analysis part of a compiler - Detailed discussion of syntax analysis appears in Chapter 4 


  A device that generates sentences of a language One can determine if the syntax of a particular sentence is syntactically correct by comparing it to the structure of the generator Copyright © 2009 Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.


BNF and Context-Free Grammars

 Context-Free Grammars  Developed by Noam Chomsky in the mid-1950s   Language generators, meant to describe the syntax of natural languages Define a class of languages called context-free languages ( ref to next page )  Backus-Naur Form (1959)  Invented by John Backus to describe Algol 58  BNF is equivalent to context-free grammars Copyright © 2009 Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.


Type 0: Unrestricted Grammars any

  

Type 1: Context Sensitive Grammars(CSG) for all

  

, |



| Type 2: Context Free Grammars(CFG) for all

  


 

N (i.e., A

 

) Type 3: Right (or Left)-Linear Grammars if all productions are of the form A

x or A


G 2 = ({S, B, C}, {a, b, c}, P, S) P: S  aSBC S  abC CB  BC bB  bC  bb bc cC  cc Which Type ?

G 3 S

: S + S S


S * S (S) S

a Which Type ?


BNF Fundamentals

      In BNF,


are used to represent classes of syntactic structures--they act like syntactic variables (also called

nonterminal symbols,

or just




are lexemes or tokens A rule has a left-hand side (LHS), which is a nonterminal, and a right-hand side (RHS), which is a string of terminals and/or nonterminals Nonterminals are often enclosed in angle brackets  Examples of BNF rules: → identifier | identifier,



Grammar: a finite non-empty set of rules A

start symbol

is a special element of the nonterminals of a grammar Copyright © 2009 Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.


BNF Rules


abstraction (or nonterminal

symbol) can have

more than one


 | begin end Copyright © 2009 Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.


Describing Lists

 Syntactic lists

are described using

recursion < ident_list >  ident | ident, < ident_list > 

A derivation is a repeated application of rules

, starting with the start symbol and ending with a sentence (all terminal symbols)

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An Example


| ; =  a | b | c | d + | - | const Copyright © 2009 Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.


An Example


=> => => = => a = => a = + => a = + => a = b + => a = b + const Copyright © 2009 Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.



    Every

string of symbols in a derivation is


sentential form



is a sentential form that has

only terminal symbols


leftmost derivation

is one in which the


nonterminal in each sentential form

is the one

that is expanded A derivation may be neither leftmost nor

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Parse Tree


hierarchical representation of a derivation

= a + b const

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Ambiguity in Grammars

A grammar is


if and only if it generates a sentential form that has two or more distinct parse trees

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An Ambiguous Expression Grammar

/ |

| const

const const / const

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const const / const

 An Unambiguous Expression Grammar

If we use

the CFG grammar

to indicate precedence levels of the operators

, we cannot have ambiguity

- | / const| const

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const / const const


Associativity of Operators

Operator associativity

can also be indicated by a grammar

-> + | const -> + const | const ( ambiguous ) ( unambiguous )

+ + const

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Extended BNF


parts are placed in brackets [ ] -> ident [()] 



of RHSs are placed inside parentheses and separated via vertical bars

(+|-) const 


(0 or more) are placed inside

braces { } → letter {letter|digit} Copyright © 2009 Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.



 


+ | - | * | / |



{(+ | -) } {(* | /) } Copyright © 2009 Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.


Recent Variations


 

Alternative RHSs are put on

separate lines

Use of a

colon instead of =>  

Use of

opt for optional

parts Use of

oneof for choices Copyright © 2009 Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.



The analysis required to check these specifications (e.g. type compatibility) can be done at compile time .


  

Nothing to do with (actual) meaning

Context-free grammars (




describe all of the syntax of programming languages

(CSGs might be ?!)

Categories of constructs that are


: - Context-free, but cumbersome (e.g., types of operands in expressions) -

Non-context-free (e.g., variables must be declared before they are used) Copyright © 2009 Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.


Attribute Grammars (AGs)

(Knuth, 1968)  

Cfgs cannot describe all of the syntax of programming languages Additions to cfgs to

carry some semantic info along through parse trees

Primary value of AGs:

  Static semantics specification Compiler design (static semantics checking) Static semantics: including data-type, forward-branching locations Copyright © 2004 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.


Attribute Grammars

 2020/5/1

Def: An attribute grammar is a cfg G = (S, N, T, P) with the following additions:

  For each grammar symbol x there is a set A(x) of

attribute values

Each rule has a set of functions that

define certain attributes

of the nonterminals in the rule  Each rule has a (possibly empty) set of

predicates to check for attribute consistency

Attribute grammars are grammars to which have been added attributes, attribute computation functions, and predicate functions.


X 0 2020/5/1

Attribute Grammars

 

Let X

0 



... X


be a rule

X 1 X 2 ...

X n

Functions of the form




) = f(A(X


), ... , A(X


)) define


ynthesized attributes

Functions of the form




) = f(A(X


), ... , A(X


)), for 1 <= j <= n, define


nherited attributes

Initially, there are

intrinsic attributes

the leaves on


Attribute Grammars

Example: expressions of the form id + id

   id's can be either int_type or real_type types of the two id's must be the same type of the expression must match it's expected type(from top down) 


+ id


 2020/5/1  actual _type synthesized for


expected _type inherited for


2020/5/1 1.  2.  3. = 1 + 2 4.  A | B Syntax rule: = Semantic rule: .expected_type  .actual_type

Rule 1 Syntax rule: 1 + 2 Semantic rule: .actual_type  if ( 1 .actual_type = int) and ( 2 .actual_type = int) then int else real end if


.actual_type = .expected_type Rule 2 60

Syntax rule: Semantic rule: .actual_type


Predicate : .actual_type = .expected_type

Rule 3 2020/5/1 Syntax rule:  A | B Semantic rule: .actual_type  look-up(.string) Rule 4 To compute the attribute values, the following is a possible sequence: 1.

.actual_type  look-up(A) (Rule 4) 2.

.expected_type  .actual_type (Rule 1) 3.


1 .actual_type  look-up(A) (Rule 4) 2 .actual_type  look-up(A) (Rule 4) .actual_type  either int or real (Rule 2) 5.

.expected_type = .actual_type is either

T or F ?

⑥ Actual_type ② Expected_type Actual_type 1 Actual_type ⑤ ⑤ 2 Actual_type ① ③ ④ 2020/5/1 A = A + B Now you may take a close look of a “Fully attributed” parse tree.



Attribute Grammars

How are attribute values computed?

   If all attributes were inherited, the tree could be decorated in top-down order.

If all attributes were synthesized, the tree could be decorated in bottom-up order.

In many cases, both kinds of attributes are used, and it is some combination of top-down and bottom-up that must be used.



There is no single widely acceptable notation or formalism

for describing semantics

Several needs for a methodology


notation for semantics


     Programmers need to know what statements mean Compiler writers must know exactly what language constructs do Correctness proofs would be possible Compiler generators would be possible Designers could detect ambiguities and inconsistencies Copyright © 2009 Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.


Although much is known about the programming language syntax, we have less knowledge of how to correctly define the semantics of a language. The problem of semantic definition has been the object of theoretical study for as long as the problem of syntactic definitions, but a satisfactory solution has been much more difficult to find. Many different methods( 5 indeed ) for the formal definition of semantics have been developed; 1. Grammatical models( attribute grammars; Knuth 1968) : By adding attributes to each rule in a grammar.

(done already)

Copyright © 2004 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.


2. Operational models: The Vienna Definition Language (VDL) is an operational approach form in the 1970s. Typically the definition of the virtual computer is described as an automaton.( state machine type) 3. Denotational models : (functional model type) 4. Axiomatic models : This method extends the predicate calculus to include programs.(

by Hoare

) 5. Specification model: The algebraic data type is a form of formal specification. For example pop( push (S, x))= S.

No single semantic definition method

has been found useful for both user and implementor of a language .

Copyright © 2004 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.


We can use some of the previous discussion on language semantics to aid in correctness issues in three ways: 1. Given Program P, what does it mean? That is, what is its Specification S?(semantic modeling issue) 2. Given Specification S, develop Program P that implement that specification.(the central problem in SE today) 3. Do Specification S and Program P perform the same function?( the central problem in program verification ) Copyright © 2004 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.


Q := 0 R := X R>=Y Assigning meanings to programs (R.W.Floyd 1967) X>=0 ^ Y>0 X>=0 ^ Y>0 ^ Q=0 X>=0 ^ Y>0 ^ Q=0 ^ R=X

X>=0 ^ Y>0 ^ Q>=0 ^ R>=0 ^ X=Q*Y+R

X>=0 ^ Y>0 ^ Q>=0 ^ X=Q*Y+R ^ 0<=R

X>=0 ^ Y>0 ^ R>=0 ^ Q>=0 ^ X=Q*Y+R ^ R>=Y

R := R - Y Q := Q + 1

X>=0 ^ Y>0 ^ R>=0 ^ Q>=0 ^ X=(Q+1)*Y+R

Copyright © 2004 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.

X>=0 ^ Y>0 ^ R>=0 ^ Q>=1 ^ X=Q*Y+R


Modeling Language Properties

1. Formal Grammars 2. Language Semantics 3. Program Verification

Type 0: Unrestricted Grammars any

  

Type 1: Context Sensitive Grammars(CSG) for all

  

, |



| Type 2: Context Free Grammars(CFG) for all

  


 

N (i.e., A

 

) Type 3: Right (or Left)-Linear Grammars if all productions are of the form A

x or A


G 2 = ({S, B, C}, {a, b, c}, P, S) P: S  aSBC S  CB  abC BC bB  bC  cC  bb bc cc Which Type ? What the language is?

G 3 S

: S + S S


S * S (S) S

a Which Type ?

What language ?

Formal Grammars

Q: Is there a limit to what we can compute with a computer ?

Halting problem may answer this question.

Turing Machines can define the class of all computable funs.

1. A finite-state automata consists of a finite state graph and a one-way tape. For each operation, the automaton reads the next symbol from the tape and enters a new state.

2. A pushdown automaton adds a stack to the finite automaton. For each operation, the automaton reads the next tape symbol and the stack symbol, writes a new stack symbol, and enters a new state.

3. A linear-bounded automaton is similar to the finite-state automaton with the additions that it can read and write to the tape for each input symbol and it can move the tape in either direction.

4. A Turing machine is similar to a linear-bounded automaton except that the tape is infinite in either direction.

Although much is known about the programming language syntax, we have less knowledge of how to correctly define the semantics of a language. The problem of semantic definition has been the object of theoretical study for as long as the problem of syntactic definitions, but a satisfactory solution has been much more difficult to find. Many different methods( 5 indeed ) for the formal definition of semantics have been developed; 1. Grammatical models( attribute grammars; Knuth 1968) : By adding attributes to each rule in a grammar. Please refer to the Fig.4.3 for more details.

E  E + T | T T  T * P | P P  ( E ) | digit 2+4*(1+2)

2. Imperative or operational models: The Vienna Definition Language (VDL) is an operational approach form the 1970s. Typically the definition of the virtual computer is described as an automaton.( state machine type) 3. Applicative models : (


model type; denotational sem.) 4. Axiomatic models : This method extends the predicate calculus to include programs.(by Hoare) 5. Specification model: The algebraic data type is a form of formal specification. For example pop( push (S, x))= S.

No single semantic definition method has been found useful for both user and implementor of a language


We can use some of the previous discussion on language semantics to aid in correctness issues in three ways: 1. Given Program P, what does it mean? That is, what is its Specification S?(semantic modeling issue) 2. Given Specification S, develop Program P that implement that specification.(the central problem in SE today) 3. Do Specification S and Program P perform the same function?(the central problem in program verification)

Q := 0 R := X R>=Y R := R - Y Q := Q + 1 X>=0 ^ Y>0 X>=0 ^ Y>0 ^ Q=0 X>=0 ^ Y>0 ^ Q=0 ^ R=X X>=0 ^ Y>0 ^ Q>=0 ^ R>=0 ^ X=Q*Y+R X>=0 ^ Y>0 ^ Q>=0 ^ X=Q*Y+R ^ 0<=R=0 ^ Y>0 ^ R>=0 ^ Q>=0 ^ X=Q*Y+R ^ R>=Y X>=0 ^ Y>0 ^ R>=0 ^ Q>=0 ^ X=(Q+1)*Y+R X>=0 ^ Y>0 ^ R>=0 ^ Q>=1 ^ X=Q*Y+R


BNF and context-free grammars are equivalent meta-languages

 Well-suited for describing the syntax of programming languages 

An attribute grammar is a descriptive formalism that can

describe both the syntax and the semantics

of a language

Three primary methods of semantics description( by 2009 )

Operation, axiomatic, denotational

Copyright © 2009 Addison Wesley. All rights reserved.
