Transcript Slide 1

Report to EWG 48
Port Moresby,
Papua New Guinea
Jonghan Park
Program Director
19 November 2014
Copyright © 2010 APEC Secretariat.
APEC Secretariat Report on Key Developments
 AMM and AELM outcome (To be updated after the Leaders’ week)
 EMM11’s report to AMM (To be updated after the Leaders’ week)
 SCE looks forward to receiving EWG’s Strategic Plan
 “Mainstreaming Ocean Related Issues Initiatives” (2014/SOM3/SCE/004)
 Reporting requirements of EWG
 SCE Fora Report (2014/SOM3/SCE/005)
 Report on APEC Sectoral Ministerial Meetings (2014/AMM/xxx)
Copyright © 2010 APEC Secretariat.
Copyright © 2010 APEC Secretariat.
APEC Secretariat Report on Key Developments
 Two project approval sessions for the next year
 New Project Contract Templates and RFPs
 Channeling unused sub-funds to ASF General Fund encouraged
 APEC Secretariat’s initiatives to promote remote participation
 Upgrade of ACS (APEC Collaboration System)
 Resubmission of inter-sessional documents recommended
 10-day advance submission of consideration documents urged
 Non-Member Participation Guidelines being updated
Copyright © 2010 APEC Secretariat.
Copyright © 2010 APEC Secretariat.
Overall Approval Process of CN
- Session 2, 2014
Number of Concept Notes Requesting
Number of Concept Notes Approved*
Value of Concept Notes Approved
% of Concept Notes Approved
Average Project Cost
*subject to final funding approval after quality assessment
of the full project proposals
Copyright © 2010 APEC Secretariat.
Copyright © 2010 APEC Secretariat.
In Principle Approval of EWG CNs
- Session 2, 2014
EWG 1 – APEC Low Carbon Model Town (LCMT) Project –
Phase 5
EWG 3 – Realisation of APEC Low Carbon Model Town
through Smart Grid Development (LCMT-SGD)
EWG 4 – Water-Energy Nexus: Coal-Based Power
Generation and Conversion – Saving Water
AD1 – The Impact of Government Policy Instruments on Promoting
NEVs – The Evidence in APEC Economies
TPT 4 – APEC – Air Traffic Management Emissions Reduction Project
* Other fora’s ASF EE usage
Copyright © 2010 APEC Secretariat.
Copyright © 2010 APEC Secretariat.
Session 2, 2014: Funds Available Estimates
Project Fund
Operational Account (OA)
Trade & Investment Liberalisation and
Facilitation Account (TILF)
APEC Support Fund (ASF) General Fund
Estimated Funds
Available Project
Session 2, 2014
ASF Sub-funds
(i) Human Security
(ii) Health & Emergency Preparedness
(iii) TFAPII
(iv) Science and Technology
(v) Energy Efficiency
(vi) ANSSR
(vii) Supply Chain Connectivity
•Figures fluctuate based on
contributions received, funds
dispersed and monies
•Figures are estimates as of
July 2014.
•All Figures in USD.
Copyright © 2010 APEC Secretariat.
Copyright © 2010 APEC Secretariat.
Self-funded Projects of EWG(2014)
2014 APEC Workshop on Biodiesel Application
Cyber-Energy Nexus Study - Opportunities,
Challenges and Best Practices for Smart Energy
Clean and Efficient Use of Energy and Water
Resources - Initiating an APEC Road Map and Best
Practices for the Energy-Water Nexus
APEC Conference on Energy Smart Communities
EWG 01 2014S
Chinese Taipei
EWG 02 2014S
United States
EWG 03 2014S
United States
EWG 04 2014S
Chinese Taipei
APEC Forum - Promoting Energy Efficiency and Low
Emissions at Coal-Fired Power Plants
EWG 05 2014S
Copyright © 2010 APEC Secretariat.
Copyright © 2010 APEC Secretariat.
2014 – Approval Timeframes
Session 2: Concept Notes approved.
Proposals submitted –
• prior to 29 October for 25 November approval; or
• prior to 10 November for 12 December approval
•Deadlines expire midnight, Singapore time
•All dates and details subject to change (check website:
Copyright © 2010 APEC Secretariat.
Copyright © 2010 APEC Secretariat.
Project Resources : Forms & other
resources on website
Copyright © 2010 APEC Secretariat.
Copyright © 2010 APEC Secretariat.
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Copyright © 2010 APEC Secretariat.